Chinese New Year | 中国新年

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5 FEBRUARY / 7.30pm Hamer Hall, Arts Centre Melbourne

Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in Melbourne

Ministry of Culture and Tourism China

Welcome It gives me immense pleasure to express, on behalf of the Chinese Embassy in Australia, my warmest congratulations for the Ninth Chinese New Year Concert by Melbourne Symphony Orchestra and my sincere gratitude and accolade to musicians from both China and Australia. The Melbourne Symphony Orchestra Chinese New Year Concert, a radiant brand of Australia’s music industry, not only brings joy to people’s spiritual life, but also adds luminous colour to the Chinese New Year celebrations in Melbourne. Music inspires imagination and aspiration, and boosts confidence and energy; music motivates ingenuity and intellect, and brings peace and harmony to the mind and soul. It is my belief that this musical splendour with traditional charm and magnetism from both East and the West, will strengthen the courage of mankind to defeat the pandemic together and kindle more yearnings for a better life in the future. Music is a bridge connecting hearts, and the music exchanges and cooperation between our two countries help enrich understanding and mutual trust between the two peoples. I believe this joint performance by Chinese and Australian artists will add yet another new chapter to the China-Australia friendship. I wish tonight’s performance a great success. I wish everyone good luck, happiness and health in the Year of the Tiger. His Excellency Xiao Qian Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People’s Republic of China to the Commonwealth of Australia


值此墨尔本交响乐团举办第9届中国新年音乐会之际,我谨代表中国驻澳 大利亚使馆表示热烈祝贺!向中澳音乐家表示诚挚的感谢! 墨尔本交响乐团中国新年音乐会是澳大利亚音乐界的一个闪亮品牌。它不 仅为民众的精神生活带来了高雅的愉悦,也为墨尔本的中国新年庆典增添 了绚丽的色彩。 音乐能激发想象和憧憬,给人以信心和力量,音乐也能焕发灵感和智慧, 带来心灵的宁静与和谐。相信这场兼顾东西方传统魅力的音乐盛典,一定 能增强人类共同战胜疫情的勇气,引发更多对未来美好生活的向望。 音乐是连接心与心的桥梁,中澳音乐界的交流合作有助于增进中澳两国人 民间的了解和互信。相信此次中澳艺术家的联袂表演一定会为中澳友谊谱 写出新的篇章。 预祝今晚的演出圆满成功! 祝大家虎年大吉、幸福安康! 中华人民共和国驻澳大利亚联邦特命全权大使 肖千


I want to send my best wishes to the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra ahead of this year’s ninth Chinese New Year Concert. Events like these are an opportunity to celebrate all that makes our state the arts and culture capital of the world. It’s also a chance to enjoy some of the very best music – composed, produced, and performed by some of our very best artists from around Victoria and the world. Our creative community have faced many challenges over these past two years. But through concerts like these – Victoria’s artists, performers, and creatives, are helping our state recover stronger than ever before. Thank you to everyone involved in bringing this magnificent performance to life. And especially to Victoria’s Chinese community – for the important contribution you make to our state every single day. May the Year of the Tiger bring you and your family good health and good luck. The Hon Daniel Andrews MP Premier


值此第九届中国新年音乐会举办之际,我想向墨尔本交响乐团致以最美好 的祝愿。 借助这类文化活动,我们得以共同欢庆,感谢让本州成为世界文艺之都的 各界人士。 同样,我们也能借此良机享受到由维多利亚州和世界其他地区最优秀的一 些艺术家谱写、创作和呈现的天籁之音。 过去两年,我们的创意社区遇到了诸多挑战。 但是通过这类音乐会,维多利亚州的艺术家、表演者和创意工作者们正在 帮助本州强劲复苏,比以往更为强大。 在此,我向所有贡献力量使得本次精彩演出成行的人士表示感谢。 尤其感谢维多利亚州的华人社区,感谢你们持续不断为本州做出的重大贡 献。 祝您和家人虎年身体健康,万事如意。 丹尼尔·安德鲁斯议员阁下 维多利亚州州长


Welcome to the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra’s Chinese New Year concert. On behalf of the MSO Board and all its musicians and staff, I hope you enjoy tonight’s performance, welcoming the Year of the Tiger. Alongside our world-class musicians tonight are some special guests artists. Li-Wei Qin is a dear friend of the MSO and he grew up here in Melbourne; I am excited to welcome him home and to see his performance of Zhao Jiping’s Cello Concerto The Disillusioned Dream. It is a pleasure to share our stage with Sharon Zhai and Kang Wang, two of Australia’s most in-demand singers. Conducted under the baton of Joshua Tan, I am sure you will be enthralled by tonight’s concert. Tonight’s performance is the first of our 2022 East meets West program, celebrating Victoria’s multicultural heritage. This year, highlights will include performances by Tan Dun, Xian Zhang, Lu Siqing and Melbourne’s own Christian Li. I would like to thank all our MSO supporters, partners and donors, in particular to the Consulate-General of the People’s Republic of China in Melbourne, and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People’s Republic of China. Special thanks also to our Prestigious Partner Life-Space, and presenting partner Arts Centre Melbourne. David Li AM Chairman Melbourne Symphony Orchestra


欢迎光临墨尔本交响乐团(MSO)中国新年音乐会。我谨代表乐团董事会及 本团全体音乐家和工作人员,望您在迎接虎年到来之际,能尽情享受今晚 的演出。 今晚除了本团的世界级音乐家们,我们还邀请到了一些特别来宾。在墨尔 本长大的秦立巍是本团的老友,很高兴能够欢迎他回家,并期待看到他演 奏赵季平的大提琴协奏曲《庄周梦》。 同样,非常荣幸能邀请到澳大利亚最受欢迎的两位歌唱家翟慧娟和王亢参 与此次演出。在陈康明的指挥下,相信此次演出定会让您沉醉其中。 为庆祝维多利亚州的多元文化传承,今晚为大家献上的是本团2022年中西 融合项目的第一场演出。今年,谭盾、张弦、吕思清和墨尔本小提琴家李 映衡等将带来精彩演出,亮点纷呈。 在此感谢本团所有的支持者、合作伙伴和捐助方,特别感谢中华人民共和 国驻墨尔本总领馆、中华人民共和国文化和旅游部。也要特别感谢我们的 荣誉合作伙伴Life-Space以及舞台合作伙伴墨尔本艺术中心。 李大伟 澳大利亚勋章获得者 墨尔本交响乐团董事会主席


Artists Melbourne Symphony Orchestra Joshua Tan conductor Li-Wei Qin cello Sharon Zhai soprano Kang Wang tenor

Program MENDELSSOHN Hebrides Overture ZHAO JIPING Cello Concerto in D minor The Disillusioned Dream INTERVAL WANG XILIN Poems of Yunnan: Torch Festival PUCCINI La Boheme: O Soave Fancialla GU JIANFEN That is Me MASCAGNI Cavalleria rusticana: Intermezzo PUCCINI Madama Butterfly: Un bel di XU PEIDONG Like a Flake of Snow from the Sky PUCCINI Turandot: Nessun dorma

A musical Acknowledgement of Country, Long Time Living Here by Deborah Cheetham AO, will be performed before the start of this concert. Running time: approximately 1 hour 40 minutes including a 20 minute interval. Timings listed are approximate. Please note, this concert will be recorded for future broadcast. In consideration of your fellow patrons, the MSO thanks you for silencing your phone.


