Chinese New Year 2021

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中国新年音乐会(新定日期) Chinese New Year 2021 (Rescheduled)

Prayer for the World 13 MARCH / 7.30pm Sidney Myer Music Bowl

Welcome I would like to extend my warm welcome to all guests and friends and my sincere gratitude to conductor Maestro Benjamin Northey and the AustralianChinese musicians. This is the 8 th year for the MSO to stage its Chinese New Year concert. Over the past 7 years, this music feast, featuring the charm of both Eastern and Western music traditions has not only left the audiences with wonderful memories, but also added festivities to the Chinese New Year celebrations in Melbourne. Music is a bridge that connects people’s hearts, giving them strength and inspiration, as well as peace and harmony in mind. I would like to in particular mention the online concert presented by the MSO last February, to demonstrate solidarity with the Chinese people in their response to COVID-19, it was really a touching moment. I believe this year’s concert will help promote mutual understanding and mutual appreciation between our two peoples. I wish tonight’s performance a full success. Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy, healthy and prosperous Year of the Ox. His Excellency Mr Jingye Cheng Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to the Commonwealth of Australia


今年是MSO举办中国新年音乐会的第八个年头;借此机会,我向所有的 来宾和朋友表示热烈的欢迎,向指挥家本杰明·诺西和华人音乐家表示诚 挚的感谢。 在过去7年中,这场兼具东西方音乐传统魅力的音乐盛宴,不仅给观众留 下了美好的回忆,也为墨尔本的中国新年庆典增添了节日光彩。 音乐是连接人民心灵的桥梁,让人民充满力量,获得灵感,达到心灵的平 静与和谐。我尤其要感谢MSO今年2月举办的网上音乐会,这次音乐会显 示出对中国人民应对新冠肺炎的支持,活动十分感人。 我相信今年的音乐会将有助于促进中澳两国人民之间的相互理解,彼此欣 赏。祝今晚的演出取得圆满成功。最后,我想借此机会祝大家牛年快乐、 身体健康、平安幸福。 成竞业先生阁下 中华人民共和国驻澳大利亚联邦大使


I extend to you my warmest wishes to those celebrating the Year of the Ox at the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra’s Chinese New Year Concert at the Sidney Myer Music Bowl in Melbourne. According to tradition, the Year of the Ox brings with it success, prosperity and good health. Celebrating the Lunar New Year goes to the heart of Australia’s multicultural identity. We are fortunate to live in an open, liberal society that values diversity and respects difference. Vibrant cultural festivals such as the Lunar New Year provide a chance for us all to come together, share traditions and stories, and promote peace and mutual understanding in our communities. Now in its eighth year, The Melbourne Symphony Orchestra’s Lunar New Year concert celebrates some of Melbourne’s finest Chinese-Australian musical talent this evening. The Chinese-Australian community is integral to our multicultural Australia, and it is wonderful to celebrate the community’s contribution tonight. Connections between Australian and Chinese people are deep and enduring, and provide the foundation for the broader relationship we share with China across trade, investment, cultural and community links. I wish you all a happy, healthy, prosperous and peaceful Lunar new year. The Honorable Dan Tehan MP Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment


墨尔本交响乐团即将在墨尔本悉德尼·梅亚室外音乐剧场举行中国新年音 乐会,借此机会,我谨向所有庆祝牛年的人民致以最热烈的祝福。 牛年的传统寓意,表示事业成功、兴旺发达、身体健康。 农历新年庆典是澳大利亚多元文化特征的核心;澳大利亚人民非常幸运, 生活在一个开放自由、重视多样、尊重差异的社会。 农历新年等充满活力的文化节日,为人民提供了一个亲友团聚,分享传 统,讲述故事,促进社会各界和平相处、相互理解的好机会。 墨尔本交响乐团的农历新年音乐会今年已是第八个年头,今晚大家将有幸 欣赏到墨尔本一些最优秀华人音乐天才的节目。 华人社区是澳大利亚多元文化中不可或缺的组成部分,很高兴今晚能举办 这一活动,庆祝华人社区做出的贡献。 澳中两国人民之间的联系,深厚而持久,为我们对华贸易、投资、文化、 人文交往等多方面的关系奠定了坚实基础。 我祝大家农历新年万事如意、身体健康、兴旺发达、平安幸福。 丹·提恩国会议员阁下 贸易旅游投资部长


I’m delighted to again send my best wishes to the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra ahead of your performance for Chinese New Year. As it does every year, this event demonstrates why Victoria is renowned as the cultural capital of our country. After a challenging year I am so glad that performances are back and Victorians can enjoy live music again. Our arts community has been hit hard, but it is strong, and concerts like this are key to our recovery. To the MSO and your conductor, my best wishes. To the audience, enjoy this concert. And to all Victorians celebrating, Happy New Year — I hope the year of the Ox brings good luck and good health. The Hon Daniel Andrews MP Premier


墨尔本交响乐团即将举行中国新年庆典演出,我非常高兴能够再次致以最 美好的祝愿。 中国新年庆典的再次举办,进一步展示了维多利亚州在全澳文化之都的杰 出地位。 去年一年充满挑战,我很高兴地看到,文化表演重返舞台,维多利亚人民 又能享受现场音乐。维多利亚州的艺术在疫情期间受到重创,但艺术非常 强大,像中国新年庆典这样的音乐会,就是我们走向恢复的关键。 在此,我特别向MSO以及指挥致以最良好的祝愿;对于各位观众,我对 大家说,请尽情欣赏这场音乐会。 对于维多利亚州庆祝中国新年的每个人,我对你们说,春节快乐,祝牛年 行大运,身体健康。 丹尼尔·安德鲁斯议员阁下 维多利亚州州长


Welcome to the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra’s Chinese New Year (Rescheduled): Prayer for the World concert. On behalf of the Orchestra’s Board, musicians and staff it’s a pleasure to have you join us at this very special performance. The first event in our East meets West program for 2021, this concert sees us perform incredible works by leading 20th century and contemporary Chinese composers Xiaogang Ye and Zuqiang Wu. Their compositions will be performed alongside western classical masterpieces by Beethoven, Vivaldi and Chopin. We are also thrilled to welcome three very special guest artists: Pianist Angela Li, violinist Christian Li and pipa player, Yang Ying, will take to the stage with our magnificent musicians, led by the MSO’s inimitable Principal Conductor in Residence, Benjamin Northey. Every year the MSO’s East meets West program celebrates orchestral jewels from eastern and western musical traditions we well as a shared appreciation for each other’s cultural heritage. This year is no different. Originally scheduled during the Chinese New Year period to celebrate the Year of the Ox, we have been fortunate enough to reschedule this event following Melbourne’s recent lockdown and I am extremely grateful to everyone who supported us through this, and during past COVID restrictions. Special thanks go to all our MSO supporters, partners, and donors, in particular to the Li Family Trust, Consulate for the People’s Republic of China in Melbourne, Arts Centre Melbourne, and Austin Land for supporting this concert. Michael Ullmer AO Chairman Melbourne Symphony Orchestra


