MSO Live: 7 May 2020 | The Rite of Spring

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The Rite of Spring Recorded 18 & 20 July 2019 at Arts Centre Melbourne, Hamer Hall.

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Join us Online SUNDAY 10 MAY AT 3PM Beethoven Quartet THURSDAY 14 MAY AT 7.30PM MSO + Kate Miller-Heidke

Melbourne Symphony Orchestra Sir Andrew Davis conductor STRAVINSKY The Rite of Spring [35']




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Melbourne Symphony Orchestra The Melbourne Symphony Orchestra is a leading cultural figure in the Australian arts landscape, bringing the best in orchestral music and passionate performance to a diverse audience across Victoria, the nation and around the world. Each year the MSO engages with more than 5 million people through live concerts, TV, radio and online broadcasts, international tours, recordings and education programs. The MSO is a vital presence, both onstage and in the community, in cultivating classical music in Australia. The nation’s first professional orchestra, the MSO has been the sound of the city of Melbourne since 1906. The MSO regularly attracts great artists from around the globe including Anne-Sophie Mutter, Lang Lang, Renée Fleming and Thomas Hampson, while bringing Melbourne’s finest musicians to the world through tours to China, Europe and the United States. The Melbourne Symphony Orchestra acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the Land on which we perform and would like to pay our respects to their Elders and Community both past and present.


Sir Andrew Davis conductor Conductor Laureate of the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, Sir Andrew Davis is also Music Director and Principal Conductor of the Lyric Opera of Chicago. He is Conductor Laureate of both the BBC Symphony Orchestra and the Toronto Symphony, where he has also been named interim Artistic Director until mid-2020. He also holds the honorary title of Conductor Emeritus from the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra. One of today’s most recognized and acclaimed conductors, Sir Andrew has conducted virtually all of the world’s major orchestras, opera companies, and festivals. 
 A vast and award-winning discography documents Sir Andrew’s artistry, with recent CDs including the works of Berlioz, Bliss, Elgar (winner of the 2018 Diapason d’Or de l’Année – Musique Symphonique), Grainger, Ives, Holst, and Handel (nominated for a 2018 GRAMMY® for Best Choral Performance). In 1992, Maestro Davis was made a Commander of the British Empire, and in 1999, he was designated a Knight Bachelor in the New Year Honours List.


Program Notes

IGOR STRAVINSKY Le Sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring) Part 1 L’Adoration de la terre (Adoration of the Earth) Introduction Danse des adolescentes (Dance of the Young Girls) Jeu du rapt (Ritual of Abduction) Rondes printanières (Spring Rounds) Jeux des cités rivales (Games of the Rival Tribes) Cortège du sage (Procession of the Sage) L’Adoration de la terre (Adoration of the Earth) Danse de la terre (Dance of the Earth) Part 2 Le Sacrifice (The Sacrifice) Introduction Cercles mystérieux des adolescentes (Mystic Circles of Young Girls) Glorification de l’élue (Glorification of the Chosen Virgin) Evocation des ancêtres (Evocation of the Ancestors) Action rituelle des ancêtres (Ritual of the Ancestors) Danse sacrale – L’élue (Sacrificial dance – The Chosen Virgin) The trouble started as soon as the solo bassoon began its plaintive version of a Lithuanian folksong. Heckling from the gallery of the new Théâtre des Champs-Élysées spread down into the stalls. The noise soon became so loud that when Stravinsky fled backstage he found the choreographer Nijinsky standing on a chair in the wings shouting directions at the dancers who could no longer hear the orchestra. The theatre’s THE RITE OF SPRING – 6

