Got Life A newsletter about spiritual enrichment for the Body of Christ
A Monthly Newsletter What About Daddy (A Father’s Day Thought) Page 1
The Beatitudes In the Church
An address from the Senior Pastor. Page 2
What’s Going On The monthly calendar, birthdays and anniversaries, and Daniel’s Fast resource information. Page 3
Church Information NLTC ministry staff, service information and statement of faith. Page 10 Little Chocolate Boy Charles Ademolu’s monthly column Page 6
What about Daddy?
We are now more and more understanding the importance of a father in the family. Recent studies have made clear what we have known all along, and what the Bible has taught all along. God intends in the ideal family for there to be a godly mother and also for there to be a godly father. This is the way God has designed marriage. This is the way God intends for it to be.
(A Father’s Day Thought) Psalm 128:1-3 1. Blessed are all who fear the Lord, who walk in his ways. 2. You will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours. 3. Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house; your sons will be like olive shoots around your table. This is Father's Day month. I want to remind all of the fathers that we often take second place on this very special day. The biggest day is not Father's Day, but the biggest day is Mother's Day. You do understand that, don't you? If you don't understand that, there's some information contained within this article that will help you just a little bit. I don’t want any of the fathers to think that Father’s Day is any less important than Mother’s Day. I do want you to understand that “Father’s Day” is every day of the year that you invest in being a father to your June
June ‘10
children. Keep reading and you will understand why being a father is so valuable. Seventy two percent of Americans plan to celebrate Father's Day. Eighty one point eight percent celebrated Mother's Day. Seventy four point three percent of consumers say that they will buy dad a greeting card. Thirty six percent will buy a necktie. Forty one point six percent plan a special outing with dad. Eight billion or so will be spent on fathers. Ten point four three billion was spent on mothers. The average cost of a Father's Day gift is forty two dollars. The average cost of a Mother's Day gift is sixty three dollars. Dads, we don't get a whole lot of respect. You know that, don't you?
According to the Bible, marriage is to be a union between a man and a woman. In the ideal family, God intends for there to be a mother and a father for those children. That is the way the Bible has designed it. When you want to know what the father is supposed to be, then you go to the Bible to try to find out what a father is intended to be. We also understand that we do not live in an ideal society by the world’s standard. One of the things I love about the Bible is that the Bible tells us the real. It also tells us the ideal. You find the real in the Bible. You find fathers that were good fathers and you Continue on page 4
IN OTHER WORDS Here we are, half way through 2010. The things we planted in the first half of the year we are now ready to reap in an abundant harvest! Well, that’s assuming you have sown seeds that you desire to see grow and produce fruit. About this time every year, migrant workers make their way up to the mid-west to work the fields. They pile in cars and make the long journey to spend countless hours working in hot fields. The hours are long and the work can be back breaking. But they push on. Not because they care who’s field it is. But rather because at the end of summer they will enjoy the products of their reward for faithful service. Despite the heat and the back binding work, they stay focused on the dollars, the new trucks or the new house they can now purchase. Summer time is considered to be the low season in churches across America. It’s the time of the year when it seems our churches are dry and barren. But really it’s the season when the field of souls is plenteous. However, we as Christians have to make up our minds that we are willing to do the hard work to reap the harvest. It’s not about staking claim to the field - after all it all belongs to God. It is, however, about being committed to the laborious task of reaching beyond our four walls to touch the masses. Some will plant and others will water, but we must all work the fields. Some will give birth, some will serve as mid-wife and others will nurse. So what is it that you are supposed to do?
The Beatitudes In the Church By Bishop Brenda K. Perry
Where do these Beatitudes fit in today’s Church, where the ideology and theology of people is far from the teaching and purpose Jesus intended them to be? Where it is easy to believe on the Lord and be saved, yet having no comprehension of true suffering for the cause of Christ. Most of our suffering in American is lack of monetary substance and violence that have nothing to do with Christ and bad attitudes. No, I’m not saying there hasn’t been any suffering, or mistreatment, or abusive words spoken to the righteous Christians that have lived for Christ. However, the suffering that the Jews endured for Christ’s sake is no comparison for us today in the USA. At the time of our focus scripture, the Jews were under the ruler ship of the Romans. They were spiritually destitute and deprived of the true knowledge of God’s purpose. Jesus started out talking to His disciples, and ended up with a multitude. But “the people was astonished at His teaching, for He taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes.” Yes, these Beatitudes are for us today.”
