Connect Kids Policies & Procedures

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Policies, Procedures and Expectations Guide

Created Summer 2017 Connect Christian Church

Meets at Withamsville Tobasco Elementary School 3950 Britton Blvd, Cincinnati, OH 45245

Connect Christian Church Phone 513-753-4455 4030 Mt. Carmel Tobasco Rd. Suite 226 Cincinnati, OH 45255

Table of Contents Page 3: Volunteer Information Page 4: Meeting Times and Room Openings Page 5: Drop Off Procedures Page 6: Pick Up Procedures Page 8: Nursery Expectations Page 10: Toddler Expectations Page 12: Preschool Expectations Page 14: Elementary Expectations Page 16: Discipline Page 17: Safety Page 19: Hygiene Page 20: Food and Allergy Page 21: Toiletting Page 23: Accidents and Injury Page 24: Incident Report Page 25: Abuse Page 26: Emergency Page 30: School Maps

Volunteer Information All volunteers in Connect Kids need to regularly attend a main worship service weekly. A lack of attending service can lead to a disconnect of Connect’s vision and direction. We encourage you to sit in one service and serve in another. Volunteer Application Process 2 month rule – Connect Christian Church requires that any adult desiring to serve in the kids’ ministry attend church for at least 60 days before beginning the application process. Worker Screening All potential Adult Leaders ( age 18 and above) need to fill out an online application and background check, complete an interview with the Kids and Family Pastor, another staff member, or a designated Kids’ Ministry representative. Volunteer Roles Available ➡ Lead Teacher (age 18 and above) ➡ Assistant Teacher (age 16 and above) ➡ Student Assistant (6th - 12th grader) ➡ Worship Leader ➡ Volunteer Kids Room Leader ➡ Storyteller ➡ Activities Leader Minors serving All minors desiring to serve in the kids’ ministry are required to complete our underage volunteer training. Sixth graders may serve in nursery-preschool areas. Nursery/Toddler/Preschool Leadership A fully staffed classroom will consist of one Lead Teacher, one Assistant Teacher (age 16 and above leader), and one Student Assistant in each area. K-5th Grade A fully staffed classroom will consist of one Lead Teacher and one Assistant Teacher or Student Assistant in each area (areas include storytelling and activity). Volunteer Kids Room We ask that all Kindergarten – 5th grade children of volunteers attend the 9:30am Volunteer Kids Room instead of attending both K-5th grade teaching times . The attendance of both services can interfere with storytellers lesson and activities during second hour and should be avoided if possible.

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Meeting Times and Room Openings ➥ Mandatory team meetings take place at 9:05am for the 9:30am service and 10:35am for the 11:00am service. ➥ Kids ministry areas open at 9:15am and 10:45am on Sunday mornings. Staff must be in rooms prepared to receive children at this time. Gym Hours The gym closes at 9:15am for kids each Sunday. At that time, all kids need to be checked in and taken to their appropriate areas. The gym remains closed to public use until the end of the 11:00am service.

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Drop Off Procedures Nursery Drop Off ➡ Drop off needs to happen at the doorway of each classroom. ➡ Lead Teachers greet parents and children as they enter the classroom checking that each child is wearing a check-in tag. ➡ Parents set diaper bag on the outside of the green divider. ➡ Never let unauthorized adults into the classroom. ➡ Assistants are to be available to receive children and encourage them to play as they enter the classroom.

Preschool Drop Off ➡ Drop off needs to happen at the doorway of each classroom. ➡ Lead Teachers greet parents and children as they enter the classroom checking that each child is wearing a check-in tag. ➡ Assistants are to be available to receive children and encourage them to play as they enter the classroom. ➡ Never let unauthorized adults into the classroom. ➡ Only allow children into the room if they are of the corresponding age. Otherwise, direct the family to the correct location. If the child was assigned the wrong room, contact the Kids and Family Pastor. ➡ If you suspect that a child is in the wrong age group, or you are concerned with the amount of children in your class, admit them to your room and then contact the Kids and Family Pastor.

