2014-2015 Wedding Packages - Melissa Thorburn Photography

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WEDDI NG PACKAGES 2014&2015season

W el comeandCongrat ul at i onsonyour upandcomi ngW eddi ng! Thi sW eddi ngPackagemagazi nehasi nt eract i ve di gi t alsl i deshow component swhenvi ewi ngonl i ne. Pl easef eelf reet ocl i ckont hei mages t obedi rect edt ot hedi gi t alsl i deshow gal l eri es.

WEDDI NG PACKAGES 2014&2015season Gol dPackage $4500 EngagementPort rai t sat23l ocat i onsofyourchoi ce Thesei magescanbeusedt omakeauni quepor t r ai tpr essbook “ Weddi ngGuest book”f oryourguest st osi gn( i ncl usi veofpr i ce) Oryoucant r ansf ert heengagementShootandGuesbookt oanext r acr edi tof $650t owar dsyourWeddi ngAl bum Dayofceremony Upt o8hourscoverage Br i dalweddi ngpr epar at i onandf or malpor t r ai t s Ful lcer emonycover age Candi di magesaf t ercer emonyandf or malf ami l ypor t r ai t s Br i deandGr oom wi t hf ami l y&weddi ngpar t y Br i deandGr oom Por t r ai t swi t ht hei rBr i dalPar t yatl ocat i onsofyourchoi ce Recept i onarri val Phot oj our nal i st i ccover ageofyourr ecept i on Ar r i val-Speeches-CakeCut t i ng-Fi r stDance 300+i magesf ul l yedi t ed,adj ust ment st ocr oppi ng,i nasel ect i on ofcol ourandbl ackandwhi t e Al li magesaccessi bl eonapr i vat ei magepr oof i ngwebsi t ewi t hi n2weeksofyourweddi ng ADi gi t alSl i deshow onDVD andonl i ne ( asel ect i onofi magessett oasl i deshow wi t hmusi c) $1000Cr edi tt owar dsa30sl i deQueensber r y12x12”or14x10”Al bum ( Addi t i onalpagesar e$100persl i de)

WEDDI NG PACKAGES 2014&2015season

Si l verPackage $3300

EngagementPort rai t sat23l ocat i onsofyourchoi ce Thesei magescanbeusedt omakeauni quepor t r ai tpr essbook “ Weddi ngGuest book”f oryourguest st osi gn( i ncl usi veofpr i ce) Ther ei sanopt i ont ot r ansf ert heengagementshootwi t hf ul lr ecept i on cover aget hr ought ot hef i r stdance. Dayofceremony upt o7hoursofcoverage Br i dalweddi ngpr epar at i onandf or malpor t r ai t s Ful lcer emonycover age Candi di magesaf t ercer emonyandf or malf ami l ypor t r ai t s Br i deandGr oom wi t hf ami l y&weddi ngpar t y Br i deandGr oom Por t r ai t swi t ht hei rBr i dalPar t yatl ocat i onsofyourchoi ce Recept i onarri val Mockcakecut t i ng 250+i magesf ul l yedi t ed,adj ust ment st ocr oppi ng,i nasel ect i onof col ourandbl ackandwhi t e Al li magesaccessi bl eonapr i vat ei magepr oof i ngwebsi t ewi t hi n2weeksofyourweddi ng ADi gi t alSl i deshow onDVD andonl i ne ( asel ect i onofi magessett oasl i deshow wi t hmusi c) $500Cr edi tt owar dsaPr essbookPhot oBook,upt o60pages, Addi t i onalpagesavai l abl ef or$80perdoubl epage.

WEDDI NG PACKAGES 2014&2015season BronzePackage $2300 Dayofceremony upt o6hoursofcoverage Br i dalweddi ngpr epar at i onandf or malpor t r ai t s Ful lcer emonycover age Candi di magesaf t ercer emonyandf or malf ami l ypor t r ai t s Br i deandGr oom wi t hf ami l y&weddi ngpar t y Br i deandGr oom Por t r ai t swi t ht hei rBr i dalPar t yatl ocat i onsofyourchoi ce Recept i onarri val Mockcakecut t i ng 200+i magesf ul l yedi t ed,adj ust ment st ocr oppi ng,i nasel ect i on ofcol ourandbl ackandwhi t e Al li magesaccessi bl eonapr i vat ei magepr oof i ngwebsi t ewi t hi n2weeksofyourweddi ng Choosebet weenei t her 200+6x4i nchpr i nt edi magespr ovi dedi nadesi gnerphot ogr aphi cbox oraper sonal i sedDVD I mageSl i deshow ( asel ect i onofi magessett omusi c) Pl easenot e:youar er ecei vi ng6hour sofcover age,i ti supt oyouhow t hi si sused. Howeveri ti s6consecut i vehour s,notbr okenser vi ce.Youcanaddext r ahour son.

