Hello My name is Melisa Antonius. I’m a young freelance graphic designer from BiNus University’s School of Design. Love to create simple, clean and minimalist design concept. Here some of my works from recent years. Enjoy !
Decide is a mobile app where users are able to claim some vouchers for free about the product that cooperate with this app by playing the games that we offered. For this version, we picked Magnum as an example to promote their new item, Magnum White Almond. About the games, we made it simple like snake and ladders and catch the ice cream. They able to play with random th users or with friends in snake and May 1994 Jakarta, 29their ladders game. Users will get some coins if they win the games and the coins can +6289609876007 be exchanged to the vouchers.
Hadiah Utama IIA / 1425A This is a Petamburan group project and my part are to Grogol analyze the idea and organize each part Jakarta Barat 11460 of page of this app then made the interface for About, Missions, Sponsors melisa_sch@yahoo.com and ads page.
1998 - 2009
2010 - 2011
TK/SD/SMP Hati Kudus
Chief Design Editor of School Magazine [Dominos]
2009 - 2012 SMA Bunda Hati Kudus
2013 - Present Freelance Graphic Designer
2012 - Present Bina Nusantara University
2014 Volunteer of Fresh n Brite
Mid 2015
Partisipant of Panen Raya Nusantara 2015
Mid 2015 Volunteer of Desain Grafis Indonesia in FGD Expo 2015
Hard Skills
Soft Skills Teamwork Punctuality Communication Problem Solving Indonesia English
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Choose Progress Over Perfection
Decide is a mobile app where users are able to claim some vouchers for free about the product that cooperate with this app by playing the games that we offered. For this version, we picked Magnum as an example to promote their new item, Magnum White Almond. About the games, we made it simple like snake and ladders and catch the ice cream. They able to play with random users or with their friends in snake and ladders game. Users will get some coins if they win the games and the coins can be exchanged to the vouchers. This is a group project and my part are to analyze the idea and organize each part of page of this app then made the interface for About, Missions, Sponsors and ads pages. 8
Decide is afirst mobile app where usersan are This is my experience to make able to claim some for free personal website asvouchers an assignment. about product that cooperate with I must the learn to make it balance between this by playing the games that we userapp interface and user experience. offered. For this version, we picked The content of the web are a few of my Magnum an example to promote their works andasalso my profile. new item, Magnum White Almond. About the games, we made it simple like snake and ladders and catch the ice cream. They able to play with random users or with their friends in snake and ladders game. Users will get some coins if they win the games and the coins can be exchanged to the vouchers. This is a group project and my part are to analyze the idea and organize each part of page of this app then made the interface for About, Missions, Sponsors and ads pages. 12
Choose Progress Over Perfection
Choose Progress Over Perfection 15
Decide Puspa Iptek is a mobile Sundialapp is awhere Science users Museum are able in Kota to claim Baru Parahyangan, some vouchersBandung. for free about The name the product comes from thatthe cooperate shape ofwith the this building app by itself, playing a large thesundial games clock that we offered. which is the For this biggest version, sundial we in picked Southeast Magnum Asia in fact. as an example to promote their new item, Magnum White Almond. As a museum for student from About elementary the games, school we until made highitschool, simplethey like snake have many and ladders science and toolscatch and the equipments ice cream. to help They themable study toin play funwith ways. random users or with their friends in snake and ladders To attract game. the target Users will market, get some I made coins a if fresh, theysimple win the and games modern andlogo the coins and some can be stationary exchanged withtopattern the vouchers. for this museum. This is a group project and my part are to analyze the idea and organize each part of page of this app then made the interface for About, Missions, Sponsors and ads pages. 16
ENTRY 14 / 1 / 2015 Rp 25.000,00 Padalarang, Bandung www.pi-sundial.com
** Tiket tidak dapat diuangkan kembali. Tiket berlaku sesuai tanggal yang tertera. Jagalah kebersihan di dalam musium. Jagalah keamanan barang berharga anda.
