Chinese New Year 2020

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Chinese New Year Concert


FRIDAY 31 JANUARY Arts Centre Melbourne, Hamer Hall white


Welcome On behalf of the Australian Government, I congratulate the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra on its 2020 Chinese New Year Concert. The MSO’s Chinese New Year Concert is a major cultural event that celebrates our nation’s cultural diversity. My sincere congratulations to the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra’s seventh Chinese New Year Concert. Over the past six years, the Chinese New Year Concert presented by the MSO in cooperation with famous Chinese artists has become a significant cultural event, exemplifying the close cultural exchanges between China and Australia.

In this Year of the Rat, world-renowned conductor Yi Zhang delivers a program that reminds us of the enduring connection between eastern and western cultures.

The influential young Chinese conductor Yi Zhang and pianist Jieni Wan will make their MSO debut at this year’s Concert, featuring prominent Chinese and western works, including the powerful and passionate Yellow River Piano Concerto. The Concerto is well-known in China and embodies the indomitable spirit of the Chinese people. Their performance will surely give the audience a memorable night.

Connections between Australian and Chinese people run deep and provide a platform for the broad relationship we share with China.

Today, the Australian-Chinese community is a vital thread in the tapestry of multicultural Australia, and it is wonderful to celebrate the community’s contribution tonight.

We will continue to work to develop new opportunities in our relationship – through trade, investment, cultural and community links, including through the new National Foundation for Australia-China Relations.

I highly appreciate the generous support by the Li Family Trust and Arts Centre Melbourne for the MSO’s annual Chinese New Year Concert. I believe that events like this concert contribute to better mutual understanding, mutual appreciation, and mutual respect between our two peoples.

May the Year of the Rat be an auspicious one for broader and deeper relations between Australia and China. I wish you all a safe, happy and prosperous new year! Senator the Honourable Simon Birmingham Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment

I wish everyone a happy, healthy and prosperous year of the Rat. His Excellency Mr Jingye Cheng Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to the Commonwealth of Australia

我谨代表澳大利亚政府,祝贺墨尔本交响乐团2020中国新年 音乐会成功举办。

我谨在此向墨尔本交响乐团第七届中国新年音乐会的成功举办 表示衷心祝贺。在过去的六年里,MSO与中国著名艺术家合作 举办的中国新年音乐会已成为一项重要的文化活动,同时也是 中澳密切文化交流的典范。

MSO中国新年音乐会是庆祝澳大利亚文化多样性的一项重要文 化活动。

今年的音乐会上,著名中国青年指挥家张艺和钢琴家万捷旎将 首次在MSO亮相。届时,他们将共同演奏中西经典作品,其中 包括充满力量与激情的《黄河钢琴协奏曲》。这首协奏曲在中 国家喻户晓,体现了中国人民不屈不挠的顽强精神。他们的表 演一定会为观众带来一个难忘的夜晚。

鼠年之际,国际知名指挥家张艺将带来精彩表演,再次展现中 西文化长久以来的交流碰撞。 如今,澳洲华人社区已是澳大利亚多元文化中重要的一环。 今晚我们将共同庆祝华人社区所作出的贡献。

我还要特别感谢李氏家族信托和墨尔本艺术中心对MSO年度春 节音乐会的慷慨支持。我相信此类活动有助于增进两国人民之 间的相互理解、欣赏和尊重。

中澳人民往来密切,这也为两国之间的进一步合作提供了平台。 我们将继续努力,通过贸易、投资、文化和社区联系,包括新 设立的澳中关系国家基金会,开创中澳关系的新机遇。


希望在新的一年,中澳两国之间能够建立更深厚、更广泛的 联系。

中华人民共和国驻澳大利亚大使 成竞业 阁下

最后,祝各位鼠年快乐安康! 贸易、旅游和投资部长 西蒙·伯明翰参议员阁下


Welcome On behalf of the Board, musicians and staff of the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, it is my pleasure to welcome you to our Chinese New Year Concert presented in collaboration with Arts Centre Melbourne.. In 2020 we celebrate the Year of the Rat and what better way than with the MSO debut of tonight’s two stars – conductor, Yi Zhang, and pianist, Jieni Wan.

Welcome to the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra’s 2020 Chinese New Year Concert.

Yi Zhang is one of China’s most influential conductors and artistic directors, most famously conducting the Opening Ceremony of the Beijing Olympics in 2008, while Jieni Wan joins the MSO having recently performed with the likes of the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, Royal Scottish National Orchestra, China Philharmonic Orchestra and Konzerthausorchester Berlin.

These celebrations will again play host to some of the world’s best performers, including renowned Chinese conductor Yi Zhang. In addition to being one of Australia’s most loved Chinese New Year celebrations, this event is also testament to the many contributions of our state’s Chinese communities.

Tonight’s concert celebrates eastern and western masterpieces that represent the very best of our musical traditions. A highlight will be the Yellow River Piano Concerto, composed by Yin Chengzong, Chu Wanghua, Sheng Lihong and Liu Zhuang. This moving and profound piece is considered one of the most important musical works in China and we are delighted to perform it tonight alongside works by Julian Yu and Mendelssohn.

