Simply Classical Journal - Winter 2021

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A Publication of Memoria Press


Winter 2021

Tenderness by Cheryl Swope

Milestones by Sara Osborne

A Conversation with Andrew Kern

Classical Education for Children with Special Needs


C. S.

Lewis says, "the right defense against false sentiments is to inculcate just sentiments." How do we inculcate just sentiments in our children's minds? In our own minds? We can do this with good books. Good books impart just sentiments and soothe parched thinking. It is said that in the Lewis home both parents loved to read and often read for hours in the evenings. Like so many families, this winter our family has been unable to enjoy our regular outings due to weather or due to health concerns. Restless inactivity breeds irritability. To the rescue: a good book! The other night I read beneath a blanket on the sofa and heard from my daughter's upstairs bedroom her characteristic giggle and clapping of hands. She trotted downstairs with a contented appraisal: "Oh, that was such a good book!" When looking for good books to cultivate just sentiments, we may consider our child's reading skill, listening ability, or emotional maturity, but we must also consider the excellence of the writing. Just as capable physical therapists work our children's muscles, so well-written books gently but firmly exercise our children's minds. Lewis gives us this criterion: "No book is really worth reading at the age of ten which is not equally—and often far more—worth reading at the age of fifty and beyond." He notes, "A children's story that can only be enjoyed by children is not a good children's story in the slightest." Good books abound! We only need to look. When we find good books, we can read them together. Books written beautifully for younger children can expose all of us to elegant language and ease our weary minds without the demands of more challenging reading. I learned this early in homeschooling and am more firmly persuaded now as I preview recommended read-alouds for the Simply Classical Curriculum. Most recently I read The Winged Watchman at my son's urging. Not only did I learn about windmills and wartime occupation in Holland with its eventual liberation, I gained a warm and memorable glimpse into security, sacrifice, and hopefulness. If you are feeling isolated or frustrated this winter, and recognize the need to inculcate just sentiments in your students, a good book can help. From Corduroy to A Christmas Carol, you can find beautiful books to read together. Let the words wash over you and spark a gratifying depth of conversation. May good books nourish our children's minds this winter, even as we thirstily welcome such nourishment ourselves.


Heading Letter from Goes the Here Editor



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Letter from the Editor by Cheryl Swope Milestones by Sara Osborne Frequently Asked Questions Tenderness by Cheryl Swope Book Notes by Michelle Swope A Conversation with Andrew Kern as interviewed by Cheryl Swope

Simply Classical Curriculum Packages

Ages 2-14

Curriculum Map Cursive, Copybooks, Thankfulness Journals

Ages 4-12

Character Building

Ages 4-13

Enrichment, Language Arts

Ages 3-9

For students older than 14, contact for free customization.

Follow @_SimplyClassical_ on Instagram and tell us your #simplyclassicalstories! A free forum for all things Simply Classical.

Encouragement. Instruction. Community.

2021 Conventions Calendar The Memoria Press team loves hitting the road and meeting our customers face to face! Come visit Cheryl Swope and the team at the conventions listed below to explore our award-winning curriculum and receive customized curriculum advice. Great Homeschool Convention - Greenville, SC Great Homeschool Convention - St. Charles, MO Great Homeschool Convention - Cincinnati, OH Illinois Christian Home Educators - Bourbonnais, IL

March 18-20 March 25-27 April 8-10 June 3-5

View our full convention schedule online:

SAVE THE DATE! 2021 presents

Join us for the Special-Needs Track with workshops led by Cheryl Swope and experienced Simply Classical users.

