Temazcal Spa

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Indigenous Bath And Natural Spa





([temas’kal]) is a type of sweat lodge which originated with pre-Hispanic Indigenous peoples in Mesoamerica. The word temazcal comes from the Nahuatl word temzcalli [tema’s’kal’i] (“house of heat”) In ancient Mesoamerica it was used as part of a curative ceremony thought to purify the body after exertion such as after a battle or a ceremonial ball game. It was also used for healing the sick, improving health, and for women to give birth. It continues to be used today in Indigenous cultures of Mexico and Central America that were part of the ancient Mesoamerican region for spiritual and health reasons. It is currently being recovered by all sectors of society in Mexico and Central America and is used as a cleansing of mind, body and spirit.

Guatemala and Belice The Spaniards were appalled and outraged by this, to them, barbaric practice. Not only was it inextricably interwoven with pagan beliefs and ritual, as is all ancient traditional medicine, but, most shocking of all, the bathers entered into these small, dark chambers, all sexes and size together, naked as the day on which they were born. The Spaniards were convinced that some sort of unspeakable orgiastic rites were taking place, and so they set themselves to forbidding the practice and destroying the baths wherever they found them. But there were some among the conquerors who were impressed more favorably by this practice and, fortunately for us, recorded their impressions of what they had seen. It is from these accounts that most of what we know of ancient practice has come down, and it is worth quoting some of their observations.

Cultural healing DIFFERENT TECHNICS.

In the Nahuatl culture of central Mexico, the goddess of the sweat bath was Temazcalteci, “the grandmother of the baths”. She was, really, one of the manifestations of the goddess Teteoinan, “the mother of the gods”, or, as she is also called, “our grandmother”, the principal goddess among the higher Nahuatl divinities. Sahagun says of her that “...this goddess was the goddess of medicine and of the medicinal herbs; she was adored by doctors and surgeons, and bleeders, and also by midwives... She was also adored by those who had baths, or temazcals in their houses.

Clay baths and facials Stem baths and facials Hot tea Cold infusions Cold baths in between Flower baths Salt baths Seeds baths Reflexology

Location Located in center region of Mexico in a little town call San Miguel de Allende. the location was chossen do to the rich varaiaty of cultures and international cityzens and turism. The perfect landscape of mountains and natural sources made this place suddleable for a spa. Localizaciรณn

Santa Matilde, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico 37700

Indiginus graphic population According to the National Commission for the Development of Indigenous Peoples (Comisión Nacional para el Desarrollo de los Pueblos Indígenas, or CDI in Spanish) and the INEGI (official census institute), in 2015 25,694,928 people in Mexico self-identify as being indigenous. of many different ethnic groups,which constitute 21.5% of Mexico’s population. The majority of the indigenous population is concentrated in the central and southern states. According to the CDI, the states with the greatest percentage of indigenous population as of 2015. There are indigenous communities in seven of the 18 municipalities of the state, mostly Otomi and Pame..

Despite being less than five percent of the total municipal population, foreign residents have considerable cultural and economic impact. Most foreign residents are retirees from the United States, Canada and Europe attracted by the mild climate, cultural opportunities and low crime. It is only a tenhour drive to the U.S. border. Many of the home buyers are from this segment of the population as well. Estimates of foreign residents range from 5,000 to 8,000 with at least half of these from the United States. The large foreign presence has established a number of institutions here.

San Miguel De Allende

Demographics approach

In total we can find 8 Spas in San Miguel de Allende. 2 Wellness Centers in which we have 1 temazcal/occidental spa, and 1 yoga spa studio. all of these once are located in the center of the city. The location choosen for the spa is 10 minutes driving from the center city . allowing us to have the landscape without houses and people, allowing the clients have a calm and natural experience .

Spas & Wellness Centers

Market research

Dos Casas Spa

Escondido Place

Esencia Yoga Spa

Shanti San Miguel

Sense, A Rosewood Spa

Laja Spa

Original elevation




Original Plan

Giallo ,Rosso Plan

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Zoning Isometric

Restaurant Coffee. Restroom, Shower, Locker . Hallway and public circulation. Kitchen and Storage. Reception and administration. Spa Area.

Distribution plan

Dimentions Levels

Circulation plan



Section B


Section Temazcal



Reference jpg

Restaurant Reception

Water feature detail

Massage area

Waterpool Detail

Clay Pool

Outside facade



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