2015 Research Report | Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science

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Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science 2015 ANNUAL RESEARCH REPORT

Message from the Dean

THE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCE (FEAS) has a long, proud tradition and reputation of excellence in engineering education and research. Our faculty conducts leading edge research that provides exceptional training opportunities for graduate students and researchers. While this research aims to generate new knowledge and new understanding, its application also creates economic and social wealth for the province and country. The innovative application of the research leads to the creation of new technologies and products. It involves partnerships that combine the efforts of researchers, graduate students, industry partners and entrepreneurs. It is also creating the next generation of innovators and leaders in our society. The research is driven by new knowledge and passionate researchers. This report presents highlights of this innovative FEAS research in 2015.


elcome to our second issue of the Annual Research Report of the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science at Memorial University. Our research programs are finding innovative solutions to global problems, educating future leaders, and turning discoveries into new technologies and products. Our faculty members are internationally renowned and award-winning professors in their respective fields of research. The Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science continues to experience significant growth. There are numerous contributions to the province which are directly attributable to the expansion of engineering. Key industries of energy, ocean technology, software and others in the province, are creating a need for more engineers and specialized capacity for engineering R&D. Mega-projects require significant engineering support, such as the Hebron offshore oil project, Muskrat Falls hydroelectric project, Vale refinery, Hibernia extensions, enhanced oil recovery, Bay du Nord developments, among others. Our research activities are leading to innovative solutions in areas of strategic importance to industry and the province. Students have a unique opportunity to study and learn from outstanding professors using world-class facilities. Our researchers are advancing the frontiers of knowledge to make the world a better place. Our faculty provides the highest quality of education, a vibrant educational environment and innovative programs. These provide our graduates with the skills to succeed and become leaders of tomorrow. We offer accredited undergraduate, master’s and doctoral programs in civil, computer, electrical, mechanical, ocean and naval architectural (unique in Canada) and process engineering. The faculty’s undergraduate co-operative programs were among the first in Canada. Further course-based graduate programs are offered in oil and gas, computer engineering and environmental systems. In total, these programs are offered to approximately 1,900 undergraduate and graduate students. It’s a great time of opportunity for graduate students to pursue engineering research at Memorial University. Many of the research projects are multi-disciplinary, providing students with valuable teamwork experience. Several faculty members hold prestigious research chair appointments. These include the Husky Energy Chair in Oil and Gas Research, Chevron Chair in Petroleum Engineering, Vale Research Chair in Process Risk and Safety Engineering and Wood Group Chair in Arctic and Harsh Environment Engineering. I welcome you to visit us and our website at www.mun.ca/engineering/research for further information.

Greg F. Naterer, PhD, PEng, FCSME, FEIC, FASME Dean and Professor Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science

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Message from the Associate Dean of Research



he Engineering Research Office provides support to over 75 members of the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science (FEAS). In 2014/2015, 70 per cent of Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Discovery Grant applications processed through our office were funded – a testament to the excellent research of our professors and services provided by our office.

In 2015, Engineering Research Office staff made conscious efforts to pursue a greater variety of multi-disciplinary research funding, to increase collaboration within the university, as well as nationally and internationally, and to promote the NSERC Engage and Mitacs research funding programs. An example of one of our most recent collaborations is the creation of two joint faculty positions with the Faculty of Medicine after launching a new biomedical engineering initiative with medicine. Our faculty is active in a wide range of fundamental and applied research in strategic areas such as Arctic and northern regions; environment, energy and natural resources; information and communications technology; and oceans technology. Partnerships between engineering and business have resulted in establishing a new Memorial Centre for Entrepreneurship (MCE). Our faculty is also collaborating on Arctic research with universities and research centres in Norway, Germany and Russia. In 2015, Statoil supported two newly-appointed research chairs in reservoir engineering and reservoir analysis.



The faculty has world-class laboratories and research facilities in ocean engineering, environmental engineering, digital systems, energy systems, autonomous vehicles, instrumentation and control, thermo-fluids, structural engineering and process engineering, among others. Research is currently supported by over 600 graduate students across all disciplines. Our faculty is very active in journal publications, patents and international conference publications. We provide support to our graduate students who have launched start-up companies in order to commercialize the results of their research activities. Research activities are also supported by post-doctoral fellows, research engineers, and co-op work-term students. Our research and development expertise and research facilities are also available to the external community through the faculty's Office of Industrial Outreach. In 2015, a four-week professional development program was offered through this office to the Saudi Electricity Company, which later awarded funds recognizing Memorial’s past research excellence in the areas of waste management and filtration technology development. Please visit our website at www.mun.ca/engineering/research for the most recent news and activities and information about our programs and research. I also personally welcome you to our campus to visit our laboratories and capabilities, and to meet our professors, researchers and students.



Tahir Husain, PhD, P. Eng. Associate Dean of Research and Professor

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Faculty and Staff ADMINISTRATION Dean Naterer, G. F. B.Math., MASc., PhD Waterloo, FCSME, FASME, FEIC, P.Eng.; Professor, Mechanical Engineering Associate Dean (Undergraduate Studies) Fisher, A.D. B.Sc. Queen’s, M.Eng. McMaster, FEC, P.Eng.; Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering Associate Dean (Graduate Studies) Lye, L.M. B.Sc.(Hons.) Bolton Inst., PhD Manitoba, FCSCE, FEC, FCAE, P.Eng.; Recipient of the President’s Award for Distinguished Teaching, 2003-2004; Winner of the President's Award for Exceptional Community Service, 2014; Professor, Civil Engineering Associate Dean (Research) Husain, T. B.Sc.Eng. (Hons.) Aligarh, M.Eng. AIT Bangkok., PhD British Columbia, P.Eng.; Professor, Civil Engineering Director, Ocean Engineering Research Centre Molyneux, D. B.Sc. Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, M.Sc. University of British Columbia, PhD Memorial, P.Eng.

Senior Administration Officer Elliott, B. B.Comm. Memorial

Associate Professors (cont'd) Snelgrove, K.R. B.Eng. Memorial, MASc., PhD Waterloo, P.Eng.


Zhang, B. B.Sc.(Hons.), M.Sc. Jilin University, PhD Regina

Department Head Hussein, A. B.Sc.(Eng.) Ain Shams University, M.Eng., PhD Memorial, P.Eng.; Associate Professor Professors Husain, T. B.Sc.Eng. (Hons.) Aligarh, M.Eng. AIT Bangkok, PhD British Columbia, P.Eng.; Professor, Civil Engineering Lye, L.M. B.Sc.(Hons.) Bolton Inst., PhD Manitoba, FCSCE, FEC, FCAE, P.Eng.; Recipient of the President’s Award for Distinguished Teaching, 2003-2004; Winner of the President's Award for Exceptional Community Service, 2014; Professor, Civil Engineering

Dhar, A.S. B.Sc. Eng.(Hons.), M.Sc. Eng. BUET, PhD Western Ontario, P.Eng. Shiri, H. B.Sc. (Urmia University), M.Sc. (Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz), PhD (University of Western Australia), P.Eng., Wood Group Chair in Arctic and Harsh Environment Engineering

Associate Professors Adluri, S.M.R. B.Tech., JNT Univ., M.Tech. I.I.T. Kanpur, MASc., PhD Windsor

Adjunct Professors Derradji-Aouat, A. MASc., PhD University of Ottawa; (NRC-OCRE)

Bruneau, S.E. B.Eng., M.E.Sc. Western Ontario, PhD Memorial, P.Eng.; Associate Professor, Civil Engineering

Kenny, S. P. B.Eng., M.Eng. Memorial, PhD Dalhousie, P.Eng.

Director, Office of Industrial Outreach Bruneau, S.E. B.Eng., M.E.Sc. Western Ontario, PhD Memorial, P.Eng.; Associate Professor, Civil Engineering

Chen, B. B.Eng. Jilin, M.Sc. Peking, PhD Regina, P.Eng.

Director, First Year Engineering Rideout, D.G. B.Eng. Memorial, M.Sc.(Eng.) Queen’s, PhD Michigan, P.Eng.; Winner of the President's Award for Outstanding Teaching, 2014

Hassan, A.A.A. B.Sc., M.Sc. Ain Shams University, MASc., PhD Ryerson University, P.Eng.

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Assistant Professors Daraio, J. B.Sc. SUNY–College of Environmental Science and Forestry, M.Sc. New Mexico State University, M.Sc. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, M.Sc. University of Connecticut, PhD University of Iowa

Coles, C.A. B.Eng., M.Eng., PhD McGill, P.Eng.

Hawlader, B.P. B.Sc.(Eng) BUET, M.Eng. AIT, PhD Yokohama National, P.Eng.

Khan, A. B.Sc. AMU, M.Sc. KFUPM, PhD Memorial, P.Eng.; (Dept. Environment and Conservation) Lee, K. B.Sc., Dalhousie, M.Sc., PhD Toronto; (COOGER) Marzouk, H. B.Sc. Cairo, M.Sc., PhD Saskatchewan, FCSCE, P.Eng.; (Ryerson University) Paulin, M. B.Eng, M.Eng, PhD Memorial; (INTECSEA)

Cross Appointments Phillips, R. B.Sc.(Hons.) Bristol, M.Phil., PhD Cambridge, P.Eng., Cross appointment with C-Core Professors Emeriti Jordaan, I.J. B.Sc.(Eng.), M.Sc.(Eng.) Witwatersrand, PhD London, FRSC, FCAE, P.Eng.; University Research Professor, Awarded 1997 Sharp, J.J. B.Sc., A.R.C.S.T., M.Sc. Glasgow, PhD Strathclyde, FICE, FCSCE, FEIC, P.Eng., C.Eng.

DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING Department Head Peters, D.K. B.Eng. Memorial, M.Eng., PhD McMaster, FEC, P.Eng., Associate Professor Professors Ahmed, M.H. B.Sc., M.Sc., Ain-Shams, PhD Carleton, P.Eng. Gill, E.W. B.Sc., B.Ed., M.Eng., PhD Memorial, P.Eng.; Recipient of the President’s Award for Distinguished Teaching, 2013-2014 Gosine, R.G. B.Eng. Memorial, PhD Cambridge, FEC, P.Eng.; Recipient of the President’s Award for Outstanding Research, 1997-1998, Petro-Canada Young Innovator Award, 1998; J.I. Clark Chair; Associate Vice-President (Research), Collaborations and Partnerships Heys, H.M. B.E.Sc. Western Ontario, PhD Queen’s, P.Eng. Iqbal, M.T. B.Sc. UET Lahore, M.Sc., QAU Islamabad, PhD Imperial College, London, P.Eng.

Professors (cont’d) Jeyasurya, B. B.Tech. I.I.T. Madras, M.Tech. I.I.T. Bombay, PhD New Brunswick, P.Eng.

Associate Professors (cont’d) Norvell, T.S. B.Sc.(Hons.) Dalhousie, M.Sc., PhD Toronto, P.Eng.

Li, C. B.Eng.(Hons.), M.Eng. Harbin Institute of Technology, PhD Memorial, P.Eng.