July 12-13

© Copyright 2021 (all rights reserved) Publisher | Memoria Press Editors | Cheryl Swope & Martin Cothran

Managing Editor | Dayna Grant Copy Editor | Ellen R. Hale Graphic Designers | Aileen Delgado & Jessica Osborne




he first race I ever trained for was a marathon. I was twenty years old and had never run more than a mile in my life. I simply needed an outlet—and a goal to make progress toward. Running became my conduit for stress relief. At the time, my uncle was an active runner and marathon coach with Team in Training. His wisdom helped guide me through many novice mistakes. We charted schedules, tracked nutrition, and navigated minor injuries together. Despite my best efforts, I didn't make it to the finish line of that first marathon. Somewhere around mile eighteen of my first twenty-mile training run, a piercing pain in my right knee stopped me in my tracks. After a few doctor visits, physical

therapy, and lessons in patience I didn't appreciate at the time, I made it back on the road just in time to rearrange my registration for the halfmarathon instead. I didn't get the glory of finishing a marathon that year, but I ran the first of many half-marathons and began a hobby that has lasted twenty years now. Today, I love to run. I still remember my uncle's best advice: "The first mile is the hardest. Start out slower than you think you need to run, and I promise you'll pass other runners who are burning out at the end." (He was right, by the way.) I've lost count of how many times I've applied the metaphor of training for a long-distance race to various aspects of my life—fighting sin, mission work, raising kids. There's certainly a reason that Paul talks about "running" and "training" as a Christian!

Sara Osborne is an adjunct instructor at College of the Ozarks in Point Lookout, Missouri, the sometimes-homeschooling mother of four classically educated children, and a frequent writer for The Classical Thistle. She is an active parent at School of the Ozarks, where she has also enjoyed leading conference workshops on classical education and special needs. More than twenty years after her first jog, she still loves to run.

In Training


Today I'm reflecting on the past year of focused reading lessons with my struggling learner. I can't shake the sense that we're training for a long-distance

race. We are somewhere in the middle of mile fifteen on a long Saturday training run. We're not ready for race day yet, but we're making steady progress. As my son shuffled through his phonics flashcards this morning, I was mindful of how much easier it is for him now than when I took over his reading instruction a year ago. He raced through the sounds with confidence today because he knew he could do it. He had already done it— countless times. That's not to discount the effort it takes to move forward in new reading lessons each day, and that's not to say that he's "arrived" as a reader and doesn't need repetition anymore. It doesn't mean there won't be inexplicable days when the information just won't come to his mind, when the mental exercise is an exhausting slog instead of an invigorating workout. And it doesn't mean that we should stop devoting so much time to our reading rituals. It simply means that, today, somewhere in the middle of mile fifteen of our marathon training, I'm celebrating. Fifteen miles is so much farther than the first step. 1-877-862-1097

The Marathon Runner

A marathon is 26.2 miles, but no one makes it that far who can't run a solid fifteen first. The training schedule for a long-distance race is just that—long. It takes tremendous time, commitment, and effort. Some days the sun is shining and a gentle breeze christens a beautiful jog that leaves you feeling exhilarated. Other days, you drag your limbs around a familiar loop, wondering why your normal route has suddenly become so hard. Over time, both kinds of days lead to the stamina that carries a runner across the finish line. Today isn't our day to cross the finish line, but fifteen miles is worthy of celebration. Smiling star stickers adorn our progress chart like shining gold medals on a podium. We have seen many hard days alongside the beautiful ones. Lord willing, this time next year we'll have made even more progress. We're in this race toward reading fluency because it's worthwhile. It's a commitment worth making. I hope that when my child finishes this race, he will have gained a habit—maybe even a hobby—that he will treasure for years to come. Milestones


FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS My child does not have a formal diagnosis. Are Simply Classical resources designed for any struggling learner? What are "special needs"? We are here for any student who needs more modifications or accommodations than can be easily provided in a traditional curriculum. "Special needs" can be learning or behavioral. These may be transitory or chronic, suspected or diagnosed. We know that with clear, steady teaching such students can learn well! Where do I begin? I know where my child was placed in public school but I sense gaps or "holes" in his learning. How do I start to remedy this? We have Readiness Assessments available at to help you determine where to begin. After taking these assessments, if you need further help or customization feel free to contact us directly at What are the differences between the Simply Classical Curriculum and the Memoria Press Classical Core? My daughter needs extra help, but I think she will be able to manage the Memoria Press Classical Core eventually. In the Simply Classical Curriculum, more time is spent teaching to achieve mastery of skills. We take smaller steps, use more visual aids, and provide more multimodal practice. We take more time with readiness and oral language (Levels A, B, C) before teaching reading. We teach beginning reading, spelling, and writing steadily and very incrementally (Levels 1, 2, 3, 4). Beginning with Levels 5 & 6, we offer a two-year standard or one-year accelerated pace. Many of our customers choose to start with the more gradual pace of the Simply Classical Curriculum and then transition later to the Memoria Press Classical Core, so we have provided timelines and tips for doing so at