The Beatitudes starts within one self, Let’s come together, roll up our sleeves and “blessed are the poor in spirit”. To be commit to the assignment of working His poor in spirit is to realize that I have harvest. The reward....well it’s bigger than us. nothing, am nothing, can do nothing, and have need of all things. It is through the Grace of knowledge they realize they are utterly helpless, and in great need of God. Our society is filled with pride, selfsufficient and defiant attitudes, greed and lust, and one’s own captain of their soul. Mel A. Perry, Editor In Chief Our attitude must be like a beggar wanting to be filled with His divine riches and truth.
“Blessed are those who mourn.” The mourning, for which Christ promises Divine comfort, is a sorrowing over our sins with godly sorrow. This follows “poor in spirit”. The mourning here referred to is manifestly more than that of bereavement, affliction, or loss. It is mourning over sin. It is mourning over the felt destitution of our spiritual state, and over the iniquities that have separated us and God; self-righteousness, trusted in self, rebellion against God, and hostility to His will. “Blessed are the meek.” Meekness is defined by some as patience, a spirit of resignation; some as unselfishness, a spirit of self-abnegation; others as gentleness, a spirit of non-retaliation, bearing afflictions quietly. To others a meek person would be humble, gentle, patient, forgiving and content. Those that are the opposite would be proud, harsh, haughty, revengeful, and self- ambitious and the list goes on. A good example of one that is meek is Moses; the opposites are Naaman and Nabal. “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness.” Both hunger and thirst are intense desires. Such a thirst no earthly water can satisfy-- a hunger that must feed on Christ. A person does not stop hungering and thirsting for righteousness once he is saved. A true Christian desires to be more and more like Christ the more he learns about Him. “Blessed are the merciful.” compassionate, (actively); compassionate by word, or deed. Mercy is to be given with a cheerful heart. I like how Dr. A.T. Pierson said it, “It is the forgiving spirit; it is the non-retaliating spirit; it is the spirit that gives up all attempt at selfvindication and would not return an injury for an injury, but rather good in the place of evil and love in the place of hatred. That is mercifulness.”
continue on page 4
Looking Ahead Please mark your calendars for the upcoming events for June and July
JUNE 8 Leadership Prayer 10 Gathering Place 13 Super Sunday School 16-18 Children’s Workshop 20 Father’s Day 24 Gathering Place 25 LOL Book Club 26 Leadership Prayer/ Ministry Breakout
JULY 4 Fourth of July holiday 5 Office closed in honor of 4 July 8 Gathering Place 13 Leadership Prayer 22 Gathering Place 24 Bishop’s Birthday 29 -31 REAL Women’s Conference
Birthdays & Anniversaries Monthly birthdays and anniversaries of NLTC members. If your birthday is not listed, email the church office.
June 1! !
Melinda Perry
June 2! !
Donna Ross-Powell
June 3! !
Kayla Hopkins
June 4! !
Mary Lewis
June 11! !
Betty Holmes
June 15! !
Eric Jones
June 22! !
Lorielle Mitchell
June 23! !
Jacorri Richardson
June 25! !
Diamond Mitchell
June 25! !
Terry Mitchell
June 28! !
Jamie Coney II
June 29! !
Leslie Dockery
Anniversaries Lonnie & Louie Mae Cardwell June 20 Roger & Agnes Williams June 27
Summer Events As we enter into the warmer months the city of Houston will become a haven of festivals and family oriented events. What a great way to get out and see what your city is all about. If you never get out, you will never know what makes Houston the city it is.
