There's never enough time for Qii activity. You have to squeeze it into the schedule. Understanding, developing and applying your own and your teams' strengths is your most important Qii activity, as it puts your collective time and energy to its highest and best use.
The Freedom to be Yourself= 10x Success
Discover your strengths through the Kolbe A Assessment. Let Colleen Hallinan guide your team to higher productivity by understanding how to use and apply the Assessment.
Maximize your energy and maximize your results.
You will hire better, and your people can be the best version of themselves.
Self-confidence is a by-product of productivity. When you’re working in your groove, you’re energized and motivated to achieve.
Thrive in the Freedom to be Yourself. Get the right people doing the right work, using their strengths every day. Develop a self-managing team of A-Players.