MSO 2020 Annual Report

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2020 Annual Report

MSO in the Media “ The international online audience was treated to superb wind playing, spearheaded by oboist Thomas Hutchinson.” – The Age, 22 March 2020 (Beethoven’s Symphony No.7)

“ Northey and his players enjoyed tapping into Copland’s appealing mix of gentle humour and nostalgia, performing with verve and empathy in equal measure.” – The Age, 21 June 2020 (Fanfare and Melodies)

“ Judging from the sustained standing ovation which met this work at its conclusion.. the majority of audience members responded to this new artistic fusion with unbridled joy.” – ArtsHub, 25 February 2020 (Season Opening Gala: Beethoven 9, Circa and Cheetham)


“ This concert was recorded and filmed, with the quality of both the sound and visuals at a highly professional level. Using several camera close ups of the conductor, orchestral members, soloists and chorus heightened the enjoyment of watching it on screen.” – ArtsHub, 6 April 2020 (Broadcast of 2019’s Stravinsky Double Bill)

“ Shot through with plenty of light and shade, the finale displayed a devil-maycare attitude that provided a much need tonic in these uncertain times.” – The Age, 22 March 2020 (Beethoven’s Symphony No.7)

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