Vardy, A. B.Eng. Memorial, M.Sc. Sussex, PhD Carleton; Joint appointment with Department of Computer Science

Moloney, C.R. B.Sc.(Hons.) Memorial, MASc., PhD Waterloo O’Young, S.D. B.Eng. Saskatchewan, MASc., PhD Waterloo, P.Eng. Quaicoe, J.E. B.Sc. (Eng.) Ghana, MASc., PhD Toronto, FEC, P.Eng.; Recipient of the President’s Award for Distinguished Teaching, 2001-2002 Rahman, M.A. B.Sc.(Eng.) Bangladesh, MASc. Toronto, PhD Carleton, LFIEEE, FIET, LFIE, FEIC, FCAE, C.Eng., P.Eng.; University Research Professor, Awarded 1993 Venkatesan, R. B.E.(Hons.) Madurai, M.Sc.E., PhD New Brunswick, P.Eng. Associate Professors Dobre, O.A. D.Eng., PhD Politechnica University of Bucharest, P.Eng.; Winner of the President's Award for Outstanding Research, 2015 George, G.H. B.Sc. Southampton, PhD Wales (U.C. Cardiff), Cert.Ed., (CNAA), FRAS Huang, W. B.S., M.S., PhD Wuhan University, M.Eng. Memorial Masek, V. Dipl. Ing. University of West Bohemia, M.Sc., PhD University of ElectroCommunications, Tokyo

Zhang, L. B.E., M.Sc.(Eng.) HUST Wuhan, PhD O-V-G Magdeburg Assistant Professors Anderson, J. B.Eng., M.Eng. Memorial, PhD Cantab Czarnuch, S.M. B.Eng. & Mgmt., MASc.McMaster, PhD Toronto, P.Eng. Joint appointment with Faculty of Medicine Liang, X. B.Eng, M.Eng, Shenyang Polytechnic University, M.Sc, University of Saskatchewan, PhD, University of Alberta, P.Eng. Power, S. B. Eng. Memorial, MASc., PhD Toronto Joint appointment with Faculty of Medicine Shehata, M.S. B.Sc., M.Sc. Zagazig University, PhD Calgary, P.Eng. Lecturer House, A.W.H. B.Eng., M.Eng. Memorial, P.Eng Cross Appointments Alawneh, S. B. Eng. Jordan, M. Eng., PhD Memorial, E.I.T; Cross appointment (C-CORE) Chen, Q. B.Sc. Shanghai Jiao Tong University China, M.Sc., PhD Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, China (CRC Photonics); Cross appointment (Physics and Physical Oceanography)

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Faculty and Staff Cross Appointments (cont'd) McGuire, P. P., B.Sc. PhD Toronto, P. Eng; Cross appointment (C-CORE)

Professors (cont'd) Sharan, A.M. B.Tech., I.I.T. Bombay, M.S. Wash. State, PhD Concordia, P.Eng.

Ngatched, T. PhD KwaZulu-Natal, MS. Eng Natal, M.Sc., B.Sc Yaounde; Cross appointment (Grenfell Campus)

Associate Professors Fisher, A.D. B.Sc. Queen’s, M.Eng. McMaster, FEC, P.Eng.

Salehi, B. M.Sc, K. N. Toosi., BSc. Tehran, PhD New Brunswick; Cross-appointment (C-CORE)

Hookey, N.A. B.Eng. Memorial, M.Eng., PhD McGill, P.Eng.

Smith, A. B.Eng. Memorial, M.Eng. Memorial, M.D. Memorial; Cross Appointment, Faculty of Medicine

Munaswamy, K. B.E., S.V. Univ. Tirupathy, M.Tech., PhD, IIT Madras, P.Eng.

Professor Emeriti Peters, G.R. B.Sc. Memorial, B.A.Sc. Toronto, PhD, Aberdeen, FEC, FCAE, P.Eng. Honorary Research Professor Bruce-Lockhart M.P., S.B., S.M., M.I.T., P.Eng.; Recipient of the President’s Award for Distinguished Teaching, 2006-2007

DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Department Head Muzychka, Y.S. B.Eng. Memorial, MASc., PhD Waterloo, P.Eng.; Petro-Canada Young Innovator Award 2004 Professors Hinchey, M.J. B.A.Sc., MASc., PhD Toronto, P.Eng. Mann, G.K.I. B.Sc. University of Moratuwa, M.Sc. Loughborough University of Technology, PhD Memorial, P.Eng. Naterer, G. F. B.Math., MASc., PhD Waterloo, FCSME, FASME, FEIC, P.Eng.

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Rideout, D.G. B.Eng. Memorial, M.Sc.(Eng.) Queen’s, PhD Michigan, P.Eng.; Winner of the President's Award for Outstanding Teaching, 2014 Rolland, L. B.Eng., MASc. Montreal Polytechnique, PhD Universite Henri Poincare., P.Eng. Assistant Professors De Silva, B.M.O. B.Sc. University of Moratuwa, PhD Memorial Duan, X. B.Eng., M.Sc. University of Petroleum, PhD University of Manitoba, P.Eng. Nakhla, S. PhD, M.S. Georgia Institute of Technology, M.Sc.,B.Sc. Cairo University Pope, K. B.Eng., MASc., PhD UOIT Rosales, J. BA, MA Memorial University, PhD University of Toronto Taylor, R.S. B.Eng, M. Eng, PhD Memorial; Centre for Arctic Resource Development (CARD) Chair in Ice Mechanics

Assistant Professors (cont'd) Yang, J. B.Sc. Tangshan Institute of Science and Technology, M.Sc. Southern Institute of Metallurgy, PhD Tianjin University, P.Eng. Lecturer Goossens, D. B.Sc. MIS Universiteit Hasselt, MBA Memorial Cross Appointments Kocabiyik, S. B.Sc., M.Sc. Middle East Tech., PhD Western Ontario; Petro-Canada Young Innovators Award, 2000; Cross appointment with the Department of Mathematics and Statistics Talimi, V. B. Eng. K.N. Toosi University of Technology, M.Sc. Mazandraran, PhD Memorial, Cross appointment with C-Core Honorary Research Professors Molgaard, J. B.Sc. Belfast, PhD Leeds, P.Eng.

DEPARTMENT OF OCEAN AND NAVAL ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING Department Head Qiu, W. B.Eng., MASc. Dalian University of Technology, PhD Dalhousie, P.Eng., FSNAME, FRINA, Professor, Ocean and Naval Architectural Engineering Professors Colbourne, B. B.Eng. Memorial, S.M. MIT, PhD Memorial, P.Eng. Daley, C.G. B.E.Sc. Western Ontario, M.S.E. Princeton, Dr. Tech. Helsinki, FEC, FSNAME, P.Eng.

Professors Veitch, B.J. B.Eng., M.Eng. Memorial, Dr.Tech., Lic. Tech. Helsinki, P.Eng.; Recipient of the President’s Award for Outstanding Research, 2004-2005; Husky Energy Chair in Oil and Gas Research Associate Professors Bachmayer, R. Dipl.Ing. Techical University Karlsruhe, M.Sc., PhD Johns Hopkins; Canada Research Chair in Ocean Technology, Petro-Canada Young Innovator Award, 2009 Molyneux, D. B.Sc. Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, M.Sc. University of British Columbia, PhD Memorial, P.Eng. Peng, H. B.Eng., MASc. Dalian University of Technology, PhD Dalhousie, P.Eng. Walker, D. B.Eng., PhD Memorial, P.Eng. Assistant Professors Quinton, B. B.Eng., M.Eng., PhD Memorial Moro, L. B.Eng., M.Eng. and PhD University of Trieste Adjunct Professors Akinturk, A. B.Sc.(Eng.) Istanbul Technical University, MASc. University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, PhD University of British Columbia

Adjunct Professors (cont'd) Williams, C. B.A.Sc.(Hons.), MASc., PhD British Columbia; (NRC-OCRE) Professors Emeriti Haddara, M.R. B.Sc. Ain-Shams, M.S., PhD Berkeley, C.Eng., P.Eng.

DEPARTMENT OF PROCESS ENGINEERING Department Head Khan, F.I. B.Sc.(Eng.) AMU, M.E. IIT Roorkee, PhD Pondicherry, P.Eng.; Professor; Recipient of the President’s Award for Outstanding Research, 2013-2014; Winner of the President's Award for Distinguished Research Supervision, 2014; Vale Chair in Process Safety and Risk Engineering Professors Butt, S.D. B.Eng., M.Sc. Memorial, PhD Queens, P.Eng Hawboldt, K.A. B.Sc. Saskatchewan, M.Sc., PhD Calgary, P.Eng. Johansen, T.E. B.A.Sc., M.Sc., PhD University of Oslo; Canada Research Chair in Petroleum Reservoir Engineering and Characterization

Associate Professors (cont'd) Shirokoff, J.W. B.Sc.(Eng.), PhD Queen’s, P.Eng. Assistant Professors Ahmed, S. B.Sc., M.Sc. BUET, PhD Alberta Imtiaz, S. B.Sc, M.Sc. BUET, M.Sc. Calgary, PhD Alberta, P.Eng. Rahman, M. B.Sc.Eng.(Hons.) BUET, M.Sc. Dalhousie, PhD Alberta, P.Eng. Zendehboudi, S. B.Sc., M.Sc. Shiraz University (Iran), PhD University of Waterloo (Canada), P.Eng., Assistant Professor, Recipient of NSERC PDF Award, 2013; Statoil Chair in Reservoir Analysis Zhang, Y. B. Eng., M. Eng., Wuhan University of Technology (China); PhD in Mineral Processing, Central South University (China); PhD in Materials Engineering, University of Alberta (Canada). Zhang, Y. B.Eng., M.Eng. Tianjin, PhD National University of Singapore, P.Eng. Adjunct Professors Abdi, M. B.Sc., M.Sc. Tehran Polytechnic, PhD UBC (Husky)

Associate Professors Alam, S. B.Sc.(Eng.) BUET, M.Sc., PhD Saga, P.Eng.

Lavoie, J.M. B.Sc., M.Sc., PhD Laval

Liu, P. B.Eng. Wuhan Jiao Tong, M.Eng., PhD Memorial; (NRC-OCRE)

Hossain, E. PhD (Petroleum Engineering) Dalhousie, MBA Dalhousie, M.Sc. (Petroleum and Mineral Resources Engineering) BUET, B. Sc. (Mechanical Engineering) BUET, Statoil Chair in Reservoir Engineering

Lecturer Aborig, A. B.S.C. (Pet. Eng.)UOT, Libya, M.S.c (Chem. Eng.) University of Waterloo (Canada), PhD Chemical Engineering University of Waterloo (Canada).

Wang, J. M.Sc. Pusan National University, PhD Memorial; (NRC-OCRE)

James, L.A. B.A.Sc.(Eng.) University of New Brunswick, MASc., PhD Waterloo, E.I.T.

Bose, N. B.Sc., PhD Glasgow, FSNAME, C.Eng., P.Eng.

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Fellow of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineering, 2015


Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, 2015


Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, 2015


Fellow of the Society for Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, 2015


Fellow of the Society for Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, 2015


Fellow of American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2015


Fellow of Engineering Institute of Canada, 2015


Fellow of Royal Society of Canada, 2015


Robert W. Angus Medal, 2015 Canada Society for Mechanical Engineering, 2015


Dean’s Award for Research Excellence, 2015


Dean’s Award for Excellence in Graduate Supervision, 2015


Dean’s Award for Excellence in Graduate Supervision, 2015


President's Award for Outstanding Research, 2015

Faculty Research News Converting waste into valuable commodities: Saudi Electric Company funds US $400,000.00 to study with Memorial's civil engineering researchers


very year millions of tons of waste, generated as a result of burning coal and heavy fuel oil for energy, end up dumped in landfills or waste containment facilities. If not disposed of properly, this waste becomes an environmental hazard. A team of Memorial University researchers funded by Saudi Electric Company is coming up with novel solutions to convert waste so it will be diverted from landfills.

