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Melissa Frazier


Project: Social Awarness Event Poster Collateral: Poster Target: all age groups and demographic Message: Social Awareness of a serious and deadly disease Style: Bold, Ribbon symbolizes death Application: Illustrator Photography courtsey of ImageMD

Project: Magazine Editorial Spread Collateral:Cover and Editorial Spread Target: Demographic audience are readers between 18-35 of African American and Hispanics Message: Style: Two column grid, Clean and structured Application: Photoshop and InDesign

Editorial Spread 1

Editorial Spread 2

Project: DOCS Collateral: Stationary Application: InDesign and Photoshop

Project: DOCS Collateral: Ad Campaign Application: InDesign and Photoshop

Back Cover Panel


Inside Page Spread

Project: DOCS Collateral: Product Brochure Application: InDesign and Photoshop

Inside Page 1

Top : Home Page Bottom: Product Page

Splash Page

Project: DOCS Collateral: Website Application: InDesign and Photoshop

Project: Identity System Collateral: Stationary Target: Middleclass women between the ages of 25-35 Message: Style: Calm, Relaxing and Serene Application: Illustrator, InDesign and Photoshop

Project: Identity System Collateral: Stationary Target: Middleclass women between the ages of 25-35 Message: Style: Calm, Relaxing and Serene Application: Illustrator, InDesign and Photoshop

Project: CD Cover Collateral: CD Cover Target: Message: Style: Complimentary colors, Bold,Eccentric Application: InDesign and Photoshop

Project: Interpretative Signage System Collateral: Signage System Target: Women, Men, Kids of all ages who enjoys nature Message: An effective method of communication that’s easy and simple to use. Color use was relation to nature. Style: Use old style signage that was reminscent of the city’s history and look Application: Illustator and Photoshop

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