electrician frantically flicked the house lights on and off to try and settle the audience; there was a brawl and the police had to be called. The orchestra – which had had 16 rehearsals under conductor Pierre Monteux – soldiered on and gave what those who could hear it describe as a fine performance. The riot that attended its first performance in 1913 made The Rite of Spring into the stuff of legend – scholar Richard Taruskin says that Stravinsky ‘spent the rest of his long life telling lies about it’! But while the event has been variously described as modern music’s ‘heroic moment’ it was not a simple matter of the score’s being so wonderfully radical that it caused a fracas among Philistines. Debussy’s Jeux – also premiered by Sergei Diaghilev’s Ballets Russes – had been booed a couple of weeks before, and Nijinsky, still suspect for his erotic dancing of Debussy’s Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun, was the choreographer despite the task being clearly beyond him. The writer Jean Cocteau, for instance, described the choreography as ‘automaton-like monotony’ and it was this that seems to have caused the most offence. A year later Monteux conducted a concert performance of the music in Paris, and Stravinsky experienced the success ‘such as composers rarely enjoy’ as he was carried through the streets like a sporting hero on the shoulders of his audience. There had, though, never been anything like it. In his two previous ballets for Diaghilev’s company Stravinsky had mined Russian folklore and fairytale: The Firebird was a story of enchanted princesses, ogres and a magic phoenix; Petrushka’s protagonists are fairground puppets. Certainly since the political upheavals of 1905, and arguably well before, folklore had been a powerful force in Russian art. But in 1910, Stravinsky had a vision of ‘wise elders, seated in a circle watching a young girl dancing herself to death…to propitiate the god of spring’. In due course he drafted a scenario (based on this simple idea) with the designer Nicholas Roerich. (They later fought over whose idea it was.) The work is, as scholar Stephen Walsh puts it, ‘hardly a “story” ballet with characters [but] a strict “liturgical” sequence, a sequence which, we understand, will always happen this way, with different participants but the same meaning’. Incidentally, Stravinsky’s Russian title for the work is better translated as Holy Spring rather than The Rite of Spring and its subtitle is ‘Scenes from Pagan Russia’. The great Marxist philosopher Theodor Adorno was appalled. That the Rite presents pagan Russia as a utopia was reprehensible; that a young girl dances herself to death before the elders was unforgivable. Musicologist Paul Griffiths argues that ‘The Rite is, simply in its musical operation, a dance of self-extinction.’ He quotes Stravinsky’s long-time assistant Robert Craft’s assertion that the composer ‘repeatedly said that he wrote The Rite of Spring in order “to send everyone” in his Russian past, Tsar, family, instructors, “to hell”’. This suggests that the Rite attempts to be a ‘clean slate’ untouched by the corruptions of musical ‘civilisation’. The composer later said that he was ‘the vessel through which the Rite passed’, and the sketches do show that many of his ideas sprang fully formed onto the page. At the same time Stravinsky’s sumptuous orchestration and harmony (here and in the earlier ballets) could not have existed without the music of Glinka and Rimsky-Korsakov; Debussy was right to call the score ‘primitive music with all modern THE RITE OF SPRING – 7

conveniences’. Moreover, Stravinsky long maintained that the opening bassoon melody, whose timbre suggests traditional dudki or reed pipes, was the only folk tune in the score but the publication of the composer’s sketchbooks in 1969 showed that he had copied out a number of tunes which found their way, if often disguised, into the score. Taruskin has shown that the tunes are usually relevant in subject matter to the events of the ballet, and as Walsh puts it, Stravinsky reduces them to ‘simple essences which could then be used as motives of rhythmic and ostinato treatment’. And it is there that we see the novelty and genius of this work. As Walsh goes on to say, ‘What nobody seems to have done before The Rite of Spring was to take dissonant, irregularly formed musical “objects” of very brief extent and release their latent energy by firing them off at one another like so many particles in an atomic accelerator.’ The ‘cells’ that Stravinsky creates out of the simple rhythmic essences of folk tunes are repeated, distorted by the addition of extra beats, interrupted by contrasting cells. The Rite, then, is the ultimate abstraction of Stravinsky’s early ‘Russian’ style, and the foundation for much of his subsequent music. Gordon Kerry © 2005


Melbourne Symphony Orchestra: 18-20 July 2019



Sophie Rowell

Concertmaster The Ullmer Family Foundation#

Peter Edwards

Assistant Principal

Kirsty Bremner Sarah Curro

Michael Aquilina#

Peter Fellin Deborah Goodall Lorraine Hook Anne-Marie Johnson Kirstin Kenny Eleanor Mancini Mark Mogilevski Michelle Ruffolo Kathryn Taylor Michael Aquilina#




Christopher Moore

Steve Reeves

Principal Di Jameson#

Lauren Brigden Katharine Brockman Christopher Cartlidge Michael Aquilina#

Anthony Chataway

Dr Elizabeth E Lewis AM#

Gabrielle Halloran Maria Solà#

Trevor Jones Fiona Sargeant Maria Solà#

Associate Principal

Sylvia Hosking

Assistant Principal

Damien Eckersley Benjamin Hanlon Suzanne Lee Stephen Newton Sophie Galaise and Clarence Fraser#