In August 2015, Saudi Electric Company (SEC) sponsored 13 of their employees with engineering/ From left are: Jingjing Ling and Jiabin Liu science backgrounds to attend a four-week Advanced Environmental Protection Training Program organized by the Office of Industrial Outreach of Memorial’s Faculty of “OFA has about 70–85 per cent carbon,” explained Dr. Husain. Engineering and Applied Science. Since the SEC currently generates about 60 Gigawatts of power to meet its energy “Since 2009 our research team has been conducting research demands and the growth rate is more than six per cent per year, on OFA management and carbon from the Corner Brook Pulp company officials are concerned about the disposal of oil fly ash and Paper Mill in western Newfoundland. The mill uses a (OFA) generated due to the burning of crude and heavy fuel oil. mixture of Bunker C fuel, waste oil fuel and hog fuel, and generates thousands of metric tons of ash annually. Our research OFA is one by-product generated in power plants due to burning team is also working on the feasibility of ash management from heavy fuel oil and crude oil. OFA is collected from flue gas pulp industries with the potential to develop an excellent adsorbent.” using particulate control technology such as cyclones or electrostatic precipitators. Many countries in the world use The preliminary findings show that the extracted carbon, once heavy fuel oil and crude oil for energy production. Due to its properly activated, is an excellent affordable adsorbent to remove low density and fine particles, OFA has the potential to disperse organic impurities from wastewater streams. It also has a high into the air during handling and transportation. These particles affinity to remove total organic carbon (TOC), which is a precursor can travel a long distance before settling on land, water or causing formation of disinfection by products (DBPS) in rural vegetation. The dispersion of OFA may contaminate soil, water drinking water supply systems. High levels of DBPs are harmful and air. Inhalation of OFA may pose potential health impacts, to human health and are evident in small communities, where including lung irritation and cardio-vascular diseases. surface water is chlorinated and used as drinking water. “Our research team is in the process of developing low-cost adsorbent “During their stay at Memorial, the SEC team was educated to remove DBPs and their precursors from raw water using about our past research involvement on the disposal of fly ash,” extracted carbon from waste materials,” he adds. said Dr. Tahir Husain, associate dean (research) of Memorial’s Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science. “This led to SEC These adsorbents have been tested in the laboratory using water funding a research project to find cost effective and from the Newfoundland and Labrador towns of Torbay and environmentally sound methods of managing OFA in the sum Pouch Cove. With funding from the Harris Centre Outreach of approximately US $400,000.00.” Research Fund, research has now extended to other towns and communities such as Sunnyside, Salvage and New-Wes-Valley. The specific project objectives are: This type of collaboration will not only bring national and 1. Characterization of OFA and development international recognition to Memorial researchers, but will also of activated carbon (AC) help protect the environment by converting waste into valuable 2. Application of AC to wastewater treatment and products also resulting in significant savings in disposal cost. The flue gas desulfurization extracted carbon from these wastes has potential to become future 3. Recovery of nickel and vanadium from OFA affordable adsorbents to clean air, treat water and wastewater.

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Faculty Research News 30 seconds of research

First annual video competition for graduate students


raduate students Zhi Li and Shuyan Chen took home $500 for their winning 30 second entry in the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science's 2015 Research Video Competition sponsored by the Engineering Research Office and the Office of Graduate Studies.

The winning video, entitled Autonomous Surface Vehicle that allows a Better Strategy to Explore Our Ocean was supervised by Drs. Ralf Bachmayer and Andrew Vardy in ocean and naval architectural engineering. The video showcased Li’s PhD research involving advanced survival strategies for autonomous surface vehicles to enable their safe and persistent ocean exploration missions in harsh ocean environments.

Clean hands mean healthy patients

large ship structures, the ship weights will be reduced, which means (a) decrease of fuel consumption…(and a) more environmentally- friendly (model).”

“This project provides us with the ability to monitor compliance with the four moments of hand hygiene 24 hours a day, seven days a week,” says Amy Howard, Regional Director, Infection Prevention and Control Program, Eastern Health.

Other contestants were Al Amin (Modelling and Development of a Managed Pressure Drilling Setup), Igor Gribanov (Numerical Modeling of Ice), and Mohamed Walid and Mehrez Said (Relative Localization and Tracking Control in Multi-Robot Systems Using Optimization). Each video included a brief overview of the research and described why the research is relevant and beneficial to society and/or the economy.

From top left are: Dr. Mohamed Shehata, Mike Hartmann, Mohamed Abdel Paky, Dr. Reza Shahidi, Ahmed Soliman; from bottom left are: Kelly Smith, Dr. Natalie Bridger, Amy Howard, Donna Ronayne; Missing: Steven Lockyear, Ron Johnson, Mary Ann Head


ur mothers weren’t lying when they told us if we didn’t wash our hands, we could get sick. In Canada, hospitalacquired infections affect more than 200,000, and kill 8,000– 12,000, patients each year. Hand hygiene is internationally regarded as the most important preventive strategy for hospital-acquired infections.

From left are: Peng Yu, Plinio Ferreira Pinto, Dr. Greg Naterer, Zhi Li, Shuyan Chen and Suvra Chakraborty. Missing: Abdul Aziz.

Second place ($300) went to Team LightCube’s Abdul Aziz and Subra Chakraborty for their video that combined aspects of process and mechanical engineering. The video, entitled Thermal Analysis of Offshore Buried Pipelines, explored Chakraborty’s master’s research topic and was shot in C-CORE laboratory under the supervision of Dr. Vandad Talimi. Other supervisors included Drs. Salim Ahmed, Faisal Khan and Yuri Muzychka. Third place ($200) was awarded to Peng Yu and Plinio Ferreira Pinto for their video Composites Material for Large Ships. Supervised by mechanical engineering professors Drs. Sam Nakhla and Geoff Rideout, the video illustrated the benefits of applying composite materials to large ships resulting in lower maintenance costs and lower structure weights. “One of the concerns now obstructing the development of composite ship structures is the manufacturing cost,” said Yu and Ferreira Pinto. “When the composites are widely used in

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Awards were presented by Dr. Greg Naterer, dean, at the faculty's Fall Scholarship Presentations on November 25, 2015. The reasoning behind the 30-second research video competition was to create a data bank of research videos and to promote and celebrate the innovative research activities by graduate students in the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science. Judges were Jackey Locke, FEAS Communications Officer; Dr. Leonard Lye, Professor; and two grad students, Kshama Roy and Weiyun Lin. To view all videos, please visit www.mun.ca/engineering/research/about/30seconds.php

With the increased focus on quality and safe care, many health authorities have made hand hygiene compliance a priority. Eastern Health currently uses the gold standard for hand hygiene compliance auditing. This involves direct observation, which is a time- and resource-consuming method and can be potentially biased.

“Whereas our current method, through direct observation, is only a snapshot moment in time that is biased by the Hawthorne effect. Our hope is that staff will find this system acceptable and that their real time knowledge of the rates and ongoing education on the four moments of hand hygiene will improve the rate of compliance and decrease the rate of infection on the study unit.”

While the results of the survey are still being compiled and more work needs to be done, the team is very excited about what they’ve learned so far. “Although many studies suggest that hand hygiene compliance will significantly increase, this project uses innovative technology at a much lower cost and hence can be deployed Canada wide to provide a safer environment in our hospitals,” said Dr. Mohamed Shehata, professor of electrical and computer engineering. The team includes: From Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science

Various electronic hand hygiene monitoring solutions are currently on the market. However, to date, these commercial electronic hand hygiene monitoring solutions have been cost prohibitive. A team of researchers at Memorial University are currently collaborating with Eastern Health on a project that uses imagery and a wireless hand hygiene monitoring system to improve compliance. The innovative electronic technology costs substantially less than existing commercial processes. The pilot project includes testing this technology for a period of six months in the Health Sciences Centre on a real patient ward. Healthcare workers interacting with patients are automatically and anonymously monitored and recorded using real-time imagery and wireless technology attached to employee badges and hand washing stations. Data is automatically transmitted via a wireless network to a data server where it is compiled and displayed on large monitors to show compliance rates.

• Dr. Mohamed Shehata PhD P.Eng. (Principle Investigator) • Dr. Mohamed Hossam Ahmed PhD P.Eng. • Ahmed Solima • Dr. Reza Shahidi From Eastern Health

• • • • •

Dr. Natalie Bridger MD, FRCPC, DTM&H (Principle Investigator) Ms. Amy Howard BN RN MN (Regional Director) Ms. Donna Ronayne BN RN Mr. Mike Hartmann BA MPH Ms. Brenda Earles BN RN • Mr. Ron Johnson BTech MER (CTO, Eastern Health)

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Faculty Research News Biomass: waste or functional material?

Mechanical engineers knit bones together


ach year in Atlantic Canada vast amounts of forestry residues and fishery wastes are produced. These biomass wastes contain high-value proteins and polysaccharides, which have marketable applications. Dr. Yan Zhang in Memorial’s Department of Process Engineering is leading a research group to develop novel technologies to convert the natural polysaccharides extracted from forestry and fishery wastes into value-added functional materials and biofuels.

Thanks to investments from Suncor Energy, Bombardier and the Research & Development Corporation (RDC); solid mechanics and materials laboratories allow research in composites manufacturing, materials corrosion and reservoir souring laboratories. The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) also provided funding towards composites research in offshore applications, oil and gas and bioengineering research.

Dr. Zhang’s team is involved with two research projects funded by NSERC, Centre for Forest Science and Innovation (CFSI) and Memorial University. The first project is focused on developing polysaccharide-based mesoporous biosorbents for the recovery of precious metals.

Not only does this research funding support the education and training of students, but the economic and scientific impacts of these projects benefit both the provincial and federal governments by increasing safety in offshore and oil and gas operations, lowering infrastructure investment cost and the cost of maintenance in ocean applications and oil and gas activities.

“Our studies have established effective methods to prepare polysaccharide-based hydrogels with high uptake capacity and extremely good selectivity for precious metal ions from aqueous solutions,” said Dr. Zhang. “However, slow mass transfer of metal ions within the pores of the biosorbents deters their practical application in industry.” “Our most recent research has focused on utilizing freezedrying and immobilization technologies to prepare structurallydefined mesoporous adsorbents for precious metal recovery,” she added. “The long-term objective of this research is to

From left are: Mr. Xiangpeng Gao, Dr. Yan Zhang and Mr. Jalil Shadbahr

Annual Research Report | page 14

Dr. Yan Zhang

promote the practical applications of polysaccharide-based functional materials to the areas of wastewater treatment and bioseparations.” Dr. Zhang’s second project aims to explore the process enhancement technologies for bioethanol production from woody biomass. Biochemical conversion of woody biomass to ethanol through simultaneous hydrolysis and fermentation at high solid loadings still has several technical bottlenecks, such as inefficient mixing, high power consumption and high concentrations of inhibitory compounds. Practical strategies, including tuning the feeding strategies of substrate and improving the mixing and mass transfer in the highly viscous two-phase flow, are being explored to maximize the final ethanol concentration and yield. Through systematic experimental investigations, this research work is expected to generate environmental friendly, cost-effective and technically feasible solutions for cellulosic bioethanol production which will deliver a significant impact on the revitalization of forest industries in Newfoundland and Labrador.

Anna Gosine, undergraduate student (term 4), funded by NSERC-USRA (Undergraduate Student Research Award).


mechanical engineering team of senior students and an NSERC undergraduate student are investigating new methods of technology-assisted reconstructive surgery. By utilizing medical CAD tools and rapid prototyping techniques, these researchers are aiding in surgery planning for patients with craniofacial bone cancer. Dr. Sam Nakhla and term 8 students, Nathan Hutchens (team lead), Gary Whelan, Geoff O’Brien, Adam Reardon and Saad Jahangir; and NSERC undergraduate student Anna Gosine are working in collaboration with surgeons from Eastern Health and St. Clare's Mercy Hospital to come up with novel ways to hold bones together.

And that’s not all they’re up to.