欢迎前来参加墨尔本交响乐团(MSO)的中国新年:为世界祈祷音乐会(新定 日期)。我谨代表墨尔本交响乐团董事会、音乐家和工作人员,非常高兴地 邀请您参加这场极为特殊的演出。 这场音乐会是MSO 2021年“东西方相遇”活动的第一场演出,演出中 我们将欣赏到20世纪和当代中国著名作曲家叶小纲和吴祖强的精彩作品; 他们的作品将与贝多芬、维瓦尔第和肖邦等人的西方古典名著同台演奏。 我们也很高兴能够欣赏到钢琴家李沈虹、小提琴家李映衡、琵琶演奏家杨 缨这三位独特特邀艺术家的表演,他们将与MSO杰出的音乐家一起走上 舞台,在顶尖的首席指挥家诺西指挥下一展身手。 墨尔本交响乐团每年都会举行“东西方相遇”活动,演奏东西方音乐传统 中的管弦乐瑰宝,欣赏东西方的文化遗产;今年也不例外。 MSO最初计划在中国新年期间举行牛年庆典,但由于当时墨尔本宣布封 城,现在我们非常幸运,能够重新定下日期,再次安排本次活动,在此, 我非常感谢此前封城期间对本团给予支持的每一个人。 在此特别感谢所有的支持者、合作伙伴和捐助者,特别是李氏家庭信托、 中华人民共和国驻墨尔本总领馆、墨尔本艺术中心、奥斯汀地产对本次音 乐会的鼎力支持。 迈克尔·乌墨尔(Michael Ullmer) 澳大利亚勋章获得者 墨尔本交响乐团董事会主席


Thank you for being an important part of the MSO story For more than a century, the MSO has been part of thousands of lifelong musical journeys. After 10 months of cancelled performances, our return to the stage to celebrate the Spring Festival sees a heightened sense of emotion, excitement, and significance. Thank you for sharing it with us tonight. To celebrate the 8th year of our Chinese New Year Concert, your support tonight will help ensure the MSO can continue to perform for generations to come. Yes I would like to make a tax deductible donation to the MSO 点击此处向MSO捐款,捐款可用于抵扣应税收入



Melbourne Symphony Orchestra


Benjamin Northey conductor


Christian Li violin


Ying Yang pipa


Angela Li piano


Sophie Galaise master of ceremonies

Program VIVALDI The Four Seasons: Spring ZUQIANG WU Moonlit Night on Spring River BEETHOVEN The Creatures of Prometheus: Overture XIAOGANG YE The Faint Ginkgo CHOPIN Andante spinato and Grande Polonaise brillante

节目单 维瓦尔第:《四季·春》 吴祖强:《春江花月夜 贝多芬:《普罗米修斯·序曲》 叶小纲:《消失的银杏》 肖邦:《平静行板与华丽大波兰舞曲》

Running time: approximately 1 hour, no interval. Timings listed are approximate. Please note, this concert will be recorded for future broadcast. A musical Acknowledgement of Country, Long Time Living Here by Deborah Cheetham AO, will be performed before the start of this concert. In consideration of your fellow patrons, the MSO thanks you for silencing your phone.

演奏时间:约1小时,无幕间休息。所列时间为大致时间。 请注意,本音乐会将进行录制,供将来播放。 音乐会开始前,澳大利亚勋章获得者黛博拉·齐塔姆将演奏一曲欢迎光临原住民国度的音乐 作品《祖祖辈辈生长于斯》。 为所有观众考虑,敬请各位将手机调为静音。

Melbourne Symphony Orchestra

The Melbourne Symphony Orchestra is a leading cultural figure in the Australian arts landscape, bringing the best in orchestral music and passionate performance to a diverse audience across Victoria, the nation and around the world. Each year the MSO engages with more than 5 million people through live concerts, TV, radio and online broadcasts, international tours, recordings and education programs.

The MSO is a vital presence, both onstage and in the community, in cultivating classical music in Australia. The nation’s first professional orchestra, the MSO has been the sound of the city of Melbourne since 1906. The MSO regularly attracts great artists from around the globe including Anne-Sophie Mutter, Lang Lang, Renée Fleming and Thomas Hampson, while bringing Melbourne’s finest musicians to the world through tours to China, Europe and the United States.

The Melbourne Symphony Orchestra acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the Land on which we perform – The Kulin Nation – and would like to pay our respects to their Elders and Community both past and present.


墨尔本交响乐团是澳大利亚艺术领域 的文化引领者,为维多利亚州、全澳 大利亚乃至世界各地的观众带来出色 的管弦乐作品和精彩表演。

无论是在舞台上还是在社区中,MSO 都是澳大利亚传播古典音乐的重要角 色。自1906年以来,墨尔本交响乐 团一直是墨尔本的城市之声。

MSO每年会通过现场音乐会、 电视、广播和线上播客、世界巡演、 录音和教育节目,与500多万听众进 行交流。

MSO经常吸引来自世界各地的伟大 艺术家,包括安妮·索菲·穆特、郎 朗、芮妮·弗莱明和托马斯·汉普 森。同时也通过中国、欧洲和美国的 巡回演出,让全世界认识了墨尔本最 优秀的音乐家。

墨尔本交响乐团向我们演出所在这片土地的传统所有者——库林国致敬,并向其过去及现在 的长老及人民致敬。


Benjamin Northey conductor Since returning to Australia from Europe, Benjamin Northey has rapidly emerged as one of the nation’s leading musical figures. He is currently the Principal Resident Conductor of the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra and was appointed Chief Conductor of the Christchurch Symphony Orchestra in 2015. His international appearances include concerts with the London Philharmonic Orchestra, the Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra, the Mozarteum Orchestra Salzburg, the Hong Kong Philharmonic, the National Symphony Orchestra of Colombia, the Malaysian Philharmonic and the New Zealand Symphony and Auckland Philharmonia. He has conducted L’elisir d’amore, The Tales of Hoffmann and La sonnambula for SOSA and Turandot, Don Giovanni, Carmen and Cosi fan tutte for Opera Australia. Limelight Magazine named him Australian Artist of the Year in 2018. In 2021, he conducts the Hong Kong Philharmonic, the Christchurch Symphony and all six Australian state symphony orchestras.