Elementary Drop Off ➡ Storyteller greets families at the door and ensures that children have been assigned to the correct group by asking their ages and/or grade and checking that each child is wearing a check-in tag. ➡ Activities Leader supervises the classroom with assistance of assistant or student volunteers. ➡ Never let unauthorized adults into the classroom. ➡ Introduce new children to other children, specifically others from their elementary school, if at all possible. Page !5

Pick Up Procedures Nursery Pick Up ➡ Doors to classrooms will remain locked and left open from the outside at all times. ➡ Lead Teacher greets parents at the door giving them the child’s update sheet and discussing contents of sheet. ➡ Lead Teacher collects check-in sticker from child placing it on sheet of paper on clipboard. Both parent and Lead Teacher initial paper next to sticker. ➡ Assistant Teacher supervises remaining children throughout departure. ➡ Parents are reminded to collect diaper bags. ➡ Only check-in tag holders may pick up children. ➡ If anyone ever pushes their way into the classroom at any time, or takes a child without permission, contact Security and the Kids and Family Pastor immediately for help.

Toddler/Preschool Pick Up ➡ Doors to classrooms will remain locked and left open from the outside at all times. ➡ Gates need to remain locked and closed at all times and are only to be opened by Connect Kids volunteers. ➡ Lead Teachers and Assistants greet parents at the door. ➡ Assistant Teacher supervises remaining children throughout departure. ➡ Parents should receive any take home papers/crafts, jackets, diaper bags, backpacks, etc. when greeted at the door. Put crafts/activities into paper bags labeled with the child’s name along with bottom line and memory verse stickers. ➡ Only check-in tag holders may pick up children. ➡ Lead Teacher collects check in sticker from child placing it on sheet of paper on clipboard. Both parent and Lead Teacher initial paper next to sticker. ➡ If anyone ever pushes their way into the classroom at any time, or takes a child without permission, contact Security and the Kids and Family Pastor immediately for help.

Elementary Pick Up ➡ The doors to the elementary will remain locked and closed from the outside during class time. ➡ Storyteller will be stationed at the entrance of the room, checking that every adult picking up a student has a check-in sticker. Page !6

➡ Lead Teacher collects check in sticker from child placing it on sheet of paper on clipboard. Both parent and Lead Teacher initials paper next to sticker. ➡ Only tag holders may pick up children. ➡ If anyone ever pushes their way into the classroom at any time, or takes a child without permission, contact Security and the Kids and Family Pastor immediately for help.

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Nursery Expectations Teaching Prep The Kids and Family Pastor will provide a brief video describing the quarterly lesson provided on Connect Kids Volunteer Resource Website. This lesson will include the Connect Kids Playlist and a video of two finger plays. Every lead teacher and assistant teacher should be familiar enough with the activities to teach the class. Classroom Prep Please check for the following directly after volunteer meeting before children arrive: ➡ Music with Connect Kids Nursery Soundtrack CD ➡ Proper set up of room ➡ Update Sheets ➡ Canvas Connect Kids Emergency Bag Classroom Procedure Parents deliver babies with check-in stickers into classroom, diaper bags outside of green room divider. Lead Teachers do not take baby from parent until parent is ready to leave nursery. As soon as baby is handed off to Lead Teacher, Lead Teacher thanks parents and communicates to parent that their baby will have a great service and they hope the parent does as well. Lead Teachers greet parents and babies handing child off to assistant when able. Once all is settled, volunteers fill out Update Sheets. Volunteers interact with babies through holding, finger plays and song. During pick up, Lead Teacher discusses with parents Update Sheets while assistants continue to care for babies. Lead Teacher collects check-in sticker from child placing it on sheet of paper on clipboard. Both parent and Lead Teacher initial paper next to sticker. No parents enter the green room divider. Cleaning the toys/room Volunteers should clean the toys after the 11am service using the provided cleaning supplies. Cell phones and devices While serving in Connect Kids, volunteers are asked to keep their cell phones on vibrate and refrain from using your cell phone unless it is an emergency. Social Media Policy Page !8

Volunteer leaders should refrain from posting pictures of children at Connect Kids events and programs. Please understand that we have children attending that could be put in danger by having their photos posted to social media sites. The only pictures that should be posted will be posted through the official Connect Kids Facebook page.