艺术家 墨尔本交响乐团 指挥: 陈康明 大提琴:秦立巍 女高音:翟慧娟 男高音:王亢

节目单 门德尔松:《赫布里底群岛序曲》 赵季平:《D小调大提琴协奏曲:庄周梦》 幕间休息 王西麟:《云南音诗:火把节》 普契尼:《波希米亚人:可爱的女郎》 谷建芬:《那就是我》 马斯卡尼:《乡村骑士:间奏曲》 普契尼:《蝴蝶夫人:晴朗的一天》 徐沛东:《我像雪花天上来》 普契尼:《图兰朵:今夜无人入睡》

音乐会开始前,澳大利亚勋章获得者黛博拉·奇塔姆将带来致敬原住民国度的音乐作品《祖 祖辈辈生长于斯》(Long Time Living Here)。 演出时间:约1小时40分钟,包括20分钟的幕间休息。所列为大致时间。 请注意,本场音乐会将进行录制,供以后播放。 为保证观赏体验,敬请各位将手机调为静音,感谢您的配合。



Tan Dun’s Organic Trilogy 有机音乐三部曲 Presented by East meets West Prestigious Partner Life-Space

29–30 APRIL / 7.30pm Arts Centre Melbourne, Hamer Hall


Melbourne Symphony Orchestra

The Melbourne Symphony Orchestra is a leading cultural figure in the Australian arts landscape, bringing the best in orchestral music and passionate performance to a diverse audience across Victoria, the nation and around the world. Each year the MSO engages with more than 5 million people through live concerts, TV, radio and online broadcasts, international tours, recordings and education programs.

The MSO is a vital presence, both onstage and in the community, in cultivating classical music in Australia. The nation’s first professional orchestra, the MSO has been the sound of the city of Melbourne since 1906. The MSO regularly attracts great artists from around the globe including Anne-Sophie Mutter, Lang Lang, Renée Fleming and Thomas Hampson, while bringing Melbourne’s finest musicians to the world through tours to China, Europe and the United States.

The Melbourne Symphony Orchestra respectfully acknowledges the people of the Eastern Kulin Nations, on whose unceded lands we honour the continuation of the oldest music practice in the world. CHINESE NEW YEAR 2022 – 12

墨尔本交响乐团是澳大利亚艺术领域 的文化引领者,为维多利亚州、全澳 大利亚乃至世界各地的观众带来出色 的管弦乐作品和精彩表演。

无论是在舞台上还是在社区中,MSO 都是澳大利亚传播古典音乐的重要角 色。自1906年以来,墨尔本交响乐 团一直是墨尔本的城市之声。

MSO每年会通过现场音乐会、 电视、广播和线上播客、世界巡演、 录音和教育节目,与500多万听众进 行交流。

MSO经常吸引来自世界各地的伟大 艺术家,包括安妮·索菲·穆特、郎 朗、芮妮·弗莱明和托马斯·汉普 森。同时也通过中国、欧洲和美国的 巡回演出,让全世界认识了墨尔本最 优秀的音乐家。

墨尔本交响乐团对东库林国的人民表达敬意,感谢在他们原始的土地上,让我们享受到世界 上延续历史最悠久的音乐。


Joshua Tan conductor Joshua Tan was 2nd Prize winner of the Mitropoulos International Competition, first recipient of the Charles Schiff Conducting Prize from the Juilliard School, Bruno Walter Memorial Foundation Award, Young Artist Award Singapore, NAC-Shell and the SSO/ MOE Scholarship. For an unprecedented two years running, his performances of Bernstein’s Mass and Donizetti’s Don Pasquale were selected by the Straits Times as the best classical concert of the year in 2018 and 2019. Joshua has conducted the Mariinsky Theater, Beethoven Bonn, Sydney Symphony, Adelaide Symphony, Tokyo Philharmonic, Orchestre National des Pays des la Loire, Sapporo Symphony, Hong Kong Philharmonic, Taipei Symphony Orchestras amongst others. His vast repertory encompasses symphonic, operatic, ballet, film and multimedia works. Presently Principal Conductor of the Singapore National Youth Orchestra and Director of the Asia Virtuosi. He has served successful stints as Resident Conductor of the National Centre for the Performing Arts NCPA (China) Orchestra , Associate Conductor of the Singapore Symphony Orchestra and Principal Conductor of the Guiyang Symphony Orchestra. A graduate of the Juilliard School, he studied with James DePreist and Charles Dutoit.


指挥:陈康明 陈康明是米特罗普洛斯国际比赛的二等奖获得者、茱莉亚音乐学院查尔 斯·希夫指挥奖的首位获得者,并荣获布鲁诺·沃尔特纪念基金会奖、 新加坡青年艺术家奖、新加坡国家艺术理事会-壳牌以及新加坡社会服务 中心/教育部奖学金。他指挥的伯恩斯坦的《弥撒》和多尼泽蒂的《唐· 帕斯夸里》被《海峡时报》在2018和2019连续两年评选为年度最佳古 典音乐会,这一评选结果前所未有。 陈康明曾在马林斯基剧院、波恩贝多芬乐团、悉尼交响乐团、阿德莱德交 响乐团、东京爱乐乐团、卢瓦尔河国家交响乐团、札幌交响乐团、香港爱 乐乐团、台北交响乐团等均担任过指挥。 他指挥的大量剧目中包括交响乐、歌剧、芭蕾舞、电影和多媒体等作品。 他现任新加坡国家青年管弦乐团首席指挥和亚洲艺术大师团总监,并曾成 功担任中国国家表演艺术中心乐团驻团指挥、新加坡交响乐团副指挥及贵 阳交响乐团首席指挥。作为茱莉亚音乐学院的毕业生,他曾师从詹姆斯· 德普雷斯特和夏尔·迪图瓦。


