Architecture Portfolio

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portfolio Melissa Janiot A.

MEL IS S A JAN I OT AG UA D O July 18th - 1990 Bogota, Colombia (57) 310 8032438 E-mail: Bilingual Architect from the Universidad de los Andes with complementary studies in Administration on the management area. Experience in architectural design for residential projects, work budgets and execution of CAD drawings. Skilled in specialized programs based on computer-aided design, modeling, illustration and image editing. With capacity to work in teams and for results.

education 2008 – 2012 2008 – 2010 2006 – 2008 1994 – 2008 Agu – Dec 2012 Janu – May 2012 Agu – Dec 2011 Agu – Dec 2010

Fourth year Architecture, Universidad de los Andes Bogota – Colombia Complementary Studies Administration in Management, Universidad de los Andes, Bogota - Colombia International Baccaularete Diploma IB, Marymount School, Bogota – Colombia Student Diploma Marymount School Bogota – Colombia Degree Project: Daniel Bonilla Architects, Universidad de los Andes, Bogota - Colombia Intermediate Sustainability: Professor Mauricio Pinilla Universidad de los Andes, Bogota - Colombia Intermediate Urban Planning: Professor Claudio Rossi Universidad de los Andes, Bogota - Colombia Architecture Project 3: Shape Professor and Dean Alberto Miani, Universidad de los Andes, Bogota - Colombia

work experience Feb - Jun 2013 Jan - May Agu - Dec 2012 May – Jun 2012

Architectural design for residential projects, Ingeniería y Arquitectura Natural S.A.S Bogotá - Colombia Undergraduate Asistant Architecture Project 3: Shape 5th semester, Professor: Claudio Rossi Universidad de los Andes, Bogota – Colombia CAD Designer of landscape plans Rochester School, Architect Pamela Ospina, Bogota – Colombia

Architect Universidad de los Andes Curriculum Vitae June 2010 Agu – Dec 2009

Construction budget Helistar Project, Estudio ARQ, Architect Pamela Ospina, Bogota – Colombia Undergraduate Asistant Technics Workshop 1 1st semester, Professor: Andrés Pinzón, Universidad de los Andes, Bogota - Colombia

achievements / competitions March 2013

Earned the “Academic Recognition” awarded by the Sociedad Colombiana de Arquitectos Bogotá D.C. y Cundinamarca (SCA) to the student at the Faculty of Architecture of the Universidad de los Andes who distinguished himself academically during their college studies. Bogotá - Colombia

March 2013

Participate in the Exposition Escalando V.III with an illustration of the degree project “Parametric Voxels”. Bogotá - Colombia Participate in The Green Architecture Competition Category Concept & strategy Sustainability, Rotterdam - Netherlands

February 2012

languages Spanish English 2006 - 2008 1994 - 2008

First Language International Baccaularete IB Diploma Second Language – Marymount School

informatic skills Autocad 2D Adobe InDesign Artlantis studio

Aobe Photoshop CS6 Revit Microsoft office

Adobe Illustraitor CS6 Google skecthup 8 Rhinoceros

December 2010

Certificate course Revit: Autodesk Institute Bogota – Colombia

activities and interests Sports: Pilates, Spinning, Gym Travel Reading

Outdoor Activities Dancing - Classes Research

Projects Go With The Flow

metropolitan sustainable

Metropolitan Linear Park

Sustainable Window


Western Urban Library

Urban Renovation Industrial Zone Plan

Eco Gallery

Sustainable Street Furniture


GO WITH THE FLOW METROPOLITAN LINEAR PARK February 2012 Bogota / Colombia Go with the flow is a project that promotes the construction of a linear park in Bogota’s westside, that allows the integration of the most important wetlands in the city, protecting and improving the conditions of their biodiversity. Similarly, the project seeks to create a greater connectivity, reducing the congregation of activities from east to west, encouraging a wide spectrum of activities that generate a long-term financial investment that will reactivate the area in the future. The proposal will create a new green axis that implements a new way of living, complemented with cultural facilities that are articulated to the urban transport network, thus achieving a better integration with the rest of the city.


Main Road


Public Transportation - Transmilenio Projected Line Public Transport Bike paths and public transportation Linear park - Western Metropolitan Avenue Monorail Stream Wetland Connection Points Bogota River

juan amarillo


guiding concept

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Using an element that generates connectivity in the city

Connecting different wetlands to improve their conditions and protect biodiversity

Reducing congregation of activities from east to west

Domestic objects are thrown in rivers and wetlands, increasing environmental contamination.

Wetland’s pollution is caused by external agents destroying the natural cycles of the flora and fauna.


