Missionary Society
Redemption in Tacumbu Prison The Prison ministry of Dino Ortiz in Ascunci贸n Paraguay
Volume 23
July - August
Our Purpose & Passion “‘For from the rising of the sun even to its setting, My Name will be great among the nations, and in every place incense is going to be offered to My Name, and a grain offering that is pure; for My Name will be great among the nations,’ says the Lord of hosts.” - Malachi 1:11 The chief end of all mission work is the Glory of God. Our greatest concern is that His Name be great among the nations, from the rising to the setting of the sun (Malachi 1:11). We find our great purpose and constant motivation, not in man or his needs, but in God, His commitment to His own glory and our God-given desire to see Him glorified in every nation, tribe, people and language. Although HeartCry recognizes the great importance of sending missionaries from the West to the unevangelized peoples throughout the world, we believe that we are led of the Lord to support native or national missionaries so that they may evangelize their own peoples. Therefore, we seek to work with godly men and women of integrity and vision in the unreached world to help them evangelize and plant Churches among their own peoples.
Our Principles * While we recognize that the needs of mankind are many and his sufferings are diverse, we believe that they all spring from a common origin - the fall of man and the corruption of his own heart. Therefore, we believe that the greatest benefit to mankind can be accomplished through the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the establishment of churches that preach the Word of God and minister according to its commands, precepts, and wisdom. * Every need of this ministry will be obtained through prayer. We may share our missionary vision with others and even make known to them the specific tasks which the Lord has laid on our heart to do, but we may not raise support through prodding or manipulating our brothers and sisters in Christ. If this ministry is of the Lord, then He will be our Patron. If He is with us, He will direct His people to give and we will prosper. If He is not with us, we will not and should not succeed. * We intend to never enlarge our field of labor by contracting debts. This is contrary to both the letter and the spirit of the New Testament. In secret prayer, God helping us, we will carry the needs of this ministry to the Lord and act according to the direction that He gives. * We will not compete with other biblical mission agencies, but use the resources that God has given to us to work in partnership with them. If the Lord directs, we will sacrifice our own goals and resources that other mission works may be helped and the Kingdom of God increased. * In meeting any need, those of us who are supported financially by this ministry will be the first to sacrifice all things necessary for the advancement of His Kingdom. * We will not measure the success of this ministry by the amount of money given, Bibles distributed or national missionaries supported, but by the Lord’s blessing on the work. * Our Goal is not to enlarge ourselves, or to become a key figure in the Great Commission, but to be faithful and obedient stewards by the grace that is given to us. That men may see our weakness and glorify God for His strength; that they may see our inability and glorify God for His faithfulness.
Young inmates in Tacumbu prison transformed by the power of God. In the last few years, countless young inmates like these have turned this lives over to Christ!
From the Director: Paul Washer encourages us to keep our eyes focused upon God and His kingdom of righteousness. An Oasis in Tacumbu Prison: A reporter from a secular newspaper in Asunción Paraguay testifies to the power of the Gospel in the middle of one of the worse prisons in Paraguay. Dino’s Report. HeartCry missionary Dino Ortiz testifies to the wonderful works of God in Tacumbu prison. Testimonies to the Grace of God. The testimonies of prisoners who have been converted under the preaching of the Gospel. God’s Artist. One of the Christian inmates of Tacumbu prison wins a national art award and gives the glory to God. Always in Need of Prayer. Although God is working miracles in Tacumbu prison, prayer is always a priority.. Winning Them One at a Time. HeartCry missionary Florencio Churata tells us about the young converts coming to Christ through the preaching of the Gospel. Rogelio Acea. One of the “special people” in the HeartCry ministry shares how grace is able to transform even the most humble servant into an instrument of God. A New HeartCry Missionary. Gloria Martínez has joined the HeartCry Missionary Society as an indigenous missionary in the north of Peru. She will be working with women and children, under the direction of Angel and Efigenia Colmenares.
Hallowed be Your Name! Your Kingdom Come! Your Will be Done!
From the Director HeartCry director Paul Washer (center) with seminary student Brad White (left) and a Peruvian pastor during a Bible conference in the high northern Andes.
Is Your Eye Clear? “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. The eye is the lamp of the body; so then if your eye is clear, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light that is in you is darkness, how great is the darkness! No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth. Matthew 6:19-24 The above passage is one of the most important in the Bible with regard to Christian priorities and missions. According to this Scripture, the Christian is to be on constant guard in order not to stray from eternal priorities. Two choices are always before us. One choice, offers immediate rewards that are temporal and deceptive. The other is a narrow road which may cost a us everything, but the rewards are eternal and beyond the ability of even Scripture to describe.
