Transparent Transparent is an organization that focuses purely on keeping the transgender community safe. Transparent is meant to build a bridge between the trans and cis community to make the world a better place. The idea was to give transgender people a platform to tell their stories about the struggles they’ve been through to feel a part of something bigger than themselves.
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Transparent Advertising Campaign
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Transparent Advertising Campaign
Outdoor Board
Home Connect Our Mission Get Involved Stories Messaging transparent
This is where you can talk freely about the struggles or victories you have faced lately. We have a whole community on your side here. If you feel comfortable enough to share your story we make it so anyone can message you about your story. We not only have open ears, but we also have open arms.
A few things transparent takes pride in:
We do not judge.
You can choose to make your story public or private.
We are here for you.
Question: How has discrimination affected your life? (Healthcare, Education, Work, Social Life?)
Share your story here:
Fragile Existence Fragile Existence is a 36 page photo book publication with childhood memories associated with the photos. A number of people were interviewed and asked to describe a vivid childhood memory that makes them happy thinking about that memory. The thought behind this publication was to give the audience a sense of nostalgia and make them think of their own favorite childhood memory.
Publication pages
Publication pages
Publication pages
Publication pages
Travel Portland Travel Portland is a travel agency focused on transcending the current stereotypes of the city. With the tag line “You’ll blend in here” Travel Portland wants people from far and wide to feel like Portland is their next vacation spot and not have to worry about fitting in with the local culture. The goal of this ad campaign is to support that.
Billboard Ad
One Page Magazine Ad
Bus Wrap
T-Shirt Design
Amity Sandwich Shoppe Amity Sandwich Shoppe was created in an attempt to be a family friendly restaurant. The name Amity means ‘a friendly relationship’ and that’s exactly what the essence of the brand is. This brand was sculpted to create a sense of joy and approachability.
amity sandwich shoppe
Store Front
Take Out Package Design
Social Media
Social Media
Swingset Kid’s Sunscreen Swingset Kid’s Sunscreen started off as a package design but eventually evolved into an entire brand. The bright colors are meant to attract the eyes of children but also their parents as well. The unique packaging was created with the thought in mind to make it feel like a puzzle the kids could solve. With the packaging turned to the side and fitting into the sleeve like a diamond it catches the eyes of all consumers.
Package Design
Outdoor Board
Drawstring Bag
Arrow Ice Cube Tray Arrow Ice Cube Trays needed a re-brand. The idea was to take an object that is used everyday and make the visuals more appealing to its consumers. The approach to this ad campaign was to make it comical, with the tag line “K.I.S.S� (Keep It Simple Stupid). It makes this brand still simplistic but gives it a twist.
Arrow Ice Cube Tray Advertising Campaign
Arrow Ice Cube Tray Advertising Campaign
Arrow Ice Cube Tray Advertising Campaign
Communication Habits Communication Habits was created with the intent to solve a problem, the problem being the failure of communication. While communicating, we tend to leave things out, or unsuccessfully try and get our point across. The thought behind Communication Habits was to provide a service in which we can be more conscious in the way we interact with others. Through Communication Habits, we find answers that will help our communication skills. Whether it be non-verbal or verbal, there’s always room to improve. This components of this project include brand identity design, a poster campaign, flier design, phone case design, website, and t-shirt design.
Poster Advertising Campaign
T-Shirt Design
Phone Case
Evian Natural Spring Water Refresh The idea behind this project is to refresh Evian’s brand identity in order to align its experience, messaging, and visualization throughout an integrated mixed-media branding campaign. The components of this campaign include a refreshed logo, an ad campaign, website, bottle packaging, umbrella, beach supplies, and a portable patio cooler.
natural spring water
Your tastebuds love it
Your babies love it
® natural spring water
Evian Advertising Campaign
® natural spring water
find your love at
find your love at
natural spring water
find your love at
Your body loves it
natural spring water
® natural spring water
Bottle Packaging
natural spring water
natural spring water
g wa
prin ral s natu
g wa
prin ral s natu
g wa
prin ral s natu
Beach Supplies
natural spring water
Portable Patio Cooler
Photography These photos have been taken over a course of three years. As soon as I bought my first camera I became passionate about capturing moments that mean something to me. Seeing the world through a lens of my own perspective is something very personal, yet so special.
Thank you.