指挥:本杰明·诺西 本杰明·诺西从欧返澳后,迅速成为澳大利亚的主要音乐人物。他目前担 任墨尔本交响乐团首席常驻指挥,并于2015年被任命为新西兰克赖斯特 彻奇交响乐团首席指挥。 他在国际上指挥的乐团包括伦敦爱乐乐团、东京爱乐乐团、萨尔茨堡莫扎特 乐团、香港爱乐乐团、哥伦比亚国家交响乐团、马来西亚爱乐乐团、新西兰 交响乐团和奥克兰爱乐乐团等乐团。 他为南澳歌剧团指挥过《爱情故事》《霍夫曼的故事》和《梦游女》,并为 澳大利亚歌剧团指挥过《图兰朵》《唐·乔瓦尼》《卡门》和《女人心》。 《聚光灯杂志》将他评为2018年澳大利亚风云艺术家。2021年,他将 指挥香港爱乐乐团、克赖斯特彻奇交响乐团和澳大利亚所有六个州的交响 乐团。


Christian Li violin Christian Li has captivated audiences around the world since he became the youngest-ever Junior 1st Prize-winner of the 2018 Yehudi Menuhin International Violin Competition at the age of 10. Performing with the Geneva Chamber Orchestra and the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra London, he also received the Audience Prize and the Composer Award. In 2020 he became the youngest artist ever to sign with Decca Classics. Born in Melbourne Australia in 2007, Christian began learning the violin at the age of 5 and made his solo debut at the age of 9 with the Australasian Orchestra and his professional concerto debut at 10, performing the Mendelssohn Violin Concerto with Orchestra Victoria. In 2019 he made acclaimed debuts with the Melbourne and Sydney Symphony Orchestras, The Australian Brandenburg Orchestra, and the China Philharmonic Orchestra and gave highly successful debut UK recitals at the Gower, Harrogate International and Cheltenham Music Festivals. Christian also performed at Festivals in Norway and Israel, including a televised performance at the Tel Aviv Opera House. In coming seasons, he will appear with orchestras and at festivals in Australia, the USA, Germany, Israel and Asia and will feature on Universal Music’s Disney Goes Classical release, performing with the London Symphony Orchestra. Previously, at the age of 9, Christian won First Prize in the violin category of the 2017 Young Artist Semper Music International Competition and performed at Carnegie Hall in New York in the American Protégé Showcase 10-year Anniversary concert. In 2014 he won First Prize in the ‘Golden Beijing’ violin competition in China.


小提琴:李映衡 李映衡10岁时就曾获2018年梅纽因国际小提琴比赛少年组一等奖,是 大赛举办以来最年轻的得主,他的音乐让全世界的观众着迷。他曾与 日内瓦室内乐团和伦敦皇家爱乐乐团合作演出,并获得观众奖和作曲家 奖。2020年,他成为签约迪卡古典唱片公司有史以来最年轻的全球签约 艺术家。 李映衡于2007年出生于澳大利亚墨尔本,5岁开始学琴,9岁在大洋洲交 响乐团首次独奏,10岁时与维多利亚管弦乐团演奏门德尔松小提琴协奏 曲,首次参加职业协奏曲表演。2019年,他在墨尔本交响乐团和悉尼交 响乐团、澳大利亚勃兰登堡交响乐团和中国爱乐乐团首次亮相,并在英国 高尔音乐节、哈罗盖特国际音乐节、切尔滕纳姆音乐节上成功首演。李 映衡还在挪威和以色列的艺术节上表演,包括在特拉维夫歌剧院的实况转 播表演。在今年的几季节中,他将与澳大利亚、美国、德国、以色列和亚 洲等国管弦乐队一起演出,并参加音乐节表演,他还将与伦敦交响乐团一 起,共同在环球音乐公司的“迪士尼经典”发行活动上表演。 李映衡9岁时,曾在2017年青年艺术家塞姆珀国际音乐比赛中获得小提琴 一等奖,并在纽约卡内基音乐厅举行的美国神童演出10周年音乐会上表 演。2014年,他在中国“金色北京”小提琴比赛中获得一等奖。


Ying Yang pipa Born into a musical family, Ying Yang began learning the pipa at the age of 7 with her mother, Qingrong Zeng, Professor of Pipa at the Sichuan Conservatory of Music. Ying then moved to Beijing in 1980 after being accepted into the Central Conservatory of Music Middle School under Professor Guanghua Li. Three years later, Ying began her tertiary studies at the Central Conservatory with Professor Shicheng Lin, renowned pipa virtuoso and originator of the Pudong style of pipa playing. In 1987 she graduated with honours and joined the China National Traditional Orchestra (CNTO). During her time with the CNTO, Ying participated in many important performances and recording projects. In 1998, she played in the first, hugely successful Chinese New Year concert in the Great Hall of the Musikverein in Vienna. That same year, Ying relocated to Singapore, where she held the position of music director at numerous primary and secondary schools, junior colleges and universities. After moving to Australia in 2001, Ying has taken part in a number of music festivals, and now teaches Chinese instrumental music at the Faculty of Fine Arts and Music, University of Melbourne, in addition to acting as Vice-President of the Australian Association of Traditional Chinese Music. More recently, she has collaborated with the Australia Dunhuang Arts Academy, founding the Qing Cheng Plucked Strings Chamber Orchestra in 2018 and assuming the position of orchestra leader.


琵琶:杨缨 杨缨,出生于音乐世家,7岁时随母曾庆蓉(四川音乐学院琵琶教授)学习琵 琶;1980年考入中央音乐学院附中,师从著名琵琶演奏家、教育家李光 华教授;三年后进入中央音乐学院深造,师从著名琵琶演奏家、浦东派宗 师林石城教授;1987年,以优异成绩毕业,进入中央民乐团。在中央民 乐团工作期间,多次参加重要的演出和节目录制。1998年在维也纳著名 音乐殿堂金色大厅参加首次中国新春音乐会,演出获得巨大成功。 同年杨缨移居新加坡,她担任多所中小学和大专院校的音乐总监;2001 年移居澳洲后,多次参加音乐节活动,现在墨尔本大学美术音乐学院教授 中国器乐,并担任澳洲中国民乐协会副会长。2018年她与澳大利亚敦煌 艺术学院合作,成立“倾城弹拨弦乐室乐团”,担任团长。


Angela Li piano Accomplished Chinese-Australian pianist Angela Li was raised in an artistic family from Shanghai. Angela has been studying the piano since the age of four and during her formative years under the guidance of Professor Wu Le Yi and Professor Zhou Me Yu. Angela obtained a Bachelor of Music degree and taught in the Shanghai Conservatorium of Music. Angela migrated to Melbourne, Australia in 1990 where she undertook postgraduate study majoring in Advanced Performing Arts (Piano) at the Victoria College of the Arts (VCA), Melbourne University under the most eminent Australian pianist, Stephen McIntyre AM. Angela has appeared at many recitals performing both solo and chamber music in China and Australia. Her playing style is recognised for its exquisite touch and tonal range. In 2019 Angela performed with MSO Artistic Ambassador, violin virtuoso Lu Siqing (a first prize winner of the prestigious Paganini competition) at the Melbourne Recital Centre. Angela has been praised by Lu Siqing as “a charming, delightful pianist, who plays with poetic grace and delicacy.” In early 2020, she performed “Spring Sonata” with MSO concert master Sophie Rowell for Beethoven’s Marathon Concert in the Recital Centre. Angela Li has been appointed as an Artist in Residence of Sir Zelman Cowen School of Music, Monash University since 2020.