FLUTES Prudence Davis


Wendy Clarke

Principal Anonymous#

Associate Principal

David Berlin

Principal MS Newman Family#

Rachael Tobin

Associate Principal

Robert Macindoe

Assistant Principal Anonymous*

Monica Curro

Geelong Friends of the MSO#

Associate Principal

Andrew Moon

Cindy Watkin Elizabeth Woolnough

Matthew Tomkins

Principal The Gross Foundation#


Nicholas Bochner Miranda Brockman

Assistant Principal Danny Gorog and Lindy Susskind#

Rohan de Korte

Mary Allison Isin Cakmakcioglu Tiffany Cheng Freya Franzen Cong Gu Andrew Hall Isy Wasserman Philippa West Patrick Wong Roger Young

Barbara Bell, in memory of Elsa Bell#

Andrew Dudgeon


Keith Johnson Sarah Morse Maria Solà


Angela Sargeant Maria Solà#

Michelle Wood

Michael Aquilina#


Sarah Beggs

Sophia Yong-Tang#

PICCOLO Andrew Macleod

Principal John McKay and Lois McKay#

OBOES Jeffrey Crellin Principal

Thomas Hutchinson Associate Principal

Ann Blackburn

The Rosemary Norman Foundation#

COR ANGLAIS Michael Pisani Principal

CLARINETS David Thomas


bass clarinet Lloyd Van’t Hoff

Richard Shirley


Tim and Lyn Edward#

Philip Arkinstall

Mike Szabo

contrabassoon Colin Forbes-Abrams

Craig Hill


bassoon Chloe Turner ^

Associate Principal

BASS CLARINET Jon Craven Principal

BASSOONS Jack Schiller


Elise Millman

Associate Principal

Natasha Thomas

Dr Martin Tymms and Patricia Nilsson#



HORNS Nicolas Fleury


Saul Lewis

Principal Third The Hon Michael Watt QC and Cecilie Hall#

Abbey Edlin

Nereda Hanlon and Michael Hanlon AM#

Trinette McClimont Rachel Shaw TRUMPETS Owen Morris Principal

Shane Hooton

Associate Principal

William Evans Rosie Turner

John and Diana Frew#

Principal Bass Trombone

Timothy Buzbee

horns Ian Wildsmith


assistant principal horn


Carla Blackwood Josiah Kop Anton Schroeder

Christopher Lane



trumpet Tristan Rebien

Robert Clarke


John Arcaro

Tim and Lyn Edward


Robert Cossom

trombone Tim Dowling

principal trombone

Drs Rhyll Wade and Clem Gruen#

bass trumpet Robert Collins


tuba Alex Jeantou

Yinuo Mu


GUEST ARISTS violin Tair Khisambeev

assistant concertmaster

Aaron Barnden Madeleine Jevons Nicholas Waters

percussion Lara Wilson harp Melina van Leeuwen piano Leigh Harrold

viola William Clark Paul McMillan+ double bass Rohan Dasika Vivian Qu Siyuan

+ Appears courtesy of Orchestra Victoria

flute Taryn Clarke

^ Appears courtesy of West Australian Symphony Orchestra

cor anglais David Reichelt

** Timpani Chair position supported by Lady Potter AC CMRI


# Position supported by

Supporters MSO PATRON The Honourable Linda Dessau AC, Governor of Victoria

CHAIRMAN’S CIRCLE Marc Besen AC and Eva Besen AO Gandel Philanthropy The Gross Foundation Di Jameson Harold Mitchell Foundation David Li AM and Angela Li Harold Mitchell AC MS Newman Family Foundation Lady Potter AC CMRI The Cybec Foundation The Pratt Foundation The Ullmer Family Foundation Anonymous (1)

ARTIST CHAIR BENEFACTORS Cybec Assistant Conductor Chair Nicholas Bochner The Cybec Foundation Concertmaster Chair Sophie Rowell The Ullmer Family Foundation 2020 Soloist in Residence Nicola Benedetti CBE is supported by Marc Besen AC and Eva Besen AO Young Composer in Residence Jordan Moore The Cybec Foundation

PROGRAM BENEFACTORS Cybec 21st Century Australian Composers Program The Cybec Foundation East meets West Supported by the Li Family Trust Meet the Orchestra Made possible by The Ullmer Family Foundation MSO Audience Access Crown Resorts Foundation, Packer Family Foundation

