VEGAN EATS - From Soup to Nuts!

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Self Published by Melissa Thorburn Photography, 2013. Copyright Melissa Thorburn, 2013 The right of Melissa Thorburn to be identified as the author of this work in terms of section 96 of the Copyright Act 1994 is hereby asserted. ISBN: 978-0-473-24987-8 A catalogue record for this book is available from the National Library of New Zealand. Design, food styling, photography and typeset by Melissa Thorburn. All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise), without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner.


From Soup to Nuts!

Photography & Recipes by Melissa Thorburn

"The Gods created certain kinds of beings to replenish our bodies; they are the trees and the plants and the seeds." Plato, Greek philospher, (circa 428-347 B.C.)


Introduction My Inspirations My Food Inspirations

THE RECIPES Stocks, Salads and Soups Vegetable Stock, Savoy and Yac贸n Salad, Potato & Leek Soup, Herb Dumplings, Mushroom & Vegetable Soup, Curried Lentil Soup

Lunches and Dinners Meal Starter Base, Rice-Quinoa-Lentil Meal Base, Hunza Pie, Stuffed Peppers and Tomato Sauce, Easy Vegetable Curry, Lentil & Quinoa Burger Patties, Corn & Chia Fritters, Ginger & Sweet Soy Marinated Tofu, Beetroot Relish

Sweets & Cakes Anzac Biscuits, Scones, Blueberry Tea Cake, Baklava and Banana Bread

Nuts Smoked Paprika Nuts

Useful Websites Acknowledgements & Thanks

INTRODUCTION Welcome to my vegan cookbook sampler. Initially this book is to showcase my developing skills as a photographer, however as a trained professional chef and product developer, I wanted to embrace my new skills in a holistic and compassionate way. Recently I adapted my vegetarian lifestyle to a vegan lifestyle. Yes, lifestyle. Being a vegan isn't only about the food that one eats. It's a holistic, compassionate and peaceful lifestyle choice, extending out to the shoes and clothing of non animal products and keeping an active and protective mind towards all earthlings! What was the turning point for me? Late last year and the 3 months to follow, my family and I sadly had to part with 3 of our beautiful cats, they had been a huge part of our lifes for 18 years. Our cat Squawk was the first to go and his death was through a stupid error I made while driving my car out of our driveway. Squawkie did not suffer for long and if I could turn back time I certainly would be, but from then onwards I made a heart decision, never to harm another animal again. Animals and insects are not for humans to abuse and harm in any way for pleasure, medical practices, greed, torture or survivial, etc. We are all earthlings put on earth to all live together in harmony. Vegan's are not perfect and are not extremists, we are simply humans speaking for those that can not, the animal kingdom. So, naturally as a chef, mum of a non vegan family and photographer, I have a quest to share my many views on this lifestyle with my family and the masses. This book is a sampler of what is to come in the near future. I'm not sure where this journey will take me, however I will not know unless I try. Within this book I have a selection of simple recipes and have aimed to keep speciality ingredients to a minimum for people keen to adapt the vegan diet 100% or just blend it into their meat eating diet gradually.


MY FOOD INSPIRATIONS Over the many years I have studied and worked as a chef and product developer I have been inspired by many Michelin star and superstar chef's & cooks, Macro Pierre White, Peter Gordon, Jamie Oliver, Nico Ladenis & Vicky Bruns Bolderson and my mum! Yes these great chefs gave me a solid foundation in my younger years, but now as I have embraced a vegan lifestyle, food is in itself inspiring! Nature is also inspiring to provide us with many nutritious plants, grains and seeds; Quinoa for instance, which is a complete protein and the base of many of my meals. Over the 20 odd years I have been passionate about food I have collected many cookbooks. Ok, many of them now don't get opened (the non vegan ones), but I still love the photography styles in them. Some of my favourites are the Moosewood cookbooks, The Revive Cafe Cookbooks, by cafe chef owner Jeremy Dixon. Jeremy also freshly photographs his own creations, The Vegetarian Bible 1 & 2 by Lee Blayock and photography by Julie Renouf, The Happy Herbivore cookbooks, recipes and photography by Lindsay S. Nixon. I have watched her develop her style over the past few years and she is an amazing person, Lastly there is Mary McCartney, a photographer and vegetarian cookbook writer. As veganism isn't just about food, my inspirations also stem from music and photography. There are many amazing vegan and vegetarian bands and artists out there. AFI (A Fire Inside), Blaqk Audio, Kate Bush and Moby are my ultimate listening past times. Davey Havok, a vegan and the lead singer of AFI and Blaqk Audio has recently written a novel, called Pop Kids. Vegan Photographers, such as Mary Sweeney, Tamara Lackey, Linda Long and singer songwriter Moby is also embracing the art of photography.


Plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables: My staples are Kumara, Potatoes, Carrots, Zucchini, Onions, Celery, Cabbage, Broccoli Bananas, Apples, Citrus, Avocados and other seasonal fruits Mushrooms, fresh & dried Fresh Garlic and Ginger Quinoa Seeds & Flour Chia Seeds Sunflower & Pumpkin Seeds Lentils, Split Red and Whole Brown Pulses & Legumes; white & red beans, black beans, aduki, peas, edamame Brown Rice Buckwheat Lots of nuts; Almonds, Walnuts, Hazelnuts, Brazil Nuts Nut buers Marmite Miso Paste Cold Pressed Extra Virgin Olive Oil Apple Cider Vinegar Tofu, firm & soft Organic Wholemeal Flour Oats Gluten free flours (incase my gluten free friends are visiting) Sprouting seeds Wheat Grass seeds Vegan margarine Soy cream cheese and yoghurt Soy, Almond & Rice milks Himalayan salt Kelp Miso Paste Seaweed Spices of all kinds! Soy sauce Sweet soy sauce Vegan worcester sauce Dark vegan chocolate Dried pasta & noodles

White Quinoa Seeds

Quinoa, originates from the Andes, up to 7000 years ago. It's a pseudograin and has all the Essential Amino Acids to make it a complete Protein, plus good levels of Calcuim, Phosphorus and Iron. The seeds are however coated with a natural occuring saponin, to remove this, simply wash in warm water and drain before cooking. Sometimes the quinoa has been prewashed by the grower/packer, however as a general rule always prewash yourself before cooking. Quinoa is available as a whole seed, a ground flour or as a rolled flake. It also is available in white, red and black varieties.

"When one has tasted it he knows what the angels eat." Mark Twain

Vegetable Stock Makes 3 litres Ingredietnts 400g carrots - diced 400g onions - diced 300g celery - diced (use leafy tops) bundle of freah herbs & pepper Bouquet Garni (wrap in muslin cloth) bay leaves (can use dried) sage, parsley, thyme 1 tsp black peppercorns Method 1. In a Stock pot, add all the vegetables and bouquet garni. 2. Add 4 litres of cold water, place on the lid and bring to the boil. 3. Once to the boil, reduce heat to a slow simmer. 4. Cook for 40 minutes. 5. Strain and cool. 6. Once cool, use in soups or freeze in small containers for later use. Hints & Notes Typically manufactured stock cubes and liquids contain salt and other additives. When using a homemade stock, you may need to season the inished soups with a lile salt or salt replacer like Kelp. Remember if you do add salt, add a lile, as if you add too much you can not take it out.

Savoy and Yac贸n Salad Ingredients Equal quantities of: Cabbage, savoy or other green cabbage, shredded Yac贸n, grated Carrots, grated Dressing (make in a jar, place on lid and shake together. Chill any left over dressing) 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar Seeds from 1/2 a pomegranate Crisp outer leaves of the savoy cabbage for serving (optional)

Method 1. Wash and prepare the vegetables, mix together in a salad bowl. 2. Add the oil and vinegar into a jar, twist the lid on tightly and shake well. 3. Add enough dressing to coat the salad and toss through. 4. Sprinkle on the pomegranate seeds and serve.

Hints & Notes Consuming raw cabbage before a meal will help stimulate the appetite and provide the body with vital phyto nutrients and probiotic cultures if fermented. Yac贸n, a Peruvian vegetable, contains fructooligosaccharides, which have a prebiotic effect. A versitile food which can be enjoyed raw or cooked.