*Houston Area City Parks - Open year round. They are great places to enjoy a nice picnic and family fun. Editors picks - Herman Park and Discovery Green * Miller Outdoor Theatre, Present - Nov. 13 - Family friendly entertainment in an outdoor setting. All performances are free, but tickets are need to sit in covered seating. http://www.milleroutdoortheatre.com/ default.asp?id=172 * KUHF Silent Film Concert Series at Discovery Green, June 11 & June 25 @ 8pm. Enjoy an evening of entertainment at the KUHF Silent Film Concert Series at Discovery Green Park. http:// www.discoverygreen.com * 2010 Hurricane Workshop, Saturday, June 19, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. The 2010 Hurricane Workshop is presented by the National Weather Service and will be held at the George R. Brown Convention Center (Hall E). http:// www.hurricaneworkshop.com
Offense from page 2
These Beatitudes do come with promises that hold for now and future, and to those that desire to walk in them, and apply them to your everyday walk of life shall be blessed and will glorify God our Father.
endure childbirth without an anesthetic.... A father never feels worthy of the “Blessed are the pure in heart.” I worship in a child's eyes. He's never quite found this quote that will help explain the hero his daughter thinks, never quite pure in heart. “What is purity? It is the man his son believes him to be, and freedom from defilement and divided this worries him, sometimes. So he works affections; it is sincerity, genuineness, and too hard to try and smooth out the rough Daddy from page 1 singleness of heart. As a quality of places in the road for those of his own Christian character, we would define it as find fathers that were bad fathers. The who will follow him....Fathers are what godly simplicity. Genuine Christianity author of many of the Psalms in the Bible lays aside not only malice, but guile and give daughters away to other men who hypocrisy also. It is not enough to be pure was David. He was one of the greatest aren't nearly good enough, so they can men in the Bible and recorded history. Yet in words and in outward deportment. have grandchildren who are smarter than when you study the life of David you will Purity of desires, motives and intents is anybody's. Fathers make bets with find that he was a success as a king, but what should characterize the child of insurance companies about who'll live the God.” he was a failure as a father. The Bible longest. One day they lose and the bet's tells the real in a situation. paid off to the part of them they leave “Blessed are peacemakers.” behind." --Paul Harvey Colossian 1:20b, “And, having made The Bible also presents us the ideal. It peace through the blood of his cross.” In It's so easy to cross the line from being a shows us in the Bible principles and Romans 10:15, “How beautiful are the godly father to a worldly father if we are models and examples of how a father is feet of those who preach the gospel of intended to be, what God wants a father not careful. We need to stay rooted in peace, who bring glad tidings of good to be. biblical principles to be a blessing to our things.” Ephesians. 6:15, “having shod children. We need to take a deep look your feet with the preparation of the When I go to the Word of God, I want to gospel of peace”. It’s a part of the armor inside and see if there is anything that we get some help for you dads. I want to set that we must put on every day. have done to be a godly father to our out the ideal, though none of us ever Peacemakers are more than someone children. Ask yourself: reach the ideal. It is something for us to keeping the unity and harmony in the strive for. Give attention to your faith. If 1. Do I take my children for walks? Christian body. A peacemaker is one who, having received the peace of God in you want to be a happy father, and if you 2. Do I offer to take my children to his own heart, desires to bring peace to want to have a happy Father's Day, the school? Daycare? others by spreading the good news of first thing this Psalm points out to us is 3. Do I offer to give my spouse a break Jesus Christ, who has become a new that we have to give attention to our faith. from the children? creature in Him. A small boy's 4. Do I take my children out to the mall? “Blessed are those who are definition of Movies? Etc.? persecuted for righteousness sake. Father's Day: 5. Do I read stories to my children? Blessed are you whom they revile and "It's just like 