How Can I Hide My Hearing Loss?

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How Can I Hide My Hearing Loss?

Many people believe they are hiding their hearing loss when they don’t wear hearing aids. Actually, hearing loss is much more noticeable without the use of hearing aids because speech isn’t heard clearly and things need to be repeated and explained. A misinterpreted word can change the meaning and context of what is being said and can cause some embarrassing moments. The volume level becomes harder to recognize. Some over compensate by speaking louder than necessary while others speak so softly that no one can hear them. Watching t.v. is uncomfortable when the volume is too loud or too quiet. If you want to hide your hearing loss invest in some hearing aids. Hearing aids have become quite discreet and often others aren’t aware you are even wearing them. You won’t require as much volume for speech to be clearer. You won’t need to ask others to repeat themselves. You may find improved memory and comprehension as well as better balance. Although many want to hide their hearing loss there are some advantages when others are aware of your hearing loss. They may speak a little louder, enunciate a little better and talk a little slower to help you hear well. Remember, untreated hearing loss is not hidden.

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