Tips to Prevent Causes For Hearing Loss

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Tips to Prevent Causes For Hearing Loss How To Avoid Hearing Loss? You must have yourself protected against Hearing Loss. The causes of hearing loss may be many. But one common cause of Hearing loss is Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL). The primary cause of hearing defect in case of NIHL is repeated exposure to high decibel or loud sounds. With repeated exposure to loud noises like gun shots, air horns, loud music, background noise cause hearing to deteriorate gradually due to over stimulation of delicate hearing cells, leading to their permanent injury and even death. Other activities like spending long hours cutting trees on your lawn without taking ear protection, watching television with loud volume, getting your teeth cleaned at the dentist may all expose your ears to unsafe noise levels. If these are not protected, it may lead to irreversible damage to your hearing. We at being a leading hearing clinic in Edmonton, Alberta will try to make you aware of how to protect yourself against Noise Induced Hearing Loss through this blog.

Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) is preventable: Though Noise Induced Hearing Loss is very common type of hearing loss, the good news about it is that it is preventable. By gaining proper understandings of what are safe levels of noise, you can establish means that protect you from hearing louder ones and thus prevention of Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL).

What is the safe Sound Level? Though there are complex for calculating the safe hearing levels, it is generally accepted that 85 db is considered the threshold level above which continuous exposure is hazardous to your hearing. Check on your musical devices and headphones: With the advancement of technology, headphones and other hearing devices are always in use. Unfortunately the continuous exposure to them causes damage to our hearing. It has also been observed that since the young are found of loud music, they continuously are exposed to such high sound levels and thus causes Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL). Since hearing devices such as headphones bring sound into the ear canal and close to the eardrum, thereby increasing intensity of the sound and thus increases risk of permanent damage. So beware of such devices and if required regulate the sound levels which are safe and would not cause damage. In fact as a parent it is necessary for you to make your child aware of these hazards of loud music. Using Hearing Protection where ever necessary: Your occupation may require you to be at sites where you may be exposed to continuous hazardous levels of noise. These may be construction sites, factory, or you may be involved in other activities like shooting, hunting, mowing the lawn, or attending musical concerts, etc. In such instances it is necessary that you use hearing protection through hearing plugs. Hearing plugs may be of many types like ones which are custom fit or simple ones like foam ear plugs. Others may include distancing yourself from loud sounds, if possible. Lowering the volume of television sets, or other audio devices may be another option where in can help you protect against Noise Induced hearing loss. For further information regarding








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