Potato and Leek Soup Serves 6-8 Ingredients 400g sliced leek 1 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil 1 Kg quartered and sliced (~10mm) potatoes 5-6 cups vegetable stock 1/2 cup white quinoa, uncooked

Method 1. In a large saucepan, warm the olive oil and then add the leeks carefully. 2. Stir leeks through the oil and place on the lid, reduce heat to low and sweet the leeks for 10 minutes. Stir every couple of minutes. 3. Add the potatoes and vegetable stock. Bring to the boil and cook for 5 minutes. 4. Wash the quinoa through a fine sieve and then add to the soup. Stir through and then place the lid back on and simmer until potatoes and quinoa is cooked. 5. Adjust thickness if too thick with extra vegetable stock. 6. Season to your preferred taste. 7. The soup is ready to serve, or at this point you may wish to add in herb dumplings.

Herb Dumplings Serves 6-8 Ingredients 1 cup unbleached standard wheat flour 1/2 cup wholemeal flour 2 tsp baking powder 1/8 tsp salt 2 Tbsp chopped fresh herbs (parsley, sage, basil) 1 small onion, finely diced 3 Tbsp vegan margarine 1/3 cup of vegan milk Method 1. In a medium sized bowl, sift the standard flour, baking powder and salt, add in the wholemeal flour and stir to mix. 2. Add in the herbs and onions. 3. Rub through the vegan margarine. 4. Add the milk and mix into a so dough, adding a lile more milk/ water or flour if needed. 5. With a dessert spoon, scoop out and drop onto the top of the hot soup. 6. Cover with a lid and cook for 10 minutes or until dumplings are cooked through.

"Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are." Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin

Chia Seeds

The Chia seed originates from Central and Southern Mexico and Guatemala. A prized commodity of the Aztec's pre Columbian times. The nutrient benefits is that it is high in Omega 3 Fatty Acida, a complete Protein, high in Fibre, good source of Calcium, Vitamin C and Iron just to name a few. Available in most supermarkets in seed form, either black, or creamy white, or a mixed pack. When added to water it swells to a gelatinous liquid, making it a great egg replacer, like flax seed, however unlike flax seed, chia is relatively flavour neutral, making it more versitile.

Mushroom and Vegetable Soup Serves 6-8

Ingredients 2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil 200gm mushrooms, mix of button & flat, halved & thinly sliced 200gm broccoli, finely chopped 1 Lt vegetable stock 2 Tbsp cornflour enough water to mix the cornflour 1 400g canned of beans in brine/water of choice, drained and rinsed season to taste: salt/kelp & pepper 1 large tomato, diced 1/3 cup of unsweetened vegan yoghurt

Method 1. In a large saucepan, add the oil and heat. 2. Add the sliced mushroom, stir through the oil and place the lid on the saucepan. 3. Heat on medium-low heat for a few minutes. 4. Add the chopped broccoli, add the lid back on and sweet the broccoli for 5 mintues. 5. Add the stock and bring to the boil and then reduce the heat to a simmer. 6. Mix the cornflour with a little cold water. Add to the soup and mix well. 7. Add a can of beans and heat through. 8. Add the chopped tomatoes just prior to serving. 9. Season to taste. 10. Serve with a dollop of vegan yoghurt stirred through.

Hints and Notes Serving suggestion: sprinkle with a vegan parmesan cheese and serve with a warmed crusty bread

Curried Lentil Soup Serves 6-8 Ingredients 1 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil 1 small onion, finely diced 1 tsp ginger, grd 1 tsp cumin seed, grd 1 tsp turmeric, grd 1 Lt vegetable stock 1 large carrot (160g), grated 250g celery, sliced 1 kumara (~200gm), quartered and sliced 1 apple, peeled and grated 1/2 cup split red lentils 1 tsp salt to season (if using homemade stock) For garnish: sprigs of fresh coriander toasted shredded coconut Method 1. In a large saucepcan, add the oil and heat. 2. Add the onion and sweet for a few minutes on medium heat. 4. Slowly add 1 cup of the vegetable stock, and stir through the onions and spices. 5. Add the vegetables and lentils. 6. Add the remaining stock and bring to the bring. 7. Stir and reduce heat to a simmer. 8. Cook for approximately 20 minutes and then add the grated apple. 9. Cook for a further 10-15 minutes until all vegetables are tender. 10. Add the coconut milk, stir and season to taste. 11. Serving suggestions; serve topped with sprigs of fresh coriander and a sprinkle of toasted shredded coconut and naan bread.

