Little Hands Karen
Melbourn Playgroup
01763 260964
Melbourn Playgroup Jane Crawford 07842 151512 Notre Ecole Janet Whitton
Pippins Children’s Centre Alison Wood
Primary School Headteacher Stephanie Wilcox 223457 U3A (Univ. of Third Age) Chairman George Howard
Village College Principal Simon Holmes
This term at Melbourn Playgroup has been a busy and successful one. We say goodbye to the older children and wish them the best of luck in their reception year at school. We welcome our new children from September. As the Tour de France travelled through our region we celebrated by tasting French foods such as brioche and croissants. We also coloured in French flags and racing jerseys. The most exciting activity was that we made a race track in the garden and the children drove around it on bikes. We all had a whale of a time! With the beautiful summer weather we have been learning lots about meadows. We looked at flowers, trees and insects. The children have thoroughly enjoyed looking more closely at insects we have found within the school grounds. We then continued this work on insects back in the classroom. In the new term we hope to be able to expand our space to give the children an even more exciting, stimulating learning environment. More news on this to follow! If you want to know more about us or enquire about spaces for your child please contact Jane Crawford on 01763 223459 or email uk or even visit the website on
Melbourn Primary School Parents, Friends and Teachers Association Melbourn Primary School PTFA are thrilled to announce that new play equipment is a step closer thanks to the generosity and support of parents and friends of Melbourn Primary School. As this academic year draws to a close, the fund balance is in excess of £10,000, which means that installation of a new climbing frame for Key Stage 1 pupils is on track for completion early in the next school year. PTFA Chair Sian Bolitho said, “Events like May’s Spring Fayre and our annual firework display have really delivered. The support we get from our parents and Melbourn Playgroup - Oscar- drawing a caterpillar friends has been outstanding and this means that we can afford a wonderful after investigating insects in our garden climbing facility to keep the kids active during their break times”. Fundraising goes on unabated, however, with plans in place for this year’s firework display already underway on 8th November. The ever-popular BBQ, refreshments and doughnuts will be available. Glo-Sticks will be on sale too, to complement the fireworks display promising one of the most colourful nights of the calendar. Sian added, “Our next target is to provide an exciting piece of climbing equipment for KS2 to give our older children something challenging at break time”. Following the success of last year’s inaugural Melbourn Ball, the PTFA have set the wheels in motion for a successor, which is tentatively planned for the middle of September 2015. Sian said, “The 2013 Ball was incredible and we’re hoping to see more of Melbourn dressed-up and turned-out next September”. For further information, your PTFA press contact is Russell Foulger on 07956 Melbourn Playgroup - Poppy riding a bike 107690 or around the Tour de France track we made melbournmagazine