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Toddler Expectations Teaching Prep The Kids and Family Pastor will provide a brief video describing the lesson and activities. In addition to that video, an outline of the lessons will be provided on Connect Kids Volunteer Resource Website. Connect will provide the supplies for each activity on Sunday morning. Every lead teacher and assistant teacher should be familiar enough with the lesson to teach the class. Classroom Prep Please check for the following directly after volunteer meeting before children arrive: ➡ Music with Connect Kids Soundtrack CD ➡ Proper set up of room ➡ Welcome Toys out ➡ Learning stations ready ➡ Canvas Connect Kids Emergency Bag Classroom Procedure Lead Teacher greets parents and children as they enter the door, checking to make sure that children have check-in tags. Assistants monitor and interact with children through check in as they play with Welcome Toys. 10 minutes into lesson: Clean Up as a group through song. 15 minutes into lesson: Read bible story from book as children on floor with Lead Teacher. 20 minutes into lesson: Large motor recap activity of story (marching, dancing, etc). 30 minutes into lesson: Review memory verse with motions. 35 minutes into lesson: Children sit down and Lead Teacher reviews each station. 40 minutes into lesson: Toddler’s choice through stations with teachers interacting with purposeful questioning of children, asking questions about activity and story. If any crafts/papers are made, store in Connect Kids Paper bags. During Pick Up, Lead Teacher highlights to parents activity that their child enjoyed the most while assistants continue to interact with children. Lead Teacher collects check in sticker from child placing it on sheet of paper on clipboard. Both parent and Lead Teacher initial paper next to sticker.

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Follow Up Connect will supply cards and pens for leaders to write cards to new kids and kids that haven’t attended in the past two weeks. Please put the cards in the basket at the check-in table. Cleaning the toys/room Volunteers should clean the toys after the 11am service using the provided cleaning supplies. Cell phones and devices While serving in Connect Kids, volunteers are asked to keep their cell phones on vibrate and refrain from using your cell phone unless it is an emergency. Social Media Policy Volunteer leaders should refrain from posting pictures of children at Connect Kids events and programs. Please understand that we have children attending that could be put in danger by having their photos posted to social media sites. The only pictures that should be posted will be posted through the official Connect Kids Facebook page.

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Preschool Expectations Teaching Prep The Kids and Family Pastor will provide a brief video describing the lesson and activities. In addition to that video, an outline of the lessons will be provided on Connect Kids Volunteer Resource Website. Connect will provide the supplies for each activity on Sunday morning. Every lead teacher and assistant teacher should be familiar enough with the lesson to teach the class. Classroom Prep Please check for the following directly after volunteer meeting before children arrive: ➡ Music with Connect Kids Soundtrack CD ➡ Proper set up of room ➡ Welcome Toys out ➡ Learning stations ready ➡ Canvas Connect Kids Emergency Bag Classroom Procedure Lead Teacher greets parents and children as they enter the door, checking to make sure that children have check-in tags. Assistants monitor and interact with children through check in as they play with Welcome Toys. 10 minutes into lesson: Clean Up as a group through song. 15 minutes into lesson: Read bible story from book as children on floor with Lead Teacher. 20 minutes into lesson: Large motor recap activity of story (marching, dancing, etc). 30 minutes into lesson: Review memory verse with and motions. 35 minutes into lesson: Children sit down and Lead Teacher reviews each station. 40 minutes into lesson: Toddler’s choice through stations with teachers interacting with purposeful questioning of children, asking questions about activity and story. If anything is made store in Connect Kids Paper bags. During Pick Up, Lead Teacher highlights to parents activity that their child enjoyed the most while assistants continue to interact with children. Lead Teacher collects check in sticker from child placing it on sheet of paper on clipboard. Both parent and Lead Teacher initial paper next to sticker.