Moreover, these projects provide a perfect opportunity of multidisciplinary research with the faculties of medicine and science at Memorial University of Newfoundland. More major initiatives in the Solid Mechanics and Materials group: Dr. Nakhla and a team of graduate and undergraduate students are directing solid mechanics research on ship superstructure and hybrid composite oil risers. Graduate students Aninda Mondal and Peng Yu are investigating analytical and manufacturing models for weight and strength optimization of ship superstructures. Graduate student Ahmed Elruby is extending finite element analysis capabilities to enable accurate prediction of remaining life of offshore hybrid composite structures.

Drs. John Shirokoff and Sam Nakhla and another team of graduate and undergraduate students have set out to solve some of the particular challenges posed by the harsh environment in Newfoundland­— problems like the corrosion of aircraft structures and reservoir souring. Graduate students, Ladan Khaksar and Yasmeen Shoker, are both conducting experiments involving corrosion testing and material characterization, mechanical testing and analytical simulations. Ms. Khaksar is conducting corrosion research on reservoir souring to predict asset integrity and potential failure of offshore structures while Ms. Shoker performs similar testing for aircraft structures.

The term-8 team from left are: Gary Whelan, Geoff O’Brien, Nathan Hutchens (team lead), Adam Reardon and Saad Jahangir. 3D printing of the skull and jaw powered by the Mimics® Innovation Suite, Materialise, Leuven, Belgium.

Annual Research Report | page 15

Faculty Research News The SeaWEED – converting waves into energy


he Department of Ocean and Naval Architectural Engineering (ONAE) is helping Grey Island Energy (GIE) Inc. convert waves into energy. The SeaWEED, a multi-body floating wave energy converter (WEC) developed by GIE, may be best described as a hybrid between a line attenuator and series point absorber. This new technology intends to develop a wave energy device with higher efficiency and greater survivability than existing devices such as those developed by Pelamis and Ocean Power Technology (OPT). The device consists of three hinged floating sections connected by trusses or rods and universal joints. Its semi-submerged floats inherently face into the direction of waves. The wave-induced motions of the floats are converted into electricity through two hydraulic Power Take-Off (PTO) systems, which are located in the end of each producing module. It is GIE's goal to make the device ready for commercial deployment.

Drs. Heather Peng and Wei Qiu of the ONAE hydrodynamics group have been working with GIE to help reach their goal. Research is being done to improve the design of the SeaWEED so as to reach maximum PTO efficiency and to evaluate the performance of the device in extreme sea conditions. The hydrodynamic optimization of the SeaWEED in specified wave conditions has been studied numerically. Optimization was focused on the PTO damping and the geometrical parameters in terms of the draft and the length of the truss between hinged bodies. An optimal combination of length, draft and PTO damping was recommended for an intended operation location. Physical model tests of the SeaWEED in various scales are being carried out in the towing tank of the Ocean Engineering Research Centre (OERC) to validate the numerical predictions and to improve the design.

Memorial’s civil engineers help remediate contaminated sites in the north


oil contaminated by petroleum hydrocarbons (PHCs) has long been a big concern of the public, government and industry. In the north, due to the harsh environmental conditions, characterization and remediation of PHC contaminated sites have become challenging tasks facing researchers and engineers. Dr. Helen Zhang and her civil engineering team at Memorial are taking on the challenges through integration of genomics and remediation engineering. Their work has resulted in the development of new tools to monitor and manage contaminated sites. For example, to aid in the remediation of abandoned mineral exploration sites in Labrador, Dr. Zhang and her team have integrated the in-situ microcosm bacterial trap (BACTRAP) with Direct-Push (DP), leading to an innovative DP-BACTRAP method for site characterization.

RESEARCH OUTSIDE THE BOX? Memorial University’s Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science Research Lunch & Learn Series began in 2012 to allow students, faculty and staff to learn about current research projects. Invitations are sent out campus wide. 2015 welcomed six presenters speaking on topics from computer security to biomedical engineering. The 2015 Lunch & Learn Series opened on June 5 with a presentation on computer security by Dr. Jonathan Anderson.


Dr. Helen Zhang

“Previously, the in-situ monitoring of microbial activities relied heavily on the placement of monitoring wells.“ said Dr. Zhang. “This is very time consuming, expensive, and brings extra challenges of working in the north. With the application of DP-BACTRAP, no monitoring wells will be required for site microbial characterization.“ Another example is the integration of whole genome shuffle technology with site bioremediation. The genomic tool can greatly aid the generation of hyper-producing inocula for fermentation and increase the productivity of biosurfactants. The developed biosurfactant enhanced bioremediation method has demonstrated its high effectiveness in treating PHC contaminated sites in harsh environments. From left are: Dr. Wei Qiu, Claire Chen, Wei Meng, Min Zhang, Craig Thompson, Kyle Stanley, Sarah White and Dr. Heather Peng

Annual Research Report | page 16

With the support of The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) and Genome Atlantic, Dr. Zhang and her team are equipping Canadians with more alternatives to preserve a clean, safe and sustainable environment in the north.

05 JUL

16 SEP







02 27

Annual Research Report | page 17


Computer Security? COMPUTER SECURITY Dr. Jonathan Anderson, assistant professor (electrical and computer engineering), studies the security of operating systems and other critical software components. He holds a B.Eng. and M.Eng. from Memorial University and a PhD in computer science from the University of Cambridge.

the engineering degree program, teaching a wide variety of courses and topics.

On September 16, 2015, Dr. Czarnuch’s Lunch & Learn Session discussed the fact that biomedical engineering has emerged as a significant area of research and industrial growth internationally. Some of his studies on ice friction, as well as the corrosion of In his talk, Dr. Czarnuch touched on general areas of research metals in sea water, contributed greatly to field of ocean that have become the foundation of biomedical engineering in Can your computer be thetrusted? Should you be worried about engineering. In Dr. Molgaard’s Lunch & Learn session on July Canada and worldwide, his own research on intelligent assistive internet‐facing critical infrastructure? Why are security researchers 16, 2015, he focused on aspects of biomedical engineering. technologies designed to support persons with neurological so paranoid? In this Lunch & Learn session, Jonathan Anderson will In his final years as a full-time faculty member at Memorial he and cognitive disabilities, other biomedical engineering research was asked by orthopedic surgeons to a collaborate in their research. as well as the mindsets at Memorial, of and the future of biomedical engineering in discuss threats to computer security This included studies in a joint Biomedical Engineering Centre Memorial’s Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science. researchers and practitioners who work to make our systems safer. on bone repair procedures and motion analysis on children with movement Dr. deficits. The new Motion Lab atthe the Janeway Children’s LIVES ARE IMPROVING DUE TO MEMORIAL’S FACULTY OF Anderson Studies security of operating systems and other Hospital had its beginnings in the engineering building. ENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCE.


note-taking and changing mind-set for better grades and general academic performance.

Making a study plan and effective study MAKING AN IMPACT WITH STUDENT ENGAGEMENT techniques (learning how to learn)?


Dr. Janna Rosales, visiting assistant professor, complementary studies, holds the inaugural Chair for On June 5, 2015, Dr. Anderson’s Lunch & Learn session Teaching and Learning in the critical software components as an assistant professor in Memorial’s discussed threats to computer security as well as the mindsets Faculty of Engineering. She Department of inElectrical Computer Engineering. He holds a of researchers and practitioners who work to make our systems Research on movement deficits children led and to a role in a studies various dimensions of Dr. Jonathan Anderson This talk is about learning how to learn effectively. The techniques learned will be safer. six-year major interdisciplinary ergonomics project on repetitive MAKING A STUDY PLAN student engagement as it relates to B.Eng. and M.Eng. from Memorial University and a PhD in Computer useful for both students and teachers. Two proven effective techniques that promote strain injuries in workers in chicken and fish processing plants. AND EFFECTIVE STUDY TECHNIQUES diversity and retention in Science from the University of Cambridge. long-term retention of knowledge will be introduced. The first technique would be on Assistant Professor Here are some of the questions answered in Dr. Anderson’s Using motion analysis by filming fish plant workers at their stations, engineering, as well as the how to do a study plan throughout the semester, and the second technique would be (Electrical and Computer Engineering) presentation: Dr. Molgaard and the team of researchers, including a specialist Dr. Leonard Lye is a registered formation of professional identity. Faculty of Engineering and Applied how to when studying. The techniques introduced are based on in ergonomics from Montreal, guided the workers in coming up professional on engineer andstudy holdseffectively a She teaches ethics, Science and on extensive recent by cognitive the speaker’s personal experience • Can your computer be trusted? with solutions, some as simple as lowering the belt on which PhD in civil engineering. He has communication and professionalism as partresearch of the scientists and educational psychologists. Popular studying techniques that are pans come along the processing line and ensuring knife edges been with Memorial University complementary studies program in engineering. ineffective such as highlighting and rereading will also be discussed as well as useful tips • Should you be worried about internet-facing were kept consistently sharp to avoid the extra effort needed since 1988. He has served as the for note-taking and changing mind-set for better grades and general academic critical infrastructure? to work with dull blades. “Workers had been bringing pain killers discipline chair of civil engineering Student engagement are popular buzzwords in the university, performance. to work in their lunch boxes,” said Dr. Molgaard, explaining for three terms and is currently the but what do they really mean for teaching, and why does it • Why are security researchers so paranoid? that some were skeptical about simple solutions, until they (light lunch provided) associate dean (Graduate Studies) matter? could go home without pain in their shoulders and they realized in the FacultyDr. of Engineering Leonard M.and Lye is a registered professional engineer and holds a PhD in civil VALID QUESTIONS AND VALID ANSWERS ARE ALWAYS the importance of ergonomic work stations. Applied Science. He is a fellow of Engineers Canada and Onwith October 27, 2015, Dr. Rosales’s Learn engineering. Hefellow has been Memorial University sinceLunch 1988.& He hasSession servedwas as the WELCOMED AT MEMORIAL UNIVERSITY’S FACULTY OF of theDr. Canadian Academy of Engineering. Dr. Lye has won the directed at professors. By examining the theory and practice of discipline chair of civil engineering for three terms and he is currently the associate dean Leonard M. Lye, P.Eng., ENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCE. ANOTHER EXAMPLE OF MEMORIAL’S ENGINEERING PEGNL’s and President’s awards for distinguished teaching, and student engagement in engineering, Dr. Rosales illustrated that (graduate studies) in the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science. He is a Fellow FCSCE, FEC, FCAE Professor of RESEARCHERS MAKING THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE. for community service. Aside from his research interests in active learning can help student retention and success, Canadian Academy of of Engineers Canada, Fellow of CSCE, and with Fellow of the Civil Engineering Associate statistical hydrology, environmental statistics, and design of while also resulting in a more rewarding experience for Engineering. Dr. Lye has won the PEGNL’s and President’s awards for distinguished Dean (Graduate Studies), CROSS-DISCIPLINARY AND experiments, he has great interests in engineering education, instructors. Dr. Rosales’s takeaway message included providing teaching, and for community service. Aside from his research interests in statistical Faculty Engineering and CROSS-COMMUNITY EXCURSIONS BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING particularly in of pedagogy. professors more ideas, tools, and motivation to try out student environmental statistics, and designand of experiments, he has great interests in Biomedical engineering has emergedhydrology, as a significant area of research Applied Science, MUN. engagement strategies for themselves. engineering education, particularly in pedagogy. industrial growth2, internationally. this session, Dr. Czarnuch will discuss the Dr. John Molgaard, PhD, P.Eng. Dr. Stephen Czarnuch, PhD, assistant On October 2015, Dr. Lye (FCAE, In PhD, P.Eng. FCSCE, FEC) currently works as an honorary professor, Department of Electrical (graduate studies) a Lunch & Learnthe session MEMORIAL’S FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND APPLIED generalassociate areas dean of research that gave have become foundation of biomedical research professor in the Drilling and Computer Engineering, studies on Learning How to Learn. Learning how to learn effectively is SCIENCE PROFESSORS WANT TO ENGAGE STUDENTS. engineering in Canada and worldwide, his own research on intelligent assistive Technology Laboratory. computer vision-based, humanuseful to both students and teachers. Two proven effective technologies designed tolong-term supportretention persons with neurological and cognitive motion tracking and automated techniques that promote of knowledge Dr. Molgaard’s research has varied planning as a biomedical engineer; were discussed. The first was how to do a study plan disabilities, other biomedical engineering research at Memorial, and the future throughout his career. When he engaging engineering, computer throughout the semester, and the second technique was how of biomedical engineering in Memorial’s Faculty of Engineering and Applied first started out in the nylon fibre science, medicine, gerontology to study effectively. Teachers in attendance were excited to Science. industry, he focused on the rheology and rehabilitation science through pass on the techniques presented to their students. The of molten nylon and surface properties of fibres and textile his research. He joined Memorial as an assistant professor, jointly techniques studies introducedcomputer were based onvision-based, the Dr. Lye’s personal Dr. Czarnuch human-motion tracking and machinery components. This required resolving technical issues appointed to the Department of Electrical and Computer experience as well as extensive recent research by cognitive automated planning as biomedical engineer, engaging engineering, computer in friction, wear and lubrication of machines. After completing Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science scientists and educational psychologists. Dr. Lye explained why science,hemedicine, gerontology and rehabilitation science through his research. his PhD, which focused on the division of frictional heat between and the Discipline of Emergency Medicine in the Faculty of believes popular studying techniques such as highlighting rubbing surfaces, he continued his research studies at McMaster Medicine. He holds a B.Eng. & Mgmt. and MASc. from and rereading are ineffective. also discussed useful tips for He joined Memorial as an Heassistant professor, jointly appointed to the University specializing in the thermal conductivity of iron McMaster University and a PhD in biomedical engineering from Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering in the Faculty of oxides. He then joined Memorial University and helped launch the University of Toronto.