God’s Treasure If we know that which is most treasured by God, then we need not look very far to discover that which should be most treasured by us. For God’s treasure and our treasure should be one and the same. This is the very thing that made the life of Jesus so very different from the life of every other man. He treasured only what His Father treasured. May God grant us the grace to do the same. What is it that God cares about most? With only a cursory reading of the Scripture it is quickly discovered that God’s priority is His own Glory. He desires that every aspect of His being, attributes and works be made know to creation and that all praise and honor be ascribed only to Him. Consider the following Scriptures: “For from the rising of the sun even to its setting, My name will be great among the nations.” Malachi 1:11 “Pray, then, in this way: ‘Our Father who is in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.’” Matthew 6:9-10
It is God’s great desire or treasure to see His Name held in highest esteem among not only the nations, but all creatures in heaven and on earth. At first sight this may appear self-center, but first sights are often very deceptive. For God to seek His glory above all other things and for Him to desire that His Name be highly esteemed among the nations is one of the greatest demonstration of His lovingkindness. The depth of one’s love is often demonstrated by the costliness of the gift they give. If someone was to give you a twig or a small fragment of gravel, it would not be an overwhelming demonstration of love. You would not rush out to alert the media, nor would you gather your friends about you to tell them of the indescribable lovingkindness that someone had shown you. It would not be something that you remembered very long, much less, that you held close to your heart all the days of your life. But if someone gave their life that you might live, this would indeed warrant such a reaction. It would be a story worth the media’s time and your friends would most likely want to hear all about it. You would treasure the act of lovingkindness all the days of your life. So then, the measure of one’s love is often manifested by the greatness of one’s gift. What is the greatest gift that God could ever give? It is not prosperity, health, or even heaven. He Himself is the greatest gift. The most loving thing that God can do for His creatures is to work in such a way so as to reveal or demonstrate the fullness of His glory to them - to take center stage and call all creatures to fix their eyes and hearts upon Him. For this very reason when God does what He does for His own glory it is the greatest of all demonstrations of His lovingkindness. The adverse of this is equally true. The most destitute and pitiful of all creatures, are those who do not know God, who are unaware of His glory and cut off from His truth. The Scriptures declare that God has placed eternity in the hearts of men. This infinite aspect of the heart of man can only be filled by the infinite. Man may pour into his heart all the fame, wealth, power and pleasure that this world has to offer, but he will still be empty. Eternity cannot be filled up with the temporal, and infinity cannot be filled by the infinite. Man’s heart was made for the full measure of God’s glory. Apart from this man is destitute, miserable and empty. In summary, God’s treasure, great desire and goal is that His Name be great among the nations, that His Name be hallowed (highly esteemed), that His Kingdom come, and that His Will be done! Is this ours? We have been known to lay awake at night worried about so many things. We have been known to fret and be anxious about so many things. We have been know to desire things passionately, fanatically, even to the point of obsession. House and lands, jobs and promotion, fame and reputation, needs and wants and countless other things. But when was the last time that sleep escaped us because of our concern for the nations that have not heard? When was the last time that our hearts broke because there are places on this earth where God’s Name is not hallowed, His kingdom is not advancing and His will is not being obeyed. We fret and sweat about so many things,
but do we ever give any thought to that which is most on the mind of God.
Christ’s Warning “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.” This verse, Jesus is calling for a radical decision on the part of His disciples to repent of their earthly materialism and turn their hearts toward God and His kingdom. Although Scripture speaks of wealth as neither good nor bad, it does warn us that the love of wealth is a great evil (I Timothy 6:10), and that the seeking and hoarding of wealth will only lead to loss and shame on the day of judgement (James 5:2-3). Regardless of the warnings that run throughout Scripture, it seems that the desire for wealth is God’s greatest competitor for the hearts of men. It is ironic that although most people spend most of their time, “treasuring treasures,” very few ever really “possess treasures.” And those rare individuals who actually do obtain their treasures here on earth, quickly grow tired of them once they are obtained. Is it not a very foolish thing to trade the glorious gifts of God for earthly treasures that we rarely do obtain, and if by chance we do obtain them, we quickly grow tired of them? Name one thing on this earth that is highly coveted by men and we can quickly assess it’s true value with one simple question: “Is it eternal?” If yes, it is worthy of being obtained even at the expense of all other things. If not, its worth is equivalent to the dust into which it will turn. To seek for it is a pathetic waste of a human life.
Christ’s Admonition “But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal.” The Scriptures do not speak against treasure or the pursuit of treasure, but it does speak against foolishly wasting the life God has given us in the vain pursuit of things that have no eternal value and can never fill the infinite desire of a heart made for eternity. In Isaiah 55:2, the Scripture shakes it head in bewilderment at men who seek for the temporal at the expense of the eternal: “Why do you spend money for what is not bread, And your wages for what does not satisfy?” Isaiah 55:2 Nothing except the will of God can fill a man. The only treasure worth having is that which is eternal; that which comes from God, and is found by doing His will, living for His glory and seeking after His Kingdom. Has God not promised to care for us? Has He not promised to meet our every need? Has He not shown Himself capable and willing to fill His
children with blessing and to not withhold from them one good thing? Why then, do we put earthly pursuits a head of the pursuit of God and God’s pursuits. Our one obligation is also our only means of truly living an abundant and satisfied life - “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.” Heaven and earth shall pass away, the inferior products of this world will burn up in the fire as hay, wood and stubble. But the man who does the will of God will abide forever and his works will stand throughout eternity. There will be no regrets in heaven for having lived “too much” for the kingdom of God, but we can be assured that there will be regrets for having lived “so little.”
The Undeniable Truth “For where you treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Every so often in Scripture, we are confronted by certain statements that open our hearts and reveal the truth about our character and desires. The verse above is one of those statements. Regardless of how often or forcefully we declare that God and His kingdom are our greatest desire, the true desire of our life is revealed by such small questions: Where is our heart? What occupies our thoughts above all other things? What do we long for? Can we say in truth that it is God and His kingdom that have our heart? What if a stranger who did not know of our Christian confession watched our lives and read our thoughts? Would he be convinced that God and His kingdom were our two great priorities and the treasures we longed for? Would he hear almost constant conversation about the mercies of God and the advancement of His kingdom? Would he hear us pray with passion for the unevangelized nations? Would he see us passing a sleepless night because God’s Name is not highly esteemed among all peoples, because His Kingdom has not covered the entire earth and because His will is not obeyed or even known by the great majority of men? If most were honest, we would be forced to admit that he would hear us speaking about houses and lands, cars and toys, recreations and hobbies. He would see us obsessed with worldly worries, wants and pleasures. He would hear very little about God in our daily conversation, would see little activity directed toward the advancement of the kingdom, and would think it preposterous if we claimed our treasure to be in heaven!
Clear Eyes The eye is the lamp of the body; so then if your eye is clear, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light that is in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!
