2019 Chinese New Year Concert Program

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Chinese New Year Concert


featuring TA N D U N • H A N G G A I WEDNESDAY 13 FEBRUARY Arts Centre Melbourne, Hamer Hall




On behalf of our Government, I congratulate the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra on its 2019 Chinese New Year Concert.

As one of Australia’s cultural highlights celebrating Chinese Lunar New Year, MSO’s East meets West concert has showcased the blend of Chinese and western music and cultures over the past five years.

Conducted by the renowned Tan Dun, tonight’s concert includes the Melbourne debut of his Double Bass Concerto Wolf Totem, as well as the unique artistry of traditionalmeets-rock band Hanggai.

This year we see the return of the visionary conductor and composer Maestro Tan Dun, who has endeavoured to bring the sounds of Chinese folk songs to contemporary western music, injecting fresh elements into this annual concert. The close and fruitful cooperation between Maestro Tan and MSO stands as a testament to the ever-growing cultural exchange between China and Australia, which forms an integral part of the overall relationship.

In addition to being one of our nation’s leading Chinese New Year celebrations, this event pays tribute to the contributions of Victoria’s Chinese communities. These proud contributions, made over many years, have made our state stronger, more compassionate, and more successful.

I believe that the friendship and bonds between our two peoples and two countries will be further strengthened through more cultural events like this.

I hope you enjoy this year’s concert. And I wish everyone attending a happy, safe, and prosperous Year of the Pig.

I hope you have a wonderful night and wish you a happy and healthy year of the Pig.

新年快樂 萬事如意 The Hon Daniel Andrews MP Premier

His Excellency Mr Jingye Cheng Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to the Commonwealth of Australia

作为澳大利亚庆祝中国农历新年的文化亮点之一,墨尔本交响 乐团的“东西文化交融之夜”音乐会在过去五年展示了中西方 音乐和文化的融合。

我谨代表维多利亚州政府预祝墨尔本交响乐团2019年中国新 年音乐会圆满举办。

今年,创意指挥家和作曲家谭盾大师强势回归。谭盾先生一直 努力将中国民歌的声音带到当代西方音乐中,这次,他将会为 音乐会注入新元素。他和墨尔本交响乐团之间紧密而成功的合 作,印证了中澳之间不断加强的文化交流,而文化交流正是中 澳关系中不可或缺的一部分。

今晚的音乐会由著名指挥家谭盾指挥,届时不仅可以享受到谭 盾大师的低音协奏曲《狼》在墨尔本的首演,还可以领略到杭 盖乐队将传统音乐与摇滚相结合的独特艺术。 中国新年音乐会是澳大利亚首屈一指的中国新年庆典活动,在 庆祝之余,也对维多利亚州的华人社区作出的贡献表达敬意。

我相信,通过更多这样的文化活动,两国和两国人民之间的友 谊将得到进一步加深。

维多利亚州华人社区多年来所作出的贡献,使得维多利亚州更 加强大、更加包容、更加成功。

希望各位度过一个美好的夜晚,并祝各位猪年健康快乐。 中华人民共和国驻澳大利亚大使 成竞业 阁下

希望今年的新年音乐会能为您带来绝佳的视听享受,也祝愿您 度过一个幸福安康、吉祥如意的猪年。 新年快乐 万事如意 维多利亚州州长 丹尼尔·安德鲁阁下


Welcome I would like to congratulate the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra for this year’s Chinese New Year Concert and extend my best wishes to all those celebrating the Year of the Pig.

Welcome to the MSO’s Chinese New Year Concert celebrating the Year of the Pig. Each February the MSO welcomes the new lunar year with a musical celebration of culture and community. Tonight’s concert has been specially curated by the master musician Tan Dun and features works from many cultural traditions — Eastern and Western, folk and classical.

The MSO’s Chinese New Year Concert is a major cultural event bringing together great works from the western and eastern traditions and celebrating our nation’s cultural diversity. Tan Dun’s curation to mark the Year of the Pig, “East Meets West”, reminds us of the rich cultural connections between Australia and China that go back over two centuries.

Joining Maestro Tan and the MSO on stage tonight is Hanggai, a troupe of musicians from the steppes of Inner Mongolia via Beijing. Their much-anticipated performance with the MSO will be talked about for years to come! The program also features MSO Principal Double Bass, Steve Reeves, performing in Maestro Tan Dun’s remarkable Double Bass Concerto, Wolf Totem; a deeply personal composition that speaks of Maestro Tan’s connection to, and fascination with, the spirits of the natural world and the customs of the ancient cultures along the Silk Road.

Today the Chinese-Australian community is a vital asset in a modern, multicultural Australia, and it is wonderful to celebrate this tonight through the beauty of music. Connections between Australian and Chinese people run deep and provide a platform for the broad relationship we share with China. We will continue to work to develop new opportunities in our relationship – in trade, investment, science, research, sport and of course, culture and the arts.

Chinese New Year is an intrinsic part of Australia’s cultural calendar. It is also an important part of the MSO’s East meets West program. Tonight’s concert honours Australia’s diverse cultures, builds mutual appreciation of each other’s traditions, and celebrates our shared future.

May the Year of the Pig be an auspicious one for bright and expansive relations between Australia and China, and may it bring you and your families good health, happiness, success and prosperity.

Special thanks in particular to the Li Family Trust and Arts Centre Melbourne for supporting this concert.

Happy New Year!

Michael Ullmer AO Chairman Melbourne Symphony Orchestra

Jenny Bloomfield State Director – Victoria Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

我谨祝愿墨尔本交响乐团中国新年音乐会圆满举行,也恭祝所 有欢庆猪年新春的朋友们春节快乐!