Li-Wei Qin cello Chinese-Australian cellist Li-Wei Qin has appeared all over the world as a soloist and chamber musician. Twice a soloist at the BBC Proms in London’s Royal Albert Hall, Li-Wei has enjoyed successful artistic collaborations with many of the world’s great orchestras including all the BBC symphony orchestras, the Los Angeles, London, and Hong Kong, Osaka, China and NDR Hamburg Philharmonic Orchestras, Berlin Radio Symphony and Konzerthaus Orchestra, La Verdi Orchestra Milan, Vienna Radio Orchestra, Prague Symphony, London Symphony, Sydney Symphony, and the Munich, Manchester, Zurich, Brussels and the Australian Chamber Orchestras. Li-Wei’s recordings on Universal Music/Decca include the complete Beethoven Sonatas, Rachmaninov with Albert Tiu, Dvoräk Concerto with Singapore Symphony Orchestra, and Elgar and Walton Concerti with the London Philharmonic Orchestra. Li-Wei’s 2013 live concert with the Shanghai Symphony and with maestro Yu Long has been released on Sony Classical. He is currently Professor and Head of Cello studies at the National University Singapore and is guest professor at Shanghai and Central Conservatory of Music, China and visiting professor, Chamber music, at the Royal Northern College of Music. Li-Wei plays a 1780 Joseph Guadagnini cello, generously loaned by Dr and Mrs Wilson Goh.


大提琴:秦立巍 澳洲华裔大提琴家秦立巍以独奏家和室内音乐家的身份在世界各地演出。 曾两次在伦敦皇家阿尔伯特剧院举行的英国广播公司逍遥音乐会上担任独 奏演员,他与世界上许多杰出的管弦乐团都成功开展过艺术合作,其中包 括英国广播公司交响乐团、洛杉矶、伦敦、香港、大阪、中国内地和NDR 汉堡爱乐乐团、柏林广播交响乐团和柏林音乐厅管弦乐团、米兰威尔第管 弦乐团、维也纳广播交响乐团、布拉格交响乐团、伦敦交响乐团、悉尼交 响乐团以及慕尼黑、曼彻斯特、苏黎世、布鲁塞尔和澳大利亚室内乐团。 秦立巍在环球音乐/德卡的录音包括完整的贝多芬奏鸣曲、与阿尔伯特· 蒂乌合作的拉赫玛尼诺夫作品、与新加坡交响乐团合作的德沃夏克大提琴 协奏曲,以及与伦敦爱乐乐团合作的埃尔加和沃尔顿协奏曲等。秦立巍 2013年与上海交响乐团和音乐大师余隆的现场音乐会已由索尼古典发布。 秦立巍现任新加坡国立大学教授以及大提琴学科主任,是中国上海音乐学 院和中央音乐学院客座教授,也是英国皇家北方音乐学院室内乐客座教 授。秦立巍演奏使用的是1780年约瑟夫·瓜达尼尼大提琴,由吴毓逊博 士和夫人慷慨借出。


Sharon Zhai soprano Sharon Zhai is a Chinese-born Australian and Italian soprano. She graduated in Opera Performance from the Central Conservatory of Music, Beijing before obtaining a Masters of Opera Performance at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music and is currently a principal soprano for Opera Australia. She won the International Lieder competition “Mietta Song Recital Award” in 2004 in Melbourne and collected a plethora of prizes that included not only the Mietta travel scholarship, the O’Donnell Family Prize, but also awards for language tuition both at home and abroad (Italy, Germany and France). For Opera Australia, Sharon has covered the roles of Musetta in La Boheme, Margherite in Faust. In Opera Australia’s Carmen, she performed the role of Frasquita. She was the title role of Madama Butterfly in Opera Australia’s 2018 and 2019 Australian National Tour. Sharon has also performed in Opera Australia’s Great Opera Hits 2019–2021 concert series, promotional and fundraiser performances for Opera Australia Soprano soloist for Darwin Symphony Orchestra Opera Gala and Sydney Philharmonia Choirs singing Ode to Joy Fidelio, Beethoven in 2017. Aus-China Culture Ceremony and East Meets West-Lunar New Year’s Eve Gala concert 2018.


女高音:翟慧娟 翟慧娟在中国出生,是澳大利亚和意大利女高音歌唱家。她毕业于北京中 央音乐学院歌剧表演专业,之后在悉尼音乐学院获得歌剧表演硕士学位, 现为澳大利亚歌剧院首席女高音歌唱家。 她于2004年在墨尔本荣获国际歌曲大赛“米耶塔歌唱奖”,此外还获得 了其他大量奖项,包括米耶塔旅行奖学金、奥唐纳家族奖,以及国内外语 言学费奖(意、德、法)。 就澳大利亚歌剧团来说,翟慧娟演出的角色包括《波希米亚人》中的穆塞 塔、《浮士德》中的玛格丽特等。在澳大利亚歌剧团的《卡门》中,她扮 演了弗雷斯基塔这一角色。在澳大利亚歌剧团2018和2019年澳大利亚全 国巡回演出中,她是《蝴蝶夫人》中蝴蝶夫人的扮演者。 翟慧娟还在澳大利亚歌剧团《2019-2021年热门歌剧》音乐会系列中演 出,并在达尔文交响乐团歌剧宣传筹款晚会上担任澳大利亚歌剧女高音 独唱,在2017年悉尼爱乐合唱团演唱贝多芬的《欢乐颂:费德里奥》, 澳中文化盛典暨中西融合——2018年农历除夕音乐会。


Kang Wang tenor Australian-Chinese tenor Kang Wang is one of the most sought-after young lyric tenors in the opera world. This season, he makes a house and role debut at Washington National Opera as Ferrando in Così fan tutte. He also makes his house debut at Seattle Opera as Rodlfo in La bohème, returns to Opera Australia in the same role, and returns to Opera Queensland as Alfredo in La traviata. In concert, he joins the Queensland Symphony Orchestra for a concert of arias. In recent seasons, Mr. Wang made his house debut at Opera Australia as Alfredo, his house and role debut at Pittsburgh Opera as Don Ottavio in Don Giovanni, and his role debut as the Duke in Rigoletto at Austin Lyric Opera. On the concert stage, he sang Tan Dun’s Buddha Passion with the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Gustavo Dudamel and Verdi’s Messa da Requiem with the Eugene Symphony. Originally from Harbin, China, Mr. Wang is the son of two renowned opera singers. He is a former member of the Lindemann Young Artist Development Program of the Metropolitan Opera and was a finalist in the 2017 Cardiff Singer of the World competition.