Friday, June 5 AT 1:00 PM


Biomedical Engineering?

Friday, October 2, 2015 at 1 p.m.

Dr. Stephen Czarnuch, PhD, Assistant Professor

Annual Research Report | page 18

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science/ Discipline of Emergency Medicine,

Engineering and Applied Science and the Discipline of Emergency Medicine in the Faculty of Medicine. He holds a B.Eng. & Mgmt. and MASc. From McMaster University and a PhD in biomedical engineering from the University of Toronto.

Annual Research Report | page 19



PhD AND M.ENG. PROGRAMS (THESIS-BASED) Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Ocean and Naval Architectural Engineering Process Engineering Oil and Gas Engineering

MASC PROGRAMS (COURSE-BASED) • Computer Engineering • Environmental Systems Engineering and Management • Oil and Gas Engineering


Year Number of Graduate Students

• • • • • • •






500 400 300 200 100


0 2004



• Safety and Risk Engineering


















2008 600 Number of Graduate Students










Number of Graduate Students Male



500 400 300 200 100 0 2004









Year Full Time  Annual Research Report | page 20

Part Time Annual Research Report | page 21

Research Funding & Staff

Annual Research Funding – Millions of Dollars (Moving 3-year Average)







$16 $14


$12 $10

• • • •



Arctic and Northern Regions Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Information and Communications Technology Oceans, Fisheries and Aquaculture


$6 $4


$2 $0 2003












Fiscal Year




TOTAL EXTERNAL RESEARCH SUPPORT BY CONTRACT TYPE 2003–2014 Annual Research Funding – Millions of Dollars (Moving 3-year Average)

2008 $9 $8


$7 2006

$6 $5


$4 $3


$2 $1







$0 2003












Number of Faculty and Staff

Fiscal Year Operating Grants  Annual Research Report | page 22

Operating Contracts

Other Grants Annual Research Report | page 23

Selected Publications SELECTED PUBLICATIONS BY DISCIPLINE DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING Agent-aided weathering simulation and operational optimization for offshore oil spill response decision making P. Li, B. Chen, Z.L. Li, L. Jing, T. Husain Journal of Environmental Informatics. (2015) (in press). Assessing the Effects of Land-use, Climate Change, and Extreme Events on Physical Habitat of Rivers J. Daraio International Society for River Science 4th Biennial Symposium on River Connectivity. (2015). Continuous flow system for arsenate uptake by horticultural peat impregnated with Fe O.M. Rageh, C.A. Coles GeoRegina 2014, the 67th Canadian Geotechnical Conference. (2014). Corrosion Effects on the Strength of Steel Pipes using FEA B.C. Mondal, A.S. Dhar 34th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. (2015). Development of oil spill bio-dispersants using Rhodococcus Erythropolis mutants Q.H. Cai, B.Y. Zhang, B. Chen, T. Cao Water Quality Research Journal of Canada. (2015) (in press).

Annual Research Report | page 24

Effect of expanded slate aggregate on fresh properties and shear behaviour of lightweight SCC beams A. Abouhussien, A. Hassan, A. Hussein Concrete Research. 9 (2015) 433‐442. Finite element modeling of partially embedded pipelines in clay seabed using Coupled Eulerian–Lagrangian method S. Dutta, B. Hawlader, R. Phillips Canadian Geotechnical Journal. 52 (2015) 58-72. (Editor’s Choice Award). Improved Sensitivity Analysis in Civil Engineering Design Using Statistical Design of Experiment (DOE) L. Lye, A. Hussein, R. Dey Canadian Society of Civil Engineering Annual Conference. (2015). Low Cost Adsorbent to Reduce Disinfection By‐products from Drinking Water in Small Communities T. Husain International Conference on Water, Informatics, Sustainability, and Environment. (2014). Modeling the sorption of Ni2+ and Co2+ on saprist peat using the response surface methodology E.S. Asapo, C.A. Coles, L.M. Lye Journal of Waste Management. (2015) 10 pages. Novel Elasto-Viscoplastic Model of High Density Polyethylene Material M.S.A. Siddique, A.S. Dhar Geosynthetics International. 22 (2015) 173 – 182.

Numerical analysis of large diameter monopiles in dense sand supporting offshore wind turbines S.S. Ahmed, B. Hawlader ASCE International Journal of Geomechanics. (2015) (accepted). Optimizing the durability and service life of selfconsolidating concrete containing metakaolin using statistical analysis A.A. Abouhussien, A.A.A. Hassan Construction and Building Materials. 76 (2015) 297–306. Photocatalytic degradation of naphthalene in offshore produced water: comparison of immobilized and suspended TiO2 B. Liu, B. Chen, Lee, K., Zhang, B.Y., Y.C. Ma, L. Jing Water Quality Research Journal of Canada. (2015) (in press). Study of chemical characteristics of particulate matter concentrations in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia B. Alharbi, M.M. Shareef, T. Husain Atmospheric Pollution Research. 6 (2015) 88-98. Understanding Resilience: Implications for Water Resources Design J. Daraio AWRA Annual Water Resources Conference. (2015).


Clean Application Compartmentalization with SOAAP K. Gudka, R.N.M. Watson, J. Anderson, D. Chisnall, B. Davis, B. Laurie, L. Marinos, P.G. Neumann, A. Richardson Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security. (2015).

A Gradient-based Multiple-Path Routing Protocol for Low Duty-Cycled Wireless Sensor Networks J. Hao , Z. Yao, K. Huang, B. Zhang, C. Li Accepted by Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing. (2015) (in press).

Control System Development and Test for the Operation of a Micro Grid System—PART I R. Ahshan, M.T. Iqbal, G.K.I. Mann, J.E. Quaicoe Smart Grid and Renewable Energy. 5 (2014) 291-301.

An Active-Clamping Resonant Flyback DC/DC Converter with Improved Output Power Transfer A. Tahavorgar, J.E. Quaicoe IECON 2015 Conference. (2015).

Cooperative AF relaying with beamforming and limited feedback in cognitive radio networks A. Afana, T. Ngnatched, O.A. Dobre IEEE Communications Letters. 19 (2015) 491-494.

An Algorithm for Surface Current Retrieval from X-band Marine Radar Images C. Shen , W. Huang , E.W. Gill, R. Carrasco , J. Horstmann Remote Sensing. 7 (2015) 7753-7767.

Cooperative Routing in Wireless Networks: A Comprehensive Survey F. Mansourkiaie, M.H. Ahmed IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials. 17 (2015) 604 – 626.

An Efficient Dynamic Layered Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks with Mobile Sinks L. Shi, Z. Yao, B. Zhang, C. Li, J. Ma International Journal of Communications Systems. (2015) (in press).

Cyclonic Capacitive Sensor for Multiphase Composition Measurement J. Ortiz, V. Masek Sensors & Transducers Journal. 191 (2015) 1-11.

Annual Research Report | page 25

Selected Publications Development and evaluation of a hand tracker using depth images captured from an overhead perspective S. Czarnuch , A. Mihailidis Disability & Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology. (2015) (in press). Electrical Submersible Pump System Grounding – Current Practice and Future Trend X. Liang, J. He, L. Du IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. (in press). Energy Efficiency - Spectral Efficiency Trade-off: A Multiobjective Optimization Approach O. Amin, E. Bedeer, M.H. Ahmed, O. Dobre IEEE Transaction on Vehicular Technology. (accepted), 2015. Feasibility of a semi-automated approach to grading point of care ultrasound image generation skills Z. Chen, M. Shehata, A. Smith Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Image and Vision Computing New Zealand (IVCNZ’15), November 2015. Fold Angle of Winding Arrangement in Single Drive Bearingless Motor with Radial Gap H. Sugimoto, S. Tanaka, A. A. Chiba, M.A. Rahman IAS transactions of IEE Japan. 4 (2015) 395-401. Joint timing and frequency synchronization based on weighted CAZAC sequences for reduced-guard-interval CO-OFDM systems S. O. Omomukuyo, D. Chang, J. Zhu, O.A. Dobre, R. Venkatesan, T. Ngatched, C. Rumbolt Optics Express. 23 (2015) 5877-5888. Lead by Design: Pedagogical approaches to foster reflective practice and career-long sustainable professional development C. Moloney, J. Rosales, C. Badenhorst, J. Roberts Proceedings of EESD15 - 7th Conference on Engineering Education for Sustainable Development. (2015). Machiavellian Agents: Player Modelling to Deceive and be Deceived S. Watson, A. Vardy, W. Banzhaf, T. Wareham International Conference on Computer Games. (2015). Modeling and V/F Control of a Hysteresis Interior Permanent Magnet Motor S.F. Rabbi, M. Halloran, T. LeDrew, A. Matchem, M.A. Rahman IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. (2015) (in press).

Annual Research Report | page 26

Moving Object Tracking from Moving Platforms using Lagrange Multiplier A. Eltantawy, M. Shehata Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2015), Quebec City, Canada, September 2015

Dynamic Analysis of a Deployable Oil Dispersant System for UAV Technology Applications N. Brazil, G. Rideout, S. Nakhla, S. Kenny International Journal of Unmanned Systems Engineering. 3 (2015) 21-31.

Moving toward a user-centred design: Assistive technology for older adults with dementia Czarnuch , R. Ricciardelli, B. Ye, A. Mihailidis Alzheimer Society Research Program. (2015) 23.

Elastodynamic and Finite Element Vibration Analysis of a Drillstring with a Downhole Vibration Generator Tool and a Shock Sub A. Ghasemloonia, G. Rideout, S. Butt, A. Hajnayeb Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science. 229 (3015) 1361–1384.

New Analytic Model of Coupling and Substrate Capacitance in Nanometer Technologies G. Shomalnasab, L. Zhang IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems. 23 (2015) 1268-1280.