WE LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU! With Level 1 of the Simply Classical Curriculum I've seen a growth and confidence in him this year that I've never seen before. Something just clicked with this curriculum and I'm so glad we found it! —Erin When at six my daughter had no interest in learning and was still not willing to do anything I tried the Simply Classical Curriculum. She now loves to learn. She zoomed through Levels A and B and is now on Level 2. We have had great success with the gentle approach of the Simply Classical Curriculum. This curriculum is derived from the inspiration of the book Simply Classical: A Beautiful Education for Any Child, which I would recommend to anyone. Whether your child is diagnosed, different, or apparently average, there is much wisdom in these pages. —Margaret Before coming to the Simply Classical Curriculum basically all I had done with my special-needs child was reading and math. I'm thankful to be broadening my child's exposure through Level 3 with American history, literature, composition, Bible, grammar, and cursive. The American history series really is a great selection of stories. —Kellie 6

Full-Year Curriculum Packages for Students with Special Needs Visit to obtain detailed information about each level and to take free readiness assessments.

Simply Classical Curriculum




Readiness, Rhythm, & Rhyme Ages 2-3 (Chronological Age or Skill Level)

Curriculum Manual Only $30

• • • • • • • • • • • •

Level A Curriculum Manual Prayers for Children Jesus Is With Me Jesus Hears Me Jesus Knows Me Big Red Barn The Best Mouse Cookie Little Fur Family Bunny's Noisy Book From Head to Toe Goodnight Moon Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear? • Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? • Numbers, Colors, Shapes

• • • • • • • • • • • • • •

The Very Busy Spider Good Night, Gorilla The Tale of Peter Rabbit Fuzzy Yellow Ducklings My Very First Book of Shapes ABC: Amazing Alphabet Book Put Me in the Zoo Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb Cars and Trucks From A to Z My First Counting Book The Animals' Christmas Eve Big Dog ... Little Dog Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You? A Children's Treasury of Nursery Rhymes • 1 Is One

Simply Classical Curriculum


Curriculum Manual Only $30 Consumables Only $25 Supplemental Read-Aloud Set $135 CURRICULUM MANUAL Lesson Plans for One Year

Essentials, Etiquette, & Ear Training Ages 3-4 (Chronological Age or Skill Level) CHRISTIAN STUDIES, MEMORY, & MANNERS

A Child's Garden of Bible Stories, Bible Pictures to Color, Prayer for a Child, Please and Thank You Book, Big Thoughts for Little People, How Can I Help?







PHONOLOGICAL AWARENESS, PHONICS, & READING Alphabet Coloring Book, My First ABC Book, Simply Classical Crafts Book One (p. 23), Alphabet Flashcards



Numbers Coloring Book, Adventures With Books, Everywhere We Go, Counting With Numbers

My First Body, Do It Carefully, My Big Animal Book, A Child's Garden of Verses, A Child's Garden of Songs CD, Back to the Garden CD, Best First Book Ever!

