7 minute read
Sports & Clubs
Jacqui Dodds 243667
1st Melbourn Rainbows
Abigail Roberts 261505
Brownies 1st Melbourn
Stephanie Clifford 220272
Brownies 2nd Melbourn
Samantha Pascoe 261400
Martin Winter 262733
Janet Pope 248342
Football Club
Andrew Edwards 223109
Dynamos Football Club
Les Morley 07739 593771
Derek Coult 225004
Joanne Greene 263313
Melbourn Sports Centre
Graham Johnson-Mack 263313
Dave Allard 242677
Royston and District Round Table
Michael Seymour 221398
Squash Club
Nick Sugden 261064
Swimming Club
Jenny Brackley 244593
Tennis (Melbourn)
01223 220174
Tennis (Meldreth)
Sue Davies 220174
Calling all past Girl Guides!
1st Melbourn Rainbows
From September through to the spring, we have had 12 new Rainbows join us, which is very exciting for us all. This is always tinged with a little sadness as we have had to say goodbye to some of our older Rainbows who have all now moved on to their new Brownie packs. As always, we wish them all well in their next guiding adventure. Over the last few months we have been working towards our Adventure 100 badge, whereby we have to complete challenges within 10 categories to gain 100 points. (This is all part of this year’s guiding centenary.) So far we have made kites, performed a puppet show to parents and friends, completed a torchlight search in the dark and had a sing song round the camp fire. All great fun, I can assure you!One great activity that we all enjoyed was decorating white t-shirts using fabric pens and crayons. Each Rainbow came up with wonderfully unique and creative designs, which not only surprised the leaders, but I’m sure parents as well. Christmas, of course, is always a wonderful time of year for the girls and we had many fun activities arranged, including making Christmas decorations, cards and hats, singing carols and ending with a fabulous Christmas party.January 2010 began with games and songs, a happy start to a promising and exciting new year. Many activities have been planned, but by far the most exciting for our Rainbows will be the Sleepover. We look forward to telling you all about it in our next report.Although we do have quite a long waiting list, if your daughter wishes to become a Rainbow, please call Abigail Roberts, Unit Leader on 01763 261505. Join us at the Coffee Stop on Saturday 15th May 2010, for our Centenary Storytelling Project.
Coffee stop runs from 10.30am – 12 noon at the All Saints’ Community Hall.
Girls and leaders from the 1st Melbourn Guides, Brownies and Rainbows would like to meet you and record your stories from your time as a Brownie, Guide or leader, in Melbourn or elsewhere, whether it was 10, 50 or 100 years ago! It’s also a chance for you to meet up with old friends and leaders.
For more information contact melbournguides@gmail.com, or phone Hilary on 01763 261443
1st Melbourn Guides
Question: What have 1st Melbourn Guides, 10,000 other Guides, and nine chart-topping British pop acts got in common? Answer: we were all at Wembley Arena in October, for a fantastic Guidesonly pop concert. As we continue to celebrate the centenary, we are now working on the special Adventure 100 badge for which the Thursday group have made dreamcatchers and decorated glass candleholders, and we have been on a night hike around Stockbridge Meadows. More energy was expended at an evening of Scottish country dancing, and on another drama-themed evening the girls created wacky advertisements for Guiding, and put on a play: Little Blue Riding Hood. As always, we have done our bit for the community by carrying flags at the Service of Remembrance in Melbourn, and our children’s tombola raised over £70 at the All Saints Christmas bazaar. We provided a Christmas tree for the Meldreth church tree festival, celebrating the Girlguiding centenary with handmade multicoloured images of the trefoil and the number ‘100’. The autumn term ended with a Christmas crafts session,
and a party. The Thursday group has welcomed three new adult helpers, and the smaller Wednesday group is running smoothly in the capable hands of Fiona and Lorna. If you would like to know more about becoming a Guide or a leader, or if you have any skills or hobbies which you would like to share with us, please contact me on: 01763 261443 or email: melbournguides@gmail.com Hilary Marsh
Melbourn Bridge Club
Meets every Monday evening at 7.30pm at the Vicarage Close Community Centre
The Club only opened in September 2009 and has made a promising start, quickly growing to host 4/6 tables each week, with the prospect of more players joining in the weeks to come.