Hints and Notes Many manufactured Indian breads contain Gee from butter. Look for brands that produce plain naan bread without the use of Gee. Before warming, spread with a vegan margarine, chopped garlic and roughly chopped fresh coriander.

Meal Starter Base Ingredients 1 Tbps extra virgin olive oil 1 onion, finely diced 1 carrot, grated 1 zucchini, grated 1 stick of celery, finely diced 3 Tbls of freshly chopped herbs (or 2 tsp mixed dried herbs) Mehod 1. Add the oil to a large frying pan, start warming. 2. Add the onions and gently saute to a pale brown. 3. Add the celery, carrots & zucchini and gently cook until tender. 4. Cool and refrigerate for up to 3 days or freeze for later use. 5. Use as a base for the pie's and stuffed vegetables. Hints and Notes Make a larger batch and freeze into portions for later use.

Rice - Quinoa - Lentil Meal Base Ingredients 200g brown rice 100g whole brown lentils 100g red quinoa 5 cups of very hot water Method 1. Soak the rice in cold water for 10 minutes, then drain and rinse. 2. Rinse the lentils and quinoa in cold flowing water in a fine sieve to wash off saponins from the quinoa, inspect and pick out any stones. 3. Add all to a large saucepan, add hot water, stir and place on lid. 4. Bring to the boil and then turn down to a simmer. 5. Cook for around 20 minutes or until all ingredients are cooked. You may need to add extra water if mix absorbs liquid too quickly. Hints and Notes Shortgrain rice will make a sticker mix, ideal for making patties, where you want the mix to hold together. You can vary up the mix using white or black quinoa if you wish.

"My Body will not be a tomb for other creatures." Leonardo Da Vinci

Hunza Pie Serves 6-8 Ingredients Wholemeal Pastry: 300g wholemeal flour 150g vegan margarine cold water to blend Fillings: Half of cooked Rice-Lentil-Quinoa Meal mix (roughly 2 cups) Half of the Vegetable Meal Base Half a packet of "Angel Foods" Cheesey Sauce made wih 1 &1/2 cups of vegan milk Mashed Potato Topping 4 Potatoes, 1Tbsp vegan margarine and vegan milk Sesame seeds for sprinkling over top Method Preheat oven to 200째C Pastry 1. In a cake mixer with a bread hook or a food processor, add the flour and the cold margarine, turn on mixer and gradually add the icey cold water. Adding enough water to blend the mix into a dough. 2. Wrap the dough in baking paper and refrigerate for about 30 minutes. 3. Grease a pie dish and roll out pastry, bake blind with baking beans/rice for 15 minutes and remove the baking beans/rice and bake for another 5 minutes to lightly brown the pastry. Remove and set aside. Turn oven temperature down to 180째C. 4. Keep excess pastry wrapped in baking paper and freeze for a later use. Potatoes: 1. Cook, season and mashed with vegan margarine and milk. 2. This will be used to spread or pipe onto the top of the pie before baking. Filling Mix: 1. In a large bowl, add the rice mix and vegetable meal base and mix together. 2. Season with a little cracked pepper and a small amount of salt/kelp (no more than 1/8 tsp). 3. Spread this mix evenly into the prepared pastry base. 4. Top with the prepared Cheesey Sauce and either gently spread the mashed potato or pipe around outer edge, sprinkle with sesame seeds 5. Bake for 30 minutes to warm through and lightly brown the surface. Reduce heat or cover with foil if the surface browns too quickly. 6. Serve hot or cold with a side of choice, delicious with beetroot or tomato relish. Hints and Notes There are many takes on the 1970's classic hunza pie. It was something I ate often when I lived in Sydney 20 years ago, however I have not really seen it around New Zealand. I hope you enjoy this hearty vegan version.