钢琴:李沈虹 李沈虹,知名旅澳钢琴家,生于上海艺术家庭,四岁开始学琴,曾师从吴 乐懿教授及周美瑜教授;获得音乐学士学位后,在上海音乐学院任教。 1990年移居澳大利亚墨尔本,在墨尔本大学维多利亚艺术学院(VCA)主 修高级钢琴表演艺术研究生课程,师从澳大利亚著名钢琴家斯蒂芬·麦金 泰尔。她曾在中澳两国参加过众多独奏及室内音乐会,演奏触键精致细 腻,音色完美多变。2019年,她在墨尔本演奏中心与MSO艺术大使、国 际著名小提琴演奏家吕思清 (著名帕格尼尼小提琴比赛一等奖获得者)合 作演出。吕思清称赞她“是一位充满魅力和令人愉悦的钢琴家;她的演奏 充满诗意和优雅。”2020年初,她再次与墨尔本交响乐团首席小提琴索 菲·罗文(Sophie Rowell)合作,成功演奏了贝多芬小提琴与钢琴奏鸣曲 《春天》。 李沈虹自2020年起被任命为蒙纳士大学泽尔曼·考恩爵士音乐学院驻院 艺术家。


Composer biographies Xiaogang Ye composer Xiaogang Ye is regarded as one of China’s leading contemporary composers. Born in 1955, from 1978 until 1983 he studied at the Central Conservatory of Music in China, and after graduation he was appointed Resident Composer and Lecturer at the Central Conservatory of Music in China. From 1987 he studied at the Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester in New York. He is presently chairman of the China Musicians Association, vice chairman of the International Music Council, vice chairman of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, a former vice president and current professor of composition at the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing, distinguished professor of the Xinghai Conservatory of Music, Shanghai Conservatory of Music, and honorary professor of the Tchaikovsky Conservatory of Music in Ukraine, and founder and artistic director of the Beijing Modern Music Festival. He was a fellow of the Metropolitan Life Foundation and the Pennsylvania Council of the Arts in 1996, and of the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation in 2012. In 2020, Ye became a member of the American Academy of Arts & Science.

作曲家介绍 叶小纲,被认为是当今中国最有影响的作曲家之一。1955年出生,1978 年至1983年在中国中央音乐学院学习,毕业后被任命为常驻作曲家和中 国中央音乐学院讲师。从1987年起,他在纽约罗切斯特大学伊斯曼音乐 学院学习。现为中国音乐家协会主席、国际音理会副主席、中国文联副主 席、中央音乐学院前副院长、作曲教授、上海音乐学院星海音乐学院特聘 教授、乌克兰柴可夫斯基音乐学院名誉教授、北京现代音乐节创始人、 艺术总监。1996年,他是大都会人寿基金会和宾夕法尼亚艺术委员会委 员,2012年,他是古根海姆纪念基金会委员。2020年,叶小纲成为美国 艺术科学院院士。


Wu Zuqiang composer Wu Zuqiang, is a native of Beijing and whose ancestral home is in Wujin, Jiangsu Province. He was born in 1927 and graduated from the Central Conservatory of Music in 1952. Wu Zuqiang has spent his career in music as a composer, educator, and member of several musical and artistic associations including the Chinese Musicians Association and China Federation of Literary and Art Circles. In addition to his work as a composer, Wu is the author of Musical Form and Analysis of Music Works. His father is Wu Jingzhou, a founder of the Beijing Palace Museum.

作曲家介绍 吴祖强,1927年出生,1952年毕业于中央音乐学院。吴祖强的音乐生 涯涵盖作曲家、教育家,并担任多个音乐协会和艺术协会的成员,他曾担 任中央音乐学院院长、中国音乐家协会主席和中国文学艺术界联合会副主 席。除了作曲,吴祖强还是中国国家交响乐团的艺术顾问。父亲是北京故 宫博物院的创始人吴景洲。


Acknowledging Country In the first project of its kind in Australia, the MSO has developed a musical Acknowledgment of Country with music composed by Yorta Yorta composer Deborah Cheetham AO, featuring Indigenous languages from across Victoria. Generously supported by Helen Macpherson Smith Trust and the Commonwealth Government through the Australian National Commission for UNESCO, the MSO is working in partnership with Short Black Opera and Indigenous language custodians who are generously sharing their cultural knowledge. The Acknowledgement of Country allows us to pay our respects to the traditional owners of the land on which we perform in the language of that country and in the orchestral language of music.

Australian National Commission for UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

About Long Time Living Here In all the world, only Australia can lay claim to the longest continuing cultures and we celebrate this more today than in any other time since our shared history began. We live each day drawing energy from a land which has been nurtured by the traditional owners for more than 2000 generations. When we acknowledge country we pay respect to the land and to the people in equal measure. As a composer I have specialised in coupling the beauty and diversity of our Indigenous languages with the power and intensity of classical music. In order to compose the music for this Acknowledgement of Country Project I have had the great privilege of working with no fewer than eleven ancient languages from the state of Victoria, including the language of my late Grandmother, Yorta Yorta woman Frances McGee. I pay my deepest respects to the elders and ancestors who are represented in these songs of acknowledgement and to the language custodians who have shared their knowledge and expertise in providing each text. I am so proud of the MSO for initiating this landmark project and grateful that they afforded me the opportunity to make this contribution to the ongoing quest of understanding our belonging in this land. — Deborah Cheetham AO


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(Born 1927)

Christian Li violin

Ying Yang pipa

The Four Seasons: Spring

Moonlit Night on Spring River

In 1725 twelve Vivaldi concertos were published in Amsterdam under the name The Contest Between Harmony and Invention. Seven of the concertos were descriptive, including the first four – La Primavera (Spring), L’Estate (Summer), L’Autunno (Autumn) and L’Inverno (Winter), making up the set we know collectively as The Four Seasons. It is possible Vivaldi wrote the concertos earlier, but by 1725 he was well-known throughout Europe, and would have profited well from publishing his work.

The Moonlit Night on Spring River melody has existed as a solo for Pipa since at least the Ming Dynasty. In the nineteenth century, it was reimagined as a musical setting of a well-known poem by the Tang Dynasty-era poet Zhang Ruoxo, called Chun Jiang Hua Yue Ye, which describes the beauty of a moonlit night in the region south of the Yangtze River. This musical setting has since been arranged for Chinese national orchestra and has undergone many formations over generations.

Vivaldi wrote the concertos with a set of sonnets in mind. It is unknown who wrote the poetry (some suggest Vivaldi himself may have been the author), but Vivaldi depicted its imagery beautifully through his music. The bouncing beginning of Spring is a celebration of new life, the ‘merry song’ of the birds trilling from the strings. Running water is heard, but then the music, like the weather of the poem, turns ominous, before returning to its light, breezy opening theme. The Largo movement is sweetly melancholy, as though the solo violin is questioning the beauty of the world. In the final Allegro movement, the continuo plays a droning bass, like that of a bagpipe, and the violin dances the tune. Justine Bashford, Symphony Australia © 2003

The MSO will perform composer Wu Zuqiang’s arrangement for the 2021 Chinese New Year concert.



