Trend report AW15 Womenswear

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Mel Wallis N0427213 Fashion Communication and Promotion FASH20032 Module: Promotion and Context

Fig 1. Front Cover. Fig 2. Own Image



Alchemical Renaissance Alchemy (330) Ă? the study of the composition of waters, movement, growth, embodying and disembodying, drawing the spirits from bodies and bonding the spirits within bodies. - Zosimos, 300 AD An ancient path of spiritual purification and transformation, steeped in mysticism and mystery, it is the process of taking something ordinary and turning it in to something extraordinary, sometimes in a way that cannot be explained. Not only about transmutation, but the shift in consciousness and development of insight and intuition that returns us from the physical to the non-physical. The first of these objectives may be called scientific, the second technological. Suddenly mythology is a relevant source of inspiration. The age of information is upon us. We must consider the past, but look to the unknown to enable us to move forward.


George Orwell’s famous ‘1984’ dystopian novel popularised the big brother concept, creating a totalitarianism view. Increase in the use of drones sees a need for increased privacy control. Whilst generation Y are becoming reacquainted with the benefits of anonymity online, Generation Z’s memories will have been documented from day 1 resulting in a generation more likely to be worried about the future. If internet will be a human right by 2025, the whole world will be able to access our personal information.

Fig 3. Reverence. Fig 4. Enceladus


We no longer want to be a passenger but a director of our own lives. Transparent materials will be given opaque qualities mimicking the alternating play of transparencies found in the natural iceberg. Patterns draw inspiration from Tokujin Yoshioka’s famous crystallised sculptures whilst colours will offer a breath of fresh air drifting from ice cold hues to warm and woody tones.


Fig 5. Atmospheric Reentry

Fig 6. Ocular 84 Inspiration



Fig 7. Ocular 84 Shape

The ever changing environment introduces organic appeal, as doubts about the future and our ageing world give us anxiety, we clamp to nature in order to cover these doubts. Learning how to downscale and concentrate; today sees the rebirth of asceticism where people choose to live a normal, simple life. Aligning with the ancient Japanese wabisabi philosophy; the rugged and the beautiful live together and have a purpose, the way nature intended.

Fig 8. Aristolochia. Fig 9. Titania Inglis


Inspired by organic shapes created with perfect symmetry and balance, the silhouettes pay homage to nature as the ultimate architect. Volume is created through strong biomorphic fabric manipulations.Botanical plants, foliage and delicate leaf veins are suggested through luxurious applications and mixed-media prints. Cocoon, wrap yourself up in your favorite knit and take shelter.


Fig 10. Own Image


Fig 11. Organic Imploration Inspiration


Fig 12. Organic Imploration Shape

The information age is provoking a generation of prodigies that are educated by the internet. Tech is permeating everything we do. Objects, spaces and wearables are designed through algorithms and information systems. Materials can be generated and modified as digital media. We have created more data last year than we have done in the last ten years. The digital and offline worlds are converging; how can we embrace tech without losing humanity?

Fig 13. Futuristic. Fig 14. Oak NYC


A smooth graduation of tones represents blurring between the online and offline worlds; skip through to see contrasting elements reflected in the extremities of the colour palette; leaping from obsidian black to frosted white. Expect to see digital and 3D prints juxtaposed with raw materials and handmade quality.


Fig 15. MA Work. Fig 16. Through Glass

Fig 17. Hi-Confluence Inspiration



Fig 18. Hi-Confluence Shape

Materialism is a spectre haunting Western society. Sickened by our culture of wasteful consumption, we have gorged ourselves on life; access replaces ownership, experience supplants product and valuable becomes an intangible measure. Overconsumption isn’t making us happier, it’s bad for the planet, cluttering our homes and making us feel ‘stuffocated’. As we become more urban we need to look at things that take up space; nano manufacturing could mean infinite microscopic resources for the future.

Fig 19. Origami. Fig 20. Paint


A cacophonous colour chart featuring rainbow hues and stark prismatic graphic prints will capture the essence of this trend. Clashing and layering will create voluminous shapes that exaggerate the natural form.