MSO Building Capacity Gandel Philanthropy (Director of Philanthropy) Di Jameson (External Relations Manager) MSO Education Supported by Mrs Margaret Ross AM and Dr Ian Ross MSO International Touring Supported by Harold Mitchell AC, The Ullmer Family Foundation, The Pratt Foundation MSO Regional Touring Creative Victoria, Freemasons Foundation Victoria, Robert Salzer Foundation, Perpetual Foundation – Alan (AGL) Shaw Endowment The Pizzicato Effect (Anonymous), The Marian and E.H. Flack Trust, Scobie and Claire Mackinnon Trust, Supported by the Hume City Council’s Community Grants Program Sidney Myer Free Concerts Supported by the Sidney Myer MSO Trust Fund and the University of Melbourne Musical Acknowledgment of Countries Supported by the Helen Macpherson Smith Trust and the Commonwealth Government through the Australian National Commission for UNESCO

PLATINUM PATRONS $100,000+ Marc Besen AC and Eva Besen AO John Gandel AC and Pauline Gandel AC The Gross Foundation Di Jameson David Li AM and Angela Li MS Newman Family Foundation The Pratt Foundation Lady Potter AC CMRI Ullmer Family Foundation Anonymous (1)

VIRTUOSO PATRONS $50,000+ Harold Mitchell AC

Supporters – 11

IMPRESARIO PATRONS $20,000+ Michael Aquilina Mimie MacLaren John and Lois McKay Maria Solà Anonymous (1)

MAESTRO PATRONS $10,000+ Margaret Billson and the late Ted Billson Mitchell Chipman Tim and Lyn Edward Danny Gorog and Lindy Susskind Robert & Jan Green Hilary Hall, in memory of Wilma Collie Nereda Hanlon and Michael Hanlon AM The Hogan Family Foundation Peter Hunt AM and Tania de Jong AM Suzanne Kirkham David Krasnostein AM and Pat Stragalinos Ian and Jeannie Paterson Elizabeth Proust AO Xijian Ren and Qian Li Glenn Sedgwick Gai and David Taylor Harry and Michelle Wong Anonymous (1)

PRINCIPAL PATRONS $5,000+ Christine and Mark Armour Barbara Bell, in memory of Elsa Bell Stephen and Caroline Brain Prof Ian Brighthope May and James Chen John and Lyn Coppock The Cuming Bequest Wendy Dimmick Andrew Dudgeon AM Jaan Enden Mr Bill Fleming John and Diana Frew Susan Fry and Don Fry AO Sophie Galaise and Clarence Fraser Geelong Friends of the MSO R Goldberg and Family

Leon Goldman Colin Golvan AM QC and Dr Deborah Golvan Jennifer Gorog HMA Foundation Louis Hamon OAM Hans and Petra Henkell Hartmut and Ruth Hofmann Doug Hooley Jenny and Peter Hordern Dr Alastair Jackson AM Rosemary and James Jacoby Dr Elizabeth A Lewis AM Norman Lewis, in memory of Dr Phyllis Lewis Peter Lovell Mr Douglas and Mrs Rosemary Meagher Marie Morton FRSA Anne Neil Dr Paul Nisselle AM The Rosemary Norman Foundation Ken Ong, in memory of Lin Ong Jim and Fran Pfeiffer Dr Rosemary Ayton and Dr Sam Ricketson Jeffrey Sher QC and Diana Sher OAM Helen Silver AO and Harrison Young Brian Snape AM and the late Diana Snape Tasco Petroleum The Hon. Michael Watt QC and Cecilie Hall Drs Rhyl Wade and Clem Gruen Lyn Williams AM Jason Yeap OAM – Mering Management Corporation Sophia Yong-Tang Anonymous (5)

ASSOCIATE PATRONS $2,500+ Marlyn and Peter Bancroft OAM Dandolo Partners Will and Dorothy Bailey Bequest Anne Bowden Bill Bowness Julia and Jim Breen Patricia Brockman Roger and Coll Buckle Jill and Christopher Buckley Supporters – 12