In every field, and every corner of our state, these proud contributions have helped shape our modern Victoria. To every performer and attendee, I wish you and your loved ones a happy, healthy and prosperous Year of the Rat. Enjoy the concert. 新年快乐 万事如意

The MSO’s annual Chinese New Year Concert is a highlight event in our East meets West program which embodies both tradition and innovation, all the while celebrating our nation’s cultural diversity, our history and our future.

The Hon Daniel Andrews MP Premier

Michael Ullmer AO Chairman Melbourne Symphony Orchestra

我谨代表墨尔本交响乐团董事会、音乐家和工作人员,欢迎各 位来到中国新年音乐会。

欢迎各位莅临墨尔本交响乐团2020年中国新年音乐会。 今年的音乐会和往年一样,邀请到了世界顶尖的音乐家, 其中包括中国著名指挥家张艺。

今晚,指挥家张艺和钢琴演奏家万捷旎将首次与MSO合作,与 您共庆2020年鼠年新春。

这不仅是澳大利亚最受欢迎的中国新年庆典活动之一, 同时也见证了维多利亚州华人社区所作出的卓越贡献。

张艺是中国最具有影响力的指挥家和艺术总监之一,曾在 2008年北京奥运会开幕式中担任指挥。钢琴演奏家万捷旎刚 刚结束了与上海交响乐团、皇家苏格兰国家交响乐团、中国爱 乐乐团以及柏林音乐厅乐团的合作演出,此次她将与MSO一同 合作,带来精彩表演。

华人所作贡献在维多利亚州的各个领域都产生了积极而深远的 影响。 在此,我预祝全体演员和观众以及各位的亲友鼠年快乐、如意 安康。

今晚的音乐会将演奏中西方伟大杰作,它们代表着传统音乐的 精华。其中一个亮点是由殷承宗、储望华、盛礼洪和刘庄创作 的《黄河钢琴协奏曲》。这首汹涌澎湃、感人至深的乐曲被认 为是中国最重要的音乐作品之一。除此之外,您还能欣赏到于 京君、储望华和门德尔松的佳作。

观演愉快。 新年快乐 万事如意 维多利亚州州长 丹尼尔·安德鲁阁下

MSO一年一度的中国新年音乐会是我们“东西文化交融”项 目的焦点。它体现了传统和创新、展现出澳大利亚的文化多样 性,同时也见证了历史、展望了未来。 Michael Ullmer 澳大利亚爵级官佐勋章获得者 墨尔本交响乐团主席


Artists Melbourne Symphony Orchestra Yi Zhang conductor Jieni Wan piano

Program JULIAN YU Variations and Fugue on a Theme of Beethoven Homage to Beethoven AUSTRALIAN PREMIERE


CHU WANGHUA Silk Road Symphony: III. Presto alla danza


YIN CHENGZONG, CHU WANGHUA, SHENG LIHONG, LIU ZHUANG Yellow River Piano Concerto (based on a composition by XIAN XINGHAI)


— INTERVAL — MENDELSSOHN Symphony No.3 Scottish


艺术家 墨尔本交响乐团 指挥:张艺 钢琴:万捷旎

演出曲目 于京君 《贝多芬主题变奏与赋格》——向贝多芬致敬


储望华 《丝绸之路》第三乐章:急板舞曲


殷承宗、储望华、盛礼洪、刘庄 《黄河钢琴协奏曲》 (根据冼星海作品改编)


— 中场休息 — 门德尔松 《第三交响曲》(苏格兰)


Running time: approximately 2 hours including a 20-minute interval. Timings listed are approximate. Assistive Hearing A hearing system is available from Arts Centre Melbourne ushers, providing coverage to all seats via headphones or neck-loops. Please note, this concert will be recorded for future broadcast. In consideration of your fellow patrons, the MSO thanks you for silencing and dimming the light on your phone.


Melbourne Symphony Orchestra

墨尔本交响乐团是澳大利亚艺术领域的文化引领者,为维多利 亚州、全澳大利亚乃至世界各地的观众带来出色的管弦乐作品 和精彩表演。

The Melbourne Symphony Orchestra is a leading cultural figure in the Australian arts landscape, bringing the best in orchestral music and passionate performance to a diverse audience across Victoria, the nation and around the world.

MSO每年会通过现场音乐会、电视、广播和线上播客、世界巡 演、录音和教育节目,与500多万听众进行交流。

Each year the MSO engages with more than 5 million people through live concerts, TV, radio and online broadcasts, international tours, recordings and education programs.

无论是在舞台上还是在社区中,MSO都是澳大利亚传播古典音 乐的重要角色。自1906年以来,墨尔本交响乐团一直是墨尔 本的城市之声。

The MSO is a vital presence, both onstage and in the community, in cultivating classical music in Australia. The nation’s first professional orchestra, the MSO has been the sound of the city of Melbourne since 1906.

MSO经常吸引来自世界各地的伟大艺术家,包括安妮·索菲· 穆特、郎朗、芮妮·弗莱明和托马斯·汉普森。同时也通过中 国、欧洲和美国的巡回演出,让全世界认识了墨尔本最优秀的 音乐家。

The MSO regularly attracts great artists from around the globe including Anne-Sophie Mutter, Lang Lang, Renée Fleming and Thomas Hampson, while bringing Melbourne’s finest musicians to the world through tours to China, Europe and the United States.