Hazard Analysis and Safety Assurance for the Integration of Nuclear Reactors and Thermochemical Hydrogen Plants Z. Wang, E. Secnik, G.F. Naterer Process Safety and Environmental Protection. (2015) (in press).

Signal identification for emerging intelligent radios: Classical problems and new challenges O.A. Dobre Invited — IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Magazine. 18 (2015) 11-18.

Heat transfer in liquid-liquid Taylor flow in a mini-scale tube with constant wall temperature W.M. Adrugi, Y.S. Muzychka, K. Pope ASME 2015, 13th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Mini-scale tubes. (2015).

Space Harmonics of Synchronous Machines Calculated by Finite Element Method X. Liang, S.O. Faried, A.M. El-Serafi IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. (in press).

Laminar Heat Transfer Coefficients in Micro and Mini-Scale Ducts and Channels Y.S. Muzychka, M. Ghobadi Heat Transfer Engineering. (2015) (in press).

Structural Optimization of Z-Axis Tuning-Fork MEMS Gyroscopes for Enhancing Reliability and Resolution L. Zhang, V. Masek, N. Sanatdoost International Journal of Microelectronic Engineering. 21 (2015) 1187-1201. Validation of a Computerized Technique for Automatically Tracking and Measuring the Inferior Vena Cava in Ultrasound Imagery S. Bellows, M. Shehata, J. Smith, P. McGuire, A. Smith Biosystems Engineering Journal, Vol. 138, pp. 4–10, October 2015. UT-MARO: Unscented Transformation and Matrix Rank Optimization for Moving Objects Detection in Aerial imagery A. Eltantawy, M. Shehata Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC'15), LA, USA, December 2015 When copycats lose G. George Mathematical Gazette. 99 (2015) 230-236.

DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING An Intuitive and Efficient Approach to Integrated Modelling and Control of Three-Dimensional Vibration in Long Shaft G. Rideout, A. Ghasemloonia, F. Arvani, S. Butt International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling. 10 (2015) 163-178. An Optimization Post-Processing Module for Complex Tool-Tip Milling Operations L. Baron, L. Rolland International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. (2015) (accepted). An Ultrasonic and Vision-Based Relative Positioning Sensor for Multirobot Localization O. De Silva, G.K.I. Mann, R.G. Gosine Sensors Journal, IEEE. 15 (2015) 1716-1726.

Lead by Design: Pedagogical Approaches to Foster Reflective Practice and Career-long Sustainable Professional Development J. Rosales 7th International Conference on Engineering Education for Sustainable Development (EESD15). (2015). Model predictive control of nonholonomic mobile robots without stabilizing constraints and costs K. Worthmann, M.W. Mehrez, M. Zanon, G.K.I. Mann, R.G. Gosine, M. Diehl IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology. (2015) (in press). Numerical Modeling of Submodule Heat Transfer with Phase Change Material for Thermal Management of Electric Vehicle Battery Packs N. Javani, I. Dincer, G.F. Naterer ASME Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications. 7 (2015) 1–10.

Distributed Leader-Assistive Localization Method for a Heterogeneous Multirobotic System T.R. Wanasinghe, G.K.I. Mann, R.G. Gosine Automation Science and Engineering. 12 (2015) 795-809.

Annual Research Report | page 27

Selected Publications Numerical predictions of multiphase flow and ondeck icing on marine vessels D. Saha, K. Pope, Y.S. Muzychka Arctic Oil & Gas - North America 2015, IBC Energy’s 6th Annual Conference. (2015). Optimal Method of Transportation of Passengers From Closely Spaced Starting Points But Widely Separated Destination Points A.M. Sharan, M. Verma Rai Journal of Technology, Research and Innovation. 2 (2015) 1–7. Parametric instability induced by traveling magnetic load within permanent magnet motors Z. Zhao , S. Wang , J. Yang , W. Chen Nonlinear Dynamics. 80 (2015) 827–843. Prediction of Rain in Bihar, India, Based on Historical Rain Data A.M. Sharan Environment and Pollution. 12 (2015) 59-64. Probabilistic fracture mechanics analysis of spalling during edge indentation in ice R.S. Taylor, I.J. Jordaan Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 134 (2015) 242-266.

Random Dynamics of a Nonlinear Spur Gear Pair in Probabilistic Domain Y. Wen , J. Yang , S. Wang Journal of Sound and Vibration. 333 (2014) 5030-5041. Structural response comparison using different approaches to account for ice loading B. Erceg, R. Taylor, S. Ehlers Proceedings of the 23nd International Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditions. (June 2015). The Forward Kinematics of the 6-6 Parallel Manipulator Using an Evolutionary Algorithm based on Generalized Generation Gap with Parent-Centric Crossover L. Rolland, R. Chandra Robotica. (in press). The Mindful Engineer: Contemplative Education as a Strategy for Sustainable Lifelong Professional Development J. Rosales 7th International Conference on Engineering Education for Sustainable Development (EESD15). (2015). Thermal Resistance in a Rectangular Flux Channel with Non-Uniform Heat Convection in the Sink Plane M. Razavi, Y.S. Muzychka, S. Kocabyik ASME Journal of Heat Transfer. (2015) (in press).

DEPARTMENT OF OCEAN AND NAVAL ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING A Large Double-Pendulum Device to Study Load, Pressure Distribution and Structure Damage During Ice Impact Tests In The Lab R. Gagnon, C. Daley, B. Colbourne 23nd POAC Conference. (2015). A Method of Above-water Iceberg 3D Modelling Using Surface Imaging. Wang, Y., De Young, B., Bachmayer, R. In proceedings of: The Twenty-fifth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, 21-26 June, Kona, Hawaii, USA. (2015). Achieving competence in offshore emergency egress using virtual environment training J. Smith, B. Veitch, S. MacKinnon Proceedings, Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. (2015) 1–8. Assessing evacuation operation performance in harsh environments N. Norazahar, F. Khan, B. Veitch, S. MacKinnon Proceedings, Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. (2015) 1–6. Comparison of Ice Load Development on Non-Planar Surface H. Kim, C. Daley, B. Colbourne International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering. 25 (2015). Experimental Investigation of Ice Mass Hydrodynamic Interaction with Offshore Structure In Close Proximity T.M. Sayeed, C. Colbourne, H. Peng, B. Colbourne, D. Spencer 34th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. (2015). Glider Operations at the Autonomous Ocean Systems Laboratory. Bachmayer, R. Gliderschool 2015 Gran Canary, Las Palmas, Gran Canary, Spain. (2015). (Invited).

Hyper-Real-Time Ice Simulation and Modeling Using GPGPU S. Alawneh, S. Dragt, C. Daley, D. Peters, S. Bruneau Transactions on Computers IEEE TC-2013-11-077a. (2015). Ice Loads In Dry and Submerged Conditions R. Sopper, C. Daley, C. Colbourne ASME 2015 34th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. (2015). Numerical Investigation of Ship-Ice Interaction in Ship Manoeuvring Performance Q. Zhou, H. Peng, Qiu, W. Journal of Cold Regions Science and Technology. (2015) (in press). Predicting the wake behind a large AUV hydrofoil T. Allston, J. Monroe, R. Lewis, D. Mouland, J. Xu, D. Walker The Journal of Methods in Oceanography. 10 (2014) 166-177. Probabilistic analysis of local ice loads on a lifeboat measured in full-scale field trials M.S. Rahman, R. Taylor, A. Kennedy, A. Simões Ré, B. Veitch Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. 137 (2015) 1-14. Risk analysis of offshore transportation accidents in Arctic waters R. Abbassi, F. Khan, N. Khakzad, B. Veitch, S. Ehlers International Journal of Maritime Engineering. (2015) (accepted). Solving 2-D Water Entry Problems with a CIP Method and a Parallel Computing Algorithm P. Wen, W. Qiu Journal of Marine Systems and Ocean Technology. (2015) (accepted). Terrain Aided Navigation for an Underwater Glider B. Claus, R. Bachmayer Journal of Field Robotics. (2014) (in print). The Development of Sea Ice Thickness Measurement Sensor Li, S., Bachmayer, R., Cui, J. In proceedings of: The Twenty-fifth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, 21-26 June, Kona, Hawaii, USA. (2015).

Hydrodynamics and Optimization of a Vacuum Oil Skimmer S.Y. Ni, W. Qiu, A. Zhang, D. Prior Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. 137 (2015).

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Selected Publications The Ice Ocean Sentinel System (IOSS): Working towards Ice and Ocean Observation Technologies for Remote and Harsh Environments. Bachmayer, R. , De Young, B. Oral presentation at the 2016 Ocean Sciences Meeting, 21-26 February, in New Orleans, LA, USA. (2016).

DEPARTMENT OF PROCESS ENGINEERING A Model to Assess Dust Explosion Occurrence Probability J. Hassan, F. Khan, P. Amyotte, R. Ferdous Journal of Hazardous Materials. 268 (2014) 140-149. A Modified Lokhart Mertinnili’s Void Fraction Correlation for Three Phase Gas-Liquid-Solid Pipeline Flows M.A. Rahman International Journal of Petroleum Science and Technology. 9 (2015) 129-146. An integrated horizontal- and vertical flow simulation with application to wax precipitation S. Trina, T.E. Johansen SPE Journal. (2015).

Carbon Dioxide Compressibility Factor Determination Using a Robust Intelligent Method E. Mohagheghian, A. Bahadori, L.A. James The Journal of Supercritical Fluids. 101 (2015) 140-149. Comparison of biofuel quality of waste derived oils as a function of oil extraction methods I.A. Adeoti, K. Hawboldt Fuel. 158 (2015). Computerized Electrochemical Mechanical and Microstructural Measurements of Materials in Hydrometallurgical Solutions M.H. Banna, J. Shirokoff IEEE Newfoundland and Labrador Section. (2014) 1-3. Design of Scenario-Based Early Warning System for Process Operations H. Wang, F. Khan, S. Ahmed Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 54 (2015) 8255-8265. Development of Economic Consequence Methodology for Process Risk Analysis O. Zadakbar, F. Khan, S. Imtiaz Risk Analysis. 35 (2015) 713-731. Effect of production conditions on self-heating propensity of torrefied sawmill residues D.C. Cruz Ceballos, K. Hawboldt, R. Hellleur Fuel. 160 (2015). Effective Method to Determine Supersaturation of Tar Balls Deposited along the Caspian Sea J.S. Amin, S. Nikkhah, S. Zendehboudi, L.A. James Energy & Fuels. 29 (2015) 2931-2939. Experimental and mass transfer modelling of oil extraction from salmon processing waste using SC-CO2 I.A. Adeoti, K. Hawboldt Journal of Supercritical Fluids. (2015) (in press). Experimental Design to Study Corrosion Under Insulation in Harsh Marine Environments S. Caines, F.I. Khan, J. Shirokoff, W. Qiu Journal of Loss Prevention in Process Industries. 33 (2014) 1-13. Identification of MIMO continuous-time models using simultaneous step inputs S. Ahmed, S.A. Imtiaz Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 54 (2015) 7251-7260.

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Influence of Liquid and Vapourized Solvents on Explosibility of Pharmaceutical Excipient Dusts N. Hossain, P. Amyotte, M. Abuswer, A. Dastidar, F. Khan, R. Eckhoff Process Safety Progress. (2014).

The Development and Teaching of Corrosion Laboratories in an Engineering Program S. Caines, J. Shirokoff Proceedings of the 5th Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA) Conference. (2014).

Investigation of Enhancing Drill cuttings Cleaning and Penetration Rate Using Cavitating Pressure Pulses S. Babapour, S.D. Butt Proc. 48th US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium. (2014).

Two-Phase Riemann Problems with Constant Pressure Boundaries T.E. Johansen, L.A. James Solution of Multi-Component, Journal of Engineering Mathematics. (2015).