New to Simply Classical? You need this item from Level A. Prayers for Children $4.99


Simply Classical Curriculum


Simply Classical Curriculum




Curriculum Manual Only $30 Consumables Only $85 Supplemental Read-Aloud Set $381

Animals, Alphabet, & Aesop Ages 4-5 (Chronological Age or Skill Level) CHRISTIAN STUDIES, MEMORY, & MANNERS




PHONOLOGICAL AWARENESS, PHONICS, & READING Alphabet Books 1-2, Classical Phonics, First Start Reading A Student, First Start Reading Teacher, Simply Classical Letters & Numbers Desk Charts (p. 18)

My ABC of Bible Verses

CURRICULUM MANUAL Lesson Plans for One Year

ARITHMETIC & FINE-MOTOR Numbers Books 1-2, Going on Eagerly, My Very Own Scissors Book (p. 23)


New to Simply Classical? You need this item from Level A.

Animals Animals, Simply Classical Crafts Book Two (p. 23), Aesop's Fables, Richard Scarry's Best Mother Goose Ever, Finding the Answers, Hearing and Helping, Christian Liberty Nature Reader Book K, Animal Alphabet Coloring Book

Prayers for Children $4.99

Simply Classical Curriculum


Curriculum Manual Only $30 Consumables Only $70 Supplemental Read-Aloud Set $181 Supplemental Science & Enrichment Set $138 CURRICULUM MANUAL Lesson Plans for One Year


CHRISTIAN STUDIES, MEMORY, & MANNERS The Story Bible, The Creation Story for Children, Simply Classical Copybook 1 (p. 18)

New to Simply Classical? You need these items from Level C. Classical Phonics $16.95 Letters & Numbers Desk Charts $12.95 First Start Reading Teacher $17.95


Sentences, Sums, & Stories Ages 5-6 (Chronological Age or Skill Level)

Simply Classical Curriculum

Fun in the Sun, Soft and White, Scamp and Tramp, Primary Phonics Readers Sets 1-3, Core Skills Phonics K-1, First Start Reading A-D Student Books, Phonics from A to Z

ENRICHMENT Kindergarten & First Grade Art Cards, Hailstones and Halibut Bones, A Child's Book of Poems, The Days Gone By CD, My Nature Journal (p. 18), Our World Jumbo Puzzle







ARITHMETIC & FINE-MOTOR Rod & Staff Arithmetic 1 Student (Part 1), Teacher, Flashcards, Practice Sheets, 100 Bugs!: A Counting Book, This First Thanksgiving Day

Simply Classical Curriculum

Curriculum Manual Only $30 Consumables Only $125 Optional Extended Literature Set $21 Supp. Literature, Science, History, & Geography Read-Aloud Set $258 Comprehension, Calculations, & Character Supp. Arithmetic Read-Aloud Set $47 Ages 6-8 (Chronological Age or Skill Level)


CURRICULUM MANUAL Lesson Plans for One Year

CURSIVE Cursive Practice Sheets I, New American Cursive 1 (p. 18)





LITERATURE, COMPOSITION, & GRAMMAR Simply Classical Writing: Book One (Read-Aloud Ed.), Simply Classical StoryTime Treasures Student and Teacher (p. 23), Little Bear, Little Bear's Visit, Blueberries for Sal, Caps for Sale, At the Farm

ARITHMETIC & FINE-MOTOR Rod & Staff Arithmetic 1 Student (Part 2), Speed Drills

PHONICS & SPELLING I Can Read It! Book 2, Core Skills Phonics 2-3, Phonics Flashcards, Core Skills Spelling 1, Simply Classical Spelling: Book One (p. 23)


New to Simply Classical? You need these items from prior levels.



Second Grade Art Cards, Animal Tales CD

CHRISTIAN STUDIES, MEMORY, & MANNERS SC Copybook 2: Manuscript (p. 18)

Classical Phonics, Arithmetic 1 Teacher, Arithmetic 1 Practice Sheets, Arithmetic 1 Flashcards, A Child's Garden of Bible Stories

"I just wanted to say what a blessing this curriculum has been. I have seen such tremendous progress with my eight-year-old son. I suspect he has ADHD, dyslexia, dysgraphia, and dyscalculia. Reading for him had been such a struggle. Now I am so much more hopeful and have such a sense of relief. His reading, printing, and spelling have improved. So for those of you debating about trying this curriculum I highly recommend it." — Elise