The Creatures of Prometheus, Op. 43: Overture Beethoven’s only ballet music was written for a ‘heroic and allegorical’ ballet conceived by the Italian dancer Salvatore Viganò, and produced in Vienna in 1801. The story combines the myth of Prometheus, who snatched fire from the sky, with that of Pygmalion, the sculptor whose statue came to life. Prometheus uses the fire to fashion two statues, a man and a woman, from clay; but they resist all his efforts to make them human, stubbornly remaining as inert as vegetables. Disappointed, he


is about to destroy his handiwork when the god Pan persuades him to lead them to Mount Parnassus, where they are educated by Apollo, Orpheus and the Muses. Acquiring the ability to think and feel, they begin to appreciate the beauty of nature and the civilising influences of music, comedy, tragedy and dance. Beethoven didn’t think too highly of Viganò’s efforts — he wrote to a publisher: ‘I have written a ballet, in which, however, the ballet master has not made the most of his part’. At any rate, Beethoven wrote no more ballet music. Perhaps he felt that Viganò had not put sufficient emphasis on Prometheus’ rebellious, heroic character, and his sufferings which were the price of the good he did for mankind. In Beethoven’s mind, the character of Prometheus was identified with the young Napoleon, the defender of ‘liberty, equality and fraternity’. In the finale of the ballet, a theme which could almost be called the refrain of Beethoven’s young manhood makes an early appearance. It is a theme



associated with heroism, and here treated as a basis for variations, as it was to be in the Variations for piano Op.35, and most memorably and magically exalted, in the finale of the Eroica Symphony, originally dedicated to Napoleon. The Overture prefigures the grand conclusion of the ballet. From the first notes, in which Beethoven commands his audience’s attention by the tonal ambiguity of a discord leading out of the main key, the music is passionate and noble. The youthful energy of the composer, well suited to the ballet’s theme, is apparent in the dashing and often brilliant orchestral writing. Adapted from a note by David Garrett


(Born 1955)

The Faint Ginkgo The Faint Ginkgo is composer Xiaogang Ye’s latest piece of his subtropical plant series, and the first version of the piece was finished in May 2019. The

composer has always been interested in mysterious and beautiful plants, and his pieces such as Lagerstroemia Indica, Scent of Green Mango, Datura, and Enchanted Bamboo have been performed in different parts of the world. Ginkgo is the oldest tree in the world, and it is mysterious and beautiful. The tree has existed in China for billions of years. The symphonic piece The Faint Ginkgo expresses the composer’s love and concern for nature. The piece expresses the exploration and curiosity of ancient, but still unknown things in the new century, with the composer’s own unique harmonious language, and elegant and subtle symphonic timbre changes. It also describes human beings’ concern of the interdependence between human beings and nature, and the longing for beauty deep in our hearts. This version of the piece was specially composed again by the composer for the Chinese New Year concert in Melbourne. In order to highlight the

atmosphere of Chinese New Year, the composer changed almost all the previous music so that it has become a happy musical piece. In a strict sense, this piece should be called The Faint Ginkgo II. Xiaogang Ye © 2021



Angela Li piano Andante spianato and Grande polonaise brillante, Op.22 The Andante spianato and Grande polonaise presents a tale of two cities, or two countries. The Polonaise was written about the same time as the Fantaisie, in 1830–31. Just before the first performance of the E minor piano concerto (now No.1) in September 1830. Chopin wrote to Woyciechowski ‘I have begun a Polonaise with the orchestra; but so far it’s just the rudiments; it’s only the beginning of the beginning’. By the time Chopin played it in Paris, at the conductor Habeneck’s benefit concert

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at the Conservatoire, on April 26, 1835, the Polonaise had a new beginning, for piano alone. This Andante was composed in 1834. It has no musical connection with the Polonaise, and in style belongs rather with Chopin’s Nocturnes, the most Italianate of his works. The ‘spianato’ of the title is an Italian word from the vocabulary of carpentry, and means ‘planed down smooth’. The melody, over an undulating accompaniment in broken chords, unfurls without major event to disturb the idyll, which many have found pastoral in setting. It leads to a middle section marked ‘semplice’, where the hands move together bringing a contrast of rhythm and texture, but not of mood, and providing the close after a shortened return of the Andante. Then the orchestra, in a rather tritely portentous passage, sets the scene for the Polonaise.

This brilliant piece brought Chopin a success at the Paris concert. It was showy enough to please the piano fanciers, and just Polish enough for the fellow-travellers in the audience — the polonaise had long been familiar in France, with its typical rhythm in triple metre, heard here beginning the first phrase. It is not one of Chopin’s more musically searching polonaises; the orchestral part is so secondary that the whole piece is more often played without it, and Chopin never composed for orchestra again. But it is good to be reminded once in a while of the young, fashionable, and brilliant Chopin. And his music here was not just topical — it was just right for a public concert. David Garrett © 2007


Your MSO Xian Zhang

Principal Guest Conductor

Benjamin Northey Principal Conductor in Residence

Nicholas Bochner

Cybec Assistant Conductor

Sir Andrew Davis Conductor Laureate

Hiroyuki Iwaki †

Conductor Laureate (1974–2006)

FIRST VIOLINS Dale Barltrop Concertmaster

Sophie Rowell Concertmaster The Ullmer Family Foundation# Tair Khisambeev

Assistant Concertmaster

Peter Edwards

Assistant Principal

Kirsty Bremner Sarah Curro Peter Fellin Deborah Goodall Lorraine Hook Anne-Marie Johnson Barbara Bell, in memory of Elsa Bell#

Kirstin Kenny Eleanor Mancini Mark Mogilevski Michelle Ruffolo Kathryn Taylor SECOND VIOLINS Matthew Tomkins

Principal The Gross Foundation#

Robert Macindoe Associate Principal

Monica Curro

Assistant Principal Danny Gorog and Lindy Susskind#

Mary Allison Isin Cakmakcioglu Tiffany Cheng Freya Franzen Danny Gorog and Lindy Susskind#

Cong Gu Andrew Hall Isy Wasserman Philippa West Patrick Wong Roger Young VIOLAS Christopher Moore Principal Di Jameson#