6. Do I talk to my children? persecute you, and say all kinds of evil Mother's Day 7. Do I tell them I love them? against you falsely for My sake.” We 8. Do I hug them? should not look to the world to be kind to only you don't spend as us, or befriend us. If they choose not to 9. Do I read the word of God to them? much." come to Christ and be saved, then you that are righteous and live godly will 10. Do I pray with them? cause them to hate you. We can be kind to Definition of a 11. Do I pray for them? them. However, God’s loving kindness is father... "A father not in them. So we need not be surprise is a man who carries pictures in his wallet how they treat or speak to us. This where his money used to be." includes family, friends (those outside of Christ) co-workers, and neighbors. Paul Harvey's definition of a father... "A father is a thing that is forced to 4
The lost art of fatherhood... According to David Blankenhorn, president of the Institute for American Values in New York City and co-founder of the National Fatherhood Initiative: *Forty percent of American children currently don't live with their biological fathers. *Seventy percent of juveniles state reform institutions grew up with one or neither parents. *Forty-three percent of adult inmates grew up in single-parent homes, mostly without dads. *Thirty percent of children living with nevermarried mothers, twenty-two percent with divorced mothers repeat a grade, compared with 12 percent of those living with both biological parents. I believe that fatherhood is not a lost art, but it is something that most fathers have not worked to perfect. We have spent so much of our lives trying to be what society has says we should be and not a lot of time being the father that God wants us to be. Following the example God has given us, John 14:7 says, “If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him” that is something I desire of my children to say when they speak of me wouldn’t you. Not to compare myself to be equal to the Lord, but to have that type of love is what every father really wants from their children is a blessing.
Happy Father’s Day! Minister Isaac J. Bazile is the Director of Men of the Tower Ministry at New Life Temple Church, as well as a staff writer for Got Life.
Happy Father’s Day... to all the Father’s and Father figures in our life! 5
LIL Chocolate
for reasoning why he wants to
time Jonah does. By Jonah being
do right, but he does not do it. He
obedient to God's instructions, the
wants to do what is good, but he
king of Nineveh was able to take
doesn't. He doesn't want to feed his
heed to God's message and humble
flesh by pacifying his cravings to
himself before the people to turn
sacrifice - a concept that takes us
do what is wrong, but he does it
from their wicked ways.
a while to grasp a hold to for
anyway. It is in our nature to sin
Consequently, God spared the king
some reason, a reason that I will
because we were born sinners.
and his people. If we could just
cover. Time after time after time,
Nevertheless, God made it possible
only be obedient, there is no
we as human beings, make the
to counter the first man's mistakes-
telling what signs and wonders
mistake of getting into situations
Christ Jesus. If we belong to Jesus,
God may have in store. If we
we have a hard time getting out of,
then all of the old things in our
could just plant a seed into
and some of those times it is truly
life are gone and a new life has
someone's life, or water the seed
no one else's fault but ours. We
that's already there, and let God
BoY Obedience is better than
place the blame on people, time, money, the enemy but never our own flesh. It is extremely easy to make excuses on why we got there, but it is always hard to admit that
We still choose to have some trust issues with our Heavenly Father as if He has mistreated or wronged us. Puzzling, huh? Even
nurture it by providing sunlight, rich soil and nutrients, then there is no telling what God may do. One of my poodles, CoCo,
when we purposely go astray our
snuck into the restroom one night
own way, grace and mercy still
when he was not supposed to and
covers and follows us. God is still
got water. It is completely dark in
there protecting you with the blood
the restroom and for some reason,
that was shed on Calvary. He is the
he begins to cry and bark
only one not like or of man that
surpassingly loud, waking up my
He should lie. Even Jonah himself
mom and I. She gets out of her bed
had a few issues trusting God.