男高音:王亢 澳籍华人男高音王亢是歌剧界最受欢迎的年轻抒情男高音之一。本季,他 前往华盛顿国家歌剧院首次演出,在《女人皆如此》中饰演费兰多。他还 在西雅图歌剧院首次出演《波希米亚人》中的罗德福,返回澳大利亚歌剧 院时,扮演同一角色;在回到昆士兰歌剧院时,扮演《茶花女》中的阿尔 弗雷多。在音乐会方面,他出演了昆士兰交响乐团的咏叹调音乐会。 近几季,王先生在澳大利亚歌剧院首次出演阿尔弗雷多,在匹兹堡歌剧院 首次出演《唐·乔瓦尼》中的唐·奥塔维奥,在奥斯汀抒情歌剧院首次出 演《弄臣》中的公爵。在音乐会舞台上,他与古斯塔夫·杜达梅尔指挥的 洛杉机爱乐乐团合作演唱了谭盾的《慈悲颂》,与尤金交响乐团合作演唱 了威尔第的《梅萨达安魂曲》。 王先生来自中国哈尔滨,父母均是著名声乐演员。他曾是大都会歌剧院林 德曼青年艺术家发展计划成员,也是2017年卡迪夫世界歌手大赛的决赛 选手。




The Hebrides – Overture, Op.26 (Fingal’s Cave) In April 1829, the 20-year-old Felix Mendelssohn began ‘a Grand Tour’ of Europe and Britain. He wrote eloquently of his experiences on this tour. London was ‘the most grandiose and complicated monster that the world has to offer’, and he was stimulated by Scotland: ‘When God himself takes to panorama-painting the result is strangely beautiful…Everything here looks so stern and robust, halfenveloped in haze or smoke or fog.’ He admired the men ‘with their long red beards, tartan plaids, bonnets and plumes, bare knees, and their bagpipes in their hands’. He attended a bagpipe competition which we gather from later writings he found excruciating. Mendelssohn planned to travel north through Stirling and Perth to Blair Atholl, then westwards to the Inner Hebrides, where the objective was Fingal’s Cave, a grotto on the island of Staffa, ‘discovered’ by Joseph Banks in 1772. By the early 19th century it had become a tourist attraction. In a letter dated 7 August 1829, Mendelssohn jotted down the theme that would eventually open this overture: ‘…to make you understand how extraordinarily the Hebrides have affected me,’ he wrote to his family. Mendelssohn’s musical impressions resulted in a work which remains to this day one of the great soundscapes in orchestral literature.

What is also remarkable is that Mendelssohn achieved his nature portrait within the bounds of a quite clear-cut, albeit modified, sonata form. Indeed, the straightforwardness of early versions was one reason why Mendelssohn revised the work prior to its first performance in May 1830, and again prior to publication in 1835. Of the earliest version he had written: ‘The whole so-called development tastes more of counterpoint than of whale oil, seagulls and cod liver oil, and it ought to be the other way around.’ The work begins with the undulating theme, jotted down by Mendelssohn, which is subjected to gradual rolling modulation and subtle dynamic swells. The exposition ends with brass interjections, which then punctuate the beginning of the development section. The work is quite astonishing from this point to the end. The principal themes are reversed, and the opening theme returns quietly. This is elegant rounding off perhaps, but the effect is almost peremptory, the flute taking our minds upwards, as if the overture drifts away on the wind. Gordon Kalton Williams, Symphony Australia © 1998


(Born 1945)

Cello Concerto in D minor The Disillusioned Dream Taking Chinese music to the world The Disillusioned Dream (Zhuāngzhōu mèng), a concerto for cello and Chinese traditional orchestras was composed


by Zhao Jiping in 2006. The work is the crystallisation of the composer’s longterm contemplation on famous Chinese philosophers Laozi and Zhuangzi, and Chinese instrumental music and cello completed after 10 years and many drafts. Following the premiere by Yo-Yo Ma and the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra in Hong Kong in November 2008, cellists such as Wang Jian, Qin Liwei, Kang Qiaoxuan, Qiu Yingqin and Dong Xiaoxia have played this work, reflecting its distinctive aesthetic value. “The cardinal rule is that a composer’s work be embraced and adored by performers. The Disillusioned Dream is such an example. The expression and articulation of the music and skill displayed in the cello solo is a classic. The cello part fully epitomises the rhythm of Chinese traditional culture through rich expressive techniques, becoming the vital and prime narration of The Disillusioned Dream (aka Butterfly Dream in Chinese), and thus it emerges as a “translator” of Zhuangzi’s philosophy, and also an intricate interpretation of “Zhuangzi is the butterfly, the butterfly is Zhuangzi”. Cui Bingyuan, a famous composer, said, “Zhao Jiping’s cello concerto The Disillusioned Dream, with its concise technique, rigorous texture, rich tone and astonishing sound, has created a masterpiece with an unmistakable Chinese cultural imprint. This work has reached far and wide with frequent performances by international top-line performers such as Yo-Yo Ma and Wang Jian. This is a great example of Chinese culture going abroad and Chinese music going global.


(Born 1937)

Poems of Yunnan: Torch Festival Torch Festival is a tribal celebration of the Yunnan minority which this movement depicts. When compared to contemporaneous Chinese works, Torch Festival stands out in its use of modal harmony, layering polymetric melodies, and juxtaposition of contrasting musical materials. The opening part (mm. 1-60) with a fourmeasure introduction is boisterous in mood marked by melodious tunes and colorful orchestration. To follow is a beautiful oboe melody (mm. 65-97), which is repeated by the violins (mm. 106-188). Toward the end of this, the opening gesture returns, showcasing a metric juxtaposition of 2/4 and 3/4. In the next (mm. 189-225) the violins play a lyrical and refreshing melody supported by poly-metric rhythmic configuration, followed by the brasses that push the music to the climax (mm. 225-331). This part, as Wang revealed, is influenced by treatments in the ballet music of Kara Karayev’s Path of Thunder. The return of the theme from the first movement (mm. 330-337), while rendering the work cyclic, creates a contrast with the boisterous ending (mm. 338- 373). Torch Festival is often programmed independently of other movements at concerts. It is very popular among audiences and has been performed more than a hundred times in 40 some cities of 20 countries. Dr. Hon-Lun Helan Yang Associate Professor, Department of Music, Hong Kong Baptist University © 1963

© Li Xianghong, Shaanxi Daily. Adapted by Chin Translations




La Boheme: O Soave Fancialla (O lovely girl) Libretto by Luigi Illica Giuseppe Giocosa La bohème tells of the ups and downs in the lives of four young men leading a Bohemian existence in Paris during the middle of the last century: a poet, a painter, a philosopher and a musician, who all share a shabby attic high above the roofs of the big city. The story is a bitter-sweet tale of love between Rodolfo, the poet, and Mimi, a seamstress, who is soon to be stricken by consumption. One Christmas Eve, Rodolfo is at home alone writing when there is a knock at the door. He goes to the door to discover Mimi, who timidly asks for a light for her candle. When she drops her key in the darkness Rodolfo hides the key and invites her inside. Later, as Rudolfo’s friends outside are urging them to come out to the café, Mimì and Rodolfo realise they are strongly attracted to each other: ‘O lovely girl,’ begins Rodolfo, and by the end of their duet both are passionately declaring their love. Symphony Australia © 2002