Stuffed Peppers with Tomato Sauce Serves 4-6 Ingredients 4-6 large sized red peppers Stuffed with cooked Rice - Quinoa - Lentil Meal Base Pinenuts for topping garnish Vegan parmesan cheese (optional for serving) Tomato Sauce: 800g Roma tomatoes, roughly chopped 1 onion, finely diced 2 Tbsp garlic, finely diced 2 stalks of celery, finely diced 1 carrot, grated 1 zucchini, grated 3 bay leaves 1 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil Fresh basil (2 sprigs) Cracked pepper 1/2 tsp salt 1 tsp turmeric, grd 1/2 tsp ginger, grd 1/2 Tbsp raw sugar (optional)

Method Stuffed Pepper/Vegetable preparation: 1. Preheat the oven to 180째C. 2. Prepare the peppers by cuting off the tops and deseeding. 3. Stuff with the rice - quinoa- lentil meal (season if preferred). 4. Drizzle a little oil on an oven tray and place the stuffed peppers onto the tray. 5. Bake for 15-20 minutes, or until peppers are cooked and mix has heated through. 6. Sprinkle with pinenuts and bake for a further 5 minutes to brown pinenuts. 7. Keep the peppers warm until ready to serve. Tomato Sauce preparation: 1. In a large frying pan, heat the oil and add the garlic, onions, carrots & zucchini. 2. Stir oil through the vegeable mix and place a lid on the pan. Reduce the heat and sweet the mix for a few minutes. 3. Add in the chopped tomatoes, stir through and place the lid back on and simmer for 5 minutes. 4. Remove the lid, stir in the remaining ingredients (except the basil). Simmer for a further 5 minutes. 5. Tear up the basil with hands and stir through. Serve 1 to 2 peppers per person and accompany with the fresh tomato sauce, a sprinkling of vegan parmesan cheese and a fresh green side salad if desired. Hints and Notes Stuff into other vegetables like small gourmet pumpkins, marrow, zuchinni, large portabello mushrooms. I recommend that hard vegetable like pumpkin and marrows are precooked to a half cooked state before stuffing, otherwise the mix will over cook before the vegetable is cooked.

Easy Vegetable Curry Serves 4-6 Ingredients 1 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil 1 medium red onion, diced 3 cloves of garlic, minced 1 inch cube sized piece of fresh ginger, peeled and grated 2 tsp turmeric, grd 1 tsp cumin, grd 1/4 tsp chilli flakes 3 tomatoes, chopped 1 kumara, 20mm roughly diced 1 celery stick, 10mm roughly sliced 1 carrot, 10-20mm roughly diced 1/2 cup chopped pumpkin 2-3 cups of vegetable stock or water 1/2-1 cup chopped broccoli 1/2-1 cup of coconut milk or other vegan milk Method 1. In a large saucepan, heat the oil and add in the onions, garlic, ginger and curry powder. 2. Stir through and lightly roast the spices. 3. Ad in the chopped tomatoes and stir through to loosen off the roasted spices off base of pan. 4. Slowly add in the vegetable stock and stir through. 5. Add in the vegetables and bring to a simmer. 6. Gently simmer to cook the vegetables until tender. 7. Add the coconut cream or vegan milk, stir and gently heat through. 8. Serve with fresh coriander, vegan raiti, steamed rice and naan or chapati bread.

Hints and Notes Omit the chilli flakes if serving to young children that aren't into spicy foods. The flavours will mature the longer it sits, enjoy the left overs the next day or freeze to eat later for an easy work day lunch.

"For as long as men massacre animals, they will kill each other. Indeed, he who sows the seed of murder and pain cannot reap joy and love." Pythagoras

Lentil & Quinoa Burger Patties Serves 4-6 Ingredients 1 cup dried whole brown lentils, washed 3/4 cup of dried whole quinoa,washed 1 -2 onions, finely diced 2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil 2 tsp curry powder 1 tsp turmeric, grd 1 tsp dried mint flakes or a handful of freshly chopped mint 1 cup dried wholegrain breadcrumbs 1 Tbsp chia seeds soaked in 1/4 cup of water for 20 minutes Method 1. Cook the lentils & quinoa (seperately) until cooked. 2. Allow to cool together in a large bowl. 3. Heat the oil in a pan and lightly saute the onion and then add the curry powder, toast lightly. 4. Add the onions to the lentil and quinoa mix and add all the other ingredients. Mix well. 5. Form the patties by hand with a little flour, or use a round cutter to press the mix into on a tray. I use a plastic burger shaper - this mix will make 6 large patties. Makes 10-12 small patties. 6. Chill or freeze until ready to use. 7. BBQ or pan fry with oil.