thinking that he was injured or
God gave Jonah simple
hurt, only to find out that he was
instructions to go to the great city
stagnated in the bathtub of the
simply leaning on the
of Nineveh and announce God's
dark restroom. Even this
understanding of God and not
judgment against the city because
corroborates Paul's epiphany of
ours because His way of thinking
of its wicked people. Jonah
knowing to do what is right but
surpasses the earthly thinking. If
impulsively did the opposite of
not doing it. As Coco cries out, he
we trust Him, and have made Him
what God told him to do and went
quickly seeks some sort of refuge
complete ruler over our lives, then
the opposite direction. This was
and that refuge in this scenario is
why can't we obey Him? If we know
Jonah's first step in engendering
my mom. When we can't find a way
He is the Alpha and Omega, the
his inevitable punishments. Jonah
out, or it seems that we are
beginning and the end, the author
first puts others in danger for his
surrounded by complete darkness,
and finisher of our lives, then why
own disobedience. Sailors then
the darkness is always revealed by
are we so daring to do the
throw him off the ship. Next, a big
God's marvelous light for
reciprocal of what He said? Why
fish swallows Jonah for three days
darkness is only the absence of
can't we just choose obedience
and three nights, but God stands
light. For instance, after my high
instead of sacrifice? Why must we
true to His word that never comes
school's senior award night at the
befriend sin and ditch deliverance
back void: He will never leave you
Hobby Center, my mom and I found
when God and our spiritual man
nor forsake you. At this point,
ourselves driving through that
are consistently yanking on our
Jonah prays to God and gets His
labyrinth of a parking lot. Driving
ears to hear?
attention by restating how God,
without a sense of direction, we
and God alone, got him out of
were habitually going around in
every trouble he has be in. God
circles. Then, we noticed two
commanded Jonah to obey His
security guards assisting a man to
instructions once more, and this
his car, and behold that these
the path we choose was unwise, and it could have been avoided. We are human; we are going to make mistakes; we don't, however, have to make life harder on ourselves than what it needs to be. Of course, this is not an overnight accomplishment that can be achieved so fast. One way we can do this is by
I would like to point out that reasoning now: Romans 7. In verse fifteen, Paul ponders his reasons 6
guards were our refuge at the current time. They helped us get out of a place that seemed foreign to escape. God is a way making God and His love will endure forever because He is the definition of love. I am not saying that it is ok to take advantage of God's character and disobey Him every opportunity we get. Nor am I encouraging anyone to initiate disobedience. What I am saying is that as humans, we are obliged to make mistakes, we are obliged to fall short of God's glory and we are obliged to make some unwise decisions. What the enemy meant for bad, God can turn it around to work out for your good.
Lite The d i S e
rary Tempo “When ent erman and P ” de Colli
They come and they go...in and out of my world. My permanent world has temporary moments.
As I sit here in Heathrow airport on this cloudy first of June, I realize that for a brief moment all of these individuals who are going somewhere are making their transition through my permanent world. I’ve never seen these people in my life! Who are they and what are they doing in it?
How amazing...hundreds of people will collide with my world today. Some will catch my attention, others I will not even realize they were there. But in someway they will
this day what it is. If each one of these people were removed from this picture, my world would instantly become quite and boring, and very lonely. Even though I don’t know them, they are very important in this day. None of them will celebrate my birthday with me or even know that this is a special day in my life. None the less, they are important. This thought reminds me of a day very similar to today. I was in this very same airport 2 years ago, different terminal. The sky was once again colorless. Out of nowhere it began to snow. As I moved up and down terminal 4, there were people I saw, but never saw. My eyes looked at them, but my mind made no attempt to remember them once I passed. I saw those who would board the plane with me, but I never saw who got on the plane with me. They were people who collided with my permanent world. After boarding our flight we were later informed that the flight was canceled. About 20 minuets later a lady I had seen but never saw board the plan was standing next to me. As our worlds collided something amazing happened. Our temporary was becoming permanent. We were both scheduled to fly flight 195 (I know it by heart because it’s the same flight I’ve taken for years) to Houston. Both were flying economy. But we had never seen each other. And now we stood side by side as our worlds came together for life. For the next 10 plus hours, our world became temporarily permanent. Wherever one went the other followed. Our world took us from London, to Newark and finally to Houston. When we arrived in Houston we agreed that we would take our temporarily permanent world and make it permanent.
Of course no one would point the question quite like that. But in fact for a very brief moment they are important to the rest of my life. One of them is bound to do something that I will think about later. Or maybe one will remind me of someone else. The later always seems to happen.
