• Cradle to not product cradle, nor building cradle, but landscape cradle.
Pyro-endurer traits Traits translated from ecological to architectural applications: • Resprouting
• Pyriscence
• Pyrogermination
• Abscission
• Architectural DNA [i.e. codes] distributed at multiple spatiotemporal scales.
A proposal for the reconciliation of human and nonhuman systems at the wildland-urban-interface
• Environmental sensing, actuating, & analysis informing architectural transitions.
Genus Principles:
Highly attuned to their local environment, when climatic and/or ecological regime shifts occur, pyroendurers evolve in response. As occurs in living organisms, each new pyro-endurer generation features data [DNA] mutations that help to ensure the resilience of their architectural species over time and space. Collecitvely, pyro-endurers, pyroevaders, and pyro-resistors, follow three architectural R’s:
Design thinking, practice, and policy brief • Architecture as a cyclic biochemical process of material & information exchange.
• Creative destruction as architectural and urban design brief.
© Bioratorium Limited & Melissa Sterry 2020 All Rights Reserved
• Ashes to Architectural Ashes: upon destruction nourish not pollute landscapes.
Panarchistic Architecture
• Architectural genera of 3 variants: pyro-endurers, pyro-evaders, & pyro-resistors.
• resprout [replicate]
• Genus variants replicate, reproduce, or resist upon the passing of wildfire.
• redistribute [reproduce]
• Pyro-endurers exhibit resprouting, pyriscence, pyrogermination, & abscission.
• resist [remain].
• Pyro-evaders exhibit pyriscence, & pyrogermination.
Disclaimer A speculative work, which has been created to provoke new architectural and urban thinking and practices when designing for the wildland-urbaninterface, this pamphlet is for use as an educational and learning tool only.
• Pyro-resistors exhibit retardance, abscission, pyriscence, & pyrogermination.
• Evolutionary architecture, forms new species & assemblages in space and time.
Regime: Low-severity / Mixed-severity Frequency: High / Intensity: Low