In saying that the “eye is the lamp of the body,” Jesus is not giving us instructions in human physiology, but rather is teaching us about the great influence our desires have on our lives. Our body goes where our eyes are focused, and our eyes focus on what our heart desires. If our heart desires worldly things, then worldly things will be our focus, and the very things we pursue. But if our heart truly desires the things of God, then our eyes will be fixed on them and we will pursue them with a passion. The clear eye has a single vision without confusion or duplicity. A.T. Robertson writes, “If our eyes are healthy we see clearly and with a single focus. If the eyes are diseased (bad, evil), cross-eyed or cockeyed, we see double and confuse our vision. We keep one eye on the hoarded treasures of earth and roll the other proudly up to heaven.” As disciples of Jesus Christ, we are called to singleness of heart and purpose. We are to seek first the Kingdom of God and entrust all our worldly needs to the Master. He knows what we need before we ask Him and is disposed to do good things for His children.
Two Masters No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth. Jesus taught a great deal about money. The reason is simple: In this fallen world, money seems to be God’s greatest competitor for the hearts of men. If by grace, a man has freed himself from the love and pursuit of wealth, he has opened himself to the possibility of undivided devotion to God. Fallen man is a slave to someone. The question is not whether or not a man is a slave, but whose slave is he?. Some men are enslaved to other men, some to themselves, others to inanimate objects such as money, others to vain pursuit, and still others to deceitful pleasure. Christ calls us to turn away from slavery to such evil taskmasters and turn to the One whose compassion and tender mercies have no end. One of the most important truths revealed in this Scripture is that it is IMPOSSIBLE to serve both wealth and God at the same time. The Expositor’s Bible Commentary concludes: “Both God and money are portrayed, not as employers, but as slave owners. A man may work for two employers; but since ‘single ownership and full time service are the very essence of slavery’ (Tasker), he cannot serve two slave owners. Either God is served with a single-eyed devotion, or he is not served at all. Attempts at divided loyalty betray, not partial commitment to discipleship, but deep-seated commitment to idolatry.”
Your brother,
Paul David Washer
An Eye Exam Christ calls us to make radical choices between two treasures (rewards on earth or rewards in heaven), two visions (focus on the earthly or on the heavenly), and two masters (worldly riches or God). In the following, is prepared a brief exam to determine the focus of our lives. Answer the questions sincerely and pray for the grace to make the necessary changes:
How often are your thoughts directed towards the person of God, His glory and His praise? 1.
Does Psalm 42:1 reflect your own desire to seek after God? “As the deer pants for the water brooks, so my soul pants for You, O God”.......................................................
Does Psalm 27:4 reflect your own passion for being in God’s presence? “One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to enquire in his temple”....................................
Does Psalm 145:5 reflect your own daily thought life? “On the glorious splendor of Your majesty and on Your wonderful works, I will meditate”........................................
Does Psalm 63:6 reflect your own thoughts before sleep? “When I remember You on my bed, I meditate on You in the night watches”...................................................................
Do you set aside personal time for meeting with God through Bible study, prayer and worship?.............................
How much of Matthew 15:8 is reflected in your life during public worship times? “This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me”...............................
How often do you pray for God’s name to be hallowed among the nations, for His kingdom to come and for His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:910)?.................................................................................................
How often do you pray for the Lord to sent forth missionaries to the unevangelized people groups of the world (Matthew 9:38)?.........................................................................
How often do you make entreaties, prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that there might be peace and an open door for the preaching of the Gospel to all men (I Timothy 2:1-4)...........................................................................
How much of your monthly finances are designated to missions?....................................................................................
How often do you share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with another person?.........................................................................
How great is your concern for the advancement of God’s kingdom among the nations? 1.
Redemption in
Tacumbu Prison
An Oasis in Tacumbu
HeartCry Missionary Dino Ortiz has been working in the prison of Tacumbu for the last three years. In that time, God has used him to carry the Gospel to countless inmates. The following article was written by Juan Pablo Rojo after a visit he made to the prison of Tacumbu. Rojo is a secular newspaper reporter in Asunción, the capital city of Paraguay. The article is a testimony to the power of God and to the faithfulness of Christians such as Dino, who give their lives to rescue the perishing in one of the darkest of places. We hope the article will be as great a blessing to you as it is to us. In the prison of Tacumbu, there was an infamous cell block call “The Bottom.” It was a refuge for murders, thieves, homosexuals and drug addicts. The nights were filled with cursings, vulgarities and the screams of those being abused, tortured, or murdered. It was well known for the gambling, drugs, and alcohol that were provided by the corrupt prison authorities and guards who made great profit from the vices of the prisoners. Two years ago, when I first visited the Bottom, it was a living hell. The prisoners lived and acted worse than animals. The filth and horrid smells that filled the air were unbearable. The place nauseated me and was so hopeless that I would have gone mad if I had stayed there one moment longer. When I reach the end of the main corridor of the
Bottom and left all its sights, sounds and smells behind me, it was like escaping from hell. I could not understand how the prisoners endured living in such a place for days, months, and even years. Since my last visit two years ago, a group of Evangelical Christians made an official agreement with the new director of the Tacumbu Prison to take over the care of the inmates living on the Bottom. The first thing they did was to change the name of the cell block from the Bottom to the Way of Rehabilitation and now it is known simply as The Way. In the midst of the filth, immorality and absolute chaos, a group of men emerged that began to seek rehabilitation and redemption. They began to read their Bibles and seek to make lasting changes in their lives. The Christian’s message of hope and redemption did what nothing else could do - it brought hope and redemption to what must be one of the most destitute places on earth. That cell block was once a chaotic sewer, but now it is clean and orderly. It was once the most violent area in the prison, but now it is a place of peace. It is the common practice in the Tacumbu prison for all the prisoners to be locked in their cells before nightfall. This is to protect them from being attacked or killed. But in The Way, the cells are left open until late at night and the lights are left on so that the 150 inmates may read their Bibles, pray, and sing praises to God. The men who now live in The Way are expected to follow
the rules of order and cleanliness. Any problems among the inmates are dealt with by a committee that “mediates” between them. No drugs, alcohol or profanity are allowed. If an inmate will not abide by these general rules, he is asked to leave the cell block and go to another. All the inmates that have found hope and a new life in God, attend church in a small Evangelical chapel that was established by the Mennonites several years ago. I cannot understand why the other inmates in Tacumbu would not want to be transferred to this peaceful cell block
Dino’s Report
where silence, friendship and a sense of community are highly valued. As I walk around this same corridor I walked down only two years earlier, I cannot help but notice the inmates warmly greeting the Evangelical Christians who have come to visit them with their Bibles. This is definitely not the same place I knew. It is an Oasis in a hell called Tacumbu Prison. God willing, maybe one day, the rest of Tacumbu will also find “The Way”.