(Born 1935)

That is Me That is Me was created in 1982. The lyrics are beautiful, like an elegant and slightly hazy landscape painting. The song expresses the heart of a far-flung wanderer through his longing for the

little river, smoke from the cooking fires and moonlit nights in his hometown, and his yearning for his mother. This song is not so much an expression of the nostalgia of a wandering child, but rather an expression of the deep affection of immigrants who miss the place where their ancestors lived and reproduced, and the “mother” in the song can also be said to be a metaphor for the motherland. Adapted by Olivia Ouyang



Cavalleria rusticana: Intermezzo Mascagni’s opera Cavalleria rusticana (Rustic Chivalry) shot its composer from provincial obscurity to world-wide fame when it was produced in Rome in 1890. The opera is based on Giovanni Verga’s play from his story dealing with events that had occurred in a small town in Sicily. The opera’s success established a fashion for verismo (literally, ‘realism’). It is often paired in with another one-acter, Leoncavallo’s I pagliacci of 1892. Mascagni was unable to repeat its success (except to a certain extent with L’amico Fritz of 1891), allied himself to the Fascist cause and died in a shabby Roman hotel, discredited and disillusioned. The plot of Cavalleria rusticana is simple and strong. Individual passions are set against the religious festival of Easter. Turiddu, having seduced Santuzza, has returned to his first love, Lola, now married to Alfio. Santuzza reproaches him without success and then tells Alfio of the affair. Alfio confronts Turiddu and challenges him


to a duel. Turiddu, after entrusting Santuzza into the care of his mother, goes out into the fields where he is killed by Alfio. Much of the action of the opera takes place while the Easter Service is taking place in the Church. Santuzza, who has been excommunicated, stands outside while the congregation sings the Easter Hymn, in which she joins. The famous Intermezzo occurs after the scene between Santuzza and Alfio. Played as the church service is concluding, it continues the action orchestrally, recalling previous events and foreshadowing the final tragedy. It is based on the melody of the Easter Hymn Regina coeli with which the service began. Adapted from a note by Warner Whiteford Symphony Australia/ABC © 1995

GIACOMO PUCCINI Madama Butterfly, Act II: Un bel di Anthony Howes writes: ‘In all [Puccini’s] works it is in his easy-flowing melody line, his sense of dramatic moment and highly-coloured orchestrations that we find delight.’ Part of Puccini’s continuing appeal also resides in the romanticism and unmawkish sentimentality of his opera scenarios. The story of Madam Butterfly is one of infinite pathos. While in command of a ship stationed in Japanese waters, Pinkerton, a Lieutenant of the US Navy, had married a young Japanese girl – Cio Cio San, who is called Madam Butterfly. After a short but blissful wedded life, Pinkerton is recalled to America; Butterfly, firmly believing that Pinkerton will return ‘when the robins nest again’,

refuses a marriage offer from the wealthy Prince Yamadori and waits patiently with the infant Pinkerton does not know he has fathered. Eventually, Pinkerton does indeed return – with an American wife, to whom Butterfly must surrender the child. This she does – through her own death, stabbing herself with her father’s sword. The aria Un bel di is Butterfly’s dream of the great day of Pinkerton’s return. She has been waiting for three years but her faith is absolute and she chides her maid for doubting Pinkerton’s word. Solo violin and muted strings add to the distant, visionary quality of Butterfly’s floating opening phrase; by the end of the aria, this melody has become an outpouring of passionate, ecstatic longing. Symphony Australia © 2002

XU PEIDONG Like a Flake of Snow from the Sky Xu Peidong is a well-known contemporary Chinese composer. His creative ideas are novel, and his techniques are masterful. Many of his works are created using a variety of styles. His compositions always show the splendour and colourfulness of musical art. Like a Flake of Snow from the Sky, was created in 1955. It is a song expressing love. Its lyrics are full of poetic and profound meanings. The lyricist uses anthropomorphic expressions to integrate himself with snowflakes and autumn leaves, expressing the desire and pursuit of pure and ardent love. Although the connotations of the song


changed with the times, especially after being adapted into a choir version, the artistic conception of the song was extended from the pursuit of love to the insistence on personal purity and belief, and the tactful expression of the deep love of the composer’s homeland. Adapted by Olivia Ouyang

GIACOMO PUCCINI Turandot: Nessun dorma (None shall sleep) Libretto by Giuseppe Adami and Renato Simoni Nineteenth and early 20th century Europe had a taste for the exotic, which opera composers were delighted to indulge. Delibes and Bizet turned to the Indies with Lakmé and Pearl Fishers; Puccini looked further east, to Japan in Madama Butterfly and to China with the story of the beautiful but cruel Princess Turandot who sets her many suitors a cruel test: if they can correctly answer her three riddles they win her hand in marriage and the throne of China; if they answer wrongly, they lose their heads. When a mysterious foreigner outwits the princess and solves her riddles, she is furious, and the stranger in turn sets a riddle: if Turandot can guess his name before dawn, he will renounce his claim on her. While the city is searched throughout the night for anyone who knows his identity, the stranger exults in his coming victory over the stone-hearted princess in the aria Nessun dorma. Symphony Australia © 2002



Jaime Martín

Chief Conductor Dr Marc Besen AC and the late Dr Eva Besen AO#

Matthew Tomkins

Principal The Gross Foundation#

Xian Zhang

Principal Guest Conductor Principal Conductor in Residence

Cybec Assistant Conductor Conductor Laureate

Hiroyuki Iwaki †

Conductor Laureate (1974–2006)


Concertmaster David Li AM and Angela Li#

Sophie Rowell

Concertmaster The Ullmer Family Foundation#

Sarah Morse Angela Sargeant Michelle Wood


Tair Khisambeev

Christopher Moore

Assistant Concertmaster Di Jameson#

Principal Di Jameson#

Peter Edwards

Christopher Cartlidge

Assistant Principal

Associate Principal

Kirsty Bremner Sarah Curro Peter Fellin Deborah Goodall Lorraine Hook Anne-Marie Johnson Kirstin Kenny Eleanor Mancini Mark Mogilevski Michelle Ruffolo Kathryn Taylor

Geelong Friends of the MSO#

Monica Curro

Mary Allison Isin Cakmakcioglu Tiffany Cheng Freya Franzen Cong Gu Andrew Hall Isy Wasserman Philippa West Patrick Wong Roger Young