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Follow Up Connect will supply cards and pens for leaders to write cards to new kids and kids that haven’t attended in the past two weeks. Please put the cards in the basket at the check-in table. Cleaning the toys/room Volunteers should clean the toys after the 11am service using the provided cleaning supplies. Cell phones and devices While serving in Connect Kids, volunteers are asked to keep their cell phones on vibrate and refrain from using your cell phone unless it is an emergency. Social Media Policy Volunteer leaders should refrain from posting pictures of children at Connect Kids events and programs. Please understand that we have children attending that could be put in danger by having their photos posted to social media sites. The only pictures that should be posted will be posted through the official Connect Kids Facebook page.  

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Elementary Expectations Teaching Prep The Kids and Family Pastor will provide access to our online curriculum resource. Every lead teacher and assistant teacher should be familiar enough with the lesson to teach the class. Classroom Prep Please check for the following directly after volunteer meeting before children arrive: ➡ Connect Kids Elementary Soundtrack ➡ Theme displayed on screen ➡ Room cleared of clutter Classroom Procedure Storyteller greets parents and students as they enter the door, checking to make sure that children have check-in tags. Assistants monitor and interact with children through check in. Welcome: Monthly Theme and Opener Game Events Song #1 Bottom Line and Preview of Lesson Song #2 Memory Verse, Communion and Offering Discussion Song #3 (Slower tempo for communion and offering) Bottom Line/Group Break Lead Teacher collects check-in sticker from child placing it on sheet of paper on clipboard. Both parent and Lead Teacher initial paper next to sticker. Assistants monitor and interact with students in green room throughout pickup. Follow Up Connect will supply cards and pens for leaders to write cards to new kids and kids that haven’t attended in the past two weeks. Please put the cards in the basket at the check-in table. Cell phones and devices While serving in Connect Kids, volunteers are asked to keep their cell phones on vibrate and refrain from using your cell phone unless it is an emergency.

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Social Media Policy Volunteer leaders should refrain from posting pictures of children at Connect Kids events and programs. Please understand that we have children attending that could be put in danger by having their photos posted to social media sites. The only pictures that should be posted will be posted through the official Connect Kids Facebook page.

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Discipline The goal at Connect Kids is to foster a sense of both fun and leaning. Discipline will be handled by redirecting the child to a more constructive use of time and energy. Keeping the learning environment active and fun will usually eliminate the need for a lot of discipline. However, children must also understand that sometimes it is necessary to listen to lessons, instructions for an activity, etc. It is important not to disrupt classroom times because that takes away from the fun and learning of fellow students. When “discipline� is necessary, all interaction will carefully consider a child’s integrity and fragility. All children will be treated with gentleness, respect and understanding. Physical punishment will never be used. Affirmation and encouragement should always be used first. If a child is being disruptive, please notify the Kids and Family Pastor after service. If situation is sever, notify security and the Kids and Family Pastor immediately.

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Safety Basic safety guidelines ➡ Never be alone with a child ➡ Report all suspicious activity. ➡ Do not discuss behaviors or signs of abuse with other volunteers. Visiting Adults ➡ Unauthorized adults are never allowed into a classroom. Unauthorized adults are defined as anyone not serving in Connect Kids for that particular service. ➡ If an adult is interested in observing, they must register as a visitor at the check-in desk where we will keep their photo ID and they will wear a visitor tag (these visitors are not allowed to interact with children in the classrooms). ➡ Any adult/teenager seen in the area without proper identification should be asked to leave the area. Paging Parents Children should not be left to cry longer than 10 minutes before contacting a parent. If you should need to contact a parent at any time during a service, contact Security or the Kids and Family Pastor. Taking Kids Outside Please inform security and the Kids and Family Pastor before taking children outside to the playground. Special Needs While we believe that all children, regardless of ability, need to hear of God’s love for them, we may not currently be able to provide a developmentally appropriate environment for all children due to limitations beyond our control. We apologize and ask for your understanding if this should occur. We will work hard to address any shortcomings. This is in our future planning to better equip all children to have success in Connect Kids. Appropriate Touch It is our hope that Connect Kids is a warm, welcoming, and friendly place. We greatly value the safety of our kids. Failing to comply with the guidelines below are grounds for immediate dismissal. Proper touch ➡ Physical contact should be age and developmentally appropriate and is only appropriate when done publicly.