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, it is a joy for me to write to you to let you know how God continues to work powerfully in the lives of the prisoners of Tacumbu and Panchito Lopez. These past months have been exhausting, but at the same time, very rewarding. The authorities in the Tacumbu prison have seen the difference in the lives of the men in our cell block and they have opened the doors for us to minister in a new cell block. On December 15th of 1999 a new director took over the Tacumbu prison and many of the “corrupt” administrators and guards have been discharged from their duties for allowing drugs and other vices to enter the prison. Even though there is still corruption in the prison, we thank God that there are changes being made. It is a constant battle to work with inmates when they were being supplied with drugs and other vices by the very men that are supposed to be watching over them. God has truly accomplished a work in Tacumbu. There have been such radical changes in the lives of our men that one of the newspapers in our city sent journalists to find out what had happened in The Way. When the journalists toured our cell block, they were surprised to find the facility clean and in order. They were even more surprised to find many of the men reading their Bibles and others praising God together as brothers in Christ. Something wonderful happened a few weeks ago that has encouraged those of us who minister and many of the Christian prisoners to keep praying and trusting God to move on our behalf. Faustino Aranda, is an inmate in Tacumbu who was converted and changed by the power of God. He had a hernia that ruptured and needed emergency surgery. The cost of the operation was more than any of us could afford, but we prayed to God and He supplied our brother’s need. The price of the entire operation was paid for by one of the prison directors who had been impressed by Faustino’s testimony. It was also a great blessing that Fautino’s sentence was completed a few days after the surgery and he was able to return to his family and start a new life. We were all encouraged by God’s provision and care and His power to move the heart of an unbeliever on behalf of His child. Another similar blessing occurred a month ago in the life of a Peruvian inmate named Hector Condori. He had been placed in prison three years earlier for trafficking drugs and
had not seen his family the entire time. He was very near to completing his sentence, but the paper work was being delay in the hands of the Peruvian embassy. Humanly speaking, we knew that even though Hector had completed his sentence, it would be a very long time before he would actually leave. Because of this, he was very discouraged. We prayed for him and again God intervened in a miraculous way. Hector was contacted by the Peruvian ambassador in Asuncion who happened to be a Christian! When the ambassador discovered that Hector was a Christian, he made Hector’s case a priority and he was able to return to his family in Peru only two weeks later. Our God is so good! I thank him for the way in which He is magnifying His Name in this prison. This is the best place to minister because the authorities allow me to come and go as I please, and there are no time limits. Please pray that the same will one day be possible in the prison of Panchito Lopez. Please pray for us. Even though we have won many battles, we have a great struggle with a Metaphysical cult that comes almost as often as we do. There are twenty women in this cult that hold meetings in the prison and lead the men astray. The cult is nothing more than a manifestation of Satan
and his wickedness. Please pray that God will put a stop to their deception. In the prison of Panchito Lopez, we have great struggles with a man who teaches very extreme doctrines about the Holy Spirit, prophecies, and gifts. He does not share the gospel with unbelievers, but seeks out those who are already following Christ and tries to deceive them. He often brings food and other things for the inmates in order to take advantage of their physical needs. This man has also tried many times to pick fights with me. I strongly believe that he does this in order to make me angry so that I may fall into sin before the young Christians who have been converted under my ministry. Please pray that I may have patience and wisdom. I know that the wrath of man does not work the justice of God. Finally, please pray for the new believers who must not only wrestle alcohol, drugs, and the sins of the flesh, but against Satan himself and his hosts of wickedness that desire the destruction of their souls. Remember also to pray for the guards and the authorities of this prison as we try to be a witness before them for Christ.
This is what it is all about - witnessing to others about the love and power of God revealed in Jesus Christ. This is one of our all-time favorite photographs at HeartCry. Dino Ortiz is witnessing to a young inmate after the chapel service.
Testimonies to the Grace of God
Inmates worshipping God in “The Way” at Tacumbu Prison. In the last few years, Dino Ortiz and the other Christian workers have seen dramatic changes in the lives of countless prisoners. The following are testimonies from some of the young men whose lives have been changed by the power of the Gospel.