墨尔本交响乐团隆重推出中国新年音乐会,与您喜迎猪年新 春。

墨尔本交响乐团的新年音乐会是一场将中西方文化传统完美融 合的文化盛事,充分地体现出澳大利亚的文化多样性。

每年二月,墨尔本交响乐团都会以音乐为媒,以文化为桥,与 广大华人社区一同庆祝农历新年的来临。今晚的音乐会由音乐 大师谭盾特别策划,荟萃了来自东方与西方、民间与古典等多 种文化传统的音乐作品。

谭盾先生精心策划的东西文化交融之夜,标志着猪年的到来。 澳大利亚与中国之间的文化交流起源于两百多年前,今晚的音 乐会也将带我们重温澳中源远流长的友谊 。

今晚与音乐大师谭盾和墨尔本交响乐团一同登台的还有来自内 蒙古草原、植根于北京的一群音乐家——杭盖乐队。他们与墨 尔本交响乐团的跨界合作早已令大家翘首以盼,届时定会令乐 迷们回味无穷、津津乐道!我们的节目还包括谭盾大师极富感 染力的低音提琴协奏曲《狼》,在这部作品中,谭大师通过极 富个性的作曲风格,向自然世界的动物生灵以及丝绸之路上的 古文化传统致敬,并表达了他的倾慕和迷恋之情。

澳大利亚是一个倡导多元文化的现代化国家。如今,华人社区 已成为澳大利亚十分重要的组成部分,今晚借此机会我们欢聚 一堂共赏美妙音乐。 中澳两国人民深入的往来,也无疑为未来中澳建立更牢固、更 广阔的关系提供了平台。

中国新年一直是澳大利亚文化日历上的固有组成部分。它也是 墨尔本交响乐团“中西交融”(East meets West)节目表上至 关重要的一部分。今晚的音乐盛宴,是对澳大利亚多元文化的 致敬,也是对彼此文化传统的欣赏,中澳人民共庆未来。

我们会不断探索中澳关系的新机遇,在贸易、投资、科学、研 究、体育以及文化艺术等方面进一步合作。 希望猪年能为中澳关系带来广阔而光明的前景。 同时,也祝愿您和家人吉祥安康、顺意兴隆! 再次祝您新年快乐!

最后我要特别感谢李氏家族信托和墨尔本艺术中心为此次音乐 会提供支持。

澳大利亚外交贸易部 维多利亚州办公室主任 珍妮·布卢姆菲尔德(Jenny Bloomfield)

Michael Ullmer AO 主席 墨尔本交响乐团


A Lunar New Year Celebration 2019 中国新年音乐会 Rock the Symphony ‘n’ Roll 摇滚交响音乐会

A Dialogue between Symphony & Rock 交响与摇滚的音乐对话

Artists Melbourne Symphony Orchestra Tan Dun conductor Yiliqi vocals / topshuur Daorina vocals / guitar Batubagen throat singer Hurizha vocals Ailun guitar Xin Niu bass Zhengha Yang percussion


Steve Reeves double bass

Program Hanggai Festival Overture: The Rising Sun 2019

杭盖 节日序曲: 初升的太阳

Hanggai Horse of Colors

杭盖 花斑马

Hanggai Drinking Song

杭盖 酒歌

Tan Dun Contrabass Concerto: Wolf Totem

谭盾 狼图腾



Hanggai The Transistor Made in Shanghai

杭盖 上海·半导体

Hanggai Grassland My Beautiful Home

杭盖 美丽的草原我的家

Hanggai Borulai

杭盖 波如来

Tan Dun Passacaglia: Secret of Wind and Birds

谭盾 手机交响乐:风与鸟的秘语

Hanggai Samsara

杭盖 轮回

Hanggai Swan Geese

杭盖 鸿雁

Hanggai Xiger Xiger

杭盖 希格希日

Running time: Approximately 2 hours including a 20-minute interval. Assistive Hearing A hearing system is available from Arts Centre Melbourne ushers, providing coverage to all seats via headphones or neck-loops. Please note, this concert will be recorded for future broadcast. In consideration of your fellow patrons, the MSO thanks you for silencing and dimming the light on your phone. 5

Melbourne Symphony Orchestra

墨尔本交响乐团(MSO)成立于1906年,在澳大利亚艺术 界占据领导位置,并且是澳大利亚历史最悠久的专业管弦乐 团。自2013年以来,首席指挥安德鲁•戴维斯爵士一直执掌 墨尔本交响乐团。通过现场演奏、录音、电视、广播和直播等 渠道,墨尔本交响乐团每年为超过三百万的观众奉上精彩演 出。作为名副其实的国际交响乐团,墨尔本交响乐团与来自世 界各地的客席艺术家和艺术组织合作。同时,MSO也多次在 海外演出,包括2012年、2016年、2018年在中国进行的演 出、2014年在欧洲的演出,以及2017年在联合国教科文组织 世界遗产——印度尼西亚的普兰巴南寺庙进行的演出。

Established in 1906, the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra (MSO) is an arts leader and Australia’s oldest professional orchestra. Chief Conductor Sir Andrew Davis has been at the helm of MSO since 2013. Engaging four million people each year, the MSO reaches a variety of audiences through live performances, recordings, TV and radio broadcasts and live streaming. As a truly global orchestra, the MSO collaborates with guest artists and arts organisations from across the world. Its international audiences include China, where MSO has performed in 2012, 2016 and again in 2018, Europe (2014) and Indonesia, where in 2017 it performed at the UNESCO World Heritage Site, Prambanan Temple.

