Village news Melbourn Women’s Institute
Village news Melbourn Women’s Institute
Melbourn & Meldreth Women’s Group
Library Report
Royal British Legion
Police & Crime Commissioner
Melbourn Radiate-headed brooch
Coffee Stop
The bin collection day is changing From 27th February the majority of residents in South Cambridgshire will be affected by a change to their bin day collection and/or the sequence of collections. Information will be delivered through the doors before the changes take place. This information will also be included in the spring edition of South Cambs Magazine that will be delivered between 28 February and 19 March. See their website at
An inaugural meeting was held in the Community Hall in June to see if there was any interest in forming a new Melbourn branch of the WI. About 50 ladies turned up and, led by a team from WI Federation, a committee was quickly formed and it was decided that meetings would take place at 7.45 on the fourth Wednesday of the month in the Community Hall. In July the new committee had acted quickly to provide us with a brilliant evening with a colour consultant, in August we had a talk on Duxford Imperial War Museum and in September a quiz, at which all the members were moved around enabling us to get to know one another. October brought an inspiring talk about India by Rama Vindlacheruvu at which she dressed members up in saris and gave us a taste of Indian street food. An exciting programme has been laid out for next year so do please come along and join us. Dates are in the Diary section. Mavis Howard
Melbourn & Meldreth Women’s Group The Group is for all women of any age. Meetings are held at 7.45 p.m. on the 4th Tuesday of each month, except in December and we vary our venues between Melbourn and Meldreth. We charge £1 on the night to cover expenses and there is an opportunity to make a donation to the chosen charity of the year. We usually have a guest speaker or some in house entertainment followed by a chance to have a chat over tea/coffee and biscuits. Our next meeting will be on 24 January 2017 at All Saints Community Hall, Melbourn. This will be our AGM when we will receive reports and hopefully elect new members to the committee. We will also choose which charity we will support for the coming year so come with some suggestions and we will choose one. We hope to welcome Revd. Lizzie Shipp to this meeting as our new President. After the formal business is concluded we will have a bring and share supper. On 28 February 2017 we will again meet at All Saints Community Hall and look forward to hearing a talk by a representative of Cambridge Street Pastors. If you would like to know anything more about the group, please give any of the current committee members a call: Pat Smith 262575, Sue Toule 260955, Anne Harrison 261775 and Angela Leach 262793.