EVENT DECIDE:: 2015 PARARA, PARARA , KELUMBI Kelumbi 2015 2015
PARARA Panen Raya Nusantara isare an Parara Raya 2015 is Decide or isor aPanen mobile appNusantara where users festival like bags an event orhandmade i might saystuff it is an festival able to for claim some vouchers for free or natural items suchof as honey fromstuff many that consist many handmade about the product that cooperate with places in by Indonesia. Kelumbi is that one from Indonesian villagers, such as of this app playing the games we them which item are handmade bags Kelumbi village, Borneo. offered. For this West version, we picked made from Magnum asbamboo. an example to promote their This group project White to make a social new isitem, Magnum Almond. This is group project and to make social campaign to attract interest people campaign. The goalwe are to attract andlike who visit event, visit Kelumbi’s About thethis games, made it simple educate people to know more about booth, andladders boughtand the catch handmade snake and the icestuff Kelumbi itselfable andtointerest them toetc. buy like handbag made from bamboo cream. They play with random the products. users or with their friends in snake and The big game. idea is Users “Tak Kenal Maka Tak ladders will get some coins The bigwin idea is “Tak Kenal Maka Taklogo, Sayang”. Inthe this project, I made the if they games and the coins can Sayang”, I was in charge to make goody bag andto flyer, and the rest the were be exchanged the vouchers. logo, flyer and goody bag. my friends. For I made it and lookmy likepart are to Thisthe is alogo, group project handbag, like their real product. analyze the idea and organize each part of page of this app then made the interface for About, Missions, Sponsors and ads pages. 22
Decide is a mobile users are This brochure was app one where of my assignment. able to claimgave someusvouchers free The lecturer the datafor and I must about the product that cooperate analyze how to communicate withwith the this app by playing the games that we combination of typography and images. offered. For this version, we picked Magnum anthis example to promote their The targetasof brochure is the tourists new White Almond. who item, come Magnum to Singapore. Just like a simple tour guide book. I used vivid dan About games, weto made it simple bright the color in order attract reader.like snake and ladders and catch the ice cream. They able to play with random users or with their friends in snake and ladders game. Users will get some coins if they win the games and the coins can be exchanged to the vouchers. This is a group project and my part are to analyze the idea and organize each part of page of this app then made the interface for About, Missions, Sponsors and ads pages. 26
Decide is a mobile users are The challenge hereapp is towhere introduce able to claim free in products fromsome othervouchers country for to people about the through product that cooperate with Indonesia newspaper. this by playing games that we The app language must the be indentical with offered. For this we picked how people talk version, in daily life to promote Magnum as antoexample tomarket. promote their this shampoo its target new item, Magnum White Almond. So, I use native models as the main character of this ads. About the games, we made it simple like snake and ladders and catch the ice cream. They able to play with random users or with their friends in snake and ladders game. Users will get some coins if they win the games and the coins can be exchanged to the vouchers. This is a group project and my part are to analyze the idea and organize each part of page of this app then made the interface for About, Missions, Sponsors and ads pages. 28
Decide is a of mobile appiswhere usersto are The theme this ads “Negative able to claim somethis vouchers for free Possitive�. I made ads in fasting about the cooperate with month for product Moslem that people in Indonesia. thisthe appmain by playing gamesorthat we So, idea is the to caring share offered. For this version, we picked yours to others. Magnum as an example to promote their new item, Magnum White Almond. About the games, we made it simple like snake and ladders and catch the ice cream. They able to play with random users or with their friends in snake and ladders game. Users will get some coins if they win the games and the coins can be exchanged to the vouchers. This is a group project and my part are to analyze the idea and organize each part of page of this app then made the interface for About, Missions, Sponsors and ads pages. 30
THANK YOU ! Okay, that’s all of my works. Hope you like them. Thank you for reading and take a look at this first portfolio of mine. I’m still learning to be better in design and also I’m sorry if there any wrong word in the text because this is quite like a challenge to communicate for me too. Feel free to contact me to do some great design works. See ya! 32
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