墨尔本交响乐团的演奏会内容缤纷多彩,包括在墨尔本艺术中 心汉默音乐厅演奏古典名乐,以及每年在墨尔本最大的露天场 馆Sidney Myer Music Bowl免费公演。不仅如此,墨尔本交 响乐团还通过“教育与社区参与计划”,以技术创新、高度互 动的活动形式和数码工具,满足不同年龄层的乐迷。

The MSO performs a variety of concerts ranging from core classical performances at its home, Hamer Hall at Arts Centre Melbourne, to its annual free concerts at Melbourne’s largest outdoor venue, the Sidney Myer Music Bowl. The MSO also delivers innovative and engaging programs and digital tools to audiences of all ages through its Education and Outreach initiatives.

墨尔本交响乐团主要由澳大利亚政府通过其艺术基金及顾问机 构——澳大利亚委员会提供资助;由维多利亚州政府通过维州 创意局以及就业、城区、中小城市部提供大力支持;乐团的其 他资助方包括墨尔本市政府、乐团主要合作伙伴、阿联酋航 空、企业赞助商、个人捐赠者以及信托和基金支持。

The Melbourne Symphony Orchestra is funded principally by the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body, and is generously supported by the Victorian Government through Creative Victoria, Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions. The MSO is also funded by the City of Melbourne, its Principal Partner, Emirates, corporate sponsors and individual donors, trusts and foundations.

The Melbourne Symphony Orchestra acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the Land on which we perform – The Kulin Nation – and would like to pay our respects to their Elders and Community both past and present. 墨尔本交响乐团向我们演出所在这片土地的传统所有者——库林国致敬,并向其过去及现在的长老及人民致敬。 6

Tan Dun


The world-renowned artist and UNESCO Global Goodwill Ambassador Tan Dun, has made an indelible mark on the world’s music scene with a creative repertoire that spans the boundaries of classical music, multimedia performance, and Eastern and Western traditions. A winner of today’s most prestigious honours including the GRAMMY® Award, Academy Award, Grawemeyer Award, Bach Prize, Shostakovich Award, and most recently Italy’s Golden Lion Award for Lifetime Achievement, Tan Dun’s music has been played throughout the world by leading orchestras, opera houses, international festivals, and on radio and television. This past year, Tan Dun’s landmark new work Buddha Passion premiered to critical acclaim. Tan Dun has led the world’s most esteemed orchestras, including the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, London Symphony Orchestra, the Philadelphia Orchestra, Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra, Los Angeles Philharmonic, Orchestre National de France, BBC Symphony Orchestra, Filarmonica della Scala, Münchner Philharmoniker, the Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia, Sydney Symphony Orchestra, among others.

Hanggai, a folk rock band composed of ethnic Mongolians, links ancient Mongolian musical traditions with the contemporary urban experience.

谭盾 指挥

杭盖 内蒙古摇滚乐队

作为担任联合国教科文组织全球亲善大使,谭盾已赢得当今世 界最具影响的艺术大奖,其中包括奥斯卡奖、格莱美奖、美国 格文美尔大奖(Grawemeyer Award)、德国巴赫奖、俄国 的肖斯塔克维奇大奖、以及意大利威尼斯双年展终身成就金狮 奖。他的音乐在世界最重要的交响乐团、歌剧院、艺术节、 电台和电视台广泛演播。2018年,由德雷斯顿音乐节、墨尔 本交响乐团、洛杉矶爱乐乐团及纽约爱乐乐团共同委约的史诗 之作《慈悲颂》由谭盾亲自指挥举行了世界首演,得到文化各 界广泛赞颂并开启了世界巡演之旅。谭盾曾指挥世界众多最著 名乐团,其中包括:费城交响乐团、荷兰皇家音乐厅乐团、伦 敦交响乐团、波士顿交响乐团、洛杉矶爱乐、法国国家交响乐 团、BBC交响乐团、NHK交响乐团、米兰斯卡拉歌剧院乐团、 慕尼黑爱乐、意大利Santa Cecilia交响乐团、悉尼、墨尔本交 响乐团、美国大都会歌剧院乐团等,并经常指挥中国著名的交 响乐团,同时还被邀请担任中国国家交响乐团荣誉艺术指导。

杭盖,一支来自内蒙古的民谣摇滚乐队,将古老的蒙古传统音 乐与当代城市生活元素融于一体。


Inner Mongolian rock band

Traditional Mongolian music is based in the rhythms and sounds of horseback riding. Hanggai combines traditional instruments – the morin khuur, or horse-head fiddle, and the topshuur (two-stringed lute) – with a throat singing technique (hoomei) that has been handed down over the course of more than two millennia and elicits the rolling plains of the Mongolian grasslands. Indeed, the band’s name is an ancient word that refers to a heavenly combination of the best of the Mongolian landscape – big blue skies, mountains, rivers and trees. The tasteful addition of modern flavour is the result of the group’s time in Beijing’s rock underground in a variety of bands and is balanced by their commitment to preserving the traditions of Mongolian music through regular musical pilgrimages to Inner Mongolia. The band has performed to audiences of thousands at international festivals including Sziget, Roskilde, Fuji Rock and WOMADelaide.

传统蒙古音乐源于骑马的节奏与声音。杭盖将传统乐器——莫 林胡尔(又名马头琴)和托布秀尔(二弦琵琶)——与呼麦相结合。 呼麦唱法已经在蒙古草原上传承了两千多年,歌颂绵延无尽的 蒙古大草原。其实,“杭盖”是一个古老的词汇,指的是蒙古 壮阔的景色——湛蓝的天空、绵延的山脉、潺潺河流和郁郁葱 葱的树木。杭盖乐队成员曾经在北京多个地下乐队表演,这些 经历为他们的音乐注入了现代气息;同时,他们通过定期去内 蒙古采风来保持蒙古音乐传统,使得他们的音乐达到现代与传 统的平衡。 杭盖乐队曾在多个国际音乐节上为成千上万的观众表演,包括 Sziget、Roskilde、Fuji Rock和WOMADelaide。


About the Music TAN DUN Contrabass Concerto: Wolf Totem Largo melancolia – Allegro Andante molto – Allegro vivace Steve Reeves double bass At the time when Tan Dun began conceptualising this concerto, he had recently finished reading the Chinese novel Wolf Totem by Jiang Rong. Written as a period epic novel and fable for modern days, the novel depicts the dying culture of the Mongols and the parallel extinction of the animal they believe to be sacred: the fierce and otherworldly Mongolian wolf. Imbued with the history of ancient Silk Road culture, Wolf Totem resonated deeply with Tan Dun’s personal connection and fascination with the spirits of the natural world and the sounds and customs of the ancient cultures along the Silk Road. The symbol of the Mongolian wolf and its life in the grasslands for Tan Dun is a mirror of the human spirit and our relationship to the natural world.

