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LGA News
LGA’s “Take a Swing Against Breast Cancer”
Saturday, September 16, 2023
Dear Cramer Mountain Club Members,
Did you know that the CMC Ladies’ Golf Association is the ONLY CMC club organization that has planned, organized, and manned its own charity event for the last six years?
Did you know that the first year we donated $2,500 and last year we donated $19,930 with $72,000 total to date?
Did you know that over the last few years, our financial support kept the Woman in Pink Boutique doors open for many local Pink Warriors?
Did you know that all of this is possible thanks to the wonderful support of you, our members, the MGA, and the CMC Staff?
Did you know that the event is not just for golfers?
Did you know that our 2023 event is scheduled for Saturday, September 16, from 8-3, and we need your support again this year?
Here are ways you can help:
Sponsor a Hole
-Sponsorship Information/Form
Honor a Pink Warrior
-Hill of Honor Form
Donate a Raffle Prize
-Raffle Prize Donation Form
Click on the links for details and check out the flyer for other ways to participate. Questions?
Contact Debbie, Beverly, or any LGA member. Thanks in advance for your support!
Debbie Dunlap: Deb.dnlp@gmail.com
Beverly Lynn: athomelynn50@gmail.com
WIP Breast Cancer Charity Event Co-chairs
More information on clinics coming soon!!
By: Debbie Dunlap, LGA Board Member
The LGA Fun 18 Rounds are always a blast! Interested in joining the LGA? Please contact any board member or talk with Maria or Chris in the golf shop!
2023 LGA Board Members
Barbara Tyler, President | Donita Stewart, Vice President | Andrea Sipka, Secretary | Paula Grogan, Treasurer
Others Serving the Board: Sybil Atkinson, Debbie Dunlap, Nancy Lynn Hargis, Jan Kauer, and Margie Sullivan.