P O RT F O L I O compilation of ar twork or just simply a por tfolio
melinda jesslyn graphic designer
‘‘bboouutt m mee
My name is Melinda Jesslyn, and i am a graphic designer based in Bandung, Indonesia. Graduated from Institut Teknologi Harapan Bangsa (GPA 3.86). I am looking forward a career in graphic design, speciďŹ cally in the area that will optimally utilize concepting, branding, layouting, and photography. I’m an ENFP person that like to learn something new.
CONTENTS table of contents (ar twork) from this por tfolio
IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn ‘‘bboouutt m mee
C Chhaapptt.. O ON NEE ‘‘llooggoo--bbrraannddiinngg
greetings education skills experience
cer vo coffee shop sobat united tractors
C O Chhaapptt.. TTW WO ‘‘ppaacckkaaggiinngg guritik - gurilem halen malone
C Chhaapptt.. FFO OU UR R ‘‘U UII//U UX X
C Chhaapptt.. TTH HR REEEE ‘g ‘grraafifiss
campaign: makan bareng di rumah
i r m a ’s w e b gathering of nations melinda general hospital
C Chhaapptt.. SSIIX X ‘s ‘soocciiaall m meeddiiaa
cerita-united tractors rempah bali
C Chhaapptt.. FFIIV VEE ‘‘pphhoottooggrraapphhyy
fIne day: semarang and batavia flower workshop
Ch ap t e r. ONE
Cer vo coffee and brewery
Inspired from deer and casual theme for a coffee shop, that’s how cervo are made. Cervo is an Italian name for deer. Since the theme was casual, so the logo was made to be simple. For the design element, coffee strain was choosen because to show that cervo is a coffee shop.
sekolah binaan united tractors
R: 255 G: 202 B: 13
Through U.T. Foster School (SOBAT), United Tractors supports technical education at Vocatinal School (SMK). SOBAT aims to improve the quality of students of those schools. Especially in the area of heavy machine and equipment. Since this program was made by CSR in United Tractors, so the theme was adjusted to fit the image of the company. As a heavy machine equipments company, the theme for ‘SOBAT’ was made to be bold, masculine, but still showing image of the company (United Tractors it self).
Ch ap t e r. T WO
GURITIK gurilem-leutik
Guritik is a Gurilem chili avored snack. The snacks contain gurilem, which is a traditional food from Bandung. Designed for traveller, whom like to go out and having fun with friends. Guritik will make your journey to become more fun. The logo it self was inspired by the form of gurilem it self. Guritik also means Gurilem Leutik (Leutik was Bahasa Sunda for small).
a soap based on family recipe
HALEN is a soap bar made from 100% nature material. The target is for family especially woman. Designed to be simple and clean. The logo it self was inspired from a ower that represented family; lilac ower.
M A LO N E your cleaning avengers
Malone is a variety of cleaning soap (in a liquid form). Malone have variety of product, such as liquid detergent, dish wash, floor cleaner, hand soap, glass cleaner, and fabric softener. Designed to be simple and clean. The logo it self was made by logotype only. And there’s a line between one in Mal‘one’, with hope that Malone can be number one for your cleaning need.
Ch ap t e r. THREE ‘g ‘grraafifiss
DI RUMAH social campaign
Guide book for social campaign “Makan Bareng di Rumah”. This guide book contains of the problem, solution, target audience, final art work. The theme was inspired by a phenomenon that happen in our society. Recently people always busy with their own activity. Barely have time to spend with their family also tend to confused 'where to eat', 'what to eat', and 'with whom to eat'. The solution for that is to pursuade to eat at home with family. Because eat at home with family has a lot of good beneftits.
Ch ap t e r. FOUR
I R M A’ S W E B a graphic designer por tfolio in a web
Priscila is a graphic designer with many talents, this web is about her skill, abilities, and her work. She likes outer space so much, so the theme is also about outer space. The theme was choosen to be feminine and simple.
re-designing web: gathering of nations
Gathering of Nations is a festival for Native people, where Native people can come together each year to celebrate, sharing culture, and have some fun. The theme was designed to be ethnic, so it suit with the event.
M E L I N D A G E N E R A L H O S P I TA L website for Melinda General Hospital
This is for my ďŹ nal assignement. Melinda General Hospital web was made to difference between the general hospital and mother-and-child hospital. Designed to be clean and simple, so the user can easily access this web to get information about Melinda General Hospital (known as Melinda Hospital 2)
Ch ap t e r. FIVE
F I N E DAY a day in semarang and batavia
Explore Semarang form it’s famous destination. Lawang Sewu and Sam Poo Kong. Both of them are historical and icon of destinaton in Semarang
Explore Jakarta (Batavia), in Kota Tua. Kota Tua is a famous destination in North Jakarta. This place have vintage feels and historical.
Wo r k s h o p f o r I k a t a n Pe r a n g k a i B u n g a I n d o n e s i a
This workshop was organized by IPBI cabang Jawa Barat. This worksop was about making hand tied flower bouquet with various material and flower.
Ch ap t e r. SIX
‘s ‘soocciiaall m meed diiaa
united tractors ofďŹ cial diary in instagram ceritadi.ut
Liked by loren_ipsum and 98 others ceritadi.ut
Cerita di United Tractors is United Tractors ofďŹ cial diary account in instagram. This account containing about what happen in United Tractors, important day, and as an announcement media (corporate communication).
R E M PA H B A L I rasa bali in jakarta rempahbali
Liked by loren_ipsum and 98 others rempahbali
Rempah Bali is a balinese restaurant based in Jakarta. This restaurant provides balinese food. Balinese taste in Jakarta
T TH HA AN NK K YO YOU U terimakasih - grazie - xie xie - arigatou - gomawo
You can contact me on 08112222667 melinda.jesslyn@gmail.com melindajesslyn