墨尔本交响乐团在此感谢我们所在这片土地的传统所有者, 并向他们过去与现在的长老和社区表达敬意。

The Melbourne Symphony Orchestra acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the Land on which we perform – The Kulin Nation – and would like to pay our respects to their Elders and Community both past and present. 墨尔本交响乐团向我们演出所在这片土地的传统所有者——库林国致敬,并向其过去及现在的长老及人民致敬。 6

Yi Zhang

Jieni Wan

Yi Zhang regularly conducts the major Chinese orchestras, including the China National Symphony Orchestra at NCPA, Beijing Concert Hall. He studied conducting under the guidance of Prof. Xu Xin and Prof. Ji Ruikai at the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing, and pursued further education at the Hochschule für Musik Saar under Prof. Max Pommer.

Born in Germany, Jieni Wan moved to China with her parents at age seven and was admitted to the Conservatory of Music in Shanghai at eleven under the guidance of Prof. Li Minduo. Jieni Wan continued her piano studies at the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing and the University of Music and Performing Arts in Munich. She is currently studying with Prof. Robert Blocker at Yale School of Music.

International engagements have included conducting the London Philharmonic Orchestra, the German Radio Philharmonic Orchestra and Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra, and he has collaborated with artists including Lang Lang, Jean-Yves Thibaudet, Sarah Chang and Yuja Wang. Yi Zhang has conducted numerous premieres of important works, including the world premiere of the ballet Raise the Red Lantern in 2001. Yi Zhang also conducted the musical performances of the opening ceremony of the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing.

Jieni Wan performs in the world’s leading concert halls across Europe and Asia including Wiener Konzerthaus, Berlin Konzerthaus, Shanghai Concert Hall and the National Centre for the Performing Arts in Beijing. She has appeared with major orchestras such as the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra under the baton of Zubin Mehta, and the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra at London’s Barbican Centre with conductor Xu Zhong. In 2018, Jieni Wan joined the Konzerthaus Orchestra Berlin’s China Tour under the baton of Lawrence Foster.



Currently, Yi Zhang serves as Artistic Director of the National Ballet of China Symphony Orchestra, Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra, and Zhejiang Philharmonic Orchestra.

张艺 指挥

万捷旎 钢琴

张艺经常在著名中国乐团担任指挥,其中包括中国国家交响乐 团,并曾在国家大剧院和北京音乐厅进行演出。他曾就读于中 央音乐学院,跟随徐新教授和冀瑞铠教授学习指挥。此后前往 德国萨尔布吕肯音乐学院深造,师从马克思·博默尔教授。

万捷旎生于德国,在7岁时随父母移居中国,11岁时就读上海 音乐学院,跟随李民铎教授学习。随后就读于中央音乐学院和 慕尼黑音乐与表演艺术大学。目前在耶鲁大学音乐学院深造, 师从罗伯特·布洛克教授。

在国际舞台上,他曾指挥伦敦爱乐乐团、德国广播爱乐乐团 和马来西亚爱乐乐团,也曾与郎朗、提鲍德、张永宙和王羽 佳等艺术家合作。张艺担任了许多重要作品首演的指挥,包 括2001年芭蕾舞剧《大红灯笼高高挂》的世界首演。他也是 2008年北京奥运会开幕式之中音乐表演的指挥。

万捷旎曾在世界著名的音乐厅演出,包括维也纳音乐厅、柏林 音乐厅、上海音乐厅和国家大剧院。她还曾与著名交响乐团一 起合作表演,包括由祖宾·梅塔指挥的上海交响乐团,和位于 伦敦巴比肯中心、由许忠指挥的皇家爱乐乐团等。2018年, 万捷旎与柏林音乐厅管弦乐团合作,与指挥家劳伦斯·福斯特 一起在中国进行了巡回演出。

目前,张艺担任中国中央芭蕾舞团交响乐团、上海爱乐乐团和 浙江爱乐乐团的艺术总监。


About the Music JULIAN YU

Wanghua was chosen as an honorary composer for the Shanghai Music Publishing House.

Born in Beijing, Julian Yu settled in Australia in 1985. He studied composition at the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing, later joining the teaching staff there. In 1988 he was a Composition Fellow at Tanglewood where he studied with Hans Werner Henze and Oliver Knussen. His work, mostly for orchestra, is frequently performed in Australia and internationally. His piano album The Young Person’s Guide to Composition: 126 Variations on ‘Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star’ was published in Japan in 2010 and China in 2011 where it has already reached its second print run.