Before that April morning Jacinta Fredericks was non existent in my permanent world. But one day she collided with that world as a passerby. And by divine choice, she was chosen to become permanently a part of my life. I would have never guessed that out of the more than 200 passengers, sitting only God knows where on that flight, that my life would draw someone else into it. I have failed to mention a third person who was attached to the temporarily permanent moment. He too was a passenger on that BA flight 195. But in the confusion of the travel his existence in our world came and
went just as the thousands of other people that day. Every day we encounter people. We never know who will be temporary or permanent. While we may feel that we choose the people in our lives, divine providence orders everything. I know some people say it’s “chance” or “karma”. But what the fact is, none of us are completely in control of what happens. However, we do play an important part in the outcome. Jacinta and I didn’t become friends because we were two stranded passengers desperate to get to Houston. Instead, as we were faced with a series of frustrating moments, the character of each of us drew us to one another. We didn’t have signs painted across our chest that said, “Hi! I’m a Christian, are you?” LOL! But while people around us were cursing and getting angry, I kept saying that I was putting my faith in God to get me home. As I kept holding to that and sharing it, it encouraged her. There was no need to be ashamed of what shaped my permanent world, whether she believed in God or not. You see, I believe that in these moments of temporary worlds we can often be a great witness to people we will never see again. And on that Sunday morning of April 2008 I was determined to touch as many lives that collided with mine. Two years later in our permanent world, we have often encouraged each other or just shared in the joys of each others life. I can’t help but wonder, though, what would have happened if I had chosen to live my temporary life contrary to the expectancy of my permanent world. How many people claim to be permanent Christians but with temporary consistency. Yea, I know that does not even make sense. Or as some people would say, “that don’t make no kind of sense!” But many people try to live that way. They fail to realize that the people who enter the world temporarily can permanently be changed. You don’t choose the people who enter in and out of your world. God does. But how many of those people leave without getting the permanent change from a temporary moment. So as I scan this section of terminal 5, I see people that I may never see again. But I know that what I do at this moment can change temporary into a permanent encounter. Let us live our lives as if everyone who temporarily enter our world is meant to experience a permanent encounter. After all it is a part of being a witness.
Footsteps From A Journey A glimpse of the recent mission trip to East Africa. —Mel A. Perry
This past April I left for my usually “pilgrimage” to East Africa. Even though I have made this journey 7 times before, each time brings new and interesting events. Even if I take the same “safari” I’m bound to encounter new people, experience new adventures, and encounter moments that I’m never prepared for. The following is a photo footstep of my recent journey to Kenya and Tanzania
A youth service in Musoma, Tanzania 8
Bishop John greeting a Masaai elder
A Sunday service became a prayer and praise service
Traveling to the Kenyan highlands
The youth conference in Busia, Kenya
Ministering in a Kalenjin service. It took 2 interpreters
Visiting an orphanage in Butere, Kenya
Souls being baptized in Jesus name June
New Life Temple Ministries Words from our ministries
Ladies of the Light
Sis. Donna Stephens, Co-Director Ladies of the Light Ministry
concerns with the onset of retirement and even social concerns as friends and relatives die. Just the thought of such dramatic changes is a terrifying prospect to some.
Outreach Ministry
In the midst of all this, however, God promises that He will never change. Even though you experience many changes as you grow older, He will stay the same. The writer of Hebrews reminds us that "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever" (Heb. 13:8). Just as He saw you through the crises of youth and middle age, so He will see you through all the challenges of growing old. When your strength fails, just remember that He promises to carry you. When you feel trapped inside an aging body, remember that He who sustains you today will continue to bear you throughout all your days.