Lynne Burgess Oliver Carton Richard and Janet Chauvel Ann Darby, in memory of Leslie J. Darby Natasha Davies, for the Trikojus Education Fund Merrowyn Deacon Sandra Dent Peter and Leila Doyle Lisa Dwyer and Dr Ian Dickson AM Dr Helen M Ferguson Elizabeth Foster Barry Fradkin OAM and Dr Pam Fradkin Alex and Liz Furman Dina and Ron Goldschlager Louise Gourlay OAM Susan and Gary Hearst Margaret Jackson AC Jenkins Family Foundation John Jones Andrew Johnston Irene Kearsey and Michael Ridley The Ilma Kelson Music Foundation Bryan Lawrence John and Margaret Mason H E McKenzie Allan and Evelyn McLaren Patricia Nilsson Bruce Parncutt AO Alan and Dorothy Pattison Sue and Barry Peake Mrs W Peart Christine Peirson and the late Graham Peirson Julie and Ian Reid Ralph and Ruth Renard Peter and Carolyn Rendit S M Richards AM and M R Richards Joan P Robinson and Christopher Robinson Tom and Elizabeth Romanowski Mark and Jan Schapper Dr Norman and Dr Sue Sonenberg Dr Michael Soon Jennifer Steinicke Peter J Stirling Jenny Tatchell Frank Tisher OAM and Dr Miriam Tisher

Nic and Ann Willcock Lorraine Woolley Peter and Susan Yates Richard Ye Anonymous (5)

PLAYER PATRONS $1,000+ David and Cindy Abbey Dr Sally Adams Mary Armour Australian Decorative and Fine Arts Society Robbie Barker Adrienne Basser Janice Bate and the late Prof Weston Bate Janet H Bell David Blackwell OAM John and Sally Bourne Michael F Boyt Dr John Brookes Nigel and Sheena Broughton Stuart Brown Suzie Brown OAM and Harvey Brown Shane Buggle Dr Lynda Campbell John Carroll Andrew Crockett AM and Pamela Crockett Panch Das and Laurel Young-Das Mary and Frederick Davidson AM Caroline Davies W and A Deane Rick and Sue Deering John and Anne Duncan Jane Edmanson OAM Doug Evans Grant Fisher and Helen Bird Applebay Pty Ltd David Frenkiel and Esther Frenkiel OAM David Gibbs and Susie O’Neill Janette Gill Mary and Don Glue Greta Goldblatt and the late Merwyn Goldblatt George Golvan QC and Naomi Golvan Dr Marged Goode

Supporters – 13

Prof Denise Grocke AO Jennifer Gross Max Gulbin Dr Sandra Hacker AO and Mr Ian Kennedy AM Jean Hadges Paula Hansky OAM Amir Harel and Dr Judy Carman Tilda and Brian Haughney Geoff Hayes Anna and John Holdsworth Penelope Hughes Geoff and Denise Illing Peter Jaffe and Judy Gold Basil and Rita Jenkins Dorothy Karpin Merv Keehn and Sue Harlow Dr Anne Kennedy Julie and Simon Kessel KCL Law Kerry Landman Diedrie Lazarus Dr Anne Lierse Dr Susan Linton Andrew Lockwood Elizabeth H Loftus Chris and Anna Long June and Simon Lubansky The Hon Ian Macphee AO and Mrs Julie Macphee Eleanor & Phillip Mancini Annette Maluish In memory of Leigh Masel Wayne McDonald and Kay Schroer Lesley McMullin Foundation Ruth Maxwell Don and Anne Meadows new U Mildura Wayne and Penny Morgan Sir Gustav Nossal AC CBE and Lady Nossal Laurence O’Keefe and Christopher James Kerryn Pratchett Peter Priest Treena Quarin Eli Raskin Raspin Family Trust

Tony and Elizabeth Rayward Cathy and Peter Rogers Andrew and Judy Rogers Peter Rose and Christopher Menz Marie Rowland Liliane Rusek and Alexander Ushakoff Elisabeth and Doug Scott Martin and Susan Shirley Penny Shore John E Smith Dr Sam Smorgon AO and Mrs Minnie Smorgon Lady Southey AC Starkey Foundation Geoff and Judy Steinicke Dr Peter Strickland Pamela Swansson Stephanie Tanuwidjaja Tara, Tessa, Melinda and Terence Ann and Larry Turner Mary Valentine AO The Hon. Rosemary Varty Leon and Sandra Velik Sue Walker AM Elaine Walters OAM and Gregory Walters The Rev Noel Whale Edward and Paddy White Marian and Terry Wills Cooke OAM Richard Withers Jeffrey and Shirley Zajac Anonymous (21)

MSO PATRON COMMISSIONS Snare Drum Award test piece 2019 Commissioned by Tim and Lyn Edward

CONDUCTOR’S CIRCLE Current Conductor’s Circle Members Jenny Anderson David Angelovich G C Bawden and L de Kievit Lesley Bawden Joyce Bown Mrs Jenny Brukner and the late Mr John Brukner