Silk Road Symphony: III. Presto alla danza

(born 1957)

Written in 1990, the Silk Road Symphony exemplifies an ancient relationship between Asia and Europe, especially in the sphere of trade. A diversity of people exist along this route which can only be mirrored by the variety of goods, technology, science, and cultures which are exchanged for the benefit of all. Although hardships are unavoidable, traders are driven by the most basic human motivation, the promise of a better life. The third movement represents the geographic threshold of Europe and Asia, particularly the dancing culture of these territorial liminal spaces. At these borderlines, the ends of journeys occur, and when the trade is done, celebration ensues. Chu takes from folk tunes plural in ethnic identity, sometimes drawing on both Far East Asian and Middle-Eastern cultures

Variations and Fugue on a Theme of Beethoven Homage to Beethoven The composer writes: My piece is based on Beethoven’s famous 32 Variations for Piano. Some of the variations I have simply orchestrated from Beethoven’s originals, but many have been ornamented and modified. Chinese folk musicians use ornamentation to change a well-known piece into something new, and I have done the same thing here, taking quite a free approach, sometimes adding Chinese elements such as snippets of folk tunes (which happen to fit perfectly with Beethoven’s harmonies). I have also tried to reflect Beethoven as a person. Most people think of him as an irascible character who fought against his fate, and you can hear this in many of the variations. But Beethoven also had lyricism and a good sense of humour, qualities which are also present in my piece. For example, in one of the variations Beethoven’s lyrical melody has been repeated twice to give it more prominence and extended with a characteristic phrase from Cantonese instrumental music. The piece concludes with a double fugue based on the chordal progression that has been running throughout the variations, culminating in a triumphant climax.

In ternary form, the first subject engages in counterconventional time signatures, with highly rhythmic motifs representing the kinetic joy of dancing. The slower, middle section of the capriccio reflects on the mountainous vistas of the region, with its theme taken from Chu’s piano solo work, Xinjiang Capriccio (1978). Especially with the use of woodwind solos, the re-orchestration amplifies the fantastic visions intrinsic to the vast landscapes. Upon the return of the first subject, the tempo accelerates, racing towards a chaotic climax which is finalized by resplendent chords signifying the victories of journey and trade. Chu Wanghua © 2020 This is the first performance of this work by the MSO.



This work was commissioned by the China Philharmonic Orchestra to be performed in a concert alongside only one other work: Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony! What could one possibly compose which would fit in with such a momentous work? In order to fit into the concert, I wanted my work to be related in some way to Beethoven, and this piece was my answer.

The Yellow River – Piano Concerto I. Song of the Yellow River Boatmen II. Ode to the Yellow River III. Wrath of the Yellow River IV. Defend the Yellow River Jieni Wan piano

Julian Yu © 2019

The Yellow River (Huang He) is China’s second-longest, after the Yangtze, and occupies an important place in the country’s history, economy and culture by dint of its life-giving agricultural resources and its devastating floods. Traditionally regarded as the cradle of Chinese civilisation, the river is central to China’s folklore and has been commemorated in literature, art and music for thousands of years.

This is the first performance of this work by the MSO, and the Australian Premiere.


(born 1941)

Over the last 40 years, the works of Chinese-Australian composer Chu Wanghua have been performed and recorded locally and internationally, including by the China National Orchestra in Beijing, the Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra, and the MSO. He was a major contributor to the piano part of the Yellow River Piano Concerto, which has been performed around the world by renowned pianists and orchestras. His piano pieces have been selected for the exam syllabus in China and the UK, and he is a frequent adjudicator of piano competitions throughout South East Asia. In 2019 Chu

The Yellow River piano concerto is an adaptation of a Cantata by the same name composed by Xian Xinghai, based on a verse by Guang Weiran and inspired by the singing of the Yellow River boatmen. With the Yellow River symbolising the Chinese nation, the concerto praises the spirit of the country in a time of adversity, and follows the narrative of the cantata in four movements. 8

This piano concerto has become one of the most popular and important works in the modern Chinese canon.

The ‘Scottish’ Symphony is perhaps more interesting for its innovation of structure than for its local details. The principal sections run straight through, and contain enough motivic relation to qualify, almost, as thematic transformation. The opening movement is a melancholy Allegro poco agitato, framed by an elegaic Andante, and of a clear thematic relationship. The movement is punctuated by moments of high drama, and rarely strays from the minor, maintaining a mood of resignation. The second movement is a quicksilver Mendelssohn scherzo, with the clearest Scottish references of the symphony. A rustic clarinet melody gives way to a rhythmic dance tune. The next movement is restlessly lyrical, and becomes more and more embellished, while the finale provides an energetic conclusion, again replete with dance tunes. A melancholy coda reminds us of the beginning, before a rousing and exciting close. The piece was premiered in Leipzig, in 1842, and permission was granted later that year for its dedication to Queen Victoria, a fervent admirer of the composer. There is a spaciousness and melancholy that is indeed reminiscent of Mendelssohn’s description of Holyrood: ‘Everything is ruined, decayed and open to the sky.’ In this work, Mendelssohn has his own Scotland. It is a place of the imagination: neither humorous, colouristic nor pastoral, but in his case, deeply moving.

Adapted from Symphony Services International © 2018 and Chu Wanghua © 2020. This is the first performance of this work by the MSO.



Symphony No.3 in A minor, Op.56 Scottish Andante con moto – Allegro un poco agitato – Andante con moto – Vivace non troppo – Adagio – Allegro vivacissimo – Allegro maestoso assai Despite its occasional references to Scottish folksong, Mendelssohn’s ‘Scottish’ Symphony’s claims to Scotland lie less in direct musical example than in a pervading mood of melancholy and resignation. In 1829, Mendelssohn left for a four-year Grand Tour of Europe and the British Isles, encouraged by his parents to ‘broaden his mind’. On that trip he visited Holyrood, the former palace of Mary, Queen of Scots. ‘I believe I have found the beginning of my Scottish Symphony,’ he wrote. Mendelssohn did not complete the symphony for another 12 years, making it the last of the five symphonies.

