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Major street repair scheduled to begin in late summer throughout City
Work for the City of Leavenworth’s pavement management program is scheduled to begin in August. The 2023 budget invests $1.8 million into major repairs of city streets.
Work includes three phases:
1) Mill and overlay, in which 2” of driving surface is scraped away or “milled” from the road and replaced with a 2-inch asphalt overlay.
2) Crack sealing and microsurfacing, in which thin surface material is added to the top of the driving surface.
3) Replacement of one City-owned parking lot is done each year. In 2022, the City replaced and repaired the Leavenworth Public Library parking lot. In 2023, the lot scheduled for replacement is on the east side of City Hall. Work will include tearing out concrete and adding new storm drainage, landscaping and repaving lot.
The following streets include a 2-inch full-width mill with a 2-inch asphalt overlay of existing pavement:
Poplar Street (east of Third Street to Second Street)
Spruce Street (Fourth Street to west of Third Street)
Shawnee Street (15th Street to 10th Street)
10th Avenue (Michigan Street to Stockton Street)
Vilas Street and 15th Street Intersection
Third Street and Arch Street Intersection (regrade manhole only)
N. 7th Street (Kiowa Street to Alley North of Dakota Street)
These streets will receive crack sealing and microsurfacing:
High Street (15th St. to Grand Ave.)
Olive Street (Casey Court to Grand Ave.)
Newman Street (Spruce St. to High St.)
Third Street (Linn St. to Spruce St.)
Columbia Avenue (Frank St. to Spruce St.)
Columbia Avenue (Michigan St. to Ohio St.)
Ohio Street (Western St. to Stoneleigh Court.)
Ottawa Street (13th Ter. to 12th St.)
Dakota Street (2109 W. Dakota to 20th St.)
Muncie Court (Muncie Rd. to Cul-de-sac)
Lincoln Court (Richmond Dr. to Dixie Dr.)
Garland Avenue (Village St. to Deerfield St.)
Village Street (Cul-de-sac to Broadway Ter.)
Parkway Drive (Muncie Rd. to Dead End)
Eighth Street (Dakota St. to Metropolitan Ave.)
Kingman Street (Ohio St. to Kansas St.)
Quincy Street (Washington St. to Grand Ave.)
Pennsylvania Street (Klemp St. to 10th Ave.)
21st Street (High St. to Shawnee St.)
Choctaw Street (21st St. to 20th St)
Randolph Court (Cul-de-sac to 17th St.)