Melbourn & Meldreth Lunch Club It is with great regret that we are going to have to finish lunch club at the end of August. Since starting 3 years ago circumstances have changed for both of us. The main reason for our decision is that we are now both working virtually full time at Melbourn Playgroup and will not have the time to devote to lunch club once the next academic year starts in September. We have enjoyed our time and are very grateful for the support we have been given. We are going to miss our "oldies". We dearly hope that someone can be found to take over. Julie Myles and Nikki Cross
Library Some quotes from library volunteers: ‘I have met so many new and interesting people.’ ‘I love it when the children come in to choose their new books.’ ‘One of the nicest ways to pass an afternoon and be of use at the same time.’ The library is housed in the Hub and is well used by the people of Melbourn and surrounding villages. It is run by volunteers with full access to the Cambridgeshire Library Service. For a number of reasons such as people moving out of the area we need to recruit new volunteers.
Library – LAP (Local Access Point) Library opening times Monday 2.30 to 4.30 pm Tuesday 2.30 to 4.30 pm Wednesday 2.30 to 4.30 pm Thursday 2.30 to 6.30 pm Friday 2.30 to 4.30 pm Saturday 10.00 to 12.00 am
The initial training is done mainly by working with two other experienced librarians and is not complicated. There is a good support network and a pleasant working environment. All volunteers commit to one session of 2 hours plus setting up and closing down time per week, although there is flexibility within the rota system to cover inevitable absences. So how about it? Why not pop into the library and have a chat with the two volunteers on duty to find out more? Jane Stevens
Neighbourhood watch A new neighbourhood watch scheme has been set up for residents of Medcalfe Way and surrounding roads. The scheme has been approved by the Police and Neighbourhood Watch. Don’t worry! It will not involve meetings, I understand time is valuable, therefore communication will be in the form of newsletter. If you would be interested in joining; keeping informed of matters relating to crime in our area; please contact Debbie on 07966 227080 or email debbieclapham@
Royal British Legion Women’s Section Melbourn and Meldreth Branch
Twenty members enjoyed a belated Christmas lunch at the Dolphin in January and our meeting that month was a ‘Tea Party.’ In February we had our bring and buy to raise funds. Our March Easter Egg decoration competition was won by Mrs Sheila Gouldthorpe. Our Standard bearer Pauline Parkinson carried the Standard at the funeral of Mr John Chamberlain and at Anzac Day in Cambridge. May we thank the Melbourn Fete committee for their generous grant to our travel fund which is used for transport to attend Group and County Legion events, thus ensuring those without transport are not disadvantaged. The Women’s Section of the Legion is open to all women over 18 who support the Legions objectives and we aim to make our meetings and activities entertaining, interesting, stimulating and most of all ‘Good Fun.’ We meet at Vicarage Close Community Centre on the 4th Wednesday of the month at 2pm. Please come and join us, you will be assured of a warm welcome. For further details regarding the Women’s Section, please contact any of the following: President, Molly Chamberlain 07746823072; Chairman, Una Cleminson 269544; Secretary, Elizabeth Murphy 220841. (In the previous issue of the magazine some information was repeated, for which we apologize)
Melbourn & Meldreth Women’s Group The Group is for all women of any age. Meetings are held at 7.45 p.m. on the 4th Tuesday of each month, except in December and we vary our venues between Melbourn and Meldreth. We charge £1 on the night to cover expenses and there is an opportunity to make a donation to the chosen charity of the year. We usually have a guest speaker or some in house entertainment followed by a chance to have a chat over tea/coffee and biscuits. On 28 June we meet at Holy Trinity Church Meeting Room Meldreth when we will hear a talk by someone from HomeStart Royston and South Cambs which we supported as our charity of the year last year. 26th July sees us in All Saints Community Hall Melbourn for a games evening which generally prove popular so bring a game of your choice with you if you want. Our August meeting is on the 23rd and we plan to go out for a meal, the venue is yet to be confirmed. If you would like to know more about the group, please contact one of the committee members: Pat Smith (262575) Sue Toule (260955) Anne Harrison (261775) Angela Leach (262793).