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➡ Hugging can only be done if the child initiates the contact. Strive to only do side hugs with kids. Sometimes it may be best for you to initiate a high-five rather than invite a hug. ➡ Many children who are sad or upset can be comforted best by being held. Holding children is only appropriate in the nursery, 2s & 3s, and 4s & 5s classrooms. ➡ A light touch to a hand, shoulder or back when encouraging a student is acceptable. ➡ Lap sitting is only appropriate for children in the nursery, 2s & 3s, and 4s & 5s classrooms. If an older child is insistent in sitting in your lap, move them to sit next to you so they are not able to sit in your lap. ➡ Never touch a child in any area that would be covered by a bathing suit (except when changing a diaper or properly assisting a child in the restroom). ➡ Never kiss a child or coax a child to kiss you. ➡ Never allow a child to touch you in a way that is inappropriate.

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Hygiene Please help us prevent the spread of illnesses by washing or sanitizing your hands: ➡ When you first arrive in a room ➡ After a diaper change ➡ After accompanying a child to the restroom ➡ After contact with a bodily fluid (wiping a child’s nose, etc.) ➡ Before handling food Please instruct children to wash their hands: ➡ After using the restroom ➡ After wiping their nose ➡ Before eating Well Child Policy In order to promote health and wellness in all children, if a child has any of the following symptoms, please do not admit her/him to Connect Kids: ➡ Any degree of fever ➡ Vomiting ➡ Diarrhea ➡ Unexplained or contagious skin rash ➡ Bleeding ➡ Chronic cough ➡ Runny nose (yellow/green discharge) ➡ Eye/ Ear infections ➡ Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis) ➡ Parasites (nits, lice, mites, ring worm, etc.) If a child with one of these symptoms enters a Connect Kids room, please contact the Kids and Family Pastor immediately. Then, please have Security contact the parents. The Kids and Family Pastor will explain why they are being paged and invite the child back when he/she is well.

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Food and Allergies Snacks ➥ Connect Kids will provide a small snack at 11am for Preschool. ➥ No snacks in the K-5th grade, other than in the Volunteer Kids Room. Volunteer Kids Room At 10:15am we will give Volunteer Kids Room attendees a bathroom break. After this break we will feed them a snack and water. Special Occasions Treats may be included in special event days or around holidays. On these special occurrences please verbally inform parents of what is to be served and remind them to fill out the information form at Connect Kids check-in.

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Toiletting Restroom Procedures We encourage parents to take their child to the bathroom BEFORE dropping them off in the classrooms. This should help to limit bathroom breaks. Preschool - One Adult Volunteer or one Assistant Leader should escort a child to the Family bathroom. Door should remain unlocked but closed. This leader will check the bathroom first to make sure that it is empty, and then allow the child inside. The Adult Volunteer or Assistant Leader will remain outside the bathroom door and then escort the child back to the classroom when finished. If a child is taking longer than seems necessary, the Adult Volunteer or Assistant Leader will open the bathroom door and call the child's name. If a child requires assistance, the Adult Volunteer should contact Security. Security can supervise as the Adult Volunteer assists the child with door open. If necessary, leaders may take the entire group to the bathroom for a bathroom break. K-5th Grade - These students should use designated male/female bathrooms. No adult can help a Kindergarten-5th grade inside the bathroom. If a child needs help with clothing, make sure they are decent, and help them out in the hallway. Diaper changing We encourage parents to please change their child before dropping them off in the nursery or 2s and 3s room. If a child is dropped off with a dirty diaper, please receive the child and change the diaper. However, if parents are consistently dropping off their child with a dirty diaper, please mark on Update Sheet and talk to the Kids and Family Pastor about the situation. Please put a fresh diaper on each baby before giving he/she back to the parent. Diaper procedures ➡ Collect a sheet of pre-moistened disposable towelettes (check for allergies), clean diaper, disposable non-latex gloves (approved for medical use), trash disposal bag (small paper or heavy-duty plastic zip-lock bag), and child’s personal towelettes. ➡ Put on disposable gloves. ➡ Unfasten, remove, and roll soiled/wet diaper in waxed paper. ➡ Clean child’s diaper area with pre-moistened wipes and put used wipes in the waxed paper. ➡ Fasten clean diaper securely. ➡ Remove gloves, trying to enclose wrapped soiled/wet diaper and used wipes inside the gloves. Hold the diaper in the right hand. Pull the top of the right-handed glove down over the diaper so that the glove covers most of the diaper. Hold the partly concealed diaper in the left hand. Pull the top of the left-handed glove down over the diaper, concealing the remainder of the diaper. Page !21