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Fig 21. Old Tat. Fig 22. Sweet Sixteen

Fig 23. Stuffocation Inspiration

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Fig 24. Stuffocation Shape

De-extinction is the act of reviving previously extinct species through the use of genetic technology. Gaining ground due to advances in genetic sequencing, scientists have already started work sourcing DNA from fossils to create clones. Once it succeeds the techniques will be applicable to hundreds of species, marking a ground-breaking new gateway between nature and technology. There is a reconsideration of the past and the creation of new products for imagined worlds and futures that may once have seemed improbable. Extinct creatures and wild landscapes but reconstructed with a futuristic twist.

Fig 25. Christian Dior. Fig 26. Fossil Shell


A prehistoric aesthetic will begin to incorporate spherical structures that mimic fossils and other natural forms, whilst juxtaposing natural materials with iridescent coatings will create a contemporary feel when combined with the revival of past trends and a seventies mindset.


Fig 27. Image Manipulation

Fig 28. Realised Eschatology Inspiration



Fig 29. realised Eschatology Shape

The anthropic principle is the law of human existence, our presence in this universe depends on numerous cosmological constants. If even a single variable were off, we would not exist. Originating from a fascination with the sea, a desire to know more has progressed in to a stronger curiosity of the universe and the unknown. The one way ticket to Mars and creation of future colonies highlight this obsession, encouraging people to think one day existence may be possible beyond this planet.

Fig 30. Macrotography. Fig 31. Brush Stroke


Nebulaic visuals and mystical colours will leave a bewildered sensation. Embroidered elements add volume whilst representing the growing possibilities in outer space. Perspex and organza mirror the fluidity and vastness of the unknown and through thermos-sensitive coatings and holographic yarns spectrum effects will transform the colour palette.


Fig 32. Dion Lee

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Fig 33. Un-anthropic Inspiration


Fig 34. Un-anthropic Shape

List of Illustrations Fig 1. Front cover – see below for references Fig 2. Own image (2015) Shapes [digital] Fig 3. Bibi & Jacob (2014) Reverence for Lone Wolf Magazine [photograph] available at: http://www.blok.koty2. com/reverence-editorial-lone-wolf-magazine/ [accessed 24th March 2015] Fig 4. Parker,A (2012) Enceladus Diffusion moodboard [collage] available at: tumblr_lnamqgFwLr1qailxjo1_500.jpg [accessed 10th May 2015] Fig 5. Takeda,M (2013) Atmospheric Reentry [photograph] available [accessed 12th May 2015] Fig 6. Moodboard. Clockwise from left to right: Wagner,P (2014) Existence Megatrends [photograph] available at: [accessed 12th May 2015] Birdu,V (2013) Elemental [photograph] available at: [accessed 12th May 2015] Chong,V (2013) Clothing inspired by architecture [photograph] available at: http:// [accessed 12th May 2015] Siemer,V (2014) Geometric Reflections in Landscapes Create Abstract Realities - My Modern Metropolis [photograph] available at: [accessed 12th May 2015] Bundenko,A & Vyguzov,J (2013) Surrealist Fashion Collages [collage & photograph] available at: [accessed 12th May 2015] Támová,K (2014) Exclusive for Sicky Magazine [photograph] available at: [accessed 12th May 2015] Nakanishi,N (2013) layered landscapes [photograph] available at: http://beautifuldecay. com/2013/10/29/nobuhiro-nakanishis-mesmerizing-layered-landscapes/ [accessed 12th May 2015] Own Image (2015) Kaleidoscope Print [digital] Fig 7. Moodboard. Clockwise from left to right: Cubillan,J (2014) White winged liner [photograph] available at: [accessed 12th May 2015] House,N (2010) Pamukkale Natural pool [photograph] available at: [accessed 12th May 2015] Birdu,V (2013) Elemental [photograph] available at: gallery/ELEMENTAL/5229769 [accessed 12th May 2015] MMM (2013) Maison Martin Margiela Mask [photograph] available at: [accessed 12th May 2015] Masha,M (2014) Ready to wear [photograph] available at: [accessed 12th May 2015] Wagner,P (2014) Existence Megatrends [photograph] available at: [accessed 12th May 2015] Baldi,B. (2014) Art [photograph & painting] available at: [accessed 12th May 2015] Nagashima,R (2013) Be Noisy [photograph] available at: http://www. [accessed 12th May 2015] Fig 8. Blossfeldt,K (1975) Aristolochia Clematitis [photograph] available at: Collections/search-the-collections/190013685?rpp=20&pg=1&ft=*&who=Karl+Blossfeldt&pos=1 [accessed 12th May 2015] Fig 9. Comita,J (2015) Titania Inglis [photograph] available at: [accessed 12th May 2015] Fig 10. Own Image (2015) Nature Girl [photograph] Fig 11. Moodboard. Clockwise from left to right: Fashion as Art - sculptural dress with intricate structure and symmetry, inspired by micro organisms; innovative 3D fashion // Iris Van Herpen [accessed 14th May 2015] Bon-Chang,G (2013) Woman in Folk Painting [photograph] available at:

woman-in-folk-painting-vogue-korea.html [accessed 15th May 2015] Reva,M (2012) Botanical Layers [photograph] available at: [accessed 14th May 2015] Riveriego,M (2013) Ashley Olsen and Mary-Kate Olsen Covers The Edit [photograph] available at: http:// [accessed 14th May 2015] Cameo (2014) From Australia with Love [photograph] available at: fashion-2/ [accessed 14th May 2015] Wang,U (2011) Fall Winter [photograph] available at: http://knitgrandeur. [accessed 14th May 2015] Dress with Sculptural Flowers - fabric manipulation & surface creation for fashion; textiles inspiration // “Sleeping Beauties” Collection, Marius Janusauskas [accessed 15th May 2015] Gentenaar,P (2012) Like leaves in the wind [sculpture & photograph] available at: [accessed 10th April 2015] Fig 12. Moodboard. Clockwise from left to right: Bon-Chang,G (2013) Woman in Folk Painting [photograph] available at: [accessed 15th May 2015] Michel,F (2013) Silver fearns and leaves [photograph] available at: horticultural_art/8623606628/in/contacts/ [accessed 15th May 2015] Nicholls,C (2011) Hyoni Kang for Flare [photograph] available at: [accessed 13th May 2015] Marni (2015) Panelled dress with textured floral embellishment; fashion details [photograph] available at: pt6moL9_p7_ [accessed 10th March 2015] Semenov,P (2014) pamukkale texture [photograph] available at: http:// [accessed 15th May 2015] Hammersmith,R (2014) Now this is knitting [photograph] available at: [accessed 14th May 2015] Cameo (2014) From Australia with Love [photograph] available at: [accessed 19th April 2015] Valli,G (2013) Prints & patterns in to Paris catwalks [photograph] available at: http://www.patternprintsjournal. com/2013/01/prints-and-patterns-into-paris-catwalks_31.html [accessed 15th May 2015] Fig 13. Arocena,M & Benitzex,L (2013) Futuristic Geometric Dresses [photograph] available at: http://www. [accessed 9th April 2015] Fig 14. Draxler,K (2014) Oak NYC [photograph & digital] available at: category/fashion-2/ [accessed 18th May 2015] Fig 15. Roberts-Wood,K (2015) MA Work [photograph] available at: [accessed 18th May 2015] Fig 16. Miralles,J (2013) - Photograph through glass [photograph] available at: gallery/-2013/7380759 [accessed 18th May 2015] Fig 17. Moodboard. Clockwise from left to right: McQueen,A (2011) Explosion Space [photograph] available at: [accessed 18th May 2015] Van Hepen,I (2013) Voltage [photograph] available at: [accessed 18th May 2015] Félix,A (2014) Experimental Photography and Illustration work [photograph] available at: [accessed 1st May 2015] Pugh,G (2014) AW Collection [photograph] available at: http:// [accessed 18th May 2015] Van Hepen,I (2013) Voltage [photograph] available at: [accessed 18th May 2015] Bowker,L (2014) The Unseen Emporium [photograph] available at: https:// [accessed 18th May 2015] Raviv,N (2014) Graduate Collection [photograph] available at: [accessed 17th March 2015] Own Image (2015) Kaleidoscopic Print [digital] Fig 18. Moodboard. Clockwise from left to right: Langkjaer,J (2013) Watercolour Light [photograph] available at: source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+FashionGoneRogue+%28Fashion+Gone+Rogue%29 [accessed