Steve Reeves double bass

Steve Reeves was appointed Principal Bass with the MSO in 1989. Prior to this he held the position of Associate Principal with Orchestra Victoria and Principal Bass with the West Australian Symphony Orchestra. He has also played with the Adelaide and Sidney Symphony Orchestras, Australian Chamber Orchestra, and freelanced with orchestras in New York, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Holland and Norway. Steve has taught bass at the Victorian College of the Arts, Australian National Academy of Music and Monash University. He began his studies in Adelaide, continued in Sydney, and went on to study at the Hartt School of Music, Juilliard, Norwegian State Music School, and the Sweelinck Conservatorium in Amsterdam. He has a long association with the International Society of Bassists and has presented at conventions giving recitals, working with the young bassists program, as well as being a headline presenter at the 2009 Convention in Pennysylvania. In 2012 Steve was invited to the Texas Christian University International Bass Festival where he presented a recital, masterclasses and was co-chair of the orchestral competition.

In crafting the instrumental gestures of both the solo and orchestral writing the composer intentionally weaves together Eastern and Western elements (a frequent characteristic of his larger orchestral compositions), here more specifically the ancient techniques of traditional Silk Road instruments with those of the modern orchestra. Notably, he employs fingering techniques in the string writing and rhythmic gestures throughout Wolf Totem that are adapted from the styles of ancient Mongolian Horse Fiddle playing. Wolf Totem is in the traditional concerto format of three movements – with two outer movements full of dynamic colours and rhythmic drive surrounding a slow and strikingly lyrical middle movement. In this virtuosic work Tan Dun gives voice to both the velvety expressive sound and the percussive abilities of the double bass.

STEVE REEVES 低音提琴手 Steve Reeves于1989年加入墨尔本交响乐团,担任首席低音 提琴手。在此之前,他曾在维多利亚交响乐团担任副首席,在 西澳大利亚交响乐团担任首席低音提琴手。Steve还曾在阿德 莱德交响乐团、悉尼交响乐团、澳大利亚室内乐团演奏过低音 提琴,此外也曾在纽约、康涅狄格州、宾夕法尼亚州、荷兰和 挪威的乐团作为自由音乐家表演。

The first movement opens quietly with an atmosphere of mystery and melancholy as the soloist is accompanied by the orchestral bass section in harmonics and the haunting sounds of Tibetan singing bowls. Following this extended song in the solo bass, the music expands gradually into a depiction of the running of the wolves and wild horses across the Mongolian grasslands. Rhythmic patterns in the brass, winds, percussion, and pizzicato strings drive the movement forward. The melodies travel around the orchestral sections while the solo bass – the wolf – also takes up the running gestures to drive the movement faster and faster to its close.

他曾在维多利亚艺术学院、澳大利亚国家音乐学院和蒙纳士 大学教授低音提琴。Steve最初在阿德莱德学音乐,后去悉尼 深造,之后所进修的音乐学院包括哈特音乐学院、茱莉亚音 乐学院、挪威国立音乐学院和阿姆斯特丹的斯韦林克音乐学 院。他与国际低音提琴协会的渊源颇深,曾在该协会举办的 大会上表演独奏,亦参与过青年低音提琴手培训项目,他还是 2009年宾夕法尼亚州举办的协会会议中的主要演讲人。2012 年,Steve获邀参加德克萨斯基督教大学国际低音提琴音乐节 表演独奏,出席大师班,并在管弦乐大赛上担任联合主席。

The song-like second movement which places the soloist front and centre with long melodic lines over a simple orchestral accompaniment, depicts the loneliness of a young wolf missing its mother, the sky and grasslands of its home. This intensely lyrical and tender movement offers the soloist an opportunity to revel in the rich singing sound of the double bass.


be playable on cell phones, turning the devices into instruments and creating a poetic forest of digital birds. The symphony orchestra is frequently expanding with the inclusion of new instruments; I thought the cell phone, carrying my digital bird sounds, might be a wonderful new instrument reflecting our life and spirit today.

The final movement, which follows without a break, returns us to the scene of the running horses, heard in the galloping figures of the orchestra while the soloist alternates between lyrical episodes and joining the orchestra’s rhythmic gestures. In contrast to the previous movement, the solo line is dominated by large interval leaps alternating with pulsing notes as the work reaches its dramatic climax.

It has always been a burning passion of mine to decode the countless patterns of the sounds and colours found in nature. Leonardo da Vinci once said, ‘In order to arrive at knowledge of the motions of birds in the air, it is first necessary to acquire knowledge of the winds, which we will prove by the motions of water.’ [This is whispered by the musicians towards the end of the piece.] I immediately decided to take this idea of waves and water as a mirror to discover the motions of the wind and birds. In fact, the way birds fly, the way the wind blows, the way waves ripple…everything in nature has already provided me with answers. With melody, rhythm and colour, I structured the sounds in a passacaglia.

© Peggy Monastra This is the first performance of this concerto by the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra.