➡ Drop the enclosed soiled/wet diaper into the disposable diaper bag and put the bag in the trashcan in your room. ➡ Invite the child to return to the activity area. ➡ Disinfect the diapering area with Clorox wipes. ➡ Wash or sanitize your hands. Please change all wet and dirty diapers in the nursery and the 2s and 3s classrooms before pick up. Put the wet and dirty diapers into the Disposable Diaper Bags (provided by Connect), twist tie them, and dispose of them in the trashcan in the room.

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Accidents and Injury Injuries In the case of an accident, regardless of child and/or adult, the Kids and Family Pastor should be notified. All classrooms are equipped with small First Aid Kits located in Connect Kids Emergency Canvas Bag. Along with providing care, an Incident Report will need to be filled out and signed by the volunteer that witnessed the event. The Incident Report also requires a parent signature. If there is a spill of bodily fluid (due to cuts, nosebleeds, vomit, etc.), non-latex gloves must be worn (available in Connect Kids Emergency Canvas Bag). Incidents In the case of any non-accident or injury incident that is a cause for concern, please inform the Kids and Family Pastor. This may include behavior that indicates possible abuse, inappropriate talk or touch from one child to another, or any other incident that a parent or staff needs to notified of. In addition to a conversation with a staff member, an incident form will need to be filled out. Location of First Aid Kits First aid kits can be found in Connect Kids Emergency Canvas Bag). ➡ One in nursery ➡ One in toddler ➡ One in preschool ➡ Two in K-5th grade room In case of a serious emergency contact Security and the Kids and Family Pastor. If you are unable to reach anyone, call 911.

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Child Incident Report Form is completed by Lead Teacher in the classroom. If Lead Teacher did not view incident, it is filled out with assistance from the teaching team that witnessed the incident.

Child’s Name (first and last): ________________________________________________________ How and Where Incident Occurred (Room and Area): _________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Date: _____________________ Time of Accident: ____________________ Service: 1st or 2nd Description of Incident/Specific Area of Body & Any Equipment Involved: _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Treatment Given: _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Teachers on Duty: _________________________________________________________________

Kids and Family Pastor Signature: ___________________________________________________

Parent’s Signature: _________________________________________________________________

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Abuse Child Abuse Information & Policies The National Committee for Prevention of Child Abuse assigns the definitions below. Physical Abuse Physical abuse can be defined as a non-accidental injury, which may include beatings, violent shaking, human bites, strangulation, suffocation, poisoning, or burns. The results may be bruises and welts, broken bones, scars, permanent disfigurement, long-lasting psychological damage, serious internal injuries, brain damage or death. Physical/Emotional Neglect Physical/Emotional neglect is the failure to provide a child with basic needs including food, clothing, education, shelter, and medical care; also abandonment and inadequate supervision. Sexual Abuse Sexual abuse is constituted through the sexual exploitation of a child by an older person as in rape, incest, fondling of the genitals, exhibitionism or pornography. It may be done for the sexual gratification of the older person, out of a need for power or economic reasons (such as prostitution, etc.). Emotional Maltreatment A pattern of behavior that attacks a child’s emotional development and a sense of self worth, such as constant criticizing, belittling, insulting, manipulation. It can also be defined as providing no love, support, or guidance for the child. Reporting Suspected Child Abuse Familiarize yourself with the definitions and descriptions of child abuse listed above. If you suspect that a child involved in any of the programs at Connect Christian Church has been abused: ➡ Report the suspected abuse to a staff member or elder. ➡ Do not interview the child regarding the suspected abuse. This could be considered leading the child. ➡ Do not discuss the suspected abuse with other volunteers, parents, etc. All information regarding the child should be kept confidential. Child Abuse Allegations Anyone that is being accused of abuse will be temporarily removed from volunteering while we explore the accusations.