Sir Andrew Davis

Miranda Brockman Rohan de Korte

Assistant Principal Danny Gorog and Lindy Susskind#

Nicholas Bochner

Assistant Principal

Robert Macindoe Associate Principal

Benjamin Northey

Nicholas Bochner

Lauren Brigden Katharine Brockman Anthony Chataway

Andrew Dudgeon AM#

Andrew and Judy Rogers#

DOUBLE BASSES Benjamin Hanlon

Frank Mercurio and Di Jameson#

Suzanne Lee Stephen Newton Sophie Galaise and Clarence Fraser#

FLUTES Prudence Davis Principal Anonymous#

Wendy Clarke

Associate Principal

Sarah Beggs PICCOLO Andrew Macleod Principal

Dr Elizabeth E Lewis AM#


Gabrielle Halloran Trevor Jones

Thomas Hutchinson

Anne Neil#

Fiona Sargeant Cindy Watkin

Associate Principal

Ann Blackburn

The Rosemary Norman Foundation#



David Berlin

Michael Pisani

Principal Hyon Ju Newman#

Rachael Tobin

Associate Principal

Learn more about our musicians on the MSO website. CHINESE NEW YEAR 2022 – 28




David Thomas

Richard Shirley Mike Szabo


Philip Arkinstall

Associate Principal


Principal Bass Trombone

TUBA Timothy Buzbee Principal

Jon Craven




Jack Schiller

John Arcaro



Elise Millman

Associate Principal

Natasha Thomas

Dr Martin Tymms and Patricia Nilsson#



Robert Cossom

Drs Rhyl Wade and Clem Gruen#




Saul Lewis

Principal Third The Hon Michael Watt QC and Cecilie Hall#

Abbey Edlin

Nereda Hanlon and Michael Hanlon AM#

Trinette McClimont Rachel Shaw Gary McPherson#

TRUMPETS Owen Morris


Shane Hooton

Associate Principal

William Evans Rosie Turner

John and Diana Frew#

Guest Principal Trombone

Cian Malikides Timpani Brent Miller Guest Principal Timpani

Percussion Robert Allan Lara Wilson Celeste/Piano Aidan Boase


First violin Amanda Chen

Nicolas Fleury

Trombone Donna Parkes^

Yinuo Mu


Principal Margaret Jackson AC#

French Horn Tim Allen-Ankins

Viola Molly Collier-O’Boyle Guest Associate Principal Viola

William Clark Merewyn Bramble Cello Svetlana Bogosavljevic Kalina Krusteva Double Bass Emma Sullivan Flute Kathryn Ramsay Oboe Joshua Oates* Guest Principal Oboe

# Position supported by

Rachel Curkpatrick

* Courtesy of Adelaide Symphony Orchestra

Guest Principal Cor Anglais

^ Courtesy of Louisville Orchestra


Supporters MSO PATRON The Honourable Linda Dessau AC, Governor of Victoria

CHAIRMAN’S CIRCLE Dr Marc Besen AC and the late Dr Eva Besen AO Gandel Philanthropy The Gross Foundation Di Jameson Harold Mitchell Foundation Hyon Ju Newman Lady Potter AC CMRI The Cybec Foundation The Pratt Foundation Elizabeth Proust AO and Brian Lawrence The Ullmer Family Foundation

ARTIST CHAIR BENEFACTORS Chief Conductor Jaime Martín Dr Marc Besen AC and the late Dr Eva Besen AO Cybec Assistant Conductor Chair The Cybec Foundation Concertmaster Chair Sophie Rowell The Ullmer Family Foundation Concertmaster Chair Dale Barltrop David Li AM and Angela Li Assistant Concertmaster Tair Khisambeev Di Jameson Young Composer in Residence Alex Turley The Cybec Foundation

PROGRAM BENEFACTORS Cybec 21st Century Australian Composers Program The Cybec Foundation Digital Transformation Telematics Trust, The Ian Potter Foundation, The Margaret Lawrence Bequest – Managed by Perpetual East meets West The Li Family Trust MSO Live Online Crown Resorts Foundation, Packer Family Foundation MSO Education Margaret Ross AM and Dr Ian Ross

MSO For Schools Crown Resorts Foundation, Packer Family Foundation, The Department of Education and Training, Victoria, through the Strategic Partnerships Program and the Victorian Challenge and Enrichment Series (VCES) MSO Regional Touring Creative Victoria, Freemasons Foundation Victoria, John T Reid Charitable Trusts, Robert Salzer Foundation, The Sir Andrew & Lady Fairley Foundation The Pizzicato Effect Supported by Hume City Council’s Community Grants program, The Marian and E.H. Flack Trust, Scobie and Claire Mackinnon Trust, Jenny Anderson, Australian Decorative And Fine Arts Society, Barbara Bell in memory of Elsa Bell, Janet H Bell, Richard and Janet Chauvel, Caroline Davies, Alex and Liz Furman, Robert and Janet Green, Jean Hadges, Hilary Hall in memory of Wilma Collie, Rosemary Jacoby in memory of James Jacoby, Jenkins Family Foundation, Jeanette King, Christopher and Anna Long, H E McKenzie, Shirley McKenzie, Marjorie McPherson, Kerryn Pratchett, Opalgate Foundation, Joanne Soso, Margaret Ross AM and Dr Ian Ross, Jenny Tatchell, Anonymous Sidney Myer Free Concerts Supported by the Sidney Myer MSO Trust Fund and the University of Melbourne

PLATINUM PATRONS $100,000+ Dr Marc Besen AC and the late Dr Eva Besen AO The Gross Foundation◊ Di Jameson◊ David Li AM and Angela Li◊ The Pratt Foundation The Ullmer Family Foundation◊ Anonymous (1)◊

VIRTUOSO PATRONS $50,000+ Margaret Jackson AC◊ Annette Maluish Hyon-Ju Newman◊ Elizabeth Proust AO and Brian Lawrence

◊ Denotes Adopt a Musician supporter

Supporters – 30

IMPRESARIO PATRONS $20,000+ Harold Bentley The Hogan Family Foundation David Krasnostein AM and Pat Stragalinos The Marian & E.H. Flack Trust Anonymous (1)

MAESTRO PATRONS $10,000+ Christine and Mark Armour Margaret Billson and the late Ted Billson Krystyna Campbell-Pretty AM Danny Gorog and Lindy Susskind◊ Robert and Jan Green Nereda Hanlon and Michael Hanlon AM◊ Rosemary Jacoby, in memory of James Jacoby Peter Lovell Paul Noonan Opalgate Foundation Ian and Jeannie Paterson Glenn Sedgwick◊ Gai and David Taylor Athalie Williams and Tim Danielson Anonymous (1)◊