17th April 2015] Raviv,N (2014) Graduate Collection [photograph] available at: trendwatch-3d-printed-fashion-collection/ [accessed 10th Feb 2015] Hadid,Z (2005) Detail of the BMW Central Building [photograph] available at: [accessed 10th December 2014] McCarthy,L (2013) Rachael Entwhistle’s Alchemy [photograph] available at: [accessed 1st January 2015] Poulter,R (2012) InFlux [photograph] available at: my-printed-scarf-now-available-to-buy.html [accessed 18th May 2015] Van Herpen,I (2011) Capriole Haute Couture [3-D print] available at: [accessed 18th May 2015] Draxler,K (2014) Oak NYC [photograph & digital] available at: category/fashion-2/ [accessed 18th May 2015] Malik,N (2015) extra-dimensional [digital photograph] available at: [accessed 17th March 2015] Fig 19. Butler,F (2015) My Little Pony & Origami Womenswear [photograph] available at: http:// [accessed 9th May 2015] Fig 20. Davis,M (2011) Neon Paint Splatter [digital] available at: N03/3879074737 [accessed 19th May 2015] Fig 21. Roadjanarungtong,T (2015) Old Tat Magazine [photograph] available at: [accessed 19th May 2015] Fig 22. Ergil,B (2015) Sweet Sixteen [photograph] available at: [accessed 19th May 2015] Fig 23. Moodboard. Clockwise from left to right: Yeashin,K (2012) Pom-Pom Coat [photograph] available at: [accessed 18th May 2015] McDean,C (2010) Sasha Pivovarova for Interview Magazine [photograph] available at: my-space/#more-73803 [accessed 18th May 2015] Own Image (2015) Paint Splatter [digital] Fydrych,E (2013) Graduate Fashion Week [photograph] available at: [accessed 16th May 2015] Carletta,L (2015) Imaginary Friend [photograph] available at: [accessed 16th May 2015] Butler,F (2015) Fashion Week [photograph] available at: [accessed 18th May 2015] McDean,C (2010) Sasha Pivovarova for Interview Magazine [photograph] available at: [accessed 19th May 2015] Wolf,M (2013) architecture of density [photograph] available at:http://www. [accessed 19th May 2015] Fig 24. Moodboard. Clockwise from left to right: Scott,J (2015) Charlotte Free backstage [photograph] available at: [accessed 19th May 2015] Sälekari,S (2014) Collection [photograph] available at: [accessed 19th May 2015] Katrantzou,M (2013) SS13 [photograph] available at: http://voyagerrr.tumblr. com/post/32218318822/mary-katrantzou-spring-2013 [accessed 19th May 2015] Wolf,M (2014) Bizarre photos will forever destroy your childhood love of toys [photograph] available at: http://www.huffingtonpost. com/2014/01/23/michael-wolf-photography_n_4638712.html [accessed 15th May 2015] Butler,F (2012) Spring Summer 2012 [photograph] available at: [accessed 19th May 2015] Briggie,C (2012) Infusions [photograph] available at: https://allwewantiseverything.wordpress. com/tag/colors/ [accessed 16th May 2015] Scarf,M (2011) Vogue Girl Korea [photograph] available at: http:// [accessed 16th May 2015] Chanel (2015) Spring Ready-to-Wear [photograph] available at: spring-2015-ready-to-wear/chanel/collection [accessed 7th March 2015] Fig 25. Colombo,L (2015) christian dior ss15 plastic [photograph] available at: fashion/gallery/19192/8/christian-dior-haute-couture-ss15 [accessed 18th April 2014]