Anna Goldsworthy © 1999 The MSO first performed this work on 10 August 1940 under Georg Schnéevoigt, and most recently in July 2010 with Stanley Chia-Ming Dodds conducting.

MELBOURNE IS A CREATIVE CITY The City of Melbourne proudly supports major and emerging arts organisations through our 2018–20 Triennial Arts Grants Program African Music and Cultural Festival

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Australian Centre for Contemporary Art

Koorie Heritage Trust La Mama

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CONCERTS Joe Hisaishi in Concert Wednesday 26 February / 7.30pm Arts Centre Melbourne, Hamer Hall An evening dedicated to Hisaishi’s orchestral works, including the Spirited Away Suite and the Australian premiere of East Land Symphony. Presented in collaboration with Arts Centre Melbourne for Asia TOPA.

Music from the Studio Ghibli Films of Hayao Miyazaki Saturday 29 February / 7.30pm Sunday 1 March / 7.30pm Sidney Myer Music Bowl A magical evening of music and montages from renowned films including Howl’s Moving Castle, Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away, conducted by Joe Hisaishi and featuring vocalist Mai Fujisawa and the MSO Chorus. Presented in collaboration with Arts Centre Melbourne for Asia TOPA.

Beethoven and Mendelssohn Thursday 19 March / 7.30pm Melbourne Town Hall

Friday 20 March / 7.30pm Costa Hall, Geelong Christian Li, one of of Australia’s most promising musical prodigies, takes on Mendelssohn’s astonishing Violin Concerto. Plus, you’ll be enchanted by Beethoven’s Seventh Symphony, all under the direction of Principal Conductor in Residence Benjamin Northey.


Swan Lake and Saint-Saëns Thursday 11 June / 7.30pm Melbourne Town Hall Tianyi Lu makes her Melbourne Town Hall debut conducting a suite of music from Tchaikovksy’s adored ballet Swan Lake, and Australian-Chinese cellist Li-Wei Qin tackles Saint-Saëns’ lyrical First Cello Concerto.

Dark Romance: Tchaikovs and Bruckner Thursday 25 June / 7.30pm Arts Centre Melbourne, Hamer Hall

Friday 26 June / 7.30pm Costa Hall, Geelong Acclaimed pianist Joyce Yang returns to perform Tchaikovsky’s First Piano Concerto. Then, Bruckner’s Fourth Symphony displays the all the swirling emotion of Late Romanticism.

Ode to Joy: Beethoven Symphony No.9 Thursday 19 November / 7.30pm Saturday 21 November / 2pm Arts Centre Melbourne, Hamer Hall

Friday 20 November / 7.30pm Robert Blackwood Hall, Monash University MSO Principal Guest Conductor Xian Zhang conducts Beethoven’s Symphony No.9, plus a new Choral Concerto by MSO Artistic Ambassador Tan Dun, in response to Beethoven’s mighty Ninth.

Book now 11

Your MSO Xian Zhang

Principal Guest Conductor

Benjamin Northey

Principal Conductor in Residence

Nicholas Bochner

Cybec Assistant Conductor

Sir Andrew Davis Conductor Laureate

Hiroyuki Iwaki

Conductor Laureate (1974–2006)





Christopher Moore

Jeffrey Crellin


Thomas Hutchinson

John Arcaro

Ann Blackburn

Robert Cossom

Principal Di Jameson#

Christopher Cartlidge Lauren Brigden Katharine Brockman Anthony Chataway Gabrielle Halloran Maria Solà#

Trevor Jones Anne Neil#

Sophie Rowell Concertmaster The Ullmer Family Foundation#

Fiona Sargeant

Tair Khisambeev

Cindy Watkin

Assistant Principal

Kirsty Bremner Sarah Curro

Michael Aquilina#

Peter Fellin Deborah Goodall Lorraine Hook Anne-Marie Johnson Kirstin Kenny Eleanor Mancini Mark Mogilevski Michelle Ruffolo Kathryn Taylor Michael Aquilina#

SECOND VIOLINS Matthew Tomkins

Principal The Gross Foundation#

Robert Macindoe

Yinuo Mu GUEST MUSICIANS Violins Zoe Black Amy Brookman Madeleine Jevons Michael Loftus-Hills

Craig Hill BASS CLARINET Jon Craven

Principal MS Newman Family#


Rachael Tobin


Associate Principal

Jack Schiller

Nicholas Bochner


Assistant Principal Anonymous#

Elise Millman

Associate Principal

Miranda Brockman

Natasha Thomas

Geelong Friends of the MSO#

Dr Martin Tymms and Patricia Nilsson#

Rohan de Korte Andrew Dudgeon



Keith Johnson



Philip Arkinstall

David Berlin





Violas Ceridwen Davies Isabel Morse Cellos Anna Pokorny Josephine Vains Double Basses Vivian Qu Siyuan Stuart Thomson Giovanni Vinci

Brock Imison

Oboe Emmanuel Cassimatis

Maria Solà


Angela Sargeant

Nicolas Fleury

Horn Peter Luff

Barbara Bell, in memory of Elsa Bell#


Sarah Morse #

Maria Solà#


Michelle Wood

Saul Lewis

Michael Aquilina



Monica Curro

Damien Eckersley Benjamin Hanlon

Mary Allison Isin Cakmakcioglu Tiffany Cheng Freya Franzen Cong Gu Andrew Hall Isy Wasserman Philippa West Patrick Wong Roger Young