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Linear park that functions as a gear and

allows the connection of both parts of the city

Linear park that integrates the three wetlands

biodiversity in order to generate sustainable development

Linear park that encourages different kinds of activities







connection Movility


Water + Health



Sustainable Development

13 km linear park MONORAIL


The intersections of the linear park with high capacity avenues are going to be promoted as points of activity concentration and user interaction. Public centres of arts, recreation and sports are proposed as spaces that the entire community can use and profit from.


the proposal The Linear Park project is based on three principal strategies: allows the connectivity between both parts of the city, creates the integration of wetlands and their biodiversity and encourages a wide spectrum of activities that will reactivate the area. 06

SUSTAINABLE WINDOW WESTERN URBAN LIBRARY May 2012 Bogota / Colombia The Urban Library project represents the end of the western Linear Park, which opens towards the Conejera wetland. The shape of the building understands the perspectives of the area, by creating a large frame that oversees the wetland and continues with the ecological axis that stems from the park. The ramps that emerge from the ground, allow the flow continuity and provides new pathways in the sector. The formal strategies in the project respond to the social dynamics of the area, promoting integration and connection therewith. On the other hand, the building responds positively in environmental, social and economic aspects, which are integrated amongst each other through different strategies. Being a cultural facility, allows the development of different types of collective activities, potentiating the area for further long.term investments.


localization conejera wetland

distance to wetland 300 meters

the western Linear Park acts as a large ecological axis, articulating and connecting both parts of the city.

the concept

rectangular block interrupting the different flows within the space

the block is submerged in order to create a direct physical and visual connection with the wetland

two ramps emerge from the ground joined by a floating box to frame the view of the wetland


lateral and central courtyards were opened in order to generate better lighting

visuales y relaciones


sustainable development environmental contribute to the environment without affecting or negatively transform their ecological dynamics

light water vegetation


economic viable and profitable for the community Sustainable use of materials and using a modular system to reduce waste of resources


resource efficency costs and waste reduction

social positive contribution to the environment and society spaces encouraging development of different activities which promote education and integration in the community

community integration activities

A new congregation center is created in the area, where people can easily access and wherein different types of optional and social activities can be performed to foster the collective development for the locals. 13


The rainwater collected through ramps and gutters on the square is conducted to a collection tank underground, where a pump returned it overagain to the wetland.

Some of the same species found in the Conejera wetland were planted in the project, creating an extension of their own habitat. SIETECUEROS

Satisfying the needs of the present without compromising those of the future


The roof plan shows the entire public space in the project, including the soft soil zones which collect water and distribute it through the gutters throughout the main square.

The area in which the library is located has abundant vegetation, because of its proximity to the Conejera wetland. The sections reflect how the project integrates itself to the different ecosystems in the area.

This plan shows the relationships and the spatial distribution at the project’s ground floor, where you can see a large space that works for the community living in the area.

URBAN RENOVATION INDUSTRIAL ZONE PLAN November 2011 Bogota / Colombia Bogota’s industrial area has been urbanized since 1944, where it began to host a multitude of small manufacturing companies and today is known for being the center of the industrial activity in the city. Currently, the sector is not in very good conditions but due to its location and its importance within the capital city makes it optimal for the development of entrepreneural activities and facilities. For this reason a renovation plan was proposed, which aims to carry out an urban project developed at different scales, which understands the real problems of a particular zone, assessing the pre-existing constructions and socioeconomic groups therein. A proposal where collective thinking articulated with the private and public spaces, which improves community life is the main goal.


The polygon’s new tissue has a better connectivity with the city's urban network

Different types of activities are articulated through green corridors, integrating the structures inside the polygon

Central axis that articulates the entire project and is complemented by various cores of public space


The project acts as a central core that connects to the other proposals in the renovation plan, where multifamily housing lie on a large platform that generates commercial pathways containing both stores and complementary facilities, thus reactivating the area.

The proposal is one of the most important urban pieces in the renovation plan, since it continues with the main axis and integrates the different elements throughout the central park.

The second floor plan evidences the relationships established in the project in terms of private space, which belongs to housing; collective spaces refer to the platform and the public spaces that are represented by the central park.

ECO GALLERY SUSTAINABLE STREET FURNITURE February 2012 Bogota / Colombia The eco gallery is based on the concept of sustainable street furniture, which can be used for different types of activities, able to change and transform over time. The proposal consists of a tensioning system that allows on one hand to expose numerous kinds of works and on the other, generates a great bench to observe what is presented. In addition, the slope creates a green wall for recycling rain water, allowing the growth of different types of vegetation, making it pleasant to the public and environmentally friendly.


the concept 15ยบ

Create an unobstructed space where people can walk through the exhibition without any interruption; reason why the roof is supported by a tensile structure


Green wall to help retain some of the rain water




Roof Plan


The project created a bench where people, besides observing the exhibition, can also sit and perform other activities.

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