WEDDI NG PACKAGES 2014&2015season Ext ra’ syoucanaddon Engagementport rai tsessi on. . .$400 Sel ect i onofi magespresent edonaHi ghResol ut i onDVD Addonaport rai tpressbook( i magespri nt eddi rect l yont opages). . .$650 Di gi t alDVD Sl i deshow apersonal i sedsel eci onofi magessett omusi ct hi si supl oadedt oapri vat e gal l eryt hatcanbesharedwi t hf ami l yandf ri ends $200. 00 f ort hef i rstDVD,$75. 00 f oraddi t i onalcopi es Pri ntSet sf rom . . .$200 f or150 6x4”pri nt s Addi t i onalhoursofcoverage/ret ouchi ng. . .$200 /hour Addi t i onalal bum pages. . .$80$100 /perdoubl epage Boudoi rport rai t savai l abl e. . .POA TwoPhot ographers. . .POA CopyAl bumsf orparent s. . .POA GreenEcoFri endl yW eddi ngPackages i ncl udi ngLokt ahPhot oAl bumsand EcoFri endl yPri nt s al soavai l abl e. . .POA

WEDDI NG PACKAGES 2014&2015season

Foral lpackageshi ghresol ut i onDi gi t alNegat i veswi l lal sobe provi dedonDVD i nadesi gnercase. Andi ncl ude2hoursofaddi t i onalret ouchi ngt i me. Terms& Condi t i ons Anonref undabl ebooki ngf eeofatl east20% i srequi redwi t hi n 5daysaf t erbooki ngyourweddi ngpackage, andbal ancei spayabl eont hedayofyourweddi ng. Iof f eraLaybyservi ce,whi chcanbesetupassoonaspossi bl et o al l ow yout opayregul arpayment spri ort oyourweddi ng. Pl easenot et hatpri cesaresubj ectt ochange;howeverIwi l ldomy bestt okeept hem st at i cunt i lt heendoft heAut umn2015. Al lpri cesarei nNZD andi ncl usi veofGST. Iwi l lal soaskt hatyousi gnacont ractuponbooki ng, whi chhasanoptoutopt i oni fyouwoul dnotl i keyouri mages usedi nmybusi nessadvert i si ng,compet i t i onsandsoci almedi a. Uponsi gni ngt hecont ractyouareaccept i ngt heNZI PPSt andardt ermsref ert ot henextpaget ovi ew acopy. Weddi ngsout si det heHawke’ sBayregi onaresubj ectt oi ncl udeat ransportf ee. Pri vat eGal l eri es&I mageSl i deshow arehost edonl i ne f oramaxi mum of6mont hs. Mel i ssaThorburnPhot ographyal soownst hecopyri ghtoft hei magest aken.

New Zealand Institute of Professional Photography Inc Standard Terms: (Form 1104) © November 2004 All capitalised words are defined in the definitions section below. 1.


Where a booked appointment involves more than one person, it is the Client’s responsibility to ensure that everyone required arrives at the appointment on time.

The Client must ensure that all their instructions and expectations (or variations of such) regarding the Booking or Order are agreed in writing.

Failure of any person to arrive at the appointment on time will result in, at the Photographer’s discretion, cancellation or postponement.


The Booking appointment and any fees paid prior to cancellation or postponement of the appointment are transferable to another person, as if it were the original person, as long as the Booking is similar and the date and time of the appointment are not changed.


The copyright in all Photographic Works resulting from the Booking or Order remains the property of the Photographer. The Photographer does not accept commissions to create Photographic Works. The Photographer and the Client have agreed by these standard terms to override section 21(3) of the Copyright Act 1994. The Photographer grants the Client a non – exclusive Licence to use those parts of the Photographic Works selected by the Photographer and presented to the Client, however this Licence does not include the right to copy, reproduce or publish the Photographic Works or any part of the Photographic Works. The Client may license any or all of the Photographic Works from the Photographer’s selection. The Client acknowledges that the purpose of the creation of the Photographic Works includes the right of the Photographer to:


enter the Photographic Works into photographic competitions or awards and for their use in any material published in connection with promoting those competitions or awards; and


advertise or otherwise promote the Photographer’s Work; and


submit the Photographic Works for display at art galleries or other premises; and


use the Photographic Works for any other purpose within the Photographer’s business activities.



This Licence to use, and the right to use, the Photographic Works comes into effect from the date of full payment of the Order, except where the Photographer gives express written permission.