Associate Principal

Associate Principal

Assistant Principal Danny Gorog and Lindy Susskind#

Drs Rhyll Wade and Clem Gruen#

David Thomas

Maria Solà#

Tim and Lyn Edward#

The Rosemary Norman Foundation#

Michael Pisani

Dr Elizabeth E Lewis AM#


Peter Edwards

Associate Principal

Associate Principal Michael Aquilina#

Dale Barltrop

Assistant Concertmaster


Principal Third The Hon Michael Watt QC and Cecilie Hall#

Abbey Edlin

Nereda Hanlon and Michael Hanlon AM#

Frank Mercurio and Di Jameson#

Trinette McClimont Rachel Shaw

Suzanne Lee Stephen Newton


Sophie Galaise and Clarence Fraser#

Owen Morris



Prudence Davis

Associate Principal

Trombone Ben Lovell-Greene Tuba Alex Jeantou Percussion Timothy Hook Lara Wilson Keyboard Leigh Harrold

Shane Hooton

Principal Anonymous#

Wendy Clarke

William Evans Rosie Turner

Sarah Beggs


John and Diana Frew#

Associate Principal Sophia Yong-Tang#

Richard Shirley


Tim and Lyn Edward#

Mike Szabo

Andrew Macleod

Principal Bass Trombone

Principal John McKay and Lois McKay#

TUBA Timothy Buzbee Principal

# Position supported by * Guest Musician ** Timpani Chair position supported by Lady Potter AC CMRI


Supporters MSO PATRON

Marc Besen AC and Eva Besen AO Gandel Philanthropy The Gross Foundation Di Jameson Harold Mitchell Foundation David Li AM and Angela Li Harold Mitchell AC MS Newman Family Foundation Lady Potter AC CMRI The Cybec Foundation The Pratt Foundation The Ullmer Family Foundation Anonymous (1)

MSO Regional Touring Creative Victoria, Freemasons Foundation Victoria, Robert Salzer Foundation, Perpetual Foundation – Alan (AGL) Shaw Endowment The Pizzicato Effect (Anonymous), The Marian and E.H. Flack Trust, Scobie and Claire Mackinnon Trust, Supported by the Hume City Council’s Community Grants Program Sidney Myer Free Concerts Supported by the Sidney Myer MSO Trust Fund and the University of Melbourne Musical Acknowledgment of Countries Supported by the Helen Macpherson Smith Trust and the Commonwealth Government through the Australian National Commission for UNESCO



Cybec Assistant Conductor Chair Nicholas Bochner The Cybec Foundation Concertmaster Chair Sophie Rowell The Ullmer Family Foundation 2019 Mid-Season Gala Artist Lang Lang is supported by Marc Besen AC and Eva Besen AO Young Composer in Residence Mark Holdsworth The Cybec Foundation

Marc Besen AC and Eva Besen AO John Gandel AC and Pauline Gandel AC The Gross Foundation Di Jameson David Li AM and Angela Li MS Newman Family Foundation The Pratt Foundation Lady Potter AC CMRI Ullmer Family Foundation Anonymous (1)

The Honourable Linda Dessau AC, Governor of Victoria


PROGRAM BENEFACTORS Cybec 21st Century Australian Composers Program The Cybec Foundation East meets West Supported by the Li Family Trust Meet the Orchestra Made possible by The Ullmer Family Foundation MSO Audience Access Crown Resorts Foundation, Packer Family Foundation MSO Building Capacity Gandel Philanthropy (Director of Philanthropy) Di Jameson (External Relations Manager) MSO Education Supported by Mrs Margaret Ross AM and Dr Ian Ross MSO International Touring Supported by Harold Mitchell AC, The Ullmer Family Foundation, The Pratt Foundation

Robert & Jan Green Hilary Hall, in memory of Wilma Collie Nereda Hanlon and Michael Hanlon AM The Hogan Family Foundation Peter Hunt AM and Tania de Jong AM Suzanne Kirkham David Krasnostein AM and Pat Stragalinos Ian and Jeannie Paterson Elizabeth Proust AO Xijian Ren and Qian Li Glenn Sedgwick Gai and David Taylor Harry and Michelle Wong David and Dominique Yu Anonymous (1)

PRINCIPAL PATRONS $5,000+ Christine and Mark Armour Barbara Bell, in memory of Elsa Bell Kaye and the late David Birks Stephen and Caroline Brain Prof Ian Brighthope Hong Mei Chen John and Lyn Coppock The Cuming Bequest Wendy Dimmick Andrew Dudgeon AM Jaan Enden Mr Bill Fleming John and Diana Frew Susan Fry and Don Fry AO Sophie Galaise and Clarence Fraser Geelong Friends of the MSO Susan Gin R Goldberg and Family Leon Goldman Colin Golvan AM QC and Dr Deborah Golvan Jennifer Gorog HMA Foundation Louis Hamon OAM Hans and Petra Henkell Hartmut and Ruth Hofmann Doug Hooley Jenny and Peter Hordern Dr Alastair Jackson AM Rosemary and James Jacoby Dr Elizabeth A Lewis AM Norman Lewis, in memory of Dr Phyllis Lewis Peter Lovell Mr Douglas and Mrs Rosemary Meagher Marie Morton FRSA

