Relaxed and autism friendly performance Saturday 8 April 2017. 10.30–11.30am Arts Centre Melbourne, Hamer Hall Presentation licensed by Disney Concerts. © All rights reserved © Disney/Pixar
Welcome! This visual story is designed especially for you, the audience of the MSO’s relaxed and autism friendly performance of Pixar in Concert. It is intended as a fun and engaging way of introducing you and the young people you will accompany to the kinds of things you’ll experience when you join us at the performance. It’s going to be really fun. You will see a specially curated program featuring animated Pixar favourites on the big screen accompanied by music played live by musicians of the orchestra. There’s sure to be something for everyone with highlights including Toy Story, Finding Nemo, Ratatouille and Cars to name but a few. We can’t wait to welcome you along! This performance will take place in a safe and relaxed environment with various elements adapted to reduce the possibility of anxiety and discomfort. You can expect: • Friendly, trained MSO and Arts Centre Melbourne staff on hand to support you and young people you accompany throughout your visit • A relaxed attitude to noise and movement during the performance • An ‘open door’ policy – doors to the auditorium remaining open throughout the performance so you can come and go as you please • Lighting and sound levels adjusted to soften potential impact • Designated ‘chill out’ spaces located outside the auditorium – alternative spaces to use if the performance becomes overwhelming Please note that there may be an announcement just before the show asking for mobile devices to be switched off and advising that photography and filming of any kind is not permitted. If you need to use a specific electronic device such as an iPad to assist with communication or your enjoyment of the show, just inform the usher as you enter the theatre. If you have any questions for us in the lead up to your visit, please contact our friendly and knowledgeable MSO Box Office staff who, if you wish, will also happily assist you with facilitating a more detailed conversation about the performance and the ways in which we can support your visit. Phone: (03) 9929 9600 Email: MSO – Pixar in Concert: Relaxed and autism friendly performance | page 2
© Disney/Pixar
Soon we will be going to see a performance of Pixar in Concert with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra. It is a great idea for us to read this story before going to the show!
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Here is a picture of the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra. At the performance, we will see lots of people on the stage playing all kinds of different musical instruments! Have you ever been to see an orchestra play? What do you remember about the performance?
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The performance is being held inside Hamer Hall, a concert hall on the banks of the Yarra River. It is big and round like a donut! MSO – Pixar in Concert: Relaxed and autism friendly performance | page 5
Inside Hamer Hall, we will meet some staff who will help us find some important things: the auditorium (where we will sit), the toilets, and somewhere to relax. The staff will be wearing black uniforms. They are very friendly and are looking forward to introducing you to the orchestra.
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To get to the performance, we will travel down in… lifts,
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To see the performance, we will sit inside the auditorium. This is a picture of the seats that some of us will use. They are red and orange and feel nice and soft. If you use a wheelchair, there will be a space for you to sit with your friends.
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This is a picture of Dale. Dale plays the violin and is what we call the ‘Concertmaster’. His job is to lead the orchestra and make sure everyone is playing together.
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This is a picture of Ben. Ben is the ‘Conductor’. His job is to keep everyone in time by moving his arms and body along to the music. Ben will talk to you during the performance and will tell you lots of interesting information about the movies and music. Can you move your arms and body along to the music?
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This is a picture of the screen we will use to watch the movies. It’s a bit like the cinema! The musicians will play the music while we watch the movies on the screen. Some music will be loud, and some music will be soft. Ben will talk to us to help us prepare for the loud and exciting bits!
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The lights above our seats will stay on. This means we’ll still be able to see what we’re doing. We can also sing along or move around if we like. The auditorium doors will stay open so we can come and go from our seats if we need a break from the performance.
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The performance will start at 10.30am and will finish at 11.30am. That means it will go for about 1 hour, or 60 minutes. If we need to take a break from the performance, an adult can take us to a chill out space outside of the auditorium. We can go back inside when we are ready. What are some other activities you do that take about an hour?
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At the end of the performance, we can clap our hands to say ‘thank you’ to the musicians. Going to the see the orchestra play can be lots of fun!
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