Hints and Notes Don't go unprepared to a BBQ or when your childs vegetarian friend turns up for dinner. Prepare a batch to store in the freezer to have on the ready for when you need them.

Corn and Chia Fritters Makes 5-6 Ingredients 1 400g canned creamed corn 1 medium onion, finely diced 1 medium potato (~200g), grated 1 medium zucchini, grated 2 Tbsp chia seeds 1/2 cup flour of choice 1/2 tsp salt 1 & 1/2 tsp baking powder a little water to wet batter if too dry Method 1. Preheat oven to 160-180째C. 2. In a large mixing bowl, add the creamed corn, onions, potato and zucchini, chia seeds and salt. Mix well. 3. Sift flour and baking powder into the vegetable mix and mix through, adding a little water if needed. 4. Add 1-2 Tbsp of oil to a hot frying pan and spoon in large spoonfuls of the mix, turn heat to medium or low to prevent the fritters from burning. 5. Cook on both sides for a few minutes each or until golden. 6. Place in a warmed oven to cook further while you cook the remaining mix. 7. Serve warm or cold with a delicious fresh leafy salad, avocado and coriander salsa and a vegan sour cream if desired.

Hints and Notes Makes 10 - 12 depending on how big you make them. Delicious in a sammie for a quick meal with salsa and relish of choice.

Ginger & Sweet Soy Marinated Tofu Serves 2-3 Ingredients 1pkt (300g) firm tofu, slice into thin triangles Marinade: 1 Tbsp sesame oil 2 Tbsp sweet soy sauce 1 Tbsp grated fresh ginger, packed firmly 1 tsp five spice, grd 1/4 tsp dried chilli flakes 2 spring onions, slice on angle Sprinkling of chia and sesame seeds I large carrot, finely sliced into noodles 1/2 cup of shelled edamame soybeans, thawed in very hot water and drained Oil for stir frying Serve with noodles or steamed rice Method 1. Heat oil in a wok or a large frying pan and add the marinated tofu, fry on each side for a few minutes, until golden. Add the marinade and sprinkle over the seeds. 2. Add the sping onions, carrot noodles and the edamame beans and quickly stir through. Being careful not to over cook. 3. Serve on a bed of noodles of choice or steamed rice.

Beetroot Relish Ingredients 6 cups firmly packed grated beetroot 2 cups vinegar (cider or whitewine vinegar) 2 cups raw sugar 2 tsp allspice, grd ½ tsp salt 2 Tbsp cornflour to thicken (optional) a little water to mix with cornflour. NOTE: Vinegar is often not vegan, check with the manufacturer as to whether milk and/or fish are used during the fermentation and filtering processes.

Method 1. Mix all ingredients (except the cornflour and water) in a large saucepan. 2. Bring to the boil, reduce heat to a simmer, stir occassionally. Simmer for 1 hour. 3. While relish is simmering, clean jars and sterilise by filling with boiled water and hold for several minutes. or sterilise jars in a hot oven. Sterilise jar lids in a saucepan of water, bring to the boil and hold for several minutes. Always wear gloves and use tongs to protect yourself from hot water burns. 4. When relish has simmered for 1 hour, with care not to burn yourself, fill into jars, seal with jars tightly. Place jars into a sink of cold water. 5. Cool overnight or for several hours. 6. Store in a cool and dark area. 7. Once jars are opened, store in refrigerator.

Hints and Notes As pictured, this beetroot relish is lovely with crackers, vegan cream cheese, sprouted peas and lentils and shredded sorrel leaves.

