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The training course of the “TAT” project 24

activities and mobilities to be implemented in the coming months. The main goal of Green Routes is to create a toolkit to promote sustainable solutions and trends in urban areas. The toolkit will be created through the three intellectual outputs and the training methodology. The partnership consists of: CRN (Germany); EURO-NET (Italy); Interacting UK Limited (England); Panepistimio Thessalias (Greece); EuroIdea Fundacja Spoleczno-Kulturalna (Poland); Izmir Katip Celebi Universitesi (Turkey). You can follow the project on the Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Green-Routes108204151034392.

30. Last meeting online of the “EplusRoundTrip" project


In the days 19 and 20/08/2021 took place online the last meeting of the project "E+ Round Trip Online Preparation for Young People", an initiative approved by the Romanian National Agency Erasmus Plus within the framework of the Erasmus Plus KA2 programme. The aim of the project was to create a more modern, dynamic, committed and professional environment for young people. The partnership is composed of S.C. Predict Csd Consul-ting S.R.L. (Romania), project coordi-nator; EURO-NET (Italy); Dacorum Council For Voluntary Service - (UK); Asociatia Millennium Center Arad (Romania); Grobes Schiff (Austria). During the last TPM the partners discussed about project results and the tinal report to be realized. Those who want to follow the initiative can do it on the Facebook page at the link https://www.facebook.com/eplusroundtrip/. Those who want to participate in the 3 available courses can do them on the following web platform https://themobility.eu/.

31. Online meeting of the “ENTER” project

In date 21/06/2021 took place a short meeting of the the project “ENTER – From problems to achievements in learning and development” (acronym ENTER), action n.2018-1-PT02-KA205-005148, approved in Portugal within the framework of the Erasmus Plus Strategic Partnerships for Youth programme. During the project meeting, the partners talked about the last activities to be carried out before the end of the project foreseen at the end of August and about the Multiplier Events still to be realised (the Italian partner, Youth Europe Service, has already completed all the actions foreseen in the project, far exceeding the initial expectations in terms of number of people to be involved and informed). Moreover, in these days, a video tutorial in English has been realised to explain how the game created within the project works. The video is available at the link: https://www.facebook.com/imbesi.antonino/videos/360512575727349. All interested parties can follow the activities of this project on the initiative's official Facebook page at the link https://www.facebook.com/ENTER-725346554497726/?modal=admin_todo_tour or on the official website at the following web address http://www.enterka2.com/.

32. Online meeting of the “SPEAK” project

In date 22/06/2021 took place a new online meeting of the Erasmus Plus KA2 project "Speaking skill Performance Enhancement in entrepreneurial customs for sociAl worKers" (acronym SPEAK), approved in Sweden as an innovative strategic partnership for adult education (action n.2020-1-SE01-KA204-077885). The project is experimenting with new ways and new innovative skills how to

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