Archite cture
Urb an Zo o Cowork
Collab oration with Elipsis Archite cts Studio, we par ticipate d in a worldwide contest, B e e Bree ders Archite cture Comp etitions, designing a cowork with thre e areas.
FICA Jap anesse p avillion
Design for FICA (Feria de las Culturas Amigas) contest in Mexico ab out cultures, where all embasys par ticipate d and create a pavillion that represents their culture. This constest was in 2019 and it won the first award.
Collab oration with Japanesse Embassy.
Sensorial Pavillion
Ephemeral pavillion ab out the five senses, an installation in UASLP.
Collab oration of a housing proye ct with Elipsis Archite cts. From the concept, plans, and mamterials.
Interior Design
Living Room
Family´s living room interior design proposal.
Dakota´s Bedroom Interior Design and furniture proposal.
Camila´s Nursery Interior Design.Durango
Interior design, fourniture, and eje cution of a container office p p y Casa FV Rendering and interior design for a house in San Luis Potosí, México.
Interior design, fourniture, and eje cution of a container office for a pallet company.
Industrial Design
Mexican design contest in 2020 ab our resilience after COVID. We designe d a multifunctional chair and easy storage.
Childrel scho ol fourniture, ver tical sto ck and storage for their p ersonal material.
Photography and p ostpro duction alb ers studio
Photography and p ostpro duction alb ers studio
Photography and p ostpro duction alb ers studio
Photography and p ostpro duction alb ers studio
Brand create d for men hair pro ducts business in Australia.
Studio Fit
Brand create d for a multi fitness studio in Tijuana, Mexico.
terra estudio
Multidisciplinary design studio, from Interior design, Branding, and Archite cture.
Logotyp e, lab els, printables and packaging design for a tea brand with japanesse origins.