"It is a fine seasoning for joy to think of those we love." Moliere

Anzac Biscuits Makes 12-15 Ingredients 1/2 cup wholemeal flour 1/4 cup of raw sugar 2/3 cup coconut 3/4 cup rolled oats 50g vegan margarine 1 Tbsp golden sugar 1/2 tsp baking soda 2 Tbsp vegan milk a little extra water for mixing Method 1. Preheat oven to 180째C. Line a tray with baking paper. 2. Mix together the dry ingredients except the baking soda. 3. Warm the vegsn milk and add the baking soda to dissolve. 4. Melt the margarine and the golden syrup. Add the milk mixture and stir. 5. Add the liquids to the dry mix. Blend to form a soft dough. Add a little water to mix if too dry. 6. Spoon walnut sized balls onto the tray and press flat with a palette knife. 7. Bake for 15 -20 minutes or until golden.

Hints and Notes These biscuits are a mealy alternative to the white flour crispy type.

Scones Ingredients 3 cups of standard all purpose unbleached flour 4 tsps baking powder 2 Tbsp caster sugar 270gm unsweetened vegan yoghurt 200mls cold water Method 1. Preheat oven to 200째C. 2. In a mixing bowl sift the flour, baking powder and caster sugar. Mix together. 3. Add the yoghurt and water, mix gently with a spatula or palette knife to form a ball. 4. Add a little extra water if needed. 5. Turn out onto a floured surface and knead lightly until mix is springy. 6. Do not over mix. 7. Line a baking sheet with baking paper and sprinkle with a light dusting of flour. 8. Place the dough in the centre and roll out until 2cm thick. 9. With a sharp cooks knife, score the top into squares. 10. Bake in middle of oven for 10-12 minutes until lightly golden and cooked through. 11. Cool on baking tray, serve warm with a vegan margarine, jam (my favourite is the marrow and ginger jam, as pictured) and vegan cream if preferred.

Vegan Cream in a food processer, blend soft tofu adding in icing sugar to thicken and natural vanilla extract to flavour.

Blueberry Tea Cake Serves 8-12 Ingredients 1 & ½ cups of standard unbleached white flour 2 tsps baking powder 1 tsp salt ½ cup of raw sugar ¾ cup of unsweetened vegan yoghurt ¼ cup of extra virgin olive oil ¼ -1/2 cup of water 1 cup of frozen blueberries Sugar Crust 1/2 cup raw sugar juice of 1 small lemon Method 1. Preheat oven to 180°C, lightly grease and flour coat a 20-23cm cake tin. Shakes out teh excess flour. 2. Sift the flour, baking powder and salt into a mixing bowl. 3. Stir in the sugar. 4. Then fold in the yoghurt, oil and enough water to bind the mix. Depending on the thickness of the yoghurt, you may want to add more water. The dough should not be too wet or too dry. 5. Gently mix through the blueberries. 6. Spoon into the prepared cake tin and gently press the mix into the edges of the cake tin. 7. Bake in the centre of the oven for 20 minutes, mix the topping sugar with the lemon juice and remove the cake to sprinkle of the sugar and lemon juice mix on top of the cake. Then return cake to the oven to bake a further 5-10 minutes, until the top is a light golden brown and an inserted knife or skewer comes out clean. 9. Cool in the tin for 5 minutes and turn out onto a cooling rack. 10. Serve with vegan sweetened cream or yoghurt and fresh berries if available.

Baklava Serves 8-12 Ingredients Filling: 1 cup whole raw almonds 1 cup walnuts or pecan nuts 1 cup hazelnuts 2 tsp cinnamon, grd 1/2 tsp mixed spice, grd 1 375g packet filo pastry & plenty of extra virgin olive oil for brushing over sheets of pastry Syrup: 1 cup raw sugar 1 cup apple syrup 1 cinnamon stick 1 Tbsp lemon juice Sliced almonds for sprinkling over the top before serving Method 1. Chop the nuts either by hand or in a food processor. Try not to chop too fine. 2. Place nuts in a mixing bowl and add the other filling ingredients and mix well. 3. Preheat oven to 160째C. Lightly grease a baking dish, approximately 20cm x 30cm. ensure the dish is slightly smaller than the length and width of the filo pastry. 4. Line the baking dish with one sheet of filo at a time and brush each sheet with oil. For the base, line with 10 sheets of filo. 5. Spread the nut and spice mixture and pack down firmly. 6. Cover the nut mixture with the remaining sheets of filo, one sheet at a time, brushing with oil. Brush top layer. Trim the pastry around the sides and score the surface into diamond portions. 7. Place in a warm oven and bake for 1 hour, monitor for surface browning. Cover with foil if browning too quickly. 8. While Baklava is baking, prepare the syrup: Add the syrup ingredients into a saucepan and bring to the boil, reduce heat to a simmer for 10 minutes. Set aside to cool. 9. Once the baking is complete, remove from the oven and place on a cooling rack. Slowly drizzle the syrup over the Baklava, this final step is very important for the success of the Baklava: sit for 5-6 hours or overnight to allow the syrup to soak through. 10. Slice into diamond shaped portions and serve with a sprinkling of almond slices and cream or yoghut of choice.

