Community matters
Orchard Surgery Appointments & Dispensary 260220 For repeat prescriptions send email: Hospitals Addenbrooke’s Royston
01223 245151 01763 242134
NHS111 – Urgent Care 111 24hr helpline Medical help when not a 999 emergency Police Non Emergency number Help when not a 999 emergency
Fire & Rescue Service 01223 376201 Crimestoppers
0800 555111
Neighbourhood Watch 260959 Maureen Townsend Telephone Preference Service 0345 070 0707
For information on Parish Councillors see page 35
Available at the Community HUB
From the Parish Clerk – Sarah Adam
As I write this article in April, the village has survived another mild winter and spring is very much in the air. Firstly, I’d like to welcome our newly appointed Parish Councillors Sally Ann Hart and Siegmar Parton who joined us at the end of March. Sally Ann Hart lives in Melbourn and this is the base for her National Training Partnership. Siegmar Parton is a resident of Meldreth and is also the new Melbourn Community Hub Centre Manager. Back in December 2015 we said farewell to Barbara McKellar who for many years ensured the garden area at 83 High Street looked amazing. Melbourn Parish Council would like to say a huge thank you to Anita Cook who has kindly agreed to take over this role and is doing a fabulous job. The proposed development of 199 houses off of New Road is still on-going and the appeal will be considered by South Cambridgeshire District Council in July 2016. An important part of the Parish Council funding is intended for Community Grants. Any organisation (businesses excluded), charity or group is eligible to apply for a grant to fund activities and projects that benefit the community and meet identified needs. Grant applications will now be considered twice yearly, the first round takes place in April and the next call for applications will be published in October 2016 to be considered in November 2016. Applications can be made using either the application form available on the Parish Council Website/Policies/ Community Grant Policy or in paper copy from the Parish Council Office. Dog fouling allowed by irresponsible dog owners continues to frustrate the village. There have also been reports on the recreation ground of dogs biting other dogs and a dog biting a person whilst a football match was being played. Melbourn Parish Council strenuously endorses the Melbourn Village College policy that all dogs must be kept on a lead at all times whilst students are active during lessons and whilst matches are being played. Melbourn Parish Council continues to stress that all dog foul must be picked up and disposed of in the correct bins provided. The Melbourn Area Youth Development (MAYD) Youth Club is held on a Tuesday evening at Melbourn Pavilion from 7pm – 9pm. This is for Melbourn Village College students aged between eleven and sixteen years. The club is looking for help so if you would be interested in becoming a volunteer, are over the age of eighteen, enthusiastic and willing to actively engage with the pupils please do contact me. If you have concerns about any areas of the village or any other matter connected to village life, please do get in touch. The Parish Office is open Monday and Thursday 9am–1pm and 2pm–4pm. Tuesday and Wednesday 9am – 1pm and 2pm – 3pm. The office is closed Friday. Email: or Telephone: 01763 263303 option 3 for the Parish Office.
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