PRINCIPAL PATRONS $5,000+ Adrienne Basser Barbara Bell, in memory of Elsa Bell Bodhi Education Fund Dr Shirley Chu John and Lyn Coppock Ann Darby, in memory of Leslie J. Darby Wendy Dimmick Andrew Dudgeon AM◊ Bill Fleming John and Diana Frew◊ Susan Fry and Don Fry AO Sophie Galaise and Clarence Fraser◊ Geelong Friends of the MSO◊ Colin Golvan AM QC and Dr Deborah Golvan Jennifer Gorog Dr Rhyl Wade and Dr Clem Gruen

Hilary Hall, in memory of Wilma Collie Louis J Hamon OAM Hartmut and Ruth Hofmann Doug Hooley Jenny and Peter Hordern Dr Alastair Jackson AM Suzanne Kirkham Dr Jerry Koliha and Marlene Krelle Dr Elizabeth A Lewis AM◊ Dr Caroline Liow LRR Family Trust The Mercer Family Foundation Gary McPherson◊ Anne Neil◊ Dr Paul Nisselle AM Ken Ong OAM Bruce Parncutt AO Dr Rosemary Ayton and Dr Sam Ricketson Andrew and Judy Rogers◊ The Rosemary Norman Foundation◊ Helen Silver AO and Harrison Young Anita Simon Dr Michael Soon The Hon Michael Watt QC and Cecilie Hall◊ Lyn Williams AM Anonymous (3)

ASSOCIATE PATRONS $2,500+ Mary Armour Sue and Barry Peake Anne Bowden Julia and Jim Breen Alan and Dr Jennifer Breschkin Patricia Brockman Dr John Brookes Stuart Brown Jill and Christopher Buckley Lynne Burgess Oliver Carton Richard and Janet Chauvel Breen Creighton and Elsbeth Hadenfeldt Leo de Lange Sandra Dent

Supporters – 31

Douglas J Savige Barry Fradkin OAM and Dr Pam Fradkin Alex and Liz Furman Kim and Robert Gearon Goldschlager Family Charitable Foundation Merv Keehn and Sue Harlow Susan and Gary Hearst John Jones The Ilma Kelson Music Foundation Graham and Jo Kraehe Ann Lahore Lesley McMullin Foundation Andrew Lockwood The Cuming Bequest Margaret and John Mason OAM H E McKenzie Dr Isabel McLean Douglas and Rosemary Meagher Ian Merrylees Wayne and Penny Morgan Patricia Nilsson◊ Alan and Dorothy Pattison Barrie and Heather Pover Tom and Elizabeth Romanowski Lady Marigold Southey AC Steinicke Family Peter J Stirling Jenny Tatchell Clayton and Christina Thomas Jessica Thomson-Robbins Nic and Ann Willcock Lorraine Woolley Anonymous (3)◊

PLAYER PATRONS $1,000+ David and Cindy Abbey Dr Sally Adams Australian Decorative & Fine Arts Society Geoffrey and Vivienne Baker Marlyn Bancroft and Peter Bancroft OAM Janet H Bell Joyce Bown The Brett Young Family Patricia Brockman Robert and Jill Brook Nigel Broughton and Sheena Broughton

Elizabeth Brown Suzie Brown OAM and the late Harvey Brown Ronald and Kate Burnstein Dr Lynda Campbell Dr Sang and Candace Chung Kaye Cleary Michael Craig Andrew Crockett AM and Pamela Crockett Panch Das and Laurel Young-Das Caroline Davies Natasha Davies, for the Trikojus Education Fund Merrowyn Deacon Rick and Sue Deering John and Anne Duncan Jaan Enden Grant Fisher and Helen Bird Alex Forrest Applebay Pty Ltd David Frenkiel and Esther Frenkiel OAM Simon Gaites Anthony Garvey and Estelle O’Callaghan David Gibbs and Susie O’Neill Sonia Gilderdale Janette Gill Dr Marged Goode Catherine Gray Chris Grikscheit and Christine Mullen Margie and Marshall Grosby Jennifer Gross Dr Sandra Hacker AO and Mr Ian Kennedy AM Jean Hadges Tilda and the late Brian Haughney Peter and Lyndsey Hawkins David H Hennell Anthony and Karen Ho Katherine Horwood Penelope Hughes Basil and Rita Jenkins John Kaufman Irene Kearsey & Michael Ridley Drs Bruce and Natalie Kellett Dr Anne Kennedy John Keys

◊ Denotes Adopt a Musician supporter

Supporters – 32

Professor David Knowles and Dr Anne McLachlan Janet and Ross Lapworth Bryan Lawrence Peter Lawrence Dr Susan Linton Elizabeth H Loftus Chris and Anna Long Shane Mackinlay Wayne McDonald and Kay Schroer Margaret Mcgrath Nigel and Debbie McGuckian Shirley A McKenzie John and Rosemary McLeod Don and Anne Meadows Dr Eric Meadows Sylvia Miller Dr Anthony and Dr Anna Morton David O’Connell Timothy O’Connell Brendan O’Donnell Laurence O’Keefe and Christopher James Roger Parker Alan and Dorothy Pattison Ian Penboss Adriana and Sienna Pesavento Alan Poynter in memory of Muriel Poynter Peter Priest Professor Charles Qin and Kate Ritchie Eli Raskin James Ring Dr Peter Rogers and Cathy Rogers OAM Dr Ronald and Elizabeth Rosanove Margaret Ross AM and Dr Ian Ross Marie Rowland Jan Ryan Dr Paul Schneider and Dr Margarita Silva-Schneider Elisabeth and Doug Scott Sparky Foundation Jeffrey Sher QC and Diana Sher OAM Martin and Susan Shirley P Shore Hon Jim Short and Jan Rothwell Short John E Smith Dr Norman and Dr Sue Sonenberg Barry Spanger

Dr Vaughan Speck Stephen and Caroline Brain Dr Joel Symons and Liora Symons Russell Taylor and Tara Obeyesekere Christina Turner Ann and Larry Turner The Hon Rosemary Varty Leon and Sandra Velik Elaine Walters OAM P J Warr in memory of Peter Gates The Reverend Noel Whale Edward and Paddy White Deborah Whithear Marian Wills Cooke and Terry Wills Cooke OAM Richard Withers Anonymous (15)

OVERTURE PATRONS $500+* Margaret Abbey PSM Mario M Anders Jenny Anderson Silvia Andrini Liz and Charles Baré Miriam Bass Chris Baudinette Heather and David Baxter Sascha O. Becker Peter Berry and Amanda Quirk Dr William Birch AM Allen and Kathryn Bloom Graham and Mary Ann Bone Anita and Norman Bye Pamela M Carder Kate Cherry Charmaine Collins Geoffrey Constable Alex Coppe Marjorie Cornelius Dr Sheryl Coughlin and Paul Coughlin Gregory Crew Dr Daryl Daley and Nola Daley Carol des Cognets Nada Dickinson Bruce Dudon David and Dr Elizabeth Ebert Cynthia Edgell

