rguably, the greatest student-teacher relationship in ancient history was that of Alexander the Great and Aristotle. Although Alexander's genius contributed enormously to his success, there is no doubt that Aristotle's tutelage also served to shape his famous student. In his book, The Life of Alexander the Great, Plutarch recounts how Alexander treasured his copy of the Iliad that Aristotle had annotated for him, even carrying it with him on military campaigns and placing it safely in a casket that he kept under his pillow. Impressively, Alexander even taught himself to recite the Iliad from beginning to end. Perhaps these stories are somewhat legendary; nevertheless, they illustrate how much Alexander's knowledge and love of Homer was nurtured by Aristotle. Although Alexander's conquests played an instrumental role in the spread of Greek culture throughout the world, Aristotle's formation of Alexander provided the impetus. Even Alexander the Great still needed the stimulus and strengthening of a skilled teacher to develop his full potential. When we train students to have excellent study habits, we are enabling them to develop their natural abilities to the utmost. We are encouraging students to go forth from our classrooms instructed and inspired by their lessons, to solidify their newfound knowledge and to make that knowledge a part of who they are and a part of how they will love and serve others in this world. The following are three important ways to inculcate good study habits in students, with a Latin class as our guide. Jessica Watson has been involved in education for more than twenty years, first as a homeschool mother and currently as a teacher at Highlands Latin School. She is the author of several study guides and the instructor for many Latin instructional videos for Memoria Press.
Strategic Study Habits
First, model order and organization. C. S. Lewis, in his essay "On the Transmission of Christianity," stated: "None can give to another what he does not possess himself. No generation can bequeath to its successor what it has not got." While this quote has a specific application in regards to a teacher transmitting Christianity, a broad application to teaching in general is not amiss. The principle is that if we desire to form something within our students, we must first form it within ourselves. If we train students to see that everything has a place (organization) and that there is a flow to the lesson (order), they will come to see this as natural and normal and begin to imitate it. Everything has a place. Books, binders, flashcards, and notebooks are neatly and specifically stored. Everything is labeled. Papers, tests, and quizzes are filed in a designated spot. You are then able to efficiently find and utilize all of your materials. There is also a structure and flow to each lesson. Daily, we recite grammar forms, review vocabulary, present new content, and practice new content. This order allows students to keep track of what they are learning in a clear and logical way. Students' minds become conditioned to recognize patterns and to analyze them, and their mental energy can be conserved for the truly difficult content when it arises because they are not wasting it on frantically recalling what they should have already mastered. If we set the standard high and create orderly and organized habits, we will be setting students up for success by providing them with a good model to follow.
Second, train students to use a variety of methods in their study habits. Just as more than one tool is necessary in a building project, so more than one tool