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Church News
Melbourn & Meldreth Churches Together
If any of you enjoy Carol singing why not come to The Black Horse on Wed Dec 8th about 9pm and join in with members of the churches who will be there.
Also on Sat 18th at 10.30am come and join us at ‘The Cross’ for more Carol singing and we hope it will be a littler warmer that last year.
Church Services over Christmas are many and varied. Each of the churches in Melbourn & Meldreth will have a list of their services.
In January 2011 we celebrate ‘The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity’ for details see the dates below.
Dates for the diary
December 2010 Wed 8th 9pm: Carol singing at The Black Horse Sat 18th 10.30am: Carol singing at ‘The Cross’ January 2011 Start of Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Sun 16th 6.30pm: Joint service at The Baptist Church Tue 18th 7am – 8am: Early morning prayer meeting.
Baptish Church coffee lounge Wed 19th 7pm – 8pm: Reflective Service at Melbourn URC Thu 20th 10.00am: Holy Communion All Saints’ Church Fri 21st 7am – 8am: Early morning prayer meeting.
Baptish Church coffee lounge Sat 22nd 8.30am: Prayer Breakfast Baptist Church coffee lounge
The Word of God From David Burbridge Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. We must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ. 1 Timothy 1,15 and Romans 14, 10. SOAS (Supporters of All Saints’)
The August draw was made by Rev Andrew O’Brien on 1st September. There were 76 members. First prize of £25.40 goes to Jane Stevens at 35 Water Lane and the second to John Haddrell at 11 Dickasons.
The September draw was made by Rev Andrew O’Brien on 1st October. There were 77 members. The first prize of £25.66 goes to Pat Ames at 3 Lordship Drive and the second of £12.84 to Terry Shaw at 4 Spencer Drive.
The October draw was made by Rev Andrew O’Brien on 6th November – there were 77 members – first prize of £25.60 goes to Jayne White of 8 Mortlock Street and the second of £12.80 to Terry Shaw at 4 Spencer Drive
(Supporters of All Saints’ Melbourn)
Would you like to help SOAS
and at the same time enjoy a monthly flutter ? SOAS is a non-denominational Registered Charity which raises funds which can only be spent on maintaining the village’s medieval treasure, which is All Saints’ Parish Church.
One of our activities is the SOAS 100 Club where people can buy one (or more) share for £1 a month. Half of the money collected is paid out in the form of a first and a second prize which is drawn at the end of each month: the other half goes into SOAS funds. Currently we have 76 members so the odds of winning something are considerably better than the Lottery or Premium Bonds!
Normally people in the scheme renew their membership by paying £12 in January for that year but, if you wish to join contact: Kersti Llewellyn-Beard at 10 Cross Lane, Melbourn, SG8 6AG.
All Saints’ has been here for 800 years – we must preserve it for the future people of Melbourn.