BANDI INTERESSANTI 26. BANDO – Aggiornamento bandi EuropeAid (Maggio 2021) Torna l’aggiornamento sui bandi paese aperti presso EuropeAid a livello globale e paese. Si tratta in particolare di bandi aperti del programma dedicato alle Organizzazioni della società civile e alle Autorità locali e del programma European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR). Vediamo nel dettaglio quali sono i bandi aperti alla data odierna. Scadenze comprese tra i mesi di Maggio e Giugno 2021. CSO – Organizzazioni della società civile e alle Autorità locali Isole Comore – Programme thématique d’appui aux organisations de la société civile en Union des Comores EuropeAid/171766/DD/ACT/KM. Budget: 1.000.000 EUR Scadenza: 31/05/2021. Messico – Support to civil society organisations to contribute to the achievement of the sustainable development goals (SDGs): Inequalities initiative EuropeAid/171534/DD/ACT/MX Budget: 3.666.666 EUR. Scadenza: 03/06/2021. Kazakistan – Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) as actors of governance and development work in the field EuropeAid/171611/DD/ACT/KZ Budget: 750.000 EUR. Scadenza: 03/06/2021. Kosovo – Advancing the role of civil society for social justice, participation and human rights (DCI II + EIDHR) EuropeAid/171380/DD/ACT/XK Budget: 1.700.000 EUR. Scadenza: 16/06/2021. Bielorussia – Solidarity with the Civil Society in Belarus EuropeAid/171256/DD/ACT/BY Budget: 3.000.000 EUR. Scadenza: 09/06/2021. Isole Salomone – Strengthening Civil Society Organizations and Human Rights in Solomon Islands (DCI II + EIDHR) EuropeAid/171322/DD/ACT/Multi Budget: 2.100.000 EUR. Scadenza: 28/07/2021. Papua Nuova Guinea – Support to Civil Society Organizations’ Development Work in the Field EuropeAid/171604/DH/ACT/PG Budget: 960.000 EUR. Scadenza: 28/07/2021. Cile – Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil (OSC), e Instrumento Europeo de Democracia y Derechos Humanos (IEDDH) en Chile EuropeAid/171882/DD/ACT/CL Budget:2.500.000 EUR. Scadenza: 05/08/2021. EIDHR – European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights Georgia – Support for civil society development in Georgia 2021 (DCI II + EIDHR) EuropeAid/171780/DD/ACT/GE Budget: 7.800.000 EUR. Scadenza: 24/05/2021. Lesotho – Multi-Annual Action Programme 2018-2020 for the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR): Support to local civil society action through Country-Based Support Scheme (Lesotho) 31