TAN DUN Passacaglia: Secret of Wind and Birds Passacaglia: Secret of Wind and Birds takes inspiration from both old and new, natural and manmade. Inspired by the thinking of Leonardo Da Vinci and mankind’s ongoing endeavour to understand the world around us, the music draws on forms and methods from East and West, ancient and modern, and incorporates birdsong produced by mobile phones.

A passacaglia is, to me, made of complex variations and hidden repetitions. In this piece, I play with structure, colour, harmony, melody and texture through orchestration in eight-bar patterns. Thus, the piece begins with the sounds of ancient Chinese instruments played on cell phones, creating a chorus of digital birds and moving tradition into the future.

The composer writes: What is the secret of nature? Maybe only the wind and birds know… When Carnegie Hall and the National Youth Orchestra of the United States of America asked me to write a new piece, I immediately thought to create and share the wonder of nature and a dream of the future.

Through nine evolving repetitions of the eight-bar patterns, the piece builds to a climax that is suddenly interrupted by the orchestra members chanting. This chanting reflects ancient myth and the beauty of nature. As it builds, it weaves finger snapping, whistling and foot stamping into a powerful orchestral hip-hop energy. By the end, the winds, strings, brass and percussion together cry out as one giant bird. To me, this last sound is that of the phoenix, the dream of a future world.

In the beginning, when human beings were first inventing music, we always looked for a way to talk to nature, to communicate with the birds and wind. Looking at ancient examples of Chinese music, there are so many compositions that imitate the sounds of nature and, specifically, birds. With this in mind, I decided to start by using six ancient Chinese instruments, the guzheng, suona, erhu, pipa, dizi and sheng, to record bird sounds that I had composed. I formatted the recording to

Tan Dun © 2015 This is the first performance of this work by the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra.



You are invited to join the Orchestra in playing birdsong using your mobile phone. Before the performance, visit bit.ly/msobirds in a mobile web browser to preload the music track. At Tan Dun’s invitation, press play to let his birdsong – created using six ancient Chinese instruments – ring out through Hamer Hall. Remember to turn up the volume on your phone for this piece, but to keep it on silent mode for the rest of the performance.

墨尔本交响乐团邀请您参与乐团表演,用您的手机奏 响《鸟鸣之歌》。在演出开始之前,您可以在手机移 动网络浏览器中访问bit.ly/msobirds,预加载音乐 曲目。在谭盾的邀请示意下,按下播放键播放《鸟鸣 之歌》——这是一首用六种古老的中国乐器所创作的 乐曲——届时将在哈默音乐厅奏响。请您在乐曲播放 时将手机音量调高,但在表演进行的其他时段保持静 音模式。


Fantasy and the Firebird black

FRIDAY 8 MARCH / 7.30pm Melbourne Town Hall white

Book now mso.com.au 10

Orchestra list

Sir Andrew Davis Chief Conductor

Benjamin Northey Associate Conductor

Tianyi Lu

Cybec Assistant Conductor

Hiroyuki Iwaki

Conductor Laureate (1974–2006)





Christopher Moore

Prudence Davis

Brett Kelly

Lauren Brigden Katharine Brockman Christopher Cartlidge

Wendy Clarke

Principal Di Jameson#

Principal Anonymous#

Associate Principal

Sarah Beggs

Michael Aquilina#


Anthony Chataway

Andrew Macleod

Dr Elizabeth E Lewis AM#

Principal John McKay and Lois McKay#

Dale Barltrop

Gabrielle Halloran

Sophie Rowell

Trevor Jones Fiona Sargeant Cindy Watkin Elizabeth Woolnough William Clark* Lisa Grosman* Helen Ireland* Katie Yap*



Michael Pisani


Concertmaster The Ullmer Family Foundation#

Peter Edwards

Assistant Principal

Kirsty Bremner Sarah Curro

Michael Aquilina#

Peter Fellin Deborah Goodall Lorraine Hook Anne-Marie Johnson Kirstin Kenny Ji Won Kim Eleanor Mancini Chisholm & Gamon#

Mark Mogilevski Michelle Ruffolo Kathryn Taylor Michael Aquilina#

Oksana Thompson* Nicholas Waters* SECOND VIOLINS Matthew Tomkins

Maria Solà#

Jeffrey Crellin

Nicholas Bochner

Philip Arkinstall


Associate Principal

Craig Hill

Geelong Friends of the MSO#


Rohan de Korte

Jon Craven

Andrew Dudgeon AM


Keith Johnson Sarah Morse Angela Sargeant



Nelson Woods*


Robert Clarke John Arcaro

Tim and Lyn Edward#

Robert Cossom

Drs Clem Gruen and Rhyl Wade#

Matthew Brennan* Peter Neville* Greg Sully* Lara Wilson* HARP Yinuo Mu Principal

Melina van Leeuwen*

Jack Schiller Principal

Robert Macindoe

Michael Aquilina# Andrew and Theresa Dyer#

Monica Curro

Mee Na Lojewski* Josephine Vains*




Steve Reeves


Mary Allison Isin Cakmakcioglu Tiffany Cheng Freya Franzen Cong Gu Andrew Hall Isy Wasserman Philippa West Patrick Wong Roger Young Michael Loftus-Hills*

