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Melissa Lee
Hi! My name's Melissa Lee, and I'm a designer and online art teacher living in the forests of Northern California. I'm currently in the process of becoming a full-time freelancer and art licenser, but in the meantime, I've been cultivating my love of sharing what I know, and encouraging others to nourish their creative side through teaching online art courses on Skillshare and Teachable. I love making patterns, character art, and watercolor paintings. I'm endlessly inspired by animals and nature (whether living today or extinct), science fiction and fantasy, space and astrology, witchy things, and bees. Always bees. If you're curious to learn what I know, check out my classes on Skillshare (where I teach to over 27k students) and get two free months of membership through my link: http://bit.ly/melissalee2 Random fact about me: I own a ball python named Tony Ssstark. Contact: melissaleedesign@gmail.com