Melbourn’s Churches together If any of you enjoy Carol singing why not come to The Black Horse on Dec 9th about 9pm when members of the churches join with the Folk Singers to sing carols. December 2009 Wed 9th 9pm Carol singing at The Black Horse Sat 19th 10.30am Carol singing at ‘The Cross’ January 2010 Start of Week of Christian Unity Mon 18th 8pm Bible Study All Saints’ Community Hall Tue 19th 7am–8am Early morning prayer meeting.
Baptish Church coffee lounge
Tue 19th 8pm Joint Parish prayer meeting 85 North End, Meldreth Wed 20th 7.30pm Reflective Service at Melbourn URC Thu 21st 10.30am Holy Communion All Saints’ Church Fri 22nd 7am–8am Early morning prayer meeting.
Baptish Church coffee lounge
Sat 23rd 8.30am Prayer Breakfast Baptist Church coffee lounge Sun 24th 6.30pm Joint service at Holy Trinity Meldreth
United Reformed Church Harvest Festival and Scarecrow Festival at the URC The weekend of the 19th/20th September saw some additional visitors to our church although engaging them in conversation proved a somewhat difficult task. I refer, of course, to the great array of scarecrows which graced our church. We thank the river Mel Restoration Society, St Georges Allotment Group, Melbourn and Meldreth Churches Together, 2nd Melbourn Brownies, Junior Church and various members of our congregation who took the time and had the imagination
to create such wonderful scarecrows. On the Saturday we were delighted to welcome David and Carol Lane, who provided most enjoyable musical entertainment ranging from the Beatles to the Radetzky March with David playing the organ and Carol joining him for a few songs. We were also treated to an impromptu duet of ‘Georgia on my Mind’ with David at the organ and our minister Duncan on the cornet. The church was decorated for our Harvest Festival service on the Sunday where we were joined by the Brownies. After the service we stayed on for a bring and share lunch then sold many of the displays for the Farming Crisis Network Charity and raised £194.85. The remainder of the unsold produce was donated to Jimmy’s Nightshelter in Cambridge.