VIRTUOSO PATRONS $50,000+ Harold Mitchell AC

IMPRESARIO PATRONS $20,000+ Michael Aquilina Mimie MacLaren John and Lois McKay Maria Solà Anonymous (1)

MAESTRO PATRONS $10,000+ Margaret Billson and the late Ted Billson Mitchell Chipman Mr Wanghua Chu and Dr Shirley Chu Tim and Lyn Edward Danny Gorog and Lindy Susskind 13

Anne Neil Dr Paul Nisselle AM The Rosemary Norman Foundation Ken Ong, in memory of Lin Ong Jim and Fran Pfeiffer Dr Rosemary Ayton and Dr Sam Ricketson Jeffrey Sher QC and Diana Sher OAM Helen Silver AO and Harrison Young Brian Snape AM and the late Diana Snape Tasco Petroleum The Hon. Michael Watt QC and Cecilie Hall Drs Rhyl Wade and Clem Gruen Li Ping Wang Lyn Williams AM Richard Wong and Grace Lim Jason Yeap OAM – Mering Management Corporation Sophia Yong-Tang Anonymous (5)

ASSOCIATE PATRONS $2,500+ Marlyn and Peter Bancroft OAM Dandolo Partners Will and Dorothy Bailey Bequest Anne Bowden Bill Bowness Julia and Jim Breen Patricia Brockman Roger and Coll Buckle Jill and Christopher Buckley Lynne Burgess Oliver Carton Richard and Janet Chauvel Ann Darby, in memory of Leslie J. Darby Natasha Davies, for the Trikojus Education Fund Merrowyn Deacon Sandra Dent Peter and Leila Doyle Lisa Dwyer and Dr Ian Dickson AM Dr Helen M Ferguson Elizabeth Foster Barry Fradkin OAM and Dr Pam Fradkin Alex and Liz Furman Dina and Ron Goldschlager Louise Gourlay OAM Susan and Gary Hearst Margaret Jackson AC Jenkins Family Foundation John Jones Andrew Johnston

Supporters Irene Kearsey and Michael Ridley The Ilma Kelson Music Foundation Bryan Lawrence John and Margaret Mason H E McKenzie Allan and Evelyn McLaren Patricia Nilsson Bruce Parncutt AO Alan and Dorothy Pattison Sue and Barry Peake Mrs W Peart Christine Peirson and the late Graham Peirson Charles Qin and Kate Ritchie Julie and Ian Reid Ralph and Ruth Renard Peter and Carolyn Rendit S M Richards AM and M R Richards Joan P Robinson and Christopher Robinson Tom and Elizabeth Romanowski Mark and Jan Schapper Dr Norman and Dr Sue Sonenberg Dr Michael Soon Jennifer Steinicke Peter J Stirling Jenny Tatchell Frank Tisher OAM and Dr Miriam Tisher Nic and Ann Willcock Peter and Susan Yates Richard Ye Anonymous (5)

PLAYER PATRONS $1,000+ David and Cindy Abbey Dr Sally Adams Mary Armour Australian Decorative and Fine Arts Society

Jean Hadges Paula Hansky OAM Amir Harel and Dr Judy Carman Tilda and Brian Haughney Geoff Hayes Anna and John Holdsworth Penelope Hughes Geoff and Denise Illing Peter Jaffe and Judy Gold Basil and Rita Jenkins Dorothy Karpin Merv Keehn and Sue Harlow Dr Anne Kennedy Julie and Simon Kessel KCL Law Kerry Landman Diedrie Lazarus Dr Anne Lierse Dr Susan Linton Andrew Lockwood Elizabeth H Loftus Chris and Anna Long June and Simon Lubansky The Hon Ian Macphee AO and Mrs Julie Macphee Eleanor & Phillip Mancini Annette Maluish In memory of Leigh Masel Wayne McDonald and Kay Schroer Lesley McMullin Foundation Ruth Maxwell Don and Anne Meadows new U Mildura Wayne and Penny Morgan Sir Gustav Nossal AC CBE and Lady Nossal Laurence O’Keefe and Christopher James Kerryn Pratchett Peter Priest Treena Quarin Eli Raskin

Robbie Barker Adrienne Basser Janice Bate and the late Prof Weston Bate Janet H Bell David Blackwell OAM John and Sally Bourne Michael F Boyt Dr John Brookes Nigel and Sheena Broughton Stuart Brown Suzie Brown OAM and Harvey Brown Shane Buggle Dr Lynda Campbell John Carroll Andrew Crockett AM and Pamela Crockett Panch Das and Laurel Young-Das Mary and Frederick Davidson AM Caroline Davies W and A Deane Rick and Sue Deering John and Anne Duncan Jane Edmanson OAM Doug Evans Grant Fisher and Helen Bird Applebay Pty Ltd David Frenkiel and Esther Frenkiel OAM David Gibbs and Susie O’Neill Janette Gill Mary and Don Glue Greta Goldblatt and the late Merwyn Goldblatt George Golvan QC and Naomi Golvan Dr Marged Goode Prof Denise Grocke AO Jennifer Gross Max Gulbin Dr Sandra Hacker AO and Mr Ian Kennedy AM