Timothy Buzbee


Maria Solà#

Assistant Principal Danny Gorog and Lindy Susskind#



Principal The Gross Foundation# Associate Principal

Principal Bass Trombone


David Thomas


Mike Szabo

The Rosemary Norman Foundation#

Rachael Tobin

Miranda Brockman

Tim and Lyn Edward#

Christopher Lane


Assistant Principal Anonymous*

Richard Shirley



Associate Principal

Guest Associate Principal

Thomas Hutchinson Ann Blackburn

Principal MS Newman Family#

Jonathon Ramsay*^


Associate Principal

David Berlin


Elise Millman

Michelle Wood

Associate Principal

Natasha Thomas

Brock Imison


Grzegorz Curyla*†

Andrew Moon

Guest Principal

Associate Principal

Saul Lewis

Sylvia Hosking

Acting Associate Principal

Assistant Principal

Abbey Edlin

Damien Eckersley Benjamin Hanlon Suzanne Lee Stephen Newton

Nereda Hanlon and Michael Hanlon AM#

Trinette McClimont Rachel Shaw Ian Wildsmith*

Sophie Galaise and Clarence Fraser#


Kylie Davies* Rob Nairn* Emma Sullivan* Esther Toh*

Shane Hooton

Associate Principal

# Position supported by

Tristan Rebien*

* Guest Musician

Guest Associate

William Evans Rosie Turner

John and Diana Frew#

** Timpani Chair position supported by Lady Potter AC CMRI † appears courtesy of Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra ^ Courtesy of Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra



Bruch’s Violin Concerto Friday 15 March | 11am Lu Siqing joins Sir Andrew Davis at this one hour performance featuring Bruch’s popular Violin Concerto No.1 and the exotic Polovtsian Dances from Borodin’s Prince Igor.

Season Opening Gala Saturday 16 March | 7.30pm Violin virtuoso Lu Siqing played with Sir Andrew Davis and the MSO on a 2018 tour of China, performing Bruch’s Violin Concerto and Tchaikovsky’s Sixth Symphony, Pathétique. Witness these two masterworks here in Melbourne!

All concerts performed at Arts Centre Melbourne, Hamer Hall

Lang Lang supported by MSO Life Members, Mr Marc Besen AC and Mrs Eva Besen AO.




Lang Lang Thursday 4 July | 7.30pm Pursued by every orchestra in the world, and adored by legions of fans, Lang Lang is the singular piano sensation of the 21st century. One night only, a truly unmissable performance!

Symphonie Fantastique Thursday 22 August | 7.30pm Saturday 24 August | 2pm Experience Saint-Saëns’ captivating Cello Concerto No.1 with soloist Jian Wang, who played it for his orchestral debut with the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra at just 11 years old! Also on the program is Berlioz’s Symphonie fantastique.

Book now mso.com.au 13

Supporters MSO PATRON

The Honourable Linda Dessau AC, Governor of Victoria CHAIRMAN’S CIRCLE

Marc Besen AC and Eva Besen AO Gandel Philanthropy The Gross Foundation Harold Mitchell Foundation David and Angela Li Harold Mitchell AC MS Newman Family Foundation Lady Potter AC CMRI The Cybec Foundation The Pratt Foundation The Ullmer Family Foundation

MSO Regional Touring Creative Victoria, Freemasons Foundation Victoria, The Robert Salzer Foundation, Anonymous

Danny Gorog and Lindy Susskind

Dr Alastair Jackson AM

Robert & Jan Green

Dr Elizabeth A Lewis AM

Hilary Hall, in memory of Wilma Collie

The Pizzicato Effect (Anonymous), Collier Charitable Fund, The Marian and E.H. Flack Trust, Scobie and Claire Mackinnon Trust, Supported by the Hume City Council’s Community Grants Program

The Hogan Family Foundation Peter Hunt AM and Tania de Jong AM International Music and Arts Foundation Suzanne Kirkham The Cuming Bequest

Sidney Myer Free Concerts Supported by the Myer Foundation and the University of Melbourne

Gordan Moffat AM Bruce Parncutt AO

Rosemary and James Jacoby Norman Lewis, in memory of Dr Phyllis Lewis Peter Lovell Lesley McMullin Foundation Mr Douglas and Mrs Rosemary Meagher Marie Morton FRSA Dr Paul Nisselle AM The Rosemary Norman Foundation

Ian and Jeannie Paterson

Ken Ong, in memory of Lin Ong


Elizabeth Proust AO

Jim and Fran Pfeiffer

Xijian Ren and Qian Li

Andrew and Judy Rogers

Marc Besen AC and Eva Besen AO

Glenn Sedgwick

Rae Rothfield

Helen Silver AO and Harrison Young

Jeffrey Sher QC and Diana Sher OAM

Gai and David Taylor

Diana and Brian Snape AM

Anonymous (2)

John Gandel AC and Pauline Gandel AC


The Gross Foundation

Juliet Tootell

Tasco Petroleum

David and Angela Li

Alice Vaughan

MS Newman Family Foundation

Harry and Michelle Wong

Mr Tam Vu and Dr Cherilyn Tillman

Orchestral Leadership Joy Selby Smith Cybec Assistant Conductor Chair Tianyi Lu The Cybec Foundation Concertmaster Chair Sophie Rowell The Ullmer Family Foundation 2019 Mid-Season Gala Artist Lang Lang is supported by Marc Besen AC and Eva Besen AO Young Composer in Residence Mark Holdsworth The Cybec Foundation PROGRAM BENEFACTORS

Cybec 21st Century Australian Composers Program The Cybec Foundation East meets West Supported by the Li Family Trust Meet the Orchestra Made possible by The Ullmer Family Foundation MSO Audience Access Crown Resorts Foundation, Packer Family Foundation

Anthony Pratt The Pratt Foundation Lady Potter AC CMRI

The Hon. Michael Watt QC and Cecilie Hall


Anonymous (5)

Lyn Williams AM

Ullmer Family Foundation

Christine and Mark Armour

Anonymous (2)

