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Summer Camp Finder
Summer camp available for 4 years old through 12th grade! G RAN D RAPI DS CI VI C TH EATRE SCH OOL OF TH EATRE ARTS
G R C T . O R G
Summer Camps A-Z Plan ahead with our Summer Camp Directory to find the summer camp of your kid’s dreams.
Academy of Art and Design 6159 28th St SE, Suite #9, Grand Rapids www.artndesign.net
Adventure Point Day Camp 3213 Walker Ave NW, Grand Rapids www.adventurepoint.org
Battle GR Tactical Games 4735 Lake Michigan Dr NW, Ste E, Grand Rapids www.battlegr.com
Camp Henry 5575 S Gordon Ave, Newaygo www.camphenry.org
Camp Newaygo 5333 S Centerline Rd, Newaygo www.campnewaygo.org
Camp Roger and Camp Scottie 8356 Belding Rd NE, Rockford www.camproger.org
Cranhill Ranch 14444 17 Mile Rd, Rodney www.cranhillranch.com
Grand Rapids Civic Theatre 30 Division Ave N, Grand Rapids www.grct.org/summer-programs
Continued on page 26
Ages 5-17
Grand Rapids Public Museum 272 Pearl St NW, Grand Rapids www.grpm.org/campcurious
Higher Ground at Lake Louise 10750 Staord Rd, Boyne Falls www.highergroundatlakelouise.com
John Ball Zoo 1300 W Fulton St, Grand Rapids www.jbzoo.org/kidsandfamily/camp/summer
Kent Career Tech Center 1655 East Beltline NE, Grand Rapids www.thetechcenter.org/programs/summer-camps
Legacy Stables & Karin’s Horse Connection 8001 Patterson Ave SE, Caledonia www.karinshorses.com/legacy-stables/own-a-horse-camp
Maple Hill Golf 5555 Ivanrest Ave SW, Grandville www.maplehillgolf.com
Michigan Sports Academies 5449 28th St Ct SE, Grand Rapids www.michigansportsacademies.com/camps-and-clinics
Northpointe Christian Schools Camp 3101 Leonard St NE, Grand Rapids www.npchristian.org/athletics/camps.cfm
Orchard Hill Christian Preschool and Child Care Center 1465 3 Mile Rd NW, Grand Rapids www.orchardhillpreschool.com/programs/summer
Therapy and Fun 2505 Ardmore St SE, Grand Rapids www.therapycenter.org/therapy-and-fun
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