1 minute read
Hello, how are you?
I sometimes feel that my day-today life is boring. I wake up early, do my morning rituals, and work through the to-do list that I set the day before. There are days when I feel like I'm drowning in meaningless tasks and become angry with myself.
I also get bombarded with philosophical questions like "What is the meaning of life?" or "What do you want to do with your life?" These might be the most complicated questions in life, and maybe there are many more questions after that. The answer can't be summed up in only one sentence and might require a long page. If you can't answer it today, no problem.
However, it's a good thing to wrestle with such a question during your midnight session.
InthisshortPDF,Iwanttosharemy thoughtsandabitofresearchabout thethoughtprocessofhowImake senseofmyeverydaylife.
Ican'tpromisethatafterreadingthis anddoingsomeexercises,you'llhave everythingtogether,obviouslynot. However,it'sasinglestepforyouto bebetterandimproveyoureveryday life.