Interior Architecture Professional Practice II - e-Portfolio Compilation

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PROJECT 2 - FORUM Forum 1 - Rethinking Building Codes & Building Regulations post-pandemic. Forum 2 - Passive and Active Fire Systems. Forum 3 - Preliminaries (in Contract)



PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT WEEK SUMMARY I’ve always been curious on how successful brands or companies accomplish to

Next, another talk that I really like is from Hans Media. Hans talked about his

what they have today. Being a teenager in today’s society, I felt that we are very

entrepreneurship journey which is very inspiring to hear. He failed SPM, but

lack of motivation and persistence into what we want to do and achieve. This

manage to achieve and do what he like and be successful. I can see that he is a

professional development week has truly inspired me a lot on starting up a

very humble person and his way of telling his stories really caught my

business of my own. Throughout the week, I have attended a total of 7 talks and

attention. His inspiring

had chosen them based on my interests. They are talks by Nestle, Stashaway,

entrepreneurship journey includes opening a bar in 2010 and 2015, a restaurant

Mondelez, Mc Donald’s, Wildsnapper TV, Hans Media and R&D Studio

in 2016 and starting Hans Media in 2020. I like how he not only does one thing


but a variation but still can manage them at the same time. I enjoyed how he

Out of these talks, my favourites was from Mc Donald’s and Hans Media. As many

explains the way he sees thing and understanding ‘not logic’ things, making

of you know, Mc Donald’s is very creative in their marketing. This talk by Mr.

them logic.

Eugene Lee, the regional director of marketing (Asia), was indeed very interesting.

In conclusion, the most surprising thing that I found out about myself after this

Basically, he talked about how Mc Donald’s marketing work and what are the

talk is that I actually have a strong interest in setting up my very own

things that the marketing team are in charge of. I remembered he mentioned

business, which I never thought of it before. As a final semester student, I

about the 5P’s (Product, Price, Promotion, Place and People) which was the

have been quite miserable lately about what I really want to do after I graduate.

formula for successful marketing. Although my dream was to become an interior

To be honest, this PDW had me excited to start a new business but I know it

designer, a little part of me is quite interested in marketing. After attending this


talk, I understood that the power of marketing is no joke. A good marketing can

a long journey to go. Lastly, I want to wish myself all the best and keep

simply hype up the consumers and attract them to buy the products. Besides

fighting for my dream!

marketing, Mr. Eugene had also shared his 11 years working journey with Mc Donald’s and this made me believed that patience and persistence leads to goal and success. I had a deep impression on one sentence that he said “Do what you hate but do them well.”. I really love this quote because if we can do well on what we hate, there is nothing difficult for us anymore.

THANK YOU Interior Architecture Professional Practice II Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Interior Architecture

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