Hey Lord, got a minute! All the minutes in the world, of course you do. When I go looking for you, in a panic, I feel you have deserted me. I can’t feel you close. Where have you gone? “Only as far way as you’ve pushed me”, God said. “ I never pushed you away.” “How can I do that?” We push God away when we allow our life difficulties to get between you and God. Quote from Karon P. Goodman: “The problem is we don’t let go, we just keep getting in the way of what God is doing in our lives. We ask for help, then try to fix it our self.” This is what God says to us when we stop and ask for help. “Why won’t you let me help you, get out of the way. I don’t need your help. I can handle it with out you. Move. Trust me, lean on me and I will deliver my answer to you.” God has all the minutes in the world. We just need faith in him that he really cares and wants to help. Truly let go of it and let the Lord handle all of your cares. He will do just fine with out our help. Peace and blessing;
OUR OLD AGE 2010. The year of the census. Much effort and funds go into securing accurate data of our population. Although the main focus of the census is a count of the population, much more information about the characteristics of our population is obtained. The census questions will seek to solicit information on the age, sex, marital status, religion and educational characteristics of each person. The U.S. Census Bureau has declared the year 2020 as the beginning of the age of the elderly. The 65 and older segment of our population will increase from one in eight Americans today to one in six by that date and one in five by 2050. By the beginning of this new era, the nation's elderly will total 53.3 million—a 63 percent increase over the current elderly population of 33 million.
The God of the ages is also the God of the aged. Isaiah 46:4 reminds us, “Even to your old age, I am He, and even to gray hairs I will carry you! I have made, and I will bear; even I will carry, and will deliver you.” At the age of 65, I can attest to the goodness of my God in every situation in my life. I, as David, can say, “I have been young, and now am old; yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his descendants begging bread.” And that is my truth for this month.
Minister Edna Johnson, Outreach Director
It would appear that the United States is destined to become a nation of the aged. Yet the very thought of old age strikes fear in the hearts of many people—perhaps with good reason. Old age brings with it health concerns as the body deteriorates, financial 9
The purpose of New Life Temple Church is to instill the faith of Jesus Christ into the lives of all people, bringing them into spiritual perfection with a spirit of excellence.
Weekly Service Schedule
NLTC Ministry Leaders
Bishop Brenda K. Perry, Senior Pastor pastor@newlifetemplechurch.com
Sunday Sunday School! !
Pastor Steve Stephens, Associate Pastor Sunday Worship ! sstep72508@sbcglobal.net
Pastor Elmer Powell, Associate Pastor elmerpowell@sbcglobal.net
Donna Ross-Powell, Administrator
Statement of Faith
Wednesday Pastoral Bible Study!
Young People On Fire! !
Lela Chambers, Financial Manager office@newlifetemplechurch.com
Thursday Music Ministry! !
Mel A. Perry, Global Relations Director global_relations@newlifetemplechurch.com
Roy & Veronica Seivwright, Head Deacons rs5587@att.com
Intercessory Prayer!
Pastor Elmer & Cathy Powell, Marriage Min. elmerpowell@sbcglobal.net Isaac Bazile, Men of the Tower lawfalcon@aol.com
dwbates@msn.com 10
We believe in being born again of waterby immersion in the name of the Lord “Jesus� Christ for the remission of sins, and in Spirit baptism of the Holy Ghost speaking in other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance.
We believe in presenting our bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God.
Pastor Raymond & Capricious Wright, Young People On Fire
David Bates, Outreach
We believe that - in Him (Jesus) dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. For it pleased the Father that in Him should all fullness dwell.
We believe in divine healing, communion and foot washing.
Donna Stephens & Mary Colemon, Ladies of the Light dmstep2003@yahoo.com
Towanna Thompson, Perfecting Light Ministry towanna10@sbcglobal.net
We believe this one true God, who revealed Himself as Father in Creation, as Son in redemption, and as Holy Ghost in regeneration.
We believe in the death, burial and resurrection.
! !
We believe in one eternal God; infinite in power, holy in nature, attributes and purpose, as well as omniscient and omnipresent.
New Life Temple Church 4828 Almeda Genoa Houston, TX 77048
We believe in expressions of praise with lifted hands, hand clapping, playing of musical instruments, voice of praise and dancing.
713.991.5972 www.newlifetemplechurch.com