Raspin Family Trust Tony and Elizabeth Rayward Cathy and Peter Rogers Andrew and Judy Rogers Peter Rose and Christopher Menz Liliane Rusek and Alexander Ushakoff Elisabeth and Doug Scott Martin and Susan Shirley Penny Shore John E Smith Dr Sam Smorgon AO and Mrs Minnie Smorgon Lady Southey AC Starkey Foundation Geoff and Judy Steinicke Dr Peter Strickland Pamela Swansson Stephanie Tanuwidjaja Tara, Tessa, Melinda and Terence Ann and Larry Turner Mary Valentine AO The Hon. Rosemary Varty Leon and Sandra Velik Sue Walker AM Elaine Walters OAM and Gregory Walters The Rev Noel Whale Edward and Paddy White Marian and Terry Wills Cooke OAM Richard Withers Lorraine Woolley Jeffrey and Shirley Zajac Anonymous (21)

MSO PATRON COMMISSIONS Snare Drum Award test piece 2019 Commissioned by Tim and Lyn Edward


Gall Family Foundation, The Archie & Hilda Graham Foundation, The Gross Foundation, Ern Hartley Foundation, The A.L. Lane Foundation, Gwen & Edna Jones Foundation, Sidney Myer MSO Trust Fund, MS Newman Family Foundation, The Thomas O’Toole Foundation, The Ray & Joyce Uebergang Foundation, The Ullmer Family Foundation


CONDUCTOR’S CIRCLE Current Conductor’s Circle Members Jenny Anderson David Angelovich G C Bawden and L de Kievit Lesley Bawden Joyce Bown Mrs Jenny Brukner and the late Mr John Brukner Ken Bullen Peter A Caldwell Luci and Ron Chambers Beryl Dean Sandra Dent Lyn Edward Alan Egan JP Gunta Eglite Mr Derek Grantham Marguerite Garnon-Williams Drs Clem Gruen and Rhyl Wade Louis Hamon OAM Carol Hay Graham Hogarth Rod Home Tony Howe Laurence O’Keefe and Christopher James Audrey M Jenkins John Jones George and Grace Kass Mrs Sylvia Lavelle Pauline and David Lawton Cameron Mowat David Orr Matthew O’Sullivan Rosia Pasteur

Elizabeth Proust AO Penny Rawlins Joan P Robinson Neil Roussac Anne Roussac-Hoyne Suzette Sherazee Michael Ryan and Wendy Mead Anne Kieni-Serpell and Andrew Serpell Jennifer Shepherd Profs. Gabriela and George Stephenson Pamela Swansson Lillian Tarry Dr Cherilyn Tillman Mr and Mrs R P Trebilcock Michael Ullmer AO The Hon. Rosemary Varty Mr Tam Vu Marian and Terry Wills Cooke OAM Mark Young Anonymous (29) The MSO gratefully acknowledges the support of the following Estates: Angela Beagley Neilma Gantner The Hon Dr Alan Goldberg AO QC Gwen Hunt Audrey Jenkins Joan Jones Pauline Marie Johnston C P Kemp Peter Forbes MacLaren Joan Winsome Maslen Lorraine Maxine Meldrum

Prof Andrew McCredie Miss Sheila Scotter AM MBE Marion A I H M Spence Molly Stephens Jennifer May Teague Albert Henry Ullin Jean Tweedie Herta and Fred B Vogel Dorothy Wood

HONORARY APPOINTMENTS Life Members Marc Besen AC and Eva Besen AO John Gandel AC and Pauline Gandel AC Sir Elton John CBE Harold Mitchell AC Lady Potter AC CMRI Mrs Jeanne Pratt AC

MSO BOARD Chairman Michael Ullmer AO Deputy Chairman David Li AM Managing Director Sophie Galaise Board Directors Andrew Dudgeon AM Danny Gorog Lorraine Hook Margaret Jackson AC Di Jameson David Krasnostein AM Hyon-Ju Newman Glenn Sedgwick Helen Silver AO Company Secretary Oliver Carton

Artistic Ambassador Tan Dun Artistic Ambassador Geoffrey Rush AC Artistic Ambassador Lu Siqing The MSO honours the memory of John Brockman OAM Life Member The Honourable Alan Goldberg AO QC Life Member Roger Riordan AM Life Member Ila Vanrenen Life Member

Help us share our music with the world. Please support your orchestra with a contribution to the MSO’s Month of Giving appeal today and help us share our music with the world. During this time when there are so many calls on your generosity, your support – at any level – is truly appreciated and deeply meaningful.

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Thank you to our Partners Principal Partner

Government Partners

Premier Education and Research Partner

Venue Partner

Education Partners

Premier Partners

Program Development Partner

Major Partners

Media and Broadcast Partners

Supporting Partners

Quest Southbank

The CEO Institute

Ernst & Young

Bows for Strings

The Observership Program

East meets West Program Supporters Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People’s Republic of China

Concert Partner

Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in Melbourne


LRR Family Trust

Mr Wanghua Chu and Dr Shirley Chu

David and Dominique Yu


Lake Cooper Estate

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