How to Make Your Own Bikini Model Diet Plan You will be shocked to know that to get a bikini model body you need to eat a well balanced diet every single day. Yup, you need to eat good, clean food and in moderate quantities. Here moderate quantity implies approximately 2500 calories a day. That’s right you can eat a healthy, balanced bikini model diet made up of 2500 calories a day and still stay lean! Here in this article I am going to share some simple tips on what an ideal bikini model diet should comprise of and little less heard of body sculpting secrets.
What a Bikini Model Diet Must Not include Processed foods of all types Sweets especially those made of white sugar Dairy- particularly the inorganic, full fat variety and Sodium.
Home Cooked or Restaurant Food? If you are really serious about getting and maintaining a bikini body it is absolutely essential that you eat only home cooked food. This is because when you eat out it is really not possible to control how the food is being prepared or what ingredients go into preparing the item you order.
For example you may visit and restaurant and order for Chicken with sautĂŠed vegetables thinking that it is a very healthy dish. However what you may not realize is that majority of restaurant dishes contain a lot of salt (sodium), artificial colors, taste enhancers (MSG) and preservatives which are added to make food look presentable and taste real good. Hence it is advisable to stick to eating at home as far as possible. Prepare your own food. While cooking keep a check on the amount of sodium and fats that you add to your dishes. There are plenty of bikini model cookbooks available online in case you are new to cooking. These cookbooks contain step by step instructions for each recipe which even novices can make use of. Some of these bikini diet recipe books contain real good information on diets for body sculpting which is really useful to aspiring models to be .
What a bikini model meal should consist?
Make sure that each of your meals consists of some form of protein, carbohydrate and fat. Proteins Any form of lean protein like chicken, fish, chicken or ground turkey is healthy
Carbohydrates It is best to get your carbs from vegetables sources like sweet potato, peas, corn and winter squashes. At the same time it is important to avoid all types of breads, pastas, pizzas etc
Fats Get this nutritional element from essential fats such as almonds, avocado, peanut butter
Drink loads of water throughout the day- at least 2-3 liters. This is useful to flush out all the unwanted toxins from our body. Also it is important to stay away from any type aerated drinks and limit your alcohol consumption to the barest minimum on special occasions. Artificial drinks are loaded with sugar and are best avoided for people keen on staying in shape.
Is it necessary to stick to a standard bikini model diet plan throughout the year? While it is important to eat healthy all the time it is perfectly alright to keep varying your dishes. You may also have to change your diet a little when you are getting ready to compete in a show. To get a perfect bikini body, your body metabolism should be very active. To ensure this you must eat 5-6 small meals a day. When you eat frequently the body is forced to work and metabolize the food consumed. Another crucial fact regarding body metabolism is that when the metabolism slows down, the body does not expel all the unwanted fat. The excess fat remains in the body, resulting in weight gain. This is the reason you must never starve yourself to lose weight. Consume sufficient calories throughout the day without letting your body go into the starvation mode.
How to eat healthy while aiming for a bikini body?
Healthy eating, frequent outdoor travelling for photo shoots and working for long hours can really be a challenge. Considering that often models work for 12-15 hours at a stretch eating healthy can be real tough. An easy way to manage the whole situation would be to prepare a bikini model diet plan in advance. Thereafter follow the plan and cook your own meals and take food with you wherever you go. Carry your cooked food, dried snacks and healthy homemade drinks to ensure that you are not tempted to cheat. Do not forget to eat/drink every 3 hours wherever you are. Never go hungry for long period of time. If you stay hungry you start craving for food (particularly for fatty foods which provide instant gratification) rapidly and tend to binge. A well balanced bikini model diet combined with exercise and good sleep is one of the simplest body sculpting tips which can go a long way in helping you get that perfectly sculpted body that you may be yearning for.
CLICK here for more information on bikini model diet recipes that will be
Easy to cook with minimal time involved in preparation and cleanup. Filled with nutrients and must be bikini body tested. Not containing any artificial sweeteners or supplements…