7 minute read
Community Education
Val Tookey 260566
Little Hands
Karen on 01763 260964
Melbourn Playgroup
Jane Crawford 07842 151512
Notre Ecole
Janet Whitton 261231
Primary School
Headteacher Gary Casey 223457
Toy Library
Yasmin Croxford 220246
U3A (Univ. of Third Age)
Chairman Arthur Alderton 260399
Village College
Warden Elaine Stephenson 223400
Melbourn Playgroup
At playgroup we had a very busy but very successful half term before Christmas. Firstly we were lucky enough to be invited to the primary school to watch their Christmas performance which was as wonderful as usual. After that we held our own very successful concert which was attended by many of the families and friends of our children. We would like to thank everyone who helped the children learn the songs, helped to organise the event and then turned up on the day to cheer us on!
In December we were also lucky enough to be invited to Moorlands Court to sing them our concert. They were very welcoming and one of the best audiences we have ever had! Hopefully this will become a yearly custom for us. Finally we had two Christmas parties which we enormous fun for all of us and finished with a visit from a very busy Santa who stopped off on his way back to the North Pole to bring presents for all the children.
Now we are looking forward to another wonderful year and playing in the snow as much as we can.
Primary School
The school year continues apace and as I write this we have just said goodbye to the snow!! We have certainly been lucky not to see the worst of the conditions and apart from a one day closure at the end of the autumn term we have managed to stay open.
On the 1st December over 70 members of our Year 5 and 6 classes travelled to the O2 Arena and sang as members of a massed choir made up of 8130 children. Following an afternoon rehearsal and a second packed lunch of the day the children returned to their seats to wow a capacity crowd of parents. The singing was out of this world, as were the solo performances and dance routines. The parents who were able to attend have given us very positive feedback and it would be great to see this event as a bi-annual part of the curriculum.
The autumn term ended with our KS1 and KS2 Christmas productions which were warmly received by parents. The school traditionally adopts a charity to support each year and this academic year we will be raising money for the Friends of Chernobyl’s Children. At the end of each of the Christmas production we took a collection and raised over £450, which means we have donated enough money already to bring a child over from Chernobyl to stay with a local family. A fantastic response and one I hope to be able to build on throughout the year.
Also at the end of the autumn term the school gained National Healthy School Status, reflecting the school’s efforts to encourage our pupils to follow a healthy lifestyle. We also continue to look forward to the school building’s redevelopment which, by the time you read this should have started. The school will have a new hall, kitchen and office area at the front of the school site, which will aid with security, as well as lead to the removal of the “temporary” 1940’s dining hall and kitchen. Two new reception classrooms will be created in the Victorian building and a pre-school and Children’s Centre will also be included. The whole project should be completed by January 2011. Watch this space! Gary Casey
A Village College for the Whole Community
We have some exciting developments taking place this term at the College. In keeping with the Henry Morris philosophy of the Village College being central to the life of the community we are developing our facilities further.
Melbourn Sports Centre has a new programme of events and is always eager to hear what other activities local residents would like us to offer. We begin our student ‘Film Club’ on a Monday between 3.30pm and 5.30pm in the Main Hall and already welcome U3A members on the third Wednesday of every month.
We have extended the activities we offer students after school. We now have a homework club three nights a week, a journalism club, boxercise for girls and 40 students are undertaking the Arts Award.
The Community Education Programme for adults begins a new term with activities ranging from accredited examination courses in ICT and languages to Indian cookery and ballroom dancing.
The car park is being refurbished and should be completed over the summer holidays which will improve access to the Sports Centre and increase the number of parking spaces available.
The Children’s Centre has moved into the Youth Centre on a temporary basis until the brand new facility can be built at Melbourn Primary School and I am delighted that the new Police Office will be built between the Youth Centre and the Sports Centre. This will provide a purpose built community facility and be an opportunity to promote positive relationships between the police and young people.
We are restarting our Sunday Morning Car Boot sales in March and are trying a new venture with our monthly Village Market in the Youth Centre being held on the last Saturday of each month from 10.00am – 12.30pm. Local farm produce and crafts will be on sale and I hope that you are able to support the market.
Our final project is to build a new Performing Arts Studio on site as an additional venue for our performances. We see this as a dual use facility and hope that we may be able to rekindle Melbourn Amateur Dramatic Society (MADS) in the not too distant future!
It is an exciting time for the College and one that sees us moving into the top 18% of all schools nationally for our GCSE results. We are committed to creating the conditions for continuous improvement in all aspects of college life and aim to be a genuine community facility for people of all ages at the heart of the village. Elaine Stephenson Warden
MVC Community Education
Have you in 2010 decided you would like to try something new or make some changes in your lifestyle. Then look no further!! Your local centre has a wide variety of courses to suit all ages and wishes!!
So do you feel like relaxing with Yoga or Reiki, do you want to dust off your dancing shoes and try some ‘Strictly’? If you feel useless in the kitchen or would like to give your existing skills a new dimension then try our weekly Indian Cookery Class with Rama or Cooking Carousel with Jane on a Saturday.
Jewellery, art workshop, ceramics, flower arranging (day), Car maintenance, are all on offer for those for you who like to do practical things.
Other courses available are a variety of computing options including Sage accounting and Web Design, Paediatric First Aid, CIEH Food Safety (formally basic food hygiene), Photoshop & Personal Finance. For full details contact Julie, Louise or Val: Telephone: 01763 260566 Email: comed@mvc.org.uk Or visit our Website: www.mvc.org.uk Melbourn Village College offers a vibrant range of courses and are looking to expand their programmes for 2010/2011.
We would like to hear from experienced tutors with evening or daytime capacity and anyone who has a specialism they would like to offer to others. For further details please contact: Community Education Melbourn Village College 01763 260566 comed@mvc.org.uk
University Of The Third Age (U3A)
Melbourn & District
The winter months have passed with all the learning and activity groups carrying out their programmes. The Walking groups have briskly covered their various routes with doubtless a welcome hot meal at one of the various hostelries where all the walks end! The Language groups have grappled with German and French conversation, the Church Visits Group ended their 2009 programme with a marvellous visit to St. Albans Abbey and are already busy planning six outings for this year. The Music Group has listened to a wide range from classical to jazz with visits to the West End musicals and music from all round the world as added treats.
The payment of subscriptions have revealed that our numbers have remained steady at just over 400 individuals, many of whom have enjoyed the regular monthly meetings on the third Wednesday afternoon of each month and who are now hopefully looking forward to hearing more of the booked speakers.
Still wondering at the number of repeats on afternoon TV or alternatively thinking where you can meet a wide range of people with similar interests or hobbies? Give us a try! Ring 01763 260399 for details and a possible membership form. Colin Limming.