Simply Classical Curriculum


Simply Classical Curriculum




Literature, Latin, & Liberty Ages 7-9 (Chronological Age or Skill Level)





Curriculum Manual Only $30 Consumables Only $130 Optional American History Read-Aloud Set $279 Supplemental Arithmetic Read-Aloud Set $63 Level 3 Supplemental Science & Enrichment Set $297

Simply Classical More StoryTime Treasures Student and Teacher (p. 23), Billy and Blaze, The Story About Ping, Keep the Lights Burning Abbie, Stone Soup, Wagon Wheels, Prairie School, Prairie School Student and Teacher, Simply Classical Writing: Book Two (Read-Aloud Ed.) Student and Teacher (p. 23)

CURRICULUM MANUAL Lesson Plans for One Year



New American Cursive 2: Famous Americans (p. 18), My Thankfulness Journal: Beginner (p. 18), New American Cursive Desk Strip

First Start Reading E Student and Teacher, Core Skills Phonics 4, Core Skills Spelling 2, Sounds of the Sea, On the Trail, Simply Classical Spelling: Book Two (p. 23)

LATIN Prima Latina Student, Teacher, and Pronunciation CD

CHRISTIAN STUDIES, MEMORY, & MANNERS Simply Classical Copybook Three: Cursive (p. 18)

ARITHMETIC & FINE-MOTOR Rod & Staff Arithmetic 2 Student Units 1, 2, and 3, Teacher Units 1-2 and 3-5, and Blacklines, Write-On / Wipe-Off Demo Clock

ENRICHMENT SC Enrichment: Level Three (p. 23), Map of the U.S. Sticker Picture Book, States & Capitals Flashcards

NEW USER ADD-ON SET $95 New to Simply Classical? You need these items from prior levels. Classical Phonics, The Story Bible, K, 1st, and 2nd Grade Art Cards, Phonics Flashcards, Core Skills Phonics 3


Simply Classical Curriculum

Curriculum Manual Only $30 Consumables Only $130 Optional Level 2 Extended Literature Set $21 Optional Level 4 Extended Literature Set $26.00 CURRICULUM MANUAL Lesson Plans for One Year

Simply Classical Curriculum


Mammals, Multiplication, & Myths Ages 8-10 (Chronological Age or Skill Level)



New American Cursive 2: Famous Quotations and Scripture, My Thankfulness Journal: Beginner (p. 19), Prima Latina Copybook

Traditional Spelling I set









Animal Folk Tales set, The Courage of Sarah Noble set, Little House in the Big Woods set, Second Grade Literature Dictionary, Core Skills Language Arts 1-2

Prima Latina DVDs, Prima Latina Flashcards

ENRICHMENT Heroes, Horses, and Harvest Moons: A Cornucopia of Best-Loved Poems, Vol. 1 CD, Don't Know Much About the 50 States, Rapunzel, Beauty & the Beast, King Midas and the Golden Touch, Cupid & Psyche, Persephone, Pegasus, The Trojan Horse: How the Greeks Won the War, Mammals Student, Mammals Teacher, The World of Mammals, What Is the Animal Kingdom?, What Is a Mammal?, My Nature Journal (p. 18), Composition & Sketchbook II



Rod & Staff Arithmetic 2 Student Units 4-5, Arithmetic Flashcards: Addition & Subtraction, Flashkids Flashcards: Multiplication and Division

New to Simply Classical? You need these items from prior levels.


Rod & Staff Arithmetic 2 Teacher Units 3-5, Prima Latina Student, Prima Latina Teacher, Prima Latina Pronunciation CD, States & Capitals Flashcards, Map of the U.S. Sticker Picture Book, Classical Phonics, Phonics Flashcards

Simply Classical Curriculum


Simply Classical Curriculum

Curriculum Manual Only: Two-Year Standard Pace $45 Curriculum Manual Only: One-Year Accelerated Pace $30 Consumables Only $140 Grammar, Greece, & Gratitude Optional Simply Classical American History Set (for independent reading) $279 Ages 9-12 (Chronological Age or Skill Level) Levels 5 & 6 Read-Aloud Set $93

LEVELS 5 & 6







515 for One-Year Pace





Rod & Staff Arithmetic 3 Student, Teacher, Blacklines, Speed Drills, Supplemental Worksheets, and Supplemental Worksheets Key

D'Aulaires' Greek Myths Text, Teacher, and Flashcards, Timeline Program, Courage and a Clear Mind CD

Lesson Plans: Two-Year Pace or One-Year Pace (Two-Year Pace contains extra review!)

LITERATURE, COMPOSITION, & GRAMMAR Core Skills Language Arts 3, English Grammar Practice Student and Teacher, Introduction to Composition Student and Teacher, English Grammar Recitation, English Grammar Recitation I Teacher, English Grammar Recitation Flashcards, Composition & Sketchbook III, Farmer Boy novel and Teacher, Charlotte's Web novel and Teacher, A Bear Called Paddington novel and Teacher, Mr. Popper's Penguins novel and Teacher, The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, Poetry for the Grammar Stage Student and Teacher




Latina Christiana Student, Teacher, and Pronunciation CD, Latina Christiana Review Worksheets, Latina Christiana Review Worksheets Key

Christian Studies I Teacher, Old Testament Flashcards, The Golden Children's Bible

Creating Art, Music Appreciation I, States & Capitals Student, States & Capitals Teacher, God's Protected World Student, God's Protected World Teacher



Traditional Spelling II set

New American Cursive 3: Scripture and Manners, My Thankfulness Journal: Intermediate (p. 18)


New to Simply Classical? You need these items from prior levels. Demo Clock, States & Capitals Flashcards, Prima Latina/Latina Christiana Flashcards, Classical Phonics, Phonics Flashcards, Arithmetic Flashcards: Addition & Subtraction, Flashkids Multiplication and Division Flashcards


Many of our studies in Levels 5 & 6 are conducted orally, as students with special needs often encounter difficulties with writing despite an ability to learn challenging content. We have assembled this set of workbooks for any student who needs or wants additional writing practice.


Simply Classical Curriculum

Curriculum Manual Only: Two-Year Standard Pace $45 Curriculum Manual Only: One-Year Accelerated Pace $30 Consumables Only $65 Levels 7 & 8 Read-Aloud Set $83

Simply Classical Curriculum

LEVELS 7 & 8 Poetry, Pleiades, & Promises Ages 11-14 (Chronological Age or Skill Level)





Lesson Plans: Two-Year Pace or One-Year Pace (Two-Year Pace contains extra review!)

Simply Classical Latin Games & Puzzles Workbook and Key

Rod & Staff Spelling 4 Student and Teacher

Copybook Cursive II







425 for One-Year Pace


LITERATURE, COMPOSITION, & GRAMMAR The Moffats novel and Teacher; My Side of the Mountain novel and Teacher; Homer Price novel and Teacher, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe novel and Teacher; A Promise Kept; Good King Wenceslas; Papa Panov’s Special Christmas; Poetry for the Grammar Stage Anthology; Carry On, Mr. Bowditch; Detectives in Togas; Mystery of the Roman Ransom; The Trumpet of the Swan; Rod & Staff English 4 Student, Teacher, Worksheets, and Tests



Rod & Staff Arithmetic 4 Student, Teacher (Parts 1-2), Tests, Speed Drills, Speed Drill Packet

Book of Astronomy Student and Teacher, Glow in the Dark Constellations; Draw 50 Animals, Geography I Text, Student, and Teacher, The United States Review Student and Teacher, Geography Flashcards, Music Appreciation CD, Story of the World, Vol. 1: Ancient Times

CLASSICAL STUDIES Famous Men of Rome Text, Teacher, and Flashcards



Christian Studies II Teacher

New to Simply Classical? You need these items from prior levels. Old Testament Flashcards, Golden Children’s Bible, Timeline Program, Poetry for the Grammar Stage Student and Teacher, English Grammar Recitation, English Grammar Recitation Flashcards, Music Appreciation I


Many of our studies in Levels 7 & 8 are conducted orally, as students with special needs often encounter difficulties with writing despite an ability to learn challenging content. We have assembled this set of workbooks for any student who needs or wants additional writing practice.


Simply Classical Curriculum


Tenderness by Cheryl Swope dedicated to all parents, caregivers, and homeschoolers of children with special needs


Written years ago on April 24, just after Michael & Michelle turned thirteen.


rose on schedule, accomplished our morning jobs, and began schooling at 8:25 a.m., as is our custom. I gave an overview of our day and week with our visual schedule and calendar. I read our daily Bible lesson as my children listened, recited, and asked a question or two. We covered our core subjects. Today was one of our two half days of the week. With both children reasonably stable, the morning hummed along smoothly. Morning homeschooling was followed by recess, during which I made a dozen phone calls to find an adolescent psychiatrist who would take the children's insurance. Our rural psychiatrist no longer "feels comfortable treating them anymore." (Nor should she, based on drastic errors made to my children's new schizophrenia medications. Treating twins with mental illness is not for the faint of heart.) With phone calls made and a few prospects gathered, my children and I shared sandwiches in the car on our way to physical therapy and occupational therapy. We followed the therapies with Homeschool Swim and a visit to the library in our small town. Afterward I grocery shopped with the children for the "megacook" I plan to do tomorrow. Back at home, I put away groceries and sorted through the pile of mail while Michael and Michelle finished independent work. My husband arrived. He and I talked awhile and walked over to see the dogwood in bloom on the wooded lot across the street. I browned some grass-fed ground beef for sloppy joes, made coleslaw, and steamed spinach while the meat simmered. With dinner cleaned up, I cut my husband's hair on the back porch and took a quick after-dinner walk with Michelle. This helps her digestion and her mood. Fragrant lilacs and raspberry-colored redbuds cheered our stroll. We returned to begin bedtime routines. After the children and my husband went to bed, I began to feel the weight of the day. I longed to soak in the bathtub. I reached for luxuriously scented liquids and anticipated a good, hot soak—perhaps with a novel—as I turned on the faucet. Cheryl Swope is the author of Simply Classical: A Beautiful Education for Any Child and Memoria Press' Simply Classical Curriculum, as well as editor of the Simply Classical Journal.


Breathing slowly the fragrance of florals and pondering which book to choose, I jumped at an urgent clatter. Crashing into my thoughts and through the bathroom door, Michelle suddenly appeared as I turned, putting her face close up to mine. Without glasses, she came closer still. Seeing wild worry in her large eyes I knew enough not to scold her for being out of bed. "I feel all achy," she said with grave concern, "and though I've never used this word this way, tender, as though I could just dissolve." Not long before, I had read a woman's self-described descent into schizophrenia's grasp as the feeling of dissolving. The word brought me to attention. Still seated on the edge of the tub, I turned off the water. I listened to my daughter as she described popping sensations in her legs and a feeling of someone watching her. Michelle looked to me for both a swift diagnosis and a sure treatment to make it all go away. Such trust. "It's probably those paresthesias like you get sometimes. You didn't do anything to bring it on. It's just one of those things." Then I paused and looked at the swirling water. "Would you like a nice, warm bath?" "Do you think that will help?" she asked. "I'm sure it will. Just give me a minute, okay?" Adding some cooler water to the beginnings of a hot bath, I readied the tub. I helped her in. I knew that her sensations were real to her and would not go away autonomously. "Ah," I heard as she sank slowly, "that already feels so much better." I prepared a towel. One day at a time. Older people tell us this. It was the title of one of my grandmother's favorite hymns, but I never understood the concept until recently. Teaching, caregiving, and parenting every long day helps me learn this. Like the Israelites told to gather only the manna they would need for each day, so I will receive strength from God to serve and to be gentle and to