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Online meeting of the “Queer Migrants” project 22
intergenerational dialogue and the sense of active European citizenship using innovative gamification and digital products. More details on the project can already be found on the Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Learneu-117725843430250/ or on the website https://project-learn.eu/.
18. Meeting of the EDIC Basilicata centre on Digital Transformation
In date 25/06/2021 the Europe Direct Basilicata centre took place an evening meeting on Digital Transformation and the opportunities opened up by European funds with the participation of an exceptional speaker, Dr Vittorio Calaprice from the Representation in Italy European of the Commission. During the meeting we talked about the three areas on which the Commission wants to focus in particular and they are: data, technology and infrastructure. It was an excellent meeting in which there were many interesting points of reflection and many opportunities were examined together.
18. Online meeting of the “The A Class" project
In date 28/06/2021 took place a new virtual meeting of the project “The "A" class: integrating and supporting students with autism in the mainstream classroom” (acronym “The A Class”) approved by the Erasmus Plus National Agency in Denmark in the framework of programme Erasmus Plus as action 2020-1-DK01KA201-075054. The project develops a strategic partnership in the field of school education. "The A Class" is aimed at combating the problems that autism creates for students.. The project will therefore seek to develop products to help schools, teachers and children with autism. Partners of the project, besides EURO-NET, are the following organisations: Sosu Ostjylland (Denmark), Inercia Digital Sl (Spain), Masaryk University (Czech Republic), Centar za autizam (Croatia), Stando Ltd (Cyprus) and Zdruzhenie za unapreduvanje na kvalitetot na zhivot na licata so autistichen spektar na narushuvanje "Sina Svetulka" (Macedonia). During the meeting, the partners talked mainly about the mobility to be realised in the coming months and the development of the intellectual products envisaged within the project. You can follow the development of this initiative on the Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/TheAclass/s or on the official website https://theaclass.eu/.