LNG Pool Fire Simulation For Domino Effect Analysis M.M. Jujuly, M.A. Rahman, S. Ahmed, F.I. Khan Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 143 (2015) 19-29. Methods and Models in Process Safety and Risk Management: Past, Present and Future F. Khan, S. Rathnayaka, S. Ahmed Process Safety and Environment Protection. 98 (2015) 116-147.


Modeling and Operation of an Interior Permanent Magnet Motor Drive for Electric Submersible Pumps M.A. Rahman, S.F. Rabbi, S.D. Butt Oceans/IEEEE 2014 Conference. (2014).

A Self-Adaptive Wavelet-Based Algorithm for Wave Measurement Using Nautical Radar J. An , W. Huang , E.W. Gill IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 53 (2015).

Robust Control of Managed Pressure Drilling N. Anirudh, S. Imtiaz, S. Butt Oceans/IEEEE 2014 Conference. (2014).

A Survey of AUV and Robot Simulators for Multi-Vehicle Operations D. Cook, A. Vardy, R. Lewis IEEE Conference on Autonomous Underwater Vehicles. (2014).

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Selected Publications An Energy-Efficient Asynchronous Wake-Up Scheme for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks R. Su, R. Venkatesan, C. Li Wiley Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing. (2015) (accepted). An Experimental Study on Two-Phase Flow at Different Orientations M.M. Awad, T.M. Brueckner, M.A. Rahman SME 2015 34th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. (2015). Arctic R&D in Newfoundland D. Oldford, M. Paulin, J. Cocker, C. Daley, S. Bruneau, B. Quinton, J. Tijsen, T. King, J. Millan Marine Technology SNAME Conference. (2014). CIP-Based Numerical Solutions of 3D Slamming Problems P. Wen, W. Qiu OMAE2015 Conference. (2015). Comparison of Algorithms for Wind Parameters Extraction from X-band Shipborne Marine Radar Images Y. Liu, W. Huang, E.W. Gill, D. Peters, R. Vicen-Bueno IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observation and Remote Sensing. 8 (2015) 896-906. Coupled Heat and Mass Transfer CFD Model for Methane Hydrate E.T. Netro, M.A. Rahman, S. Imtiaz, F.S. deSousa, T. Pereira ASME 34th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. (2015).

Deployable Oil Dispersant System for Fixed Wing Aircraft N. Brazil, S. Nakhla, S. Kenny OCEANS'14 MTS/IEEE. (2014). Design of Cost-Effective Reliable MEMS Gyroscopes for Underwater/Under-Ice Applications L. Zhang, V. Masek, N. Sanatdoost OCEANS MTS / IEEE 2014 Conference. (2014). Energy optimal depth control for long range underwater vehicles with applications to a hybrid underwater glider. Claus, B., Bachmayer R. Autonomous Robots. Springer US; 2016: 1-14; DOI 10.1007/s10514-016-9555-3. (2016).

Numerical and Experimental Study of Bulk Water Subsea Separation W. E, K. Pope, X. Duan Arctic Oil and Gas North America. (2015). Numerical and experimental study of bulk water subsea separation E. Weiwei, K. Pope, X. Duan Arctic Oil & Gas - North America IBC Energy’s 6th Annual Conference. (2015).

Evaluation, design and optimization for strength and integrity of polar class propellers P. Liu, N. Bose, B. Veitch Cold Regions Science and Technology. 113 (2015) 31-39.

Measurements of Spatial and Temporal Variations in Ice Impact Pressures R. Sopper, R. Gagnon, C. Daley, B. Colbourne 23nd POAC Conference. (2015). Modeling and Operation of an Interior Permanent Magent Motor Drive for Electric Submersible Pumps S.F. Rabbi, M.A. Rahman, S.D. Butt MTS / IEEE Oceans 2014 Conference. (2014).

Preliminary Field Trials of Autonomous Path Following P. King, B. Anstey, A. Vardy IEEE Conference on Autonomous Underwater Vehicles. (2014). Probabilistic Analysis of Local Ice Loads on a Lifeboat Measured in Full-scale Field Trials S. Rahman, R.S. Taylor, A. Kennedy, A. Simões Ré , B. Veitch Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. 137 (2015).

Risk Based Evaluation of Subsea Pipeline Leak Detection Technologies S. Imtiaz, A. Hillier, F. Khan, P. Thodi ASME 34th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. (2015).

Hyper-Real-Time Ice Simulation and Modeling Using GPGPU S. Alawneh, S. Dragt, D. Peters, C. Daley, S. Bruneau IEEE Transactions on Computers. (2015) (in press). Laboratory examination of Ice Loads and Effects on Concrete Surfaces from bi-axial collision and adhesion events J.N.W. Tijsen, S. Bruneau, B. Colbourne POAC 15 Conference. (15) (Awarded Best Graduate Student Paper).

On the Development of a High Frequency Radar Cross Section for Ionosphere-Ocean Propagation J. Walsh , E.W. Gill , W. Huang , S. Chen IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 63 (2015) 2655-2664.

Revisiting the Feasibility Study of Composites for Cargo Ships P. Yu, S. Nakhla Canadian International Conference on Composites. (2015).

Hydrodynamic Study of Submerged Ice Collisions S. Chander, A. Akinturk, B. Colbourne ASME 2015 34th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. (2015).

Marine icing of on-deck structures on marine vessels K.R. Sultana, K. Pope, Y.S. Muzychka Arctic Oil & Gas - North America 2015, IBC Energy’s 6th Annual Conference. (2015).

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Nonlinear Computation of Ship Motions in the Time Domain Using 2D+t Theory W. Meng, W. Qiu OMAE2015 Conference. (2015).

Seakeeping Analysis for Ships and Offshore Structures by Using Panel Free Methods H. Peng The Twenty-fourth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference. (2014). Numerical Simulation of a Dynamically Controlled Ship in Level Ice Q. Zhou, H. Peng International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering. (2014). Numerical Solutions of 2-D Water Entry Problems Based on a CIP Method and a Parallel Computing Algorithm P. Wen, W. Qiu OMAE2015 Conference. (2015). Numerical Solutions of 2-D Water Entry Problems Based on a CIP Method and a Parallel Computing Algorithm P. Wen, W. Qiu OMAE2015 Conference. (2015). On circularity / non-circularity in single-channel Synthetic Aperture Radar radar imagery K. El-Darymli, E.W. Gill, C. Moloney, P. McGuire, D. Power Proceedings of MTS/IEEE Oceans ’14. (2014).

Ship Structure Subjected to Extreme Ice Loading: Full Scale Laboratory Experiments Used to Validate Numerical Analysis M. Manuel, C. Daley, B. Colbourne POAC 15 Conference. (2015). The Development of AUV Strategies for Multidisciplinary Use K. MacPherson, D. Walker, R. Devillers, N. Kennedy, P. King, R. Lewis, J. Monroe, A. Vardy Proceedings of the MTS Oceans Conference. (2014). Underwater Glider Terrain Relative Navigation for use in Surface Denied Regions. Claus, B., Bachmayer, R. Poster Presentation at the 2016 Ocean Sciences Meeting, 21-26 February, in New Orleans, LA, USA. (2016).

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Selected Publications

ENERGY A Low Cost Method of Snow Detection on Solar Panels and Sending Alerts S. Meghdadi, M.T. Iqbal Journal of Clean Energy Technologies. 3 (2015) 393-397. A New Coupled Axial-Radial Productivity Model with Application to High Order Numerical Well Modeling J. Cao, L.A. James, T.E. Johansen SPE Reservoir Characterisation and Simulation Conference and Exhibition. (2015). A Novel Double-sided Linear Generator for Wave Energy Conversion M. Curcic, J.E. Quaicoe, R. Bachmayer IEEE-Oceans 2015 Conference. (2015). A Review of Drillstring Vibration Modeling and Suppression Methods A. Ghasemloonia, G. Rideout, S.D. Butt Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 131 (2015). An Effective Approach to Reducing Arc Flash Hazards in Power Systems X. Liang, B. Bagen, D.W. Gao IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. (2015) (in press). Analysis and Design of New Switching Lookup Table for Virtual Flux Direct Power Control of Grid-Connected Three-Phase PWM AC-DC Converter M.A. A. M. Razali, M.A. Rahman, G. George, N.A. Rahim IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. 51 (2015) 1189-1200.

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Analytical Coupled Axial and Radial Productivity Model for Steady-State Flow in Horizontal Wells T.E. Johansen, L.A. James, J. Cao International Journal of Petroleum Engineering. (2015) (in press). Capacitive Cyclonic Sensor for Oil Spill Remediation V. Masek, J. Ortiz OCEANS MTS / IEEE 2014 Conference. (2014). CFD analysis of hydrate formation in pipelines I.O. Sule, A. Adedeji, C. Obeng, A. Okosun, M. Morshed, M.A. Rahman, K. Hawboldt Petroleum Science and Technology. 33 (2015). Competitive adsorption of Ag (I) and Cu (II) by tripolyphosphate crosslinked chitosan beads C. Mao, S.A. Imtiaz, Y. Zhang Journal of Applied Polymer Science. (2015). Determination of adsorption isotherm parameters for minor whey proteins by gradient elution preparative liquid chromatography N. Faraji, Y. Zhang, A.K. Ray Journal of Chromatography A. 1412 (2015) 67-74. Development and Analysis of an Integrated Photovoltaic System for Hydrogen and Methanol Production P. Esmaili, I. Dincer, G.F. Naterer International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 40 (2015) 11140-11153. Dynamic State Estimation in Power Systems: Modeling, and Challenges H. Tebianian, B. Jeyasura Electric Power Systems Research. 121 (2015) 109-114.

Impact of the Fermeuse Wind Farm on Newfoundland Grid S. Meghdadi, M.T. Iqbal Energy and power engineering. 7 (2015).

Similitude Study for a Composite Sandwich Panel A. Mondal, S. Nakhla Canadian International Conference on Composites. (2015).

Ion-imprinted chitosan gel beads for selective adsorption of Ag+ from aqueous solutions M. Zhang, R. Helleur, Y. Zhang Carbohydrate Polymers. 130 (2015) 206-212.

Simplified Model for the Design of Composite Sandwich Construction A. Mondal, S. Nakhla OCEANS'14 MTS/IEEE. (2014).

Nanofluid Enhanced Oil Recovery – Mobility Ratio, Surface Chemistry, or Both? A. Khezrnejad, L.A. James, T.E. Johansen 29th Society of Core Analysts Symposium SCA 2015. (2015).

Thermal and flow properties of fish oil blends with bunker fuel oil I.A. Adeoti, K. Hawboldt, M.R. Santos Fuel. 158 (2015).

Optimal Design Methods for Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems F. Bourennani, S. Rahnamayan, G.F. Naterer International Journal of Green Energy. 12 (2015) 148-159.

Thermal insulation with latent energy storage for flow assurance in subsea pipelines M. Parsazadeh, X. Duan ASME 2015 34th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. (2015).

Power System Small-Signal Stability: Analysis and Use of Wide-Area Monitoring Systems D. Lin, R. Hadidi, B. Jeyasurya CIGRE Canada Conference. (2014). Power System Stability Monitoring using Synchronized Phasor Measurements S. Chakrabarti, B. Jeyasurya Presentation at IEEE Canada Electrical Power and Energy Conference. (2014). Probabilistic Estimation of Hydrate Formation D. Herath, F. Khan, S. Rathnayaka, M.A. Rahman Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 135 (2015) 32-38. Probabilistic Planning and Risk Analysis for Renewable Power Generation System X. Liang, B. Bagen Proceedings of CIGRE Canada Conference. (2015). Process simulation and life cycle analysis of biodiesel production Z. Sajid, F. Khan, Y. Zhang Renewable Energy. 85 (2016) 945-995. Pyrolysis: A theoretical and experimental study on the conversion of softwood sawmill residues to bio-oil S. Papari, K. Hawboldt, R. Helleur Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research. 54 (2015).