Christopher Cartlidge

DOUBLE BASSES Damien Eckersley Benjamin Hanlon Frank Mercurio and Di Jameson#

Suzanne Lee Stephen Newton Sophie Galaise and Clarence Fraser#

FLUTES Prudence Davis Principal Anonymous#

Wendy Clarke

Associate Principal

Sarah Beggs

Sophia Yong-Tang#

Associate Principal


Lauren Brigden Katharine Brockman Anthony Chataway

Andrew Macleod

Dr Elizabeth E Lewis AM#

Gabrielle Halloran Trevor Jones Anne Neil#

Fiona Sargeant Cindy Watkin

Principal John McKay and Lois McKay#

OBOES Thomas Hutchinson Associate Principal

Ann Blackburn

The Rosemary Norman Foundation#



David Berlin

Michael Pisani


Rachael Tobin

Associate Principal

Nicholas Bochner Assistant Principal

Principal Beth Senn#

CLARINETS David Thomas

Miranda Brockman


Rohan de Korte

Associate Principal

Geelong Friends of the MSO# Andrew Dudgeon#

Sarah Morse Angela Sargeant Michelle Wood

Andrew and Judy Rogers#

Learn more about our musicians on the MSO website. CHINESE NEW YEAR 2021 – 30

Philip Arkinstall Craig Hill

BASS CLARINET Jon Craven Principal

BASSOONS Jack Schiller




Elise Millman

John Arcaro

Associate Principal

Natasha Thomas

Dr Martin Tymms and Patricia Nilsson#


Robert Cossom

Drs Rhyll Wade and Clem Gruen#



Brock Imison

Yinuo Mu





Nicolas Fleury

First violin Oksana Thompson Zoe Freisberg Cameron Jamieson

Principal Margaret Jackson AC#

Saul Lewis

Principal Third The Hon Michael Watt QC and Cecilie Hall#

Abbey Edlin

Nereda Hanlon and Michael Hanlon AM#

Trinette McClimont Rachel Shaw TRUMPETS Owen Morris Principal

Shane Hooton

Associate Principal Glenn Sedgwick#

William Evans Rosie Turner

John and Diana Frew#

TROMBONES Richard Shirley


Mike Szabo

Principal Bass Trombone

TUBA Timothy Buzbee


Horn Peter Luff Trombone Jessica Buzbee Michael Lo Timpani Brent Miller Percussion Conrad Nilsson Greg Sully Keyboard Donald Nicolson

Second violin Jacqueline Edwards Michael Loftus-Hills Lucy Warren Viola Isabel Morse Lisa Grosman Paul McMillan Katie Yap Cello Elina Faskhitdinova Nils Hobiger Rebecca Proietto Double Bass Rohan Dasika Vivian Qu Siyuan Giovanni Vinci Oboe Emmanuel Cassimatis Bassoon Colin Forbes-Abrams # Position supported by


Supporters MSO PATRON

MSO Live Online Crown Resorts Foundation, Packer Family Foundation

The Honourable Linda Dessau AC, Governor of Victoria

MSO Capacity Building Gandel Philanthropy, Di Jameson (Senior Manager, Philanthropy and External Affairs), The Alison Puzey Charitable Fund as part of Equity Trustees Sector Capacity Building Fund supporting Musicians’ iPADs

CHAIRMAN’S CIRCLE Marc Besen AC and Eva Besen AO Gandel Philanthropy

MSO Education Margaret Ross AM and Dr Ian Ross

The Gross Foundation Di Jameson

MSO For Schools Crown Resorts Foundation, Packer Family Foundation, The Department of Education and Training, Victoria, through the Strategic Partnerships Program and the Victorian Challenge and Enrichment Series (VCES)

Harold Mitchell Foundation David Li AM and Angela Li Harold Mitchell AC MS Newman Family Foundation Lady Potter AC CMRI

MSO Regional Touring Creative Victoria, Freemasons Foundation Victoria, Robert Salzer Foundation, Sir Andrew & Lady Fairley Foundation, The Ray & Joyce Uebergang Foundation

The Cybec Foundation The Pratt Foundation The Ullmer Family Foundation Anonymous (1)

ARTIST CHAIR BENEFACTORS Cybec Assistant Conductor Chair Nicholas Bochner The Cybec Foundation Concertmaster Chair Sophie Rowell The Ullmer Family Foundation Young Composer in Residence Jordan Moore The Cybec Foundation

PROGRAM BENEFACTORS Cybec 21st Century Australian Composers Program The Cybec Foundation Cybec Young Composer in Residence The Cybec Foundation Digital Transformation Perpetual Foundation – Alan (AGL) Shaw Endowment, Telematics Trust East meets West The Li Family Trust

The Pizzicato Effect Flora & Frank Leith Charitable Trust, The Marian and E.H. Flack Trust, Scobie and Claire Mackinnon Trust, Jenny Anderson, Australian Decorative And Fine Arts Society, Barbara Bell in memory of Elsa Bell, Janet H Bell, Richard and Janet Chauvel, Caroline Davies, Alex and Liz Furman, Robert and Janet Green, Jean Hadges, Hilary Hall in memory of Wilma Collie, Jenkins Family Foundation, Jeanette King, Christopher and Anna Long, H E McKenzie, Shirley McKenzie, Marjorie McPherson, Kerryn Pratchett, Opalgate Foundation, Joanne Soso, Margaret Ross AM and Dr Ian Ross, Jenny Tatchell, Anonymous Sidney Myer Free Concerts Supported by the Sidney Myer MSO Trust Fund and the University of Melbourne


Meet the Orchestra The Ullmer Family Foundation

Marc Besen AC and Eva Besen AO

Melbourne Music Summit Erica Foundation Pty Ltd

The Gross Foundation

John Gandel AC and Pauline Gandel AC Di Jameson

Supporters – 32


David Li AM and Angela Li The Pratt Foundation

Christine and Mark Armour

The Ullmer Family Foundation

Barbara Bell, in memory of Elsa Bell

Anonymous (1)

Dr Kaye Birks and the late David Birks Stephen and Caroline Brain


Lynne Burgess

Annette Maluish

Dr Shirley Chu

Harold Mitchell AC Elizabeth Proust AO and Brian Lawrence

John and Lyn Coppock Mary Davidson and Frederick Davidson AM Wendy Dimmick


Andrew Dudgeon AM

Harold Bentley

Jaan Enden

Sir Andrew and Lady Davis

Bill Fleming

Hilary Hall, in memory of Wilma Collie

John and Diana Frew

The Hogan Family Foundation

Susan Fry and Don Fry AO

Margaret Jackson AC David Krasnostein AM and Pat Stragalinos John and Lois McKay

Sophie Galaise and Clarence Fraser Geelong Friends of the MSO R Goldberg and Family

Lady Potter AC CMRI

Leon Goldman

Anonymous (1)

Colin Golvan AM QC and Dr Deborah Golvan


Jennifer Gorog

Margaret Billson and the late Ted Billson

HMA Foundation

Krystyna Campbell-Pretty AM Ann Darby, in memory of Leslie J. Darby Danny Gorog and Lindy Susskind Nereda Hanlon and Michael Hanlon AM Paul Noonan Opalgate Foundation Ian and Jeannie Paterson Dr Trong Pham and Graeme Campbell Glenn Sedgwick and Dr Anita Willaton Beth Senn Gai and David Taylor Harry and Michelle Wong Anonymous (3)

Geoff Hayes Hans and Petra Henkell Hartmut and Ruth Hofmann

Robert and Jan Green Peter Hunt AM and Tania de Jong AM

Louis Hamon OAM

Doug Hooley Dr Alastair Jackson AM Suzanne Kirkham Man Kit Yu Dr Jerry Koliha and Marlene Krelle Dr Elizabeth A Lewis AM Norman Lewis, in memory of Dr Phyllis Lewis Dr Caroline Liow Peter Lovell Douglas and Rosemary Meagher Frank Mercurio Marie Morton FRSA Anne Neil