Ruben Florentin Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, my name is Ruben Florentin and I am 27 years old. I have been an inmate in Tacumbu Prison for two years for a crime I did not commit. Even though I am innocent of this crime, it is still my fault that I am in prison. Since I was a young boy, I was always rebelling against authority and the law. I was this way because it made me the center of attention. In time, I became heavily involved in drugs, gambling and alcohol. When I did work (which was not very often), I spent all my earnings on gambling and prostitutes. When I could, I borrowed money to support my wicked life-style. Eventually, I became a thief. When I was finally put in prison, I became desperate because of all the terrible things that I had heard went on inside a prison. I was terrified that I would be killed and that no one would even be there to help me. In spite of how terrible Tacumbu really is, it is here that I heard about the Gospel and was converted. I knew that I could only find help and peace with God if I repented of my sins. God showed me how evil I truly was and He created a desperate hunger in me to desire His peace. I now under-
stand that this was the Holy Spirit convicting me of sin and drawing me to God. At this moment, I am at peace because I know that my life rests completely in God’s hands. I am not worried about when I will leave prison because I know that God has a plan for my life and He has everything under control. I am studying the Bible and help in the music ministry in our prison church. I praise God for His salvation!
Orlando Vega My name is Orlando Vega and I am 21 years old. Before I became a Christian I lived a useless life. I did drugs, drank alcohol and ran around with women. I hurt many people and it is truly a miracle that I am still alive. I was such a terrible man that it is only by God’s grace that I am not in hell. Please pray that I may grow in the things of God and be pleasing to the One who saved me. Please pray as I try to learn to read and write so that I may be able to study the Bible.
Cesar Osmar Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, my name is Cesar Osmar and I am 20 years old. My life has been a terrible disaster ever since I can remember. I began stealing from friends and family when I was a young boy. Eventually, I became even more bold and began to rob people on the street. I was put in juvenile prison four times, but nothing changed me. I continued to steal because my jail sentences were always very light. I knew that the authorities could not do
Young inmates at the prison in Tacumbu study their disciplship courses before class. Only through conversion, the Word of God, and prayer can a man truly be transformed.
anything to me because I was still a juvenile. It was only a matter of time until I would be out on the streets doing as I pleased. I always got a thrill from stealing and doing bad things because I thought that it proved that I was smarter and faster than everyone else. I enjoyed showing off to my friends and anyone else who would pay attention. I mocked those who worked and tried to be moral. I believed that they lived such lives only because they were too dumb to make it in “my world.” Eventually, I was convicted of armed robbery and drug trafficking, and was sentence to the adult prison of Tacumbu. It was here that I learned that I was not “smart,” but the worst kind of fool. I have wasted so much of my life doing so many stupid things. I am an adult and have not even finished my education. I thank God for saving me even when I was a pitiful and wicked sinner who deserved only hell. I am so grateful that someone told me about Christ and what he has done for me on the cross. I now believe and am saved. Praise God! Praise God!
Pablo Redes Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, my name is Pablo Redes and I am 20 years old. I am grateful to God for saving me even though I was the most sinful man in the world. I have done such terrible things in my life that I would be ashamed to share them with you. Last year, I was convicted of murder and robbery. I know that I will spend most of my life behind bars in Tacumbu prison, but I thank God for this place. It was here that I received the greatest gift of my life - GOD SAVED ME FROM MY SIN. At first I attended chapel and acted as if I was interested in the message only because I wanted to get out of my cell. I did not care for God or the things of the Gospel. But one day, the words of the hymns and songs they were singing began to break my heart with God’s message of salvation. I am so grateful to God for His salvation and for changing me every day.
Inmates Osmar and Christian displaying their certificates for having completed one of the many Bible courses offered at Tacumbu prison.
Pedro Vidal My name is Pedro Vidal and I am 22 years old. Eight months ago, I came to know the Lord Jesus as my Savior and Lord. He has changed my life and I am a new man. I came to the Tacumbu prison because I was a brawler and a drunk. One day, I was fighting in a bar and I almost killed a man. Because of this, I was sent to prison. Before my conversion, I lived to drink and fight. I did not work or help my family in any way. My entire life consisted in going out with my friends to drink and cause trouble. Being in prison was very difficult, because I could not drink or be with my friends. Not even my family came to see me because they were tired of my ways and ashamed of me. One day, the missionaries told me about Christ. They read to me the Scriptures and showed me that I was a sinner in need of Christ and His forgiveness. At first, I did not care for the message, but later I became desperate for salvation. I sought out the men who had spoken to me so that they could tell me about God and how to have peace with Him. Since that moment, I am a new creature. I thank God for putting a stop to my foolishness and giving me a new life. I desire to tell others about what He has done for me.
Gavino Ruiz My name is Gavino Ruiz and I am 33 years old. I am in prison because I murdered a man three years ago. Since my conviction and sentencing, God has saved me and changed my life in a wonderful way. Before I became a Christian, I was a drug addict and an alcoholic. I abused my family and hurt them in many ways. I rejoice that God has forgiven my sin and given me a new heart to love and follow Him. Please pray
for me that I may grow through my study of the Word of God and that I may labor to serve my brothers here in our church in Tacumbu Prison. I thank you for your prayers.
Juan Carlos Cordoza My name is Juan Carlos Cordoza and I am 26 years old. I have been in prison for two years for robbery. Before I came to prison, I had a job as a delivery man for a large company. When the financial situation in our country began to declined I was laid off from my position. Through much struggle, I was able to begin a small business in the public market in the city, but eventually I lost everything. I was very desperate because my wife and I were expecting our first child and I did not know what to do. A friend of mine was planning on robbing his company and he convinced me that if we worked together we could make a great deal of money. He also convinced me that we were not “really” criminals, because we would only do it one time and because we were in great need. At first I declined his offer, but then I convinced myself that I needed to do it for the “good” of my family. I did not tell my wife what I was planning to do, nor did I call her when we were captured. When she discovered that I had been thrown in prison it brought her great pain and suffering. Since then, my daughter has been born, but I will not see her until I am set free in two more years. In spite of all these things, I thank God that He had mercy on my miserable and sinful life. When I arrived at Tacumbu, I was completely destroyed and wanted to die because of the shame I had caused my family and myself. I ruined my life, but God has made things new. Now I am studying the Bible and praying with my brothers here in prison. I hope and wait upon God alone!