The aim of the Club is to accommodate all players from beginners, improvers to the more experienced, and in some cases helping players understand the etiquette and demands of duplicate bridge. It is a friendly and helpful group and “no fears no tears” could well be our motto.
The Club welcomes any new players, and the Club Secretary is very happy to answer any questions or to arrange lessons. Please phone Howard Waller on 01763 261693, or email melbournbridgeclub @yahoo.co.uk
Melbourn Village College Squash Club
Play squash at the best maintained squash courts in the area and at the cheapest rates! If you are looking for a new club or are looking to take up squash, the Melbourn Squash Club is the place for you. We are located next to Melbourn Sports Centre (MSC) on the College Campus, with 2 recently refurbished courts and changing facilities.
Our friendly club runs monthly box leagues for all standards of players, fortnightly club nights on Sundays and for the more serious player we currently have 2 men’s teams in the Cambridgeshire leagues.
Adult membership is £55 per year and court fees are only £1 per 40 minute session – you won’t find cheaper squash than this anywhere. We currently have all classes of membership available. Juniors pay only £10 to join and Family membership is £100.
Alternatively if you just want to see whether you like the game you can pay and play via the MSC reception where the session rates are £5.50 for MSC members and £6.50 for non-members. The only thing we ask is that you have a pair of squash shoes to play in to protect our court floors!
Come on! Give this fantastic game a try. For the beginner we can help you with England Squash qualified coaches. For more information contact: Nick Sugden – 01763 261064 njsugden@aol.com
Adam Gets Royal Approval
An Air Cadet from 2484 (Bassingbourn) Squadron is celebrating after being appointed as Lord Lieutenants Cadet for Cambridgeshire for 2010. Flight Sergeant Adam Kelly will assist the Lord Lieutenant of Cambridgeshire, Mr Hugh Duberly CBE, representing the Air Cadets along with a representative from the Sea Cadet Corps and the Army Cadet Force. He was selected following a series of interviews in the Cadet of the year process in Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire Wing.
Flight Sergeant Kelly lives in Melbourn and plays an active part in all areas of the Squadron, in particular running the bronze section of the Duke of Edinburgh award. Adam has also gained his bronze and silver award and is currently working towards his gold.
He has completed a gliding scholarship, leadership courses and kayaking courses, alongside visiting Gibraltar and Cyprus. Later this year he will visit Canada as part of the International Air Cadet Exchange (IACE). Adam has gained a BTEC in Aviation Studies through the Air Cadet Organisation along with his First Aid at Work certificate and his drummer badge, Adam being a founder member of the Squadron band.
The office of Lord-Lieutenant is military in origin and dates from the reign of Henry VIII when the holder was made responsible for local defence. The major duty of a Lord-Lieutenant is to represent the Crown in his county. This involves receiving members of the Royal Family on visits to the county, certain ceremonial duties connected with the Royal Navy, Army and Royal Air Force, presiding at various civic and social events and presenting some medals and awards on behalf of The Queen.
Flight Sergeant Adam Kelly said on his achievement “I am very honoured to receive this prestigious award and I look forward to representing the Air training corps in my duties as Lord Lieutenant’s Cadet”.
Adam follows in the footsteps of his parents, Squadron Leader Tony Kelly and Civilian Instructor Sue Kelly who were deputy Lord Lieutenants Cadets for Hackney and Tower Hamlets respectively. Squadron training officer Flight Sergeant (ATC) Chris Cox was also Lord Lieutenants Cadet for Cambridgeshire. He joins an elite group! 2484 (Bassingbourn) Squadron is open to young men and women aged between 13 and 17 years old. We meet on Mondays and Wednesdays between 18:45 and 21:45 at Bassingbourn Barracks. For more information please contact 01763 249156 or visit our website www.2484aircadets.co.uk Civilian Instructor Gemma Brown MCO 2484 (Bassingbourn) Squadron