Supporters – 33

Dr Paul Nisselle AM

Dr Helen M Ferguson

The Rosemary Norman Foundation

Bill Fleming


Elizabeth Foster

Ken Ong, in memory of Lin Ong

Barry Fradkin OAM and Dr Pam Fradkin

Bruce Parncutt AO

Alex and Liz Furman

Jim and Fran Pfeiffer

Dina and Ron Goldschlager

Dr Rosemary Ayton and Dr Sam Ricketson

Louise Gourlay OAM

Andrew and Judy Rogers

Susan and Gary Hearst

Jeffrey Sher QC and Diana Sher OAM

Jenny and Peter Hordern

Helen Silver AO and Harrison Young

Jenkins Family Foundation

Brian Snape AM and the late Diana Snape

John Jones

Lady Marigold Southey AC

Andrew Johnston

Tasco Petroleum

Irene Kearsey and Michael Ridley

The Hon Michael Watt QC and Cecilie Hall

Merv Keehn and Sue Harlow

Dr Rhyl Wade and Dr Clem Gruen

The Ilma Kelson Music Foundation

Liping Wang

Jeanette King

Lyn Williams AM

Julie Lamont

Sophia Yong-Tang

Bryan Lawrence

Anonymous (5)

Jane Leitinger Andrew Lockwood


Shane Mackinlay

Mary Armour

John and Margaret Mason

Marlyn Bancroft and Peter Bancroft OAM

Wayne McDonald and Kay Schroer

Dandolo Partners

H E McKenzie

Will and Dorothy Bailey Bequest

Allan and Evelyn McLaren

Anne Bowden

Patricia Nilsson

Bill Bowness AO

Alan and Dorothy Pattison

Julia and Jim Breen

Sue and Barry Peake

Patricia Brockman

Mrs W Peart

Dr John Brookes

Christine Peirson and the late Graham Peirson

Elizabeth Brown

Dug Pomeroy

Roger and Coll Buckle

Barrie and Heather Pover

Jill and Christopher Buckley

Julie and Ian Reid

Oliver Carton

Ralph and Ruth Renard

Richard and Janet Chauvel

Peter and Carolyn Rendit

David Chu

S M Richards AM and M R Richards

Breen Creighton

Joan P and Christopher Robinson

Natasha Davies, for the Trikojus Education Fund

Tom and Elizabeth Romanowski

Sandra Dent

Liliane Rusek and Alexander Ushakoff

Peter and Leila Doyle Lisa Dwyer and Dr Ian Dickson AM

Elizabeth Rosanove Mark and Jan Schapper Dr Norman and Dr Sue Sonenberg

Supporters – 34

Dr Michael Soon

Dr Lynda Campbell

Geoff and Judy Steinicke

Pamela Carder

Jennifer Steinicke

John Carroll

Peter J Stirling

Robert B Coles

Jenny Tatchell

Dr Sheryl Coughlin and Paul Coughlin

Clayton and Christina Thomas

Breen Creighton

Frank Tisher OAM and Dr Miriam Tisher

Gregory L Crew

Nic and Ann Willcock

Andrew Crockett AM and Pamela Crockett

Lorraine Woolley

Panch Das and Laurel Young-Das

Richard Wong

Caroline Davies

Anna Xi

Wolf and Asya Deane

Lu Xing

Rick and Sue Deering

Peter and Susan Yates

John and Anne Duncan

Richard Ye

Jane Edmanson OAM

Chester Yeoh

Doug Evans

Anonymous (5)

Grant Fisher and Helen Bird Elizabeth Foster


David Frenkiel and Esther Frenkiel OAM

David and Cindy Abbey

Simon Gaites

Dr Sally Adams

Anthony Garvey and Estelle O’Callaghan

Applebay Pty Ltd

David Gibbs and Susie O’Neill

Australian Decorative and Fine Arts Society

Janette Gill

Geoffrey and Vivienne Baker Robbie Barker

Greta Goldblatt and the late Merwyn Goldblatt

Adrienne Basser

George Golvan QC and Naomi Golvan

Janice Bate and the late Prof Weston Bate

Dr Marged Goode

Elizabeth Beischer

Louise Gourlay OAM

Janet H Bell

Catherine Gray

Gilbert and Dawn Best

Prof Denise Grocke AO

David Blackwell OAM

Margie and Marshall Grosby

John and Sally Bourne

Jennifer Gross

Robbie Boyes

Max Gulbin

Michael F Boyt

Dr Sandra Hacker AO and Mr Ian Kennedy AM

Geoff Brentnall

Jean Hadges

Elida Brereton

Paula Hansky OAM

Professor Ian Brighthope

Amir Harel and Dr Judy Carman

Nigel Broughton and Dr Sheena Broughton

Tilda and Brian Haughney

Elizabeth Brown

Peter and Lyndsey Hawkins

Olivia H Brown

David H Hennell

Stuart Brown

Cathy Henry

Suzie Brown OAM and Harvey Brown

Linda Herd

Shane Buggle

Dora Hiller

Ronald and Kate Burnstein

Anthony and Karen Ho

Supporters – 35

Anna and John Holdsworth

Ian M McDonald

Rod Home

Wayne McDonald and Kay Schroer

Doug Hooley

Margaret McGrath

Anne Huffam

Don and Anne Meadows

Penelope Hughes

Dr Eric Meadows

Judi Humberstone

Wayne and Penny Morgan

Geoff and Denise Illing

Dr Rosemary Nixon AM

Rosemary and James Jacoby

David O’Connell

Kay Jackson

Timothy O’Connell

Peter Jaffe and Judy Gold

Laurence O’Keefe and Christopher James

Andrew Jamieson

Roger Parker

Paul and Amy Jasper

Adriana and Sienna Pesavento

Basil and Rita Jenkins

Wilma Plozza-Green

David and Dr Elizabeth Judd

Kerryn Pratchett

Dorothy Karpin

Peter Priest

Angela Kayser

Treena Quarin

Irene Kearsey and Michael Ridley

Eli Raskin

Bruce and Natalie Kellett

Tony and Elizabeth Rayward

Dr Anne Kennedy

Peter and Carolyn Rendit

Julie and Simon Kessel

Brian and June Roberts

Jeanette King

Cathy and Peter Rogers

Anthony Klemm

Peter Rose and Christopher Menz

Graham and Jo Kraehe

Marie Rowland

Ann Lahore

Fred and Patricia Russell

Kerry Landman

Jan Ryan

Bryan Lawrence

Elisabeth and Doug Scott

Diedrie Lazarus

Dr Nora Scheinkestel

Jane Leitinger

Martin and Susan Shirley

Dr Anne Lierse

Penny Shore

Norman Lewis, in memory of Dr Phyllis Lewis

John E Smith

Dr Susan Linton

Sparky Foundation

Dr Emily Lo

Dr Vaughan Speck

Andrew Lockwood

Geoff and Judy Steinicke

Elizabeth H Loftus

Dr Peter Strickland

Chris and Anna Long

Dr Norman and Dr Sue Sonenberg

Margaret Long

Pamela Swansson

June and Simon Lubansky

Stephanie Tanuwidjaja

Shane Mackinlay

Tara, Tessa, Melinda and Terrence Teh

The Hon Ian Macphee AO and Julie Macphee

Geoffrey Thomlinson

Pete Masters

Mary Valentine AO

Ruth Maxwell

Ann and Larry Turner H Van Reesma

Supporters – 36

Jacob and Mavis Varghese

Richard Gubbins

The Hon Rosemary Varty

R J Harden

Leon and Sandra Velik

Amir Harel and Dr Judy Carman

Sue Walker AM

Katherine Horwood

Elaine Walters OAM and Gregory Walters

Elspeth and Roald de Wit

The Rev Noel Whale

Basil and Rita Jenkins

Edward and Paddy White

Wendy Johnson

Barry and Julie Wilkins

Dorothy Kiers

Marian Wills Cooke and Terry Wills Cooke OAM

Prof David Knowles and Dr Anne McLachlan

Richard Withers

Fred and Alta McAnda

Jeffrey and Shirley Zajac Susan Zheng Anonymous (25)