an ice block! One of the guards asked him if his handcuffs were too tight, but he did not complain about anything. When they finally arrived at the celebration hall, there was a mob of people waiting outside. All the important works of art that had entered the contest were lined up under the bright lights and there was Santiago’s painting in First Place! The guards took Santiago’s handcuffs off in the car, but told him to keep his hands inside his pockets at all times. When they stepped out of the car together, all the people came running over to Santiago and greeted him warmly and joyfully. The armed guards who stood on each side of Santiago, were dumbfounded at the kindness of the crowd toward their ragged prisoner. The flash of the cameras was constantly on their faces and Santiago could not stop smiling. When all the picture taking was over, someone called out that it was time for Santiago’s interview for the television. Santiago carried himself like a gentleman during the entire interview and when he received his prize. When he addressed the crowd, he thanked God for what He had done for him and he thanked the missionaries who worked with him in prison. Once he looked at the crowd and said humbly, “This is amazing that something like this can happen to a person like me who nothing more than a prisoner.” The people erupted in applause. The guards stood to one side and did not know what to do. On the return to Tacumbu, the guards did not handcuff Santiago and Santiago could not stop smiling. A few days later, the television channel that had interviewed him came to Tacumbu prison in order to make a video clip of his life. That day, Santiago told them his entire testimony about how God had changed his life. He gave God glory for everything He had done for him. At the end of the filming, it was clear that the reporter had been deeply impressed by what he had seen and heard that day. Since the awards banquet, two more newspapers have interviewed Santiago and he has told them the same story about how God changed his life in Tacumbu Prison. Santiago has asked the missionaries to save his money until he is out of prison. He split his money in three parts: one third for his offering for the church in Tacumbu, one third to buy art materials for his art class in the prison, and one third for his savings. May God be praised!
God’s Artist Recently, one of the Tacumbu inmates, Santiago Genes won a national painting and drawing contest in Asuncion, Paraguay. He was awarded a cash prize equivalent to $500. Missionary Jonathan Beachy, who ministers with Dino Ortiz in Tacumbu Prison, spoke several times with the prison authorities regarding Santiago’s achievement so that they might grant him the necessary permission to leave the prison and attend the award ceremony. He was reassured by the authorities that the permit would be issued on the day of the award ceremony, but everyone knew that it was simply a ploy to force the missionaries to pay a bribe for Santiago’s release (something the missionaries could not do). The day of the ceremony arrived and the missionary went to the main office to pick up the permit. He was told by the guards that their had been certain delays and that the permit would not be ready. Again, this was a ploy to force the payment of a bribe. The missionaries prayed for God’s intervention, and immediately another guard arrived and quickly filled out the permit and took it to be signed by his superiors. On receiving the permit, the missionaries knew they had no time to loose. The ceremony began at 8:30pm and they left the prison at 8:10pm with two guards and Santiago sitting in the back of the patrol car in handcuffs. Jonathan Beachy shares that Santiago’s smile could have melted
HeartCry missionary Dino Otriz is seen here discipling a few of the young Christian inmates at Tacumbu prison. Missionaries such as Dino and Jonathan Beachy put their lives on the line every time they step behind the bars of Tacumbu. Please pray for their safety and for the continued open door. The fields are white unto harvest!
Always in need of Prayer Please be in much prayer for the missionaries and other Christians who minister in “The Way” cell block. It is said that the authorities and guards in the Tacumbu prison, who still traffic drugs and alcohol, do not forgive those who stand in their way. Pray for the new prison director. A week ago, there was a revolt and a guard died of stab wounds and nine inmates received gunshot wounds. It is only God’s grace that is holding this place together against Satan’s fury. Any day, Tacumbu prison could become a place of widespread massacre. During the last shoot-
ing spree, a brother in Christ was badly wounded in the arm and another on the foot. There are rumors among the prisoners, that many of the gangs inside the prison, will one day take hostages from among the missionaries that come to the prison to minister. Raids have been conducted in search of weapons, but nothing is ever found in “The Way.” Nevertheless, the morning prayer meetings have been closed down and the Christians are only allowed to pray together in their cells. The restlessness and the tension affects everyone, and often there is discouragement and frustration among the Christians. Please pray that in the midst of these trials, God’s power and grace will abound even more to save those who are lost.