Barbara Bell, in memory of Elsa Bell


Stephen and Caroline Brain

Dandolo Partners

Prof Ian Brighthope

Di Jameson

David Capponi and Fiona McNeil

Will and Dorothy Bailey Bequest

David Krasnostein and Pat Stragalinos


David Blackwell OAM

May and James Chen

Anne Bowden

Harold Mitchell AC

Chisholm & Gamon

Bill Bowness

Kim Williams AM

John and Lyn Coppock

Julia and Jim Breen

Wendy Dimmick

Roger and Coll Buckle

Andrew Dudgeon AM

Jill and Christopher Buckley

Andrew and Theresa Dyer

Lynne Burgess

Mr Bill Fleming

Oliver Carton

John and Diana Frew

Ann Darby, in memory of Leslie J. Darby


Michael Aquilina The John and Jennifer Brukner Foundation

Susan Fry and Don Fry AO

Mary and Frederick Davidson AM

Sophie Galaise and Clarence Fraser

Margaret Jackson AC

Geelong Friends of the MSO

Andrew Johnston

R Goldberg and Family

Mimie MacLaren

Leon Goldman

John and Lois McKay

MSO Building Capacity Gandel Philanthropy (Director of Philanthropy)

Maria Solà

MSO Education Supported by Mrs Margaret Ross AM and Dr Ian Ross


MSO International Touring Supported by Harold Mitchell AC

Jason Yeap OAM – Mering Management Corporation

Jennifer Gorog HMA Foundation

Anonymous (1)

Louis Hamon OAM Nereda Hanlon and Michael Hanlon AM Hans and Petra Henkell

Kaye and David Birks

Hartmut and Ruth Hofmann

Mitchell Chipman

Doug Hooley

Tim and Lyn Edward

Jenny and Peter Hordern


Natasha Davies, for the Trikojus Education Fund Merrowyn Deacon Sandra Dent Peter and Leila Doyle Duxton Vineyards Lisa Dwyer and Dr Ian Dickson AM Jaan Enden Dr Helen M Ferguson Elizabeth Foster Mr Peter Gallagher and Dr Karen Morley Dina and Ron Goldschlager

Colin Golvan AM QC and Dr Deborah Golvan

Panch Das and Laurel Young-Das

Kerryn Pratchett

Ken Bullen

Louise Gourlay OAM

Beryl Dean

Peter Priest

Peter A Caldwell

Susan and Gary Hearst

Rick and Sue Deering

Treena Quarin

Luci and Ron Chambers

Jenkins Family Foundation

John and Anne Duncan

Eli Raskin

Beryl Dean

John Jones

Jane Edmanson OAM

Raspin Family Trust

Sandra Dent

George and Grace Kass

Grant Fisher and Helen Bird

Joan P Robinson

Lyn Edward

Irene Kearsey and M J Ridley

Barry Fradkin OAM and Dr Pam Fradkin

Cathy and Peter Rogers

Alan Egan JP

Peter Rose and Christopher Menz

Gunta Eglite

Liliane Rusek

Marguerite Garnon-Williams

The Ilma Kelson Music Foundation Bryan Lawrence John and Margaret Mason H E McKenzie Allan and Evelyn McLaren Alan and Dorothy Pattison Sue and Barry Peake Mrs W Peart Graham and Christine Peirson Julie and Ian Reid Ralph and Ruth Renard Peter and Carolyn Rendit S M Richards AM and M R Richards Tom and Elizabeth Romanowski Dr Michael Soon Peter J Stirling Jenny Tatchell Frank Tisher OAM and Dr Miriam Tisher Anonymous (4) PLAYER PATRONS $1,000+

Applebay Pty Ltd David Frenkiel and Esther Frenkiel OAM David Gibbs and Susie O’Neill Janette Gill Greta Goldblatt and the late Merwyn Goldblatt George Golvan QC and Naomi Golvan

Janet H Bell John and Sally Bourne Michael F Boyt Patricia Brockman Dr John Brookes

Leon and Sandra Velik Sue Walker AM

Penelope Hughes

Elaine Walters OAM and Gregory Walters

Basil and Rita Jenkins Christian and Jinah Johnston

Edward and Paddy White

Dorothy Karpin

Nic and Ann Willcock

Dr Anne Kennedy

Marian and Terry Wills Cooke OAM

Julie and Simon Kessel

Andrew Lockwood

Janice Bate and the late Prof Weston Bate

The Hon. Rosemary Varty

Anna and John Holdsworth

Dr Rosemary Ayton and Dr Sam Ricketson

Adrienne Basser

Mary Valentine AO

Tilda and Brian Haughney

Gaelle Lindrea

Laurence O’Keefe and Christopher James

David Valentine

Merv Keehn and Sue Harlow

Australian Decorative and Fine Arts Society

Dr Norman and Dr Sue Sonenberg

Ann and Larry Turner

Paula Hansky OAM

Dr Anne Lierse

Carol Hay

Pamela Swansson

Jean Hadges

Diedrie Lazarus

Louis Hamon OAM

Dr Sam Smorgon AO and Mrs Minnie Smorgon

Dr Peter Strickland

Dr Sandra Hacker AO and Mr Ian Kennedy AM

Mary Armour

Penny Shore

Jennifer Steinicke

Max Gulbin

Dr Sally Adams

Drs Clem Gruen and Rhyl Wade

Geoff and Judy Steinicke

Prof Denise Grocke AO

Kerry Landman

Martin and Susan Shirley

Lady Southey AC

Dr Marged Goode

David and Cindy Abbey

Marlyn and Peter Bancroft OAM

Elisabeth and Doug Scott

Lorraine Woolley Richard Ye Anonymous (20) MSO PATRON COMMISSIONS

Dr Susan Linton

Clarinet Concerto Paul Dean Commissioned by Andrew Johnston

Elizabeth H Loftus Chris and Anna Long The Hon Ian Macphee AO and Mrs Julie Macphee

Snare Drum Award test piece 2019 Commissioned by Tim and Lyn Edward

Eleanor & Phillip Mancini Annette Maluish In memory of Leigh Masel Wayne McDonald