Supporters – 33

Alisa Fiddes Melissa and Aran Fitzgerald Brian Florence Sandra Gillett and Jeremy Wilkins David and Geraldine Glenny Hugo and Diane Goetze Pauline Goodison Louise Gourlay OAM Cindy Goy Christine Grenda Jason Grollo Dawn Hales Cathy Henry Clive and Joyce Hollands Natasha Holmes Roderick Home Rob Jackson Shyama Jayaswal Richard Jefferies Sandy Jenkins Xiaoxiao Jia Sue Johnston Huw Jones Fiona Keenan Phillip Kidd Belinda and Malcolm King Conrad O’Donohue and Rosemary Kiss Tim Knaggs David Kneipp Jane Kunstler Elizabeth-Anne Lane Paschalina Leach Jane Leitinger Dr Jenny Lewis Janice Mayfield Dr Anne McDougall Dr Alan Meads and Sandra Boon Jennifer and Andreas Meister Marie Misiurak Ann Moore Kevin Morrish Joan Mullumby Adrian and Louise Nelson Tania Nesbit Michael Noble Rosemary O’Collins

Phil Parker Sarah Patterson Pauline and David Lawton Wilma Plozza-Green Kerryn Pratchett Akshay Rao Professor John Rickard Liliane Rusek and Alexander Ushakoff Viorica Samson Carolyn Sanders Dr Nora Scheinkestel Dr Peter Seligman David Sherwood Dr Frank and Valerie Silberberg Matt Sinclair Olga Skibina Brian Snape AM and the late Diana Snape Colin and Mary Squires Ruth Stringer Anthony Summers Allan and Margaret Tempest Reverend Angela Thomas Brett Thomas Amanda Watson Michael Webber and Ruth Fincher Angela Westacott Barry and Julie Wilkins Fiona Woodard Dr Kelly Wright and Dr Heathcote Wright Dr Susan Yell Daniel Yosua Anonymous (34)

CONDUCTOR’S CIRCLE Jenny Anderson David Angelovich G C Bawden and L de Kievit Lesley Bawden Joyce Bown Mrs Jenny Bruckner and the late Mr John Bruckner Ken Bullen Peter A Caldwell Luci and Ron Chambers Beryl Dean Sandra Dent

◊ Denotes Adopt a Musician supporter

Supporters – 34

Alan Egan JP Gunta Eglite Marguerite Garnon-Williams Drs L C Gruen and R W Wade Louis J Hamon AOM Carol Hay Graham Hogarth Rod Home Tony Howe Lindsay and Michael Jacombs Laurence O’Keefe and Christopher James John Jones Grace Kass and the late George Kass Sylvia Lavelle Pauline and David Lawton Cameron Mowat Ruth Muir David Orr Matthew O’Sullivan Rosia Pasteur Penny Rawlins Joan P Robinson Anne Roussac-Hoyne and Neil Roussac Michael Ryan and Wendy Mead Andrew Serpell Jennifer Shepherd Suzette Sherazee Dr Gabriela and Dr George Stephenson Pamela Swansson Lillian Tarry Tam Vu and Dr Cherilyn Tillman Mr and Mrs R P Trebilcock Peter and Elisabeth Turner Michael Ulmer AO The Hon. Rosemary Varty Marian and Terry Wills Cooke OAM Mark Young Anonymous (19) The MSO gratefully acknowledges the support of the following Estates: Norma Ruth Atwell Angela Beagley Christine Mary Bridgart The Cuming Bequest Margaret Davies Neilma Gantner

The Hon Dr Alan Goldberg AO QC Enid Florence Hookey Gwen Hunt Family and Friends of James Jacoby Audrey Jenkins Joan Jones Pauline Marie Johnston C P Kemp Peter Forbes MacLaren Joan Winsome Maslen Lorraine Maxine Meldrum Prof Andrew McCredie Jean Moore Maxwell Schultz Miss Sheila Scotter AM MBE Marion A I H M Spence Molly Stephens Halinka Tarczynska-Fiddian Jennifer May Teague Albert Henry Ullin Jean Tweedie Herta and Fred B Vogel Dorothy Wood

HONORARY APPOINTMENTS Life Members Dr Marc Besen AC John Gandel AC and Pauline Gandel AC Sir Elton John CBE Harold Mitchell AC Lady Potter AC CMRI Jeanne Pratt AC Artistic Ambassadors Tan Dun Lu Siqing MSO Ambassador Geoffrey Rush AC The MSO honours the memory of Life Members Dr Eva Besen AO John Brockman OAM The Honourable Alan Goldberg AO QC Roger Riordan AM Ila Vanrenen

Supporters – 35

MSO BOARD Chairman David Li AM Deputy Co-Chair Di Jameson Helen Silver AO Managing Director Sophie Galaise Board Directors Shane Buggle Andrew Dudgeon AM Danny Gorog Lorraine Hook Margaret Jackson AC David Krasnostein AM Gary McPherson Hyon-Ju Newman Glenn Sedgwick Company Secretary Oliver Carton The MSO relies on your ongoing philanthropic support to sustain our artists, and support access, education, community engagement and more. We invite our suporters to get close to the MSO through a range of special events. The MSO welcomes your support at any level. Donations of $2 and over are tax deductible, and supporters are recognised as follows: $1,000+ (Player) $2,500+ (Associate) $5,000+ (Principal) $10,000+ (Maestro) $20,000+ (Impresario) $50,000+ (Virtuoso) $100,000+ (Platinum)

For the Future At the MSO, we believe in building the future of our artform. As Australia’s oldest professional orchestra, we have done this for more than 100 years by supporting the next generation of musicians, artists, composers, and conductors, contributing to a culture of artistic excellence within the MSO and broader arts ecology. From mentorships and residencies, to structured learning and training organisations, our programs create a multi-disciplinary talent pipeline for the advancement of Australian orchestral music. But we can’t do this alone. Please help us continue to build the future of our artform by donating today.






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Premier Partners

Education Partner

Venue Partner

Major Partners

Government Partners

Supporting Partners

Quest Southbank Ernst & Young Bows for Strings

Media and Broadcast Partners

Trusts and Foundations

The Sir Andrew and Lady Fairley Foundation, John T Reid Charitable Trusts, Scobie & Claire Mackinnon Trust, Sidney Myer MSO Trust Fund, The Ullmer Family Foundation

East meets West Program Supporters Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in Melbourne

Prestigious Partner

Consortium Partners

Ministry of Culture and Tourism China

Concert Partners

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Supporters Ken Ong OAM

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*Emirates First Class Private Suite pictured. For more information visit, call 1300 303 777, or contact your local travel agent.

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