Supporters – 14

Ken Bullen Peter A Caldwell Luci and Ron Chambers Beryl Dean Sandra Dent Lyn Edward Alan Egan JP Gunta Eglite Mr Derek Grantham Marguerite Garnon-Williams Drs Clem Gruen and Rhyl Wade Louis Hamon OAM Carol Hay Graham Hogarth Rod Home Tony Howe Laurence O’Keefe and Christopher James Audrey M Jenkins John Jones George and Grace Kass Mrs Sylvia Lavelle Pauline and David Lawton Cameron Mowat David Orr Matthew O’Sullivan Rosia Pasteur Elizabeth Proust AO Penny Rawlins Joan P Robinson Neil Roussac Anne Roussac-Hoyne Suzette Sherazee Michael Ryan and Wendy Mead Anne Kieni-Serpell and Andrew Serpell Jennifer Shepherd Profs. Gabriela and George Stephenson Pamela Swansson Lillian Tarry Dr Cherilyn Tillman Mr and Mrs R P Trebilcock Michael Ullmer AO The Hon. Rosemary Varty Mr Tam Vu Marian and Terry Wills Cooke OAM Mark Young Anonymous (29)

The MSO gratefully acknowledges the support of the following Estates: Norma Ruth Atwell Angela Beagley Neilma Gantner The Hon Dr Alan Goldberg AO QC Gwen Hunt Audrey Jenkins Joan Jones Pauline Marie Johnston C P Kemp Peter Forbes MacLaren Joan Winsome Maslen Lorraine Maxine Meldrum Prof Andrew McCredie Miss Sheila Scotter AM MBE Marion A I H M Spence Molly Stephens Jennifer May Teague Albert Henry Ullin Jean Tweedie Herta and Fred B Vogel Dorothy Wood

EAST MEETS WEST PROGRAM PARTNERS Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China Li Family Trust Noah Holdings Australia Post WeXchange Hengyi Asian Executive Fitzroys Laurel International Future Kids Executive Wealth Circle Asia Society Chin Communications LRR Family Trust Mr Wanghua Chu and Dr Shirley Chu David and Dominique Yu Lake Cooper Estate

Supporters – 15

HONORARY APPOINTMENTS Life Members Marc Besen AC and Eva Besen AO John Gandel AC and Pauline Gandel AC Sir Elton John CBE Harold Mitchell AC Lady Potter AC CMRI Mrs Jeanne Pratt AC Artistic Ambassador Tan Dun Artistic Ambassador Geoffrey Rush AC The MSO honours the memory of John Brockman OAM Life Member The Honourable Alan Goldberg AO QC Life Member Roger Riordan AM Life Member Ila Vanrenen Life Member

MSO BOARD Chairman Michael Ullmer AO Deputy Chairman David Li AM Managing Director Sophie Galaise Board Directors Andrew Dudgeon AM Danny Gorog Lorraine Hook Margaret Jackson AC Di Jameson David Krasnostein AM Hyon-Ju Newman Glenn Sedgwick Helen Silver AO Company Secretary Oliver Carton

The MSO relies on your ongoing philanthropic support to sustain our artists, and support access, education, community engagement and more. We invite our suporters to get close to the MSO through a range of special events. The MSO welcomes your support at any level. Donations of $2 and over are tax deductible, and supporters are recognised as follows: $1,000+ (Player) $2,500+ (Associate) $5,000+ (Principal) $10,000+ (Maestro)

$20,000+ (Impresario) $50,000+ (Virtuoso) $100,000+ (Platinum)

The MSO Conductor’s Circle is our bequest program for members who have notified of a planned gift in their Will. Enquiries P (03) 8646 1551 | E

Supporters – 16

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Government Partners

Premier Partners

Premier Education and Research Partner

Major Partners

Venue Partner

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Education Partners

Supporting Partners

Quest Southbank

The CEO Institute

Ernst & Young

Bows for Strings

The Observership Program

Trusts and Foundations

Gall Family Foundation, The Archie & Hilda Graham Foundation, The Gross Foundation, Ern Hartley Foundation, The A.L. Lane Foundation, Scobie & Clare McKinnon Foundation, Sidney Myer MSO Trust Fund, MS Newman Family Foundation, The Thomas O’Toole Foundation, The Ray & Joyce Uebergang Foundation, The Ullmer Family Foundation

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