Hints and Notes Try with a sprinkling of rose water for a more exotic taste.

Banana Bread Ingredients 2 cups mashed bananas 1 cup raw sugar 1 tsp natural vanilla extract 2 cups wholemeal flour 1 tsp baking powder 1 tsp mixed spice, grd 1/2 tsp baking soda 1/4 cup warmed vegan milk Optional: 70g vegan dark chocolate, grated

Method 1. Preheat oven to 180째C and grease either a loaf tin or a ring tin with a vegan margarine or oil, lightly coat with flour, shake out the excess. 2. In a mixing bowl, add the mashed banana, sugar and vanilla (and grated chocolate if adding). 3. Mix until creamy. 4. Add the baking soda to the warmed milk and dissolve. 5. Gently fold in the dries and the milk and baking soda mix. 6. Pour into a loaf tin or a ring tin. 7. Bake for 45-55 minutes in preheated oven. If using a ring tin, the bread may cook a fraction faster, cake is ready with a nice golden colour and an inserted knife or skewer comes out clean. 8. Remove from oven, place on a cooling rack and hold in tin for a few minutes beforing turning out to cool. 9. Serve with sliced bananas and or a vegan spread of choice.

Hints & Notes Add walnuts for a more traditional banana bread. This bread toasts well!

Smoked Paprika Nuts Ingredients 2 cups of mixed raw nuts 1 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil 1/8 tsp (a light sprinkling) of salt 1 tsp smoked paprika, grd 1 sprig of fresh rosemary Method 1. Preheat oven to 180째C 2. On a shallow tray (a sandwich sponge tray is ideal), sprinkle on the nuts. 3. Sprinkle over the oil, salt, smoked paprika and pull off the rosemary leaves off their stalks and mix through the nuts. 4. Place the tray into the middle of the oven and roast for about 5 minutes or until golden and skins are crisp. To stop furher cooking, remove from the tray and place into a heat proof bowl to cool. 5. When cool, place into an air tight container and enjoy as a snack or after dinner finisher.

Hints & Notes Nuts make a fantastic snack on the run or at the office. Portion pack into zip lock bags so that you have a quick nutritious snack on hand when you need it.

USEFUL WEBSITES The Vegan Society of New Zealand Vegan Shoes The Vegetarian Society of New Zealand Another useful New Zealand focused website Go Vegan Safe Royal NZ SPCA Live Cruelty Free Peta - People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals Peta2 The Earthlings movie by Nation Earth

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS & THANKS Although this is just the beginning, I would like to give arohanui and special thanks my amazing family for allowing me to take out time to start this project, for the many years I have had to take time out of family life to pursue my study goals to better my photographic skills and for telling me what tastes good and what doesn't! Arohanui to my Paul for the many reality checks and late night cups of tea! Arohanui and thanks to my Mum and Terry (my Bonus Dad), Dad and Wendy (my Bonus Mum) for giving me freedom in the kitchen when I was young and allowing me to follow my dreams. Thank you to my favourite artists and arohanui to my favourite band; A Fire Inside, for the many years of stimulating and thought provoking music. Thank you to the many animal rights activists and healthy living advocates out there!

"The time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of animals as they now look upon the murder of men." Leonardo Da Vinci

Photographic artworks available in different mediums

For more information about my photographic services available, please visit

Thank you for taking the time to read through this Vegan cookbook sampler. I hope you enjoy the recipes and photography. Please stay tuned for the full cookbook in 2014! Arohanui, Melissa.

VEGAN EATS From Soup to Nuts! Is a sampler cookbook of easy, yet delicious vegan recipes and photography by Melissa Thorburn.

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