Issue 66 Summer 2011

Page 26

Melbourn Village College Community Survey 2011 Melbourn Village College is dedicated to providing its students with a high quality education. What you may not know is that they also provide a high quality adult & community learning programme too. With the economic decline this service has suffered, like most others, in reduced class numbers. Is this the economic decline or are we not providing you with the courses/ services you would like?

The draft copy of the Village Plan indicates that Melbourn residents still need community facilities and services so please let me know what you want. Please find the time, if you would, to fill in this short survey and return to: Mrs Julie Harradence, Community Office, Melbourn Village College, The Moor, Melbourn, SG8 6EF.

Have you ever attended an adult learning class at Melbourn Village College?



What class/es did you attend? YES

Do you use the facilities at Melbourn Sports Centre?


Would you prefer: (circle all that apply) Daytime classes

Evening Classes

Taster classes

1-off classes



Day schools


Special Evenings

Certificated courses

Leisure courses

Anything else? What class/es would you like to see at Melbourn? What age group are you?





Do you have primary school aged children?



Do you use the Library in Melbourn?



Please complete the following if you are at retirement age or approaching retirement age. What would YOU like to do with your new ME time?

Can we help you to achieve this more effectively by offering a class or talk on this subject? i.e. Computing, Cake Decorating, Gardening, Basic Plumbing, DIY, Basic Electrics, Woodwork, Bird-Watching, Floristry & Flower Arranging, Decorating, Car-Maintenance, Keep-fit (Yoga, Pilates, Tai-chi, Self Defence, etc) What would YOU be interested in?

Any Other comments or suggestions?

Thank you for your time. Julie Harradence


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