All copyright that arises out of the performance of the Photographer’s obligations under this contract shall arise not by commission but shall be the creation of the Photographer. The Photographer shall remain the first owner of the Photographic Works and the Client shall be supplied with the Photographic Works for use on the basis of the terms of this Licence. The Client shall have the right to seek further licences for reuse of any copyright at the Photographers normal prices at the time of the request.



The Photographer asserts his or her moral rights in respect of the Photographic Works and any reference to the Photographic Works shall be accompanied by full attribution to the Photographer in a form to be approved by the Photographer.






The Client acknowledges that Photographic Works may fade or discolour over time due to the inherent qualities of materials used. The Client releases the Photographer from any liability for any claim based upon fading or discolouration.



The Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 may apply to the licensed Photographic Works provided by the Photographer if the Client acquires those licensed Photographic Works for personal, domestic or household use or consumption. If this Act applies, nothing in these Standard Terms will limit or exclude the Client’s rights under this Act. If the Client is acquiring the licensed Photographic Works for business purposes, then the Client’s rights are subject to these standard terms only and the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 shall not apply. In this case the Photographer may grant a separate licence under the Standard Terms for Commercial Photography.



Except as provided for by the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 the Photographer shall not be liable for:


any loss or damage arising by reason of any delay in the completion of the Photographic Works; or


any loss of profits; or

c) d)

any indirect or consequential loss of whatever nature; or




The Client shall fully indemnify the Photographer in respect of any claims, costs, or expenses arising out of any illegal or defamatory Photographic Works produced for the Client or any infringement of an intellectual property right of any person.

The Photographer shall abide by the Privacy Act 1993 and shall take all practical steps to achieve privacy protection.



The Client must advise the Photographer as to whether any material or information communicated to him/her is of a confidential nature. The Photographer will keep confidential material or information communicated to him/her in confidence for the purposes of the photography, except where it is reasonably necessary to enable the Photographer to carry out his/her obligations in relation to the Booking or Order.


any loss resulting from any errors or omissions arising from an oversight or a misinterpretation of a Client’s verbal instructions arising directly or indirectly from any breach by the Photographer of any of its obligations under the Booking or Order or from any cancellation of the Booking or Order or from any negligence on the part of Photographer.


Any monies not paid in full in accordance with clause 7 may be charged with interest at a rate of 2% per month or part month overdue.

The Photographer’s liability to the Client for any and all costs, loss or damage suffered by the Client, however caused, arising out of or connected with the performance or failure of performance of photographic services by the Photographer, except where provided to the contrary by the Consumer Guarantees Act, shall not exceed the full value of the payments made by the Client under the Booking and/or Order agreements.



The Client shall pay the Photographer the various amounts payable in accordance with the Booking and/or Order agreement(s).




The Client undertakes to indemnify the Photographer for any loss, damage, or expense (including costs as between solicitor client basis) suffered or incurred as a result of any breach by the Client of these conditions or in recovering any moneys due and such loss, damage or expense shall be moneys due for the purposes of these terms and conditions.



Where the Client cancels or postpones a Booking appointment, the Client must pay, at the Photographer’s discretion, the amounts that have already been invoiced or are due as outlined on the Booking agreement, regardless of whether the appointment is attended or not.


Effective termination of the Order by the Client must be in writing and give reasonable notice to the Photographer. The Client must compensate the Photographer for all amounts due in accordance with the Order Agreement (including the proportion of the Order that has been completed at the date of termination). Upon receipt of such notice from the Client, the Photographer must take immediate steps to bring the photographic services to a close.



Neither the Client nor the Photographer shall be liable for any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly due to an act of God, fire, armed conflict, labour disputes, civil commotion, intervention of a government, accidents, interruption to transportation, weather or any other cause outside the Photographers control.

Definitions Photographic Works: includes photographic prints, transparencies, negatives and digital images created by the Photographer. Photographer: means the photographer and where the context requires may include, the studio, photographic company, employees or sub-contractors. Order: includes an order placed by the Client for the production of Photographic Works, an invoice or statement.

Client: means the client listed on the Booking or Order agreement. Licence: is a right granted by the Photographer to the Client to use the copyright works of the Photographer on the terms set out above. Booking – includes appointments made for a sitting, viewing and any other meeting where the Photographer has set aside specific time to meet with or do work for the Client.

Thankyousomuchf orconsi deri ng Mel i ssaThorburnPhot ographyf or capt uri ngyourspeci alday. Il ookf orwardt odi scussi ngyourneedsi n det ai lduri nganoobl i gat i onconsul t at i on. Arohanui ,Mel i ssa.

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