Thermal simulation and energy consumption analysis of two houses in St. John’s, Newfoundland T.A. Jesha, M.T. Iqbal 6th BSME International Conference on Thermal Engineering. (2014). Two Phase Flow Measurements under Static and Dynamic Conditions for Modelling the Top Kill Process M. Ghobadi, Y.S. Muzychka Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production. (2014).

INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY A novel faster-than-Nyquist PDM-16QAM scheme enabled by Tomlinson-Harashima precoding D. Chang, O. Omomukuyo, O.A. Dobre, R. Venkatesan, T. Ngatched, C. Rumbolt International Conference on Transparent Networks. (2015). Affectively aligned cognitive assistance using Bayesian affect control theory L. Lin, S. Czarnuch, A. Malhotra, C. Yu, J. Hoey 8th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing & Ambient Intelligence (UCAmI) & 6th International Workconference on Ambient Assisted Living. (2014).

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Selected Publications An adaptive matching pursuit algorithm for sparse channel estimation Y. Zhang, R. Venkatesan, O.A. Dobre, C. Li Proceedings of WCNC’15, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference. (2015). An Energy-Efficient Backpressure Routing and Scheduling Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks Z. Z. Jiao, B. Zhang, H. Zhang, C. Li IEEE Global Communications Conference. (2015). Applications and validation tests of ground-based coherent radar for deformation and vibration measurements in Canada’s Atlantic Region A. Habokyan, P. McGuire, D. Power, T. Puestow, C. Moloney, G. Luzi, G. Guccione Proceedings of the IEEE 28th Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering. (2015) 638-642. Blind identification of SM and Alamouti STBC-OFDM signals Y. Eldemerdash, O.A. Dobre, B. Liao IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 14 972-982. Characterization and statistical modeling of phase in single-channel SAR imagery K. El-Darymli, P. McGuire, E.W. Gill, D. Power, C. Moloney IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems. 51 (2015) 2071-2092. CHERI: A Hybrid Capability - System Architecture for Scalable Software Compartmentalization N.M.R. Watson, J. Woodruff, P.G. Neumann, S.W. Moore, J. Anderson, D. Chisnall, B. Davis, K. Gudka, B. Laurie, S.J. Murdoch, R. Norton, M. Roe, S. Son, M. Vadera Proceedings of the 36th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy. (2015). Design and Implementation of SHA-3 Hash Function Keccak on FPGA H. Liao, Y. Tian, H.M. Heys Newfoundland Electrical and Computer Engineering Conference. (2014). Hardware Implementation of a High Speed SelfSynchronizing Cipher Mode Y. Tian, H.M. Heys Proceedings of IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering. (2015).

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Lithography-Friendly Analog Layout Migration X. Dong, L. Zhang Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. (2015) 2137-2140. Ocean Current Monitoring via Cross-Correlation Technique and Node Synchronization S. Attarsharghi, V. Masek OCEANS MTS / IEEE 2014 conference. (2014). Performance Analysis of Multiple Relays Cooperative Systems with Signal Space Diversity O. Amin, S. Ikki, R. Mesleh, M.H. Ahmed, O. Dobre IEEE Transaction on Vehicular Technology. 64 (2015) 3414-3425. Resource allocation in OFDM-based cognitive two-way multiple-relay networks M. Shaat, T. Ngatched, O.A. Dobre IEEE Globecom. (2014). Sparsely-Deployed Relay Node Assisted Routing Algorithm for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks R. Tian, B. Zhang, C. Li, J. Ma Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing. (in press). Swarm of Simple Agents International Conference on Bio-inspired Information and Communications Technologies D. Cook, A. Vardy Terrain Leveling by a (BICT), ACM Digital Library. (2014). Unscrambling Nonlinear Dynamics in Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery K. El-Darymli, P. McGuire, E.W. Gill, D. Power, C. Moloney IEEE Access. 3 (2015) 177-194.

ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE INFRASTRUCTURE A state-of-the-art review of fate and transport of oil spills in sea ice M. Afenyo, B. Veitch, F. Khan Ocean Engineering, Special Arctic Issue. (2015). Behavior of Corexit dispersants in the Gulf of Mexico after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill Q.H. Cai, B.Y. Zhang, B. Chen, P. Li International Conference on Marine and Freshwater Environments. (2014). Development of Activated Carbon from Oil Fly Ash for Water and Wastewater Treatment Systems T. Husain Proc. Water Science and Technology Association, 11th WSTA Gulf Conference Proceedings. (2014) 239-248. Effects of Land Use and Climate Change on Stream Temperature I: Daily Flow and Stream Temperature Projections J.A. Daraio, J.D. Bale Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 50 (2014) 1177-1190. Effects of Land Use and Climate Change on Stream Temperature II: Threshold Exceedance Duration Projections for Freshwater Mussels J.A. Daraio, J.D. Bales Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 50 (2014) 1177-1190. Experimental Study on Corrosion Monitoring and Assessment of Concrete Structures Using Acoustic Emission A.A. Abouhussein, A.A.A. Hassan International Conference on Advances in Structural and Geotechnical Engineering. (2015). Integrated framework in support of pipeline engineering design for geohazards S. Kenny, P. Debnath, K. Pike, B. Hawlader 68th Canadian Geotechnical Conference and the 7th Canadian Permafrost Conference. (2015). Leaching of chromiun, copper and arsenic from CCAtreated utility poles C.A. Coles, J.A. Arisi, M. Organ, G.I. Veinott Applied and Environmental Soil Science. (2014).

Low cost adsorbent to reduce disinfection by-products from drinking water in small communities T. Husain, M. Ahmad Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Computer Application. (2014) 99-104. Modeling the sorption of Ni2+ and Co2+ on saprist peat using the response surface methodology E.S. Asapo, C.A. Coles, L.M. Lye Journal of Waste Management. (2015). Nonlinear Analysis of Axisymmetrically Wrinkled Pipes Under Axial Loads and Internal Pressures A.S. Dhar, A.H. Muntakim 34th International Conference Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. (2015). Production of biodispersants for oil spill remediation in Harsh environment using glycerol from the conversion of fish oil to biodiesel B. Moshtagh, K. Hawboldt Oceans Conference. (2014). Screening of biosurfactant producers from petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated sources in cold marine environments in Atlantic Canada Q.H. Cai, B.Y. Zhang, B. Chen, Z.W. Zhu, W.Y. Lin, T. Cao Marine Pollution Bulletin. 86 (2014). Screening of biosurfactant producing bacteria from offshore oil and gas platforms in North Atlantic Canada Q.H. Cai, B.Y. Zhang, B. Chen, X. Song, Z.W. Zhu Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 185 (2015) 284. Service Life Prediction of Offshore Concrete Structures: A Case Study on Hebron Project M. Said, A. Hassan, A. Hussein International Conference on Advances in Structural and Geotechnical Engineering. (2015). Three Dimensional Finite Element Analyses of Partially Supported Water Mains K.H. Liyanage, A.S. Dhar 68th Canadian Geotechnical Conference. (2015). Vertical penetration of offshore pipelines: a comparative study between finite element and finite volume methods S. Dutta, B. Hawlader, R. Phillips ASME 2015 34th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. (2015).

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Fisher Scientific Ltd.

Lloyd's Register Educational Trust

Northern Radar Inc.

SuGen Research Inc.

Agilent Technologies Canada Inc.

Capital Ready Mix

Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Lotek Wireless

Oceanic Consulting Corporation

Sun Microsystems of Canada Inc.

Altera Corporation

Carleton University

Manitoba Hydro

Petro-Canada Exploration Incorporated

Suncor Energy Inc.

AMEC Earth & Environmental Ltd

Cathexis Innovations Inc

Gov NL, Department of Business, Tourism, Culture and Rural Development

Maritime Geothermal Limited

Symphotic TII Corporation Petroleum Research Atlantic Canada

American Bureau of Shipping Anaconda Mining Inc.

C-CORE Centre for Forest Science and Innovation (CFSI)

Aramco Services Company

Gov NL, Department of Natural Resources – Centre for Forest Science and Innovation

Martec Ltd. Memorial University of Newfoundland

GRI Simulations Chevron Canada Limited

Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency

Hibernia Management & Development Company Ltd

Chevron Energy Technology Company

High Speed Imaging Incorporated

ChevronTexaco Corporation

Human Resources and Skills Development Canada

AV Cell Inc. Avalon Microelectronics

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) Multi Materials Stewardship Board

Barrick Gold Corporation

TAT Technologies Limited

Precarn Incorporated

Tecplot Incorporated

Privacy Commissioner of Canada

Terra Nova Partners

Production Services Network Canada Inc.

The Link Foundation Think RF Corp

Professional Loss Control Husky Energy

Concrete Products Limited Ballicater Consulting Ltd.

Praxes Medical Group

Nalcor Energy

Cole-Parmer Canada Inc. BAE Systems Technology Solutions AIT

TA Instruments


Chevron Canada Resources

Baader-Canpolar Inc.

Synopsys Inc. Petroleum Research Newfoundland and Labrador (PRNL)

National Research Council – Institute for Aerospace Research

Universal Environmental Services Inc. Provincial Aerospace Limited

Husky Oil Operations Limited Cultural and Educational Bureau of Egypt in Canada

University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS) National Research Council of Canada

Imperial Oil Ltd.

Rambler Metals and Mining Canada Limited

University of New Brunswick

Raytheon Company

UND: University of North Dakota

Research & Development Corporation

University of Sherbrooke

Rigaku/MSC Inc.

UTC Power Corporation

Rutter Inc.

Vale Inco Newfoundland and Labrador Limited

Bell Mobility

Dasco Equipment Inc.

IMV Projects Atlantic

National Search and Rescue Secretariat

Beothic Fish Processors Limited

Defence Research and Development Canada

Incinerator Road Environmental Committee

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada

Dell Canada

Inco Limited

ND Dobbin Group

D-TA Systems Inc.

InCoreTec Incorporated

Networks of Centres of Excellence

Eastern Health

Industry Canada Communications Research Centre

Newfoundland and Labrador Centre for Applied Health Research


Instrumar Limited

Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro

Sexton Lumber


Ningbo Nongsheng Foods Co. Ltd. (NS Food) – Ningbo University (NBU)

Silicon Graphics Inc.

Blue Line Innovations Inc. BMT Fleet Technology Boeing Company

Saudi Electric Company

Bombardier Inc.

Virtual Marine Technology Inc.

Environment Canada Canada Foundation for Innovation

VWR International

Extreme Spill Technology Canada Research Chairs

Waterford Energy Services Inc.

Exxon Mobil Canada Ltd. Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences

Itasca Consulting Canada, Inc. ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company

NorCan Pozzolan AS Kiwi Choice Inc.

Canadian Institutes of Health Research

Fauske & Associates Inc.

Kruger Inc.

Canadian Microelectronics

Fay Environmental Canada Inc.

Landmark Graphics Corporation

Annual Annual Research Research Report Report | page | page 3838

SNC-Lavalin Incorporated

Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation Commission (WorkPlaceNL)

Stantec Inc Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) Norges Teknisk – Naturvitenskapelige Universitet

Zellstoff Celgar Limited Partnership Statoil Canada Ltd.

Annual Annual Research Research Report Report | page | page 39 39

Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science Memorial University of Newfoundland St. John's, NL, Canada  A1B 3X5 www.mun.ca/engineering

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The Engineering Research Office, with Adedoyin Odukoya and Vanessa Coish, is gratefully acknowledged for its development of this report.

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