cause he will no longer take her drinking and dancing as before. Several times, she has threatened to leave him if he continues to attend church. In spite of her threats, Martin continues to persevere in the Lord and to do what he knows Florencio and to be right. Please pray that he will Cristina are be a witness to his wife and that HeartCry he will not become discouraged Missionaries regardless of her response. in Sullana, The second young man I Peru. mentioned is Jorge. I met him one day when I was working on the construction of our new building. He was shaking terribly and had a look of terrifying desperation on his face. He ask if he could speak with me and so I took him aside and he told me that his life was out of control. His family was being destroyed because of his addiction and he did not know what to do. As I sat there, I put my head between my hands and thought to myself, “Not another drug addict!� I knew how hard it had been to help Julio and Martin and how strong the temptation is for them to go back to the drugs. For a moment, I felt overwhelmed and very confused, but God was merciful and gave me the right words to speak. I ask Jorge if he really Florencio, Cristina and Sarai Churata in front of the parsonage that was recently wanted to change and if he was constructed. The parsonage, as well as the auditorium, is a result of your giving to willing to submit to what I was HeartCry. going to tell him to do. He told me I greet you dear brothers and sisters in the name of our Lord and that he was desperate and willing to do almost Savior Jesus Christ. This has been a wonderful month because our God has anything to be free from the drugs. The first thing I told him to do was to go brought forth much fruit to His glory. Last week, we baptized seven new believers. I ask you to join with us in prayer as we seek to disciple them and home and take a shower because his smell was unbearable. When he returned from his shower, lead them in the way of Christ. Two months ago, I began discipling a young man named Julio who had I shared Christ with him. I spoke with him on been a drug addict for several years. He has now given his life to Christ, but several occasions afterwards and he began to is in great need of instruction and pastoral care. Although Julio has been understand the Gospel and was converted. married for several years, he had abandoned his wife to pursue his drug Since his conversion, Jorge has been coming addiction. At first, it seemed that it would be impossible to restore their to work with me almost every day. Please pray marriage, but I rejoice to tell you that this month he was reconciled with his that his conversion will be confirmed by the wife and is now bringing her to church. He is looking for work, fighting fruit that he bears. The third young man I mentioned is battles against his addiction and winning one day at a time by the grace of Fabian. I met him through a sports outreach God. I am also discipling three other young men who have also been in- that was organized by our youth to evangelize volved in drugs. Their names are Martin, Jorge, and Fabian. Martin is full of the lost. Fabian had been a member of a gang zeal and desires to follow God, but he is having difficulties in his home. His and was heavily involved in drugs. He was wife is still unconverted and constantly opposes Martin’s new faith be- abandoned by his family for all the obvious
Winning Them One at a Time
The Street Preacher. One of Florencio’s main gifts is evangelism. His great passion is street preaching and one on one evangelism. The most notable characteristic in Florencio’s evangelism is the love of Christ that is reflected in his words and countenance. reasons and was alone in the world. One of the first things that Fabian shared with me was that he needed to change or in his own words, he needed to become a “new person.” Through this open door, I was able to share with him the Gospel of Jesus Christ and prove to him through the Scriptures that only “in Christ” can one become a new. That day, Fabian repented of his sins and made a profession of faith in Christ. Please pray for him and the others that they may grow in the grace of God and become a testimony to the power of God to change even the hardest and most destitute sinner. The last testimony I would like to share with you is about a man named Miguel. I met Miguel when the men of the church and I were doing door to door witnessing. He had just returned from a long day of driving a taxi in the city of Lima and was not in the mood to talk to anyone. When I attempted to share Christ with him, he told me that he did not care about
Christ or going to church, because neither Christ or the church would feed his family. He boasted that he had to look out for himself and use his time to work to support his wife and children. I reminded him that his work was the direct result of God’s mercy and that the same merciful God had sent me to tell him about His salvation. Miguel responded by assuring me that he was happy as he was and that he did not need God’s salvation. I asked him where he would go if his life was taken tomorrow and what he would tell God about his life here on earth. He told me that it was none of my business and that I should leave him alone. I thanked Miguel for his time and left. The next day, a member of our church came to my house and told me that Miguel had had a terrible accident. He had been hit by a truck, his taxi was destroyed and his leg was severely injured. When I arrive at the hospital, I found Miguel and his wife crying desperately. Miguel was conscious, and
Florencio has formed a music group that sings Christian songs to the rhythm of Peruvian folklore music. The sound draws a crowd and the words draws the crowd to Christ. Florencio often uses music to draw a crowd when he is street preaching. so I asked him one more time if his life was still under his own control. He shook his head in shame and I began to tell him about what Christ had done for him. At that moment, the doctors came in and told me to leave the room. Outside of Miguel’s room, I comforted his wife and told her I would be back the next day to visit him. Very early the next day, Miguel sent a man to my house because he wanted to speak with me. I hurried to the hospital. The moment Miguel saw me, he began to cry out loud and ask God to forgive him for his life of sin and for having treated me the way he did. He told me that he needed to repent and to give his life to Christ at that very moment. Miguel and his family have lost almost every material possession because of the accident and the hospital bills, but that is a small price to pay for eternal life. Later that day, the doctors told Miguel that he would not lose his leg and we all praised God for this. Miguel is now at home resting and he
comes to church when the pain allows him to move. I thank God for this demonstration of His saving power. Please pray for Miguel as he recuperates and for the rest of his family that they may repent and be saved. At this moment, they are very open to the Gospel. We thank you for your prayers for us here on the mission field. We praise our Lord for your financial support that allows us to preach the Gospel of Christ to our people and to minister in His Name. We thank you for your financial gift that has enabled us to continue the construction of our church building and parsonage. May God bless each and every one of you! Our Lord tells us that the harvest is great and the laborers are few. Because of your prayers and generous support, my wife and I are two more laborers working in the great harvest of souls that the Lord is bringing about in our time. Please pray that we be faithful to the task!
