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Orchard Surgery

Orchard Surgery

Community Education

Val Tookey 260566


Little Hands

Karen on 01763 260964

Melbourn Playgroup

Jane Crawford 07842 151512

Notre Ecole

Janet Whitton 261231

Primary School

Headteacher Gary Casey 223457

U3A (Univ. of Third Age)

Chairman Arthur Alderton 260399

Village College

Warden Elaine Stephenson 223400

Adult Learning at MVC

We have lots of Adult Learning classes on offer after half term including: • Tap Dancing • Badminton • Art Workshop • Cake Decorating • Level 1 Book keeping • City & Guild Floral Design • Jewellery Making (Day) • Pottery (Day) • ZUMBA! (Mon & Thurs)

Saturday Day Schools

• • • •

Italian Cookery

Basic Plumbing


Festive Foods & Wine Tasting Interested? Contact Julie on 01763 260566 or email comed@mvc.org.uk www.comed-mvc.org.uk

Melbourn Playgroup

Our new room at the Primary School is progressing very well. If you get the chance, please take a look through the builder’s fence. It is exciting to see how things change from day to day.

Despite the soggy autumn weather, we have had a nice time since the beginning of the school year. We have made bark rubbings, biscuits for Rosh Hashanan and a wonderful Gruffalo display. After half term we are thinking about Christmas and all the crafts and parties that go with it.

We have been holding meetings to discuss the future of our proposed after school club at the Primary School and would love to hear from you if you are interested in this service. At the club we hope to offer crafts, sports, games and as much fun as possible with an opening time from 3:30 to 6:00 pm each school day.

Our new website has been a hit and we would love as many people as possible to take a look at it to see what we have been doing and to keep up with developments at playgroup and with everything new that is happening for us. www.melbournplaygroup.org.uk. Telephone: 07842 151512


This time of year is always a time of change in any school and this year is no different. In August our outgoing year 11 students received their record breaking GCSE results. 90% of the students gained 5 or more A*–C grades with 30% of all grades being either A* or A. Their results again placed MVC in the top 25% of similar schools nationally. The happy (and relieved) faces that can be seen as students pick up their envelopes to confirm their places at their chosen Sixth Form is always a joy. In the modern education world there is never an examination free term and students from year 11 will be working hard to get themselves ready for their modular examinations in November and January so that they can achieve their potential.

September saw many new students join the college at all age levels. The year 11 prefects have helped the new year 7 students find their way around the college and the feedback from the revamped welcome evening was that the students are enjoying their first term at MVC.

Our year 10 students have benefited from a number of new opportunities this year. At MVC we have offered the Creative and Media Diploma for the first time. This will give students a greater opportunity to develop their design and teamwork skills. We also have students travelling to Linton Village College, Cambridge Regional College and The College of West Anglia to take advantage of specialised facilities in areas such as Engineering and Agriculture.

We recently received a letter from The Prime Minister, David Cameron. He has written to students at MVC thanking them for their support in the ‘Send My Friend to School 2010’ campaign. The event took place during the World Cup and the aim was to raise awareness of the millions of children globally being denied education. The students designed and sent a scarf made out of paper football shirts and wrote about the issue. Mr Cameron was very impressed with their efforts.

The school site has now returned to normal after the building work that took place over the summer to resurface the main car park and create the new police centre on the Village College site. continued on page 38

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