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Emergency A Missing Child If a child is missing please immediately contact security and the Kids and Family Pastor. Let both know the name, age, gender, and physical characteristics of the missing child. Security and the Kids and Family Pastor will do a sweep of the premises. The Kids and Family Pastor will contact the parents. All should remain calm and rational while moving in a timely manner. Emergencies No volunteers are authorized to administer any over the counter or prescription medications. In the event a child needs more attention than we can provide, the parent will be notified. Please contact Security and the Kids and Family Pastor to notify parents. Serious injuries involving broken bones, convulsions, fainting, unconsciousness or other serious bodily injury should be treated as follows: ➡ Remain calm and keep the children and the injured person as calm as possible. Speak calmly to the child. ➡ Do not move or leave the injured child alone. ➡ Send a fellow volunteer to find Security or the Kids and Family Pastor for assistance. ➡ Move remaining students to a nearby classroom in an orderly fashion. ➡ The Kids and Family Pastor or Security will call 911, if necessary. ➡ The Kids and Family Pastor will contact the parents. ➡ If the child needs to be transported to a hospital and the parent cannot be located in time, the Kids and Family Pastor will accompany the child to the hospital. ➡ The Kids and Family Pastor will follow up with the parent as needed. ➡ All volunteers and staff members involved in the emergency will complete a written report of what happened immediately following the emergency. Incidents In the case of any non-accident or injury incident that is a cause for concern, please inform the Kids and Family Pastor. This may include behavior that indicates possible abuse, inappropriate talk or touch from one child to another, or any other incident that a parent or staff needs to know. In addition to a conversation with a staff member, an incident form will need to be filled out. Active Shooter Plan Currently Developing with Security Team. Fire Procedures Plan Page !26

In the event of a fire, smoke from a fire, or detection of a gas odor, a Connect staff member or a Lead Volunteer will notify building occupants that the building is to be evacuated. Evacuate all people to designated areas. These areas should be a minimum of 100 feet away from the building. All teachers and leaders in classroom carries (nursery and toddlers) or holds the hand of (preschool) of children and evacuates the building. Each room has posted evacuation plans for that specific room available. Be aware of the arrival of emergency responders. Keep members, visitors, and staff a safe distance from emergency responders and equipment. Follow primary building evacuation routes whenever possible. Follow an alternate route if the primary route is blocked or dangerous. Staff and volunteer leaders should take class rosters with them. Staff and volunteer leaders must take attendance immediately after evacuation. Holding up a green sign if all children are accounted for or a red sign if their class requires immediate attention. Family and Kids Pastor will check all classes for red or green cards and report back to fire or law enforcement personnel. A Connect staff member, or a Lead Volunteer will notify the Fire Department by calling 911. After consulting with appropriate officials, the Connect staff member or a Lead Volunteer may move evacuees to a designated evacuation area; if the weather is inclement, the building is damaged, or if directed by an emergency responder. Do not reenter the building until fire or law enforcement personnel declare the building safe. A Connect staff member or a Lead Volunteer will notify staff and students that the emergency has been terminated and it is safe to reenter the building. Medical Emergency Procedures Plan Immediately call 911 for a life–threatening injury, serious illness, or death. When necessary, ask for assistance to do the following: ➡ Retrieve the AED from the front hallway by the entrance to the school building. ➡ Have someone seek out any medical personnel in the building. ➡ Have someone seek out a Connect staff member, or lead volunteer. ➡ Check breathing. Is the airway clear? Is the victim positioned to allow for normal breathing? ➡ Follow instructions on the AED. ➡ Help stop bleeding. ➡ Apply pressure on wound or elevate wound will help stop or slow bleeding. Protect yourself from body fluids. Use gloves if available. ➡ Initiate first aid if you are trained to do so. Do not attempt to move a person who is ill or injured unless he/she is in immediate danger of further injury. If possible, isolate the affected individual. Disperse onlookers and keep others from congregating in the area. Comfort the victim(s) and offer reassurance that medical attention is on the way. After immediate medical needs have been cared for, remain to assist emergency medical services personnel with pertinent information about the incident. Page !27

