Community Education Julie Harradence 223408 Little Hands Karen on 01763 260964 Melbourn Playgroup Jane Crawford 07842 151512 Notre Ecole Janet Whitton 261231 Primary School Headteacher Gary Casey 223457 U3A (Univ. of Third Age) Chairman Arthur Alderton 260399 Village College Warden Elaine Stephenson 223400
Melbourn Playgroup
We have had the most wonderful first term in our new room at the Primary school. We have played outside nearly every day on our soft play surface making boats and rockets with blocks; playing with chalks and paints; camping in our playhouse and even borrowing a pallet to make our own stage for shows. We have practised a fire drill with the whole school and used the field for races and playing with our parachute. When the older children were away at Grafham Water, we took the opportunity to eat our packed lunches in the dining hall with the rest of the school and were very impressed with how well the children coped with this new experience. We have shared special reading and singing times with the Reception classes and had a great deal of fun just before Easter enjoying special crafts with them. In the summer term they will be established in their new classrooms right beside the playgroup so we look forward to a very exciting time finding new ways to share games with them. Opening hours : 9:00 am – 3:15pm each day (term time)
Melbourn Out of School Club (MOOS)
We have gone from strength to strength since we opened in January. More children are coming to the club each month and enjoying all our activities such as cooking, craft, construction toys, Wii games and playing on the school field. 3-year-olds may attend the MOOS Club Opening hours: 3:30pm – 6:00pm each day (term time) Phone : 01763 223459 Email:
Primary School
It has been a very busy spring term with the build project officially ending on Thursday the 7th April almost exactly a year after it began. The team of builders have been fantastic and it will seem strange not to see them on a daily basis. Chris Starling and Paul Lawrence should have a particular mention for their support; they lead the team from Keir and the many sub-contractors who worked on the build including electricians, plumbers and landscapers. We will now settle into all the new areas such as the Reception classrooms and make them our own. The day to day life of the school has continued and there have been many highlights during the spring term.