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Course Updates
We are pumping 8 pond down daily to help speed up the process of draining the pond. Rain has been our enemy when it comes to this project. We are topdressing and fertilizing tees regularly to help push tee growth. 16 blue tee is being prepped for seeding with a hybrid fescue.
12, 13, 15, and 18 greens have been sodded with grass from putting green. We are continuing to plug as necessary to obtain full coverage.
Finished second round of wall-to-wall fertilization of entire course. High amounts of rain coupled with the heat we are finally getting has caused a muchwanted surge in Bermuda grass growth. We will continue to push these grasses through the season to recover from areas of winter damage.
We have ordered and received most materials needed for aerification of greens and tees in early July
Fairway water management, fertilizer, and growth regulator spray applications will begin soon now that temperatures have increased
By: John Baker, Superintendent
By: Chris Pronick, First Assistant