Ruth Maxwell

Current Conductor’s Circle Members

Don and Anne Meadows

Stuart Brown

new U Mildura

Suzie Brown OAM and Harvey Brown

Wayne and Penny Morgan Anne Neil

Shane Buggle

Patricia Nilsson

G C Bawden and L de Kievit

Dr Lynda Campbell

Sir Gustav Nossal AC CBE and Lady Nossal

Lesley Bawden Joyce Bown

Laurence O’Keefe and Christopher James

Mrs Jenny Brukner and the late Mr John Brukner

John Carroll Andrew Crockett AM and Pamela Crockett

Jenny Anderson David Angelovich


Mr Derek Grantham

Tony Howe

Audrey M Jenkins John Jones George and Grace Kass Mrs Sylvia Lavelle Pauline and David Lawton Cameron Mowat David Orr Rosia Pasteur Elizabeth Proust AO Penny Rawlins Joan P Robinson Neil Roussac Anne Roussac-Hoyne Suzette Sherazee Michael Ryan and Wendy Mead Anne Kieni-Serpell and Andrew Serpell Jennifer Shepherd Profs. Gabriela and George Stephenson Pamela Swansson Lillian Tarry Dr Cherilyn Tillman Mr and Mrs R P Trebilcock Michael Ullmer AO The Hon. Rosemary Varty Mr Tam Vu Marian and Terry Wills Cooke OAM Mark Young Anonymous (27)

Supporters The MSO gratefully acknowledges the support of the following Estates: Angela Beagley Neilma Gantner The Hon Dr Alan Goldberg AO QC




Collier Charitable Fund

Life Members

Chairman Michael Ullmer AO

Crown Resorts Foundation and the Packer Family Foundation

Marc Besen AC and Eva Besen AO John Gandel AC and Pauline Gandel AC

The Cybec Foundation The Marian and E.H. Flack Trust

Sir Elton John CBE

Joan Jones

Freemasons Foundation Victoria

Lady Potter AC CMRI

Pauline Marie Johnston

The Gall Family Foundation

Joan Jones

Gandel Philanthropy

C P Kemp

The International Music and Arts Foundation

Gwen Hunt Audrey Jenkins

Peter Forbes MacLaren Joan Winsome Maslen Lorraine Maxine Meldrum Prof Andrew McCredie Miss Sheila Scotter AM MBE Marion A I H M Spence Molly Stephens Jennifer May Teague Jean Tweedie Herta and Fred B Vogel Dorothy Wood

Harold Mitchell AC

John Brockman OAM Life Member The Honourable Alan Goldberg AO QC Life Member

Company Secretary Oliver Carton

Artistic Ambassador Tan Dun Artistic Ambassador Geoffrey Rush AC The MSO honours the memory of

The Ern Hartley Foundation Gwen & Edna Jones Foundation The A.L. Lane Foundation The Scobie and Claire Mackinnon Trust

Managing Director Sophie Galaise Board Directors Andrew Dudgeon AM Danny Gorog Lorraine Hook Margaret Jackson AC Di Jameson David Krasnostein Hyon-Ju Newman Glenn Sedgwick Helen Silver AO

Mrs Jeanne Pratt AC

The Archie & Hilda Graham Foundation

Deputy Chairman David Li

Ila Vanrenen Life Member

Helen Macpherson Smith Trust The Harold Mitchell Foundation The Sidney Myer MSO Trust Fund The Thomas O’Toole Foundation The Pratt Foundation The Robert Salzer Foundation Telematics Trust The Ray & Joyce Uebergang Foundation Anonymous

The MSO relies on your ongoing philanthropic support to sustain our artists, and support access, education, community engagement and more. We invite our suporters to get close to the MSO through a range of special events. The MSO welcomes your support at any level. Donations of $2 and over are tax deductible, and supporters are recognised as follows: $1,000+ (Player)

$20,000+ (Impresario)

$2,500+ (Associate)

$50,000+ (Virtuoso)

$5,000+ (Principal)

$100,000+ (Platinum)

$10,000+ (Maestro) The MSO Conductor’s Circle is our bequest program for members who have notified of a planned gift in their Will. Enquiries P (03) 8646 1551 | E philanthropy@mso.com.au


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Music speaks louder than words. Our music – and our musicians – exist because of our community. From $10 to $1 million, every donation is an investment in music for all.

Expiry Signature ( If you prefer to charge by phone, please contact Garry Stocks on 8646 1551)


(payable to Melbourne Symphony Orchestra Pty Ltd)

EFT TO NAB ACCOUNT MSO Fund BSB 083 004 Account 89 393 2381 (include your name and 'Month of Giving' in payment description)

ONLINE at mso.com.au/give I am interested in leaving a legacy of wonderful music for years to come: I have made a gift to the MSO in my Will

Donate today mso.com.au/give

I would consider including the MSO in my Will and would like more information PLEASE RETURN TO MSO’s Month of Giving GPO Box 9994 Melbourne VIC 3001 All gifts over $2 are fully tax-deductible

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Principal Partner

Government Partners

Premier Partners

Major Partners

Venue Partner

Education Partners

Supporting Partners

Quest Southbank

The CEO Institute

Ernst & Young

Bows for Strings

The Observership Program

East meets West Partners

Mr Chu Wanghua and Dr Shirley Chu

Associate Professor Douglas Gin and Susan Gin

LRR Family Trust

Trusts and Foundations

Erica Foundation Pty Ltd, Gall Family Foundation, The Archie & Hilda Graham Foundation, The Gross Foundation, Ern Hartley Foundation, The A.L. Lane Foundation, Gwen & Edna Jones Foundation, Sidney Myer MSO Trust Fund, MS Newman Family Foundation, The Thomas O’Toole Foundation, The Ray & Joyce Uebergang Foundation, The Ullmer Family Foundation

Media and Broadcast Partners


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