Rogelio Acea I greet you in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I pray that God our Father may bless your lives richly. My family and I are doing well. Our God is caring beyond measure as we labor in His Name here in the district of La Victoria. So many things have happened since I became a full time pastor here in the Baptist Church of La Victoria that sometimes it is hard to know where to begin! The most special thing that I can share with you is the testimony of God’s goodness and His faithfulness in equipping me to carry out the work of a pastor. As I have shared before in my personal testimony, I was nothing more than a drug addict saved out of the gutter by the grace of God. Since my conversion, I have grown spiritually, but when I sensed God’s call upon my life, I felt like the most unworthy and inadequate servant in the kingdom. I knew how to read and write, but I did not have much schooling. I was embarrassed to even share with anyone that God had called someone like me to be a pastor. Never in a million years would I have believed that God would call someone like me to care for His people. I never thought that I could do such a work, but I WAS WRONG. I have learned that when God calls a man, the only proper response is to say, “Here I am Lord.” The Lord will take care of the rest. When I was asked to be the pastor of this church, I was overwhelmed with a great fear. I spoke with different godly men who had discipled me to see what they would think about the matter. I was positive that they would all agree that pastoring would not be an appropriate ministry for me, but to
my surprise they rejoiced in the Lord and declared that it was the will of God. I was overwhelmed, but after much prayer it was confirmed to me and my wife Ruth that the pastorate was God’s will for my life. At the beginning, I was very frightened because I did not know what to do. I only knew that God wanted me to pastor the church and this gave me strength to persevere. The church in La Victoria is one of the oldest in Lima, but it has had many internal problems in the past. When I arrived, there were only fourteen adults and some children that attended occasionally. The problems in the church and my feelings of inadequacy led me to pray day and night that God would show me how to lead His people. The Lord answered my prayers and gave me peace. As I devoured Scripture, He showed me what to do. Since the beginning, nothing has been easy, but God has given me so many demonstrations of His love for the church, for me and for my family that I cannot doubt or be afraid any longer. God has given me boldness, not because I am “better” now than I was before, but because it is He who does all good things through me. At the beginning, I had some problems because there was a man in the congregation who had been leading the church for many years and he did not want to give up his position. The man is very intelligent and very knowledgeable of the Scriptures. Many times he would correct me in front of the congregation and try to make me look foolish. I did not defend myself, but simply pressed on. I thought that maybe God had put him in my life to humble me and motivate me to study harder. In time, the other members noticed the man’s attitude and rebuked him for not submitting to my leadership. He was humbled before the entire congregation and God changed his heart. He no longer causes problems for me, but is a faithful member and a good brother. Our church attendance has now grown from fourteen to over sixty. The members of our church go out every Saturday morning to minister to the poor children in the neighborhood. We feed them when we can and teach them the Gospel through Bible studies, theater and puppet shows. Many of the parents of these children have come to us seeking counsel and we are able to share the Gospel with them. The Lord has not only helped us to grow, but He has also been very generous to us. Through your giving to HeartCry, God has provided for the construction of a new roof for our auditorium, Sunday school rooms, a pastoral office, and bathrooms. We have tried to do most of the work ourselves so that we might be good stewards of God’s resources. Thank you for your prayers and financial support. Without your help, the Church in La Victoria might already be closed down and abandoned. But because of you, it is growing and reaching out to one of the worst and most dangerous neighborhoods in the inner city of Lima. Your brother,
Rogelio “Cuba” Acea
Rogelio and Ruth. Two of our most favorite people.
Ruth Aceas’ Sunday school class for children.
HeartCry provided the funds for the Sunday School classrooms to the left. The neighborhood of La Victoria is one of the most deteriorated in Lima.
New HeartCry Missionary
me through the trials I suffered at home. At times, my uncle who was my guardian, would forbid me to attend church and I would be left alone in my room to pray and wait on the Lord. The Lord responded to my prayers and my uncle began to read my Bible when he thought I did not notice. Many years have now passed and he is very old. He cannot see well and so I read the Bible to him. He is still not converted, but I pray that God will have mercy on his soul. The Word of God alone has the power to transform him. When I finished my studies and received my teaching diploma I was offered a teaching position in a public school. I was going to accept the offer, but then God reminded me that I had been called to serve Him in the ministry. He wanted me to use what I had learned for His service and for His glory. When I refused the teaching position, my family became very angry with me. They mocked me, asking me who would maintain me and how would I make a living out of reading the Bible and going to church. I kept silent before them, but in my heart, I knew that God would care for me until He had revealed to me the plans He had for my life. I prayed that God would give me peace in spite of the turmoil and that I would look to Him to meet my needs. I longed to prepare for the ministry in the seminary of Trujillo, but I did not have the funds. Once again, I waited upon the Lord and He responded. Different brothers and sisters in my church found out about my desire to serve God full time and they provided the finances for me to study in the seminary. After graduating from seminary in 1990, I returned to Sullana to work with Angel and Efigenia Colmenares as a teacher in the Divine Redeemer Christian School. In 1997, I realized that God was calling me to give my life to the evangelism and discipleship of women in the areas where they were most neglected.. Since then, I have been discipling and teaching women and children in different churches on the coast and in the high mountains of the Andes. I also work with the students of the Theological School of Sullana, when they make their mission trips into the rural mountains. Thank you for the kindness you have shown to me and your support of the ministry that the Lord has given me. Please pray for me. My family no longer opposes because they have seen God’s faithfulness to me. My grandmother is 96 years old and is very ill. It is my prayer that she will repent and know the Lord before she passes away. Also, please pray for the rest of my family members.
Gloria Martinez
I was born in a small village in the north of Peru. Since my parents were divorced, I was raised by my grandmother. She was a very religious woman and raised me in the Catholic church. I participated in the activities at church, but had no spiritual convictions. After high school, I traveled to the town of Sullana to study to be school teacher. One day, a girl in my class invited me to her church. Wanting to be polite, I agreed. The church service was unlike any other I had attended, but after the singing I listened attentively to the preaching and an incredible thirst grew in my soul. That day, I understood the message of salvation, repented of my sins, and was converted. I was filled with joy. To my surprise, my relatives were very angry with me and warned me that I had joined a cult. They would not listen to me, but made fun of my “quite times” and tore up all of my evangelistic tracts. In spite of this, God gave me peace and grace to endure until they simply grew tired of bothering me. I was baptized two months later and felt God’s calling to serve Him. In time, I was allowed to teach the children’s Sunday school class in my church and God continued to encourage
The Women in Gloria’s World Women are often neglected in the rural mission fields around the world. It is Gloria’s calling and passion to reach the rural women of Peru with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to disciple them in the commands and wisdom of Scripture.
Pastors and preachers of the Gospel in the northern mountains of Piura,
HeartCry missionary, Rogelio Acea serves the Lord in the rescue mission of La Victoria. One of the most dangerous and drug infested neighborhoods in Lima, Peru.
What part of “GO� do you not understand? Matthew 28:18-20
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