Paschalina Leach Shirley A McKenzie Jennifer Meister Dr Bruce and Judy Munro


Conrad O’Donohue and Dr Rosemary Kiss

Jane Allan

Michael Ryan and Wendy Mead

Ellen Alleny Judith Armstrong Elvala Ayton and Maxine Wain Margaret Bainbridge Liz and Charles Baré Heather and David Baxter Bill Bowness AO Errol Broome Bill and Sandra Burdett Prof Jan Carter AM Rosemary Cromby Carol des Cognets The Dougall and Morey families Mike and Nina Dow Lisa Dwyer and Dr Ian Dickson Jane Edmanson OAM Mary Gaidzkar Prue Gill Sandra Gillett and Jeremy Wilkins

Prof Charles Qin and Kate Ritchie The Schapper Family Foundation Mark and Jan Schapper Valerie Silberberg Paul Schneider and Margarita Schneider Geoff and Judy Steinicke Profs Gabriela and George Stephenson Rowan Streiff and Dr Murray Sandland Nancy Sturgess Helen M Symons Tam Vu and Dr Cherilyn Tillman Noel and Jenny Turnbull Dr Elsa Underhill and Prof Malcolm Rimmer Amanda Watson Angela Westacott The Rev Noel Whale Prof Barbara Workman Lorna Wyatt Harold Zwier Anonymous (16)

* The MSO has introduced a new tier to its annual Patron Program in recognition of the donors who supported the Orchestra during 2020, many for the first time. Moving forward, donors who make an annual gift of $500–$999 to the MSO will now be publicly recognised as an Overture Patron. For more information, please contact Donor Liaison, Keith Clancy on (03) 8646 1109 or

Supporters – 37


Prof George Stephenson Pamela Swansson

Jenny Anderson

Lillian Tarry

David Angelovich

Tam Vu and Dr Cherilyn Tillman

G C Bawden and L de Kievit

Mr and Mrs R P Trebilcock

Lesley Bawden

Michael Ullmer AO

Joyce Bown Jenny Brukner and the late Mr John Brukner Ken Bullen Peter A Caldwell

Marian Wills Cooke and Terry Wills Cooke OAM Mark Young

Luci and Ron Chambers

Anonymous (29)

Beryl Dean

The MSO gratefully acknowledges the support of the following Estates:

Sandra Dent Alan Egan JP

Norma Ruth Atwell

Gunta Eglite

Angela Beagley

Mr Derek Grantham

Christine Mary Bridgart

Marguerite Garnon-Williams

The Cuming Bequest

Dr Rhyl Wade and Dr Clem Gruen

Margaret Davies

Louis Hamon OAM

Neilma Gantner

Carol Hay

The Hon Dr Alan Goldberg AO QC

Graham Hogarth

Enid Florence Hookey

Rod Home

Gwen Hunt

Tony Howe Laurence O’Keefe and Christopher James Audrey M Jenkins

Audrey Jenkins Joan Jones Pauline Marie Johnston

John Jones

C P Kemp

George and Grace Kass

Peter Forbes MacLaren

Bruce and Natalie Kellett

Joan Winsome Maslen

Sylvia Lavelle

Lorraine Maxine Meldrum

Pauline and David Lawton

Prof Andrew McCredie

Cameron Mowat

Jean Moore

David Orr

Miss Sheila Scotter AM MBE

Matthew O’Sullivan

Marion A I H M Spence

Rosia Pasteur

Molly Stephens

Penny Rawlins

Halinka Tarczynska-Fiddian

Joan P Robinson Neil Roussac and Anne Roussac-Hoyne Suzette Sherazee

Jennifer May Teague Albert Henry Ullin Jean Tweedie

Michael Ryan and Wendy Mead Anne Kieni-Serpell and Andrew Serpell Jennifer Shepherd

The Hon Rosemary Varty

Herta and Fred B Vogel Dorothy Wood

Prof Gabriela Stephenson and

Supporters – 38

MSO BOARD CHINESE NEW YEAR SUPPORTERS Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China The Ministry of Culture and Tourism, China Li Family Trust Austin Land Seven Network Biostime Swisse Hengyi Asia Society Australia TarraWarra Estate Executive Wealth Circle David’s Hot Pot Chin Communications Xiaojian Ren & Qian Li

Chairman Michael Ullmer AO Deputy Chairman David Li AM Managing Director Sophie Galaise Board Directors Andrew Dudgeon AM Danny Gorog Lorraine Hook Margaret Jackson AC Di Jameson David Krasnostein AM Hyon-Ju Newman Glenn Sedgwick Helen Silver AO Company Secretary Oliver Carton

HONORARY APPOINTMENTS Life Members Marc Besen AC and Eva Besen AO John Gandel AC and Pauline Gandel AC Sir Elton John CBE Harold Mitchell AC Lady Potter AC CMRI Jeanne Pratt AC Artistic Ambassadors Tan Dun Lu Siqing MSO Ambassador Geoffrey Rush AC The MSO honours the memory of Life Members John Brockman OAM The Honourable Alan Goldberg AO QC Roger Riordan AM Ila Vanrenen

The MSO relies on your ongoing philanthropic support to sustain our artists, and support access, education, community engagement and more. We invite our suporters to get close to the MSO through a range of special events. The MSO welcomes your support at any level. Donations of $2 and over are tax deductible, and supporters are recognised as follows: $1,000+ (Player) $2,500+ (Associate) $5,000+ (Principal) $10,000+ (Maestro) $20,000+ (Impresario) $50,000+ (Virtuoso) $100,000+ (Platinum)

Supporters – 39

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Thank you to our Partners Principal Partner

Premier Partners

Major Partners

Government Partners

Education Partners

Premier Production Partner

Venue Partner

Supporting Partners

Quest Southbank

The CEO Institute

Ernst & Young

Bows for Strings

Trusts and Foundations

Sir Andrew and Lady Fairley, Erica Foundation Pty Ltd, Flora & Frank Leith Trust, Scobie & Claire MacKinnon Trust, Sidney Myer MSO Trust Fund, The Alison Puzey Foundation part of Equity Trustees Sector Capacity Building Fund, Perpetual Foundation – Alan (AGL) Shaw Endowment, The Ray & Joyce Uebergang Foundation, The Ullmer Family Foundation

Media and Broadcast Partners

East meets West Supporters Program Supporters

Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in Melbourne

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism, China

Principal Concert Partner

Major Concert Partners

Supporting Concert Partners

Consortium Partners


Xiaojian Ren & Qian Li

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