For all non-life-threatening illnesses and injuries, contact a Connect staff member or a Lead Volunteer. Render aid and assistance as needed. Severe Weather Procedures Plan When severe weather threatens the Clermont County/Withamsville area, Connect Security Team leaders/members will monitor reports of potential severe weather via cell phone or radio. If a Tornado/Severe Thunderstorm WATCH has been issued in an area near the school building, Connect Security Team members will monitor emergency alert radio stations and other reporting systems. Bring all persons inside building. Close outside doors if open. Review severe weather drill procedures and location of Shelter Areas within the school building. Tornado shelter areas are interior hallways or rooms away from exterior walls and windows and away from large rooms with long-span ceilings or glass. Bring canvas bag when your class travels to Shelter Area. If a Tornado/Severe Thunderstorm WARNING has been issued in an area near the building, or a tornado has been spotted near the building, move members, visitors, and staff to designated Safe Shelter Areas within the building. Close all doors. Ensure that everyone is in the “tuck” position. Remain in Safe Shelter Area, including after normal dismissal time for any activity, until the weather warning expires or emergency personnel have issued an all–clear signal. Bring canvas bag when your class travels to Shelter Area. Suspicious Person on Premises Procedures Plan If a Connect staff member, a volunteer, or a partner observes a suspicious person entering or is discovered within the building, politely greet the person and identify yourself. Consider asking a Connect Security Team member, staff person, or another adult to accompany you before approaching the person. Ask the person the purpose of his/her visit. If possible, attempt to identify the individual and/or vehicle. If the person’s purpose is in question, they appear intoxicated, or are acting suspiciously, notify a Connect staff member. If the person refuses to leave, contact law enforcement and give them a full description of the person. Also contact Connect Security, if possible. Back away from intruder if he/she indicates a potential for violence. Allow an avenue of escape. To the most extent possible, maintain visual contact. Be aware of the intruder’s actions (where he/she is located in the building, whether he/ she is carrying a weapon or package, etc.). Maintaining visual contact and knowing the location of the intruder is less disruptive than doing a building–wide search later. Should the situation escalate quickly, a Connect staff member or a Lead Volunteer may decide at any time to initiate Lockdown Procedures. Note: To assist anyone who interacts with a stranger in the building, use the “I CAN” rule. Intercept-Contact-Ask-Notify Weapons Procedures Plan Immediately notify Connect Security, a Connect staff member, or a Lead Volunteer when partners, visitors, or staff are aware of, or observe, a weapon brought into the building. Provide the following information: name or physical description of person suspected of bringing the weapon, location of the weapon on the person, whether the suspect has threatened anyone, and any Page !28

other details that may prevent the suspect from hurting someone or himself/herself. Â STAY CALM. Do not call attention to the weapon. Notify the parent/guardian(s) if the suspect is a minor and is attending Connect. Call law enforcement to report that a weapon is suspected in the building. Also, contact Connect Security, if possible. Ask another staff or volunteer leader to participate in questioning the suspected member, visitor, or staff. Consider the best time and place to approach the person, recognizing these factors if possible: a need for assistance from law enforcement, the type of weapon, the safety of persons in the area, the state of mind of the suspected person, and the accessibility of the weapon. DO NOT TAKE UNNECESSARY RISKS. If the suspect threatens you with the weapon, DO NOT try to disarm him/her. Back away with your hands up. STAY CALM.

Any Other Emergencies Contact Security and the Kids and Family Pastor

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School Maps

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