Fig 26. Namur,G (2012) Shell Fossil [photograph] available at: inspirational/the-journey-of-gentleness/attachment/shell-fossil-microsoft-clip-art-public-domain/ [accessed 1st March 2015] Fig 27. Image Manipulation; Anon (2014) Silhouette [photograph] available at: post/88596124203 [accessed 18th May 2015] Chulkova,Y (2013) Wearable anatomy [photograph] available at: [accessed 20th April 2015] Rae,N (2010) Graduate Collection [photograph] available at: [accessed 19th May 2015] Fig 28. Moodboard. Clockwise from left to right: Miralles,J (2015) Digitally Manipulates And Transforms The Human Figure Into A New State Of Being [photograph & digital] available at: http://beautifuldecay. com/2015/04/21/januz-miralles-digitally-manipulates-transforms-human-figure-new-state/ [accessed 13th May 2015] Colombo,L (2015) Hanne Gaby Odiele backstage at Dries Van Noten [photograph] available at: http:// [accessed 20th May 2015] Cavalli,R (2014) Fashion Week [photograph] available at: [accessed 19th May 2015] Vilstrup,S (2014) Neo Folk: Olga Maliouk For Glamour Italia [photograph] available at: [accessed 2nd May 2015] Luthy,R (2013) Tropics Magazine [photograph] available at: http://’humanitaire-a-un-visage [accessed 20th May 2015] Rodner Carr,B (2015) Return to Woodstock [photograph] available at: [accessed 9th April 2015] Roemer,D (2014) lily aldridge for s moda [photograph] available at: [accessed 19th May 2015] Anon (1973) Original Retro Wallpaper [photograph] available at: ae22e4c9ca155c714bb5262ae6f7c5b854f17917 [accessed 18th May 2015] Fig 29. Moodboard. Clockwise from left to right: Pucci,E (2015) Ready to wear Collection [photograph] available at: collection/15 [accessed 14th May 2015] Arcaro,V (2015) Iris Van Herpen AW15 Dazed backstage [photograph] available at: [accessed 14th May 2015] Gucci (2015) Fashion Show Milan Backstage [photograph] available at: gucci-ss15-fashion-show-milan-backstage [accessed 14th May 2015] Peripetie,M (2013) Fashion, Sculpture and the Human Body [photograph] available at: [accessed 10th March 2015] Westrem,D (1972) Original retro wallpaper & vinyl [photograph] available at: [accessed 18th May 2015] Draxler,J (2013) Imaginal Cells [collage & photograph] available at: [accessed 1st March 2015] Birdu,V (2013) Elemental [photograph] available at: ELEMENTAL/5229769 [accessed 10th May 2015] Chulkova,Y (2013) Wearable anatomy [photograph] available at: [accessed 29th April 2015] Fig 30. Briggie,C (2015) Macrotography [photograph] available at: content/board_viewer/#/56968/page/4 [accessed 11th May 2015] Fig 31. Anon (2015) Paint Brush Stroke [digital] available at: [accessed 1st May 2015] Fig 32. Lee,D (2012) Look Book + Campaign [photograph] available at: Dion-Lee-Transit-Spring-Summer-2013-Campaign-Sneak-Peek-Look-Book-shot-Bowen-Arico-25496426#photo-25496472 [accessed 17th May 2015] Fig 33. Moodboard. Clockwise from left to right: Stevie & Mada (2012) Nicola Haffmans for LA Confidential [photograph] available at: [accessed 2nd March 2015] Brown,F (2011) Autumn Winter Collection [photograph] available at: [accessed 12th May 2015] Weissbach,H (2014) High Class Robbery

[photograph] available at: [accessed 15th May 2015] Lennox,B (2011) sculptural fashion; design multiplication; wearable art [photograph] available at: http:// [accessed 17th Feb 2015] Wells,H (2014) Patterns and organic details in to beautiful abstract watercolours [painting] available at: http://www.patternprintsjournal. com/2014/09/patterns-and-organic-details-into.html [accessed 19th May 2015] Phalip, M (2014) Glitch [digital illustration] available at: [accessed 14th May 2015] Fig 34. Moodboard. Clockwise from left to right: Van Vurren,J (2012) Floating Gracefully Beneath the Water’s Surface [photograph] available at: [accessed 12th Feb 2015] McGrath T&P (2012) How to get the eye make-up look from the Dior show [photograph] available at: html?_r=0 [accessed 16th May 2015] Arora,M (2015) Paris Spring 2015 [photograph] available at: http://www. [accessed 10th May 2015] Takeda,M (2013) Atmospheric Reentry [photograph] available at: [accessed 16th May 2015] McQueen,A (2010) Plato’s Atlantis [photograph] available at: post/25708670646/alexander-mcqueen-s-s-2010-rtw-platos-atlantis [accessed 20th May 2015] Arcas, A (2014) Framboise Fashion [photograph] available at: [accessed 20th May 2015] Shar,A (2013) Fusion Escalator [photograph] available at: [accessed 20th May 2015] Bartley,L (2014) Lexi Boling for Numero China [photograph] available at: [accessed 13th March 2015]

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