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Church News
If any of you enjoy Carol singing why not come to The Black Horse on Dec 9th about 9pm when members of the churches join with the Folk Singers to sing carols. December 2009 Wed 9th 9pm Carol singing at The Black Horse Sat 19th 10.30am Carol singing at ‘The Cross’
January 2010 Start of Week of Christian Unity
Mon 18th 8pm Bible Study All Saints’ Community Hall
Tue 19th 7am–8am Early morning prayer meeting. Baptish Church coffee lounge Tue 19th 8pm Joint Parish prayer meeting 85 North End, Meldreth
Wed 20th 7.30pm Reflective Service at Melbourn URC
Thu 21st 10.30am Holy Communion All Saints’ Church
Fri 22nd 7am–8am Early morning prayer meeting. Baptish Church coffee lounge Sat 23rd 8.30am Prayer Breakfast Baptist Church coffee lounge
Sun 24th 6.30pm Joint service at Holy Trinity Meldreth
United Reformed Church
Harvest Festival and Scarecrow Festival at the URC
The weekend of the 19th/20th September saw some additional visitors to our church although engaging them in conversation proved a somewhat difficult task. I refer, of course, to the great array of scarecrows which graced our church. We thank the river Mel Restoration Society, St Georges Allotment Group, Melbourn and Meldreth Churches Together, 2nd Melbourn Brownies, Junior Church and various members of our congregation who took the time and had the imagination to create such wonderful scarecrows. On the Saturday we were delighted to welcome David and Carol Lane, who provided most enjoyable musical entertainment ranging from the Beatles to the Radetzky March with David playing the organ and Carol joining him for a few songs. We were also treated to an impromptu duet of ‘Georgia on my Mind’ with David at the organ and our minister Duncan on the cornet. The church was decorated for our Harvest Festival service on the Sunday where we were joined by the Brownies. After the service we stayed on for a bring and share lunch then sold many of the displays for the Farming Crisis Network Charity and raised £194.85. The remainder of the unsold produce was donated to Jimmy’s Nightshelter in Cambridge.
Coffee on Fridays Fridays 10.30am until 12.30pm. Drop in for coffee and a chat, usually one or other of our ministers is present and there is also the opportunity to buy Fairtrade goods from Robert’s stall.
Reflective Services A monthly mid week Reflective Service, second Wednesday of the month, providing an hour or so of contemplative readings, imagery and music, a time to escape the hustle and bustle. The services begin at 7pm and last for about an hour. Christmas Bazaar Our usual Christmas bazaar will be held on the first Saturday of December from 10am until 12noon. All are welcome to join us. We will also be sharing in a hot lunch from approx. 12.30pm.
Reasons to be cheerful!
You may be reading this page and at the same time wondering why the total on your credit card balance is rising or the money in your bank statement is fast diminishing. Could it be that your children or grandchildren have told you that unless they get the latest “must have” present for Christmas they will simply die or they will never again be able to lift up their heads in the company of their friends?
Small wonder that some people groan when you say brightly “soon be Christmas” and hope that it will soon be over.
This Christmas may I offer you a tip? Come to the Parish Church, the Baptist Chapel or the United Reformed Church and join in some of the much-loved hymns and carols and listen again to the old, old story.
It has all the essence of a fairy story and people will tell you that it is just that and nothing else. But come on Christmas Eve to the Crib Service (but come early or you may find it hard to get a seat) to see the children’s faces as Noah the Donkey comes in with Mary and Joseph, or later in the day take your seat at Midnight Mass to hear again that same story. On Christmas morning there is the quiet reflection of the 8.00 a.m. Communion or the hustle and bustle of the 10.00 a.m. Family Communion at Meldreth Church. Neither are the other two Churches in our village going to be left out and will be telling again the simple story of a baby in a stable, some shepherds and an angel.
Amid the tinsel and the frantic last minute shopping remember that the word Christmas come from just those words Christ’s Mass. Take time this year to reflect and enjoy it. A Happy Christmas. The September draw was made by Rev Andrew O’Brien on 2nd October. There were 63 members. The first prize of £21 goes to Maureen Townsend (15) of 32 New Road and the second of £10.50 to Maria Christina Cooper (40) of 64 High Street.
The October draw was made by Rev Andrew O’Brien on 31st October. There were 63 members. The first prize of £21 goes to Brenda Meliniotis (44) of 14a Rose lane and the second of £10.50 to Joy Hyde (42) of 15 The Lawns.
Anyone can buy a share in the 100 Club, by contacting Kersti Llewellyn-Beard on 01763 220703. All profits go towards preserving the ‘bricks & mortar’ of All Saints’ church.
(Supporters of All Saints’ Melbourn)
What is SOAS
SOAS is a nondenominational charity and aims to enlist the support of the Melbourn Community to preserve the village character and heritage. Funds raised by SOAS through membership contributions and cultural events are spent on the upkeep of All Saints’ Church building. Membership subscriptions are discretionary with a minimum of £3 per person or £5 per family per year. Application and/or Banker’s order forms can be obtained by telephoning Shaun Coles on 260327.
The Word of God from David Burbridge
Jesus said, All things must be fulfilled which were written in the law of Moses, and the prophets, and The Psalms concerning me. Then opened He their understanding of the Scriptures, and said, Thus it is written, and thus it behoved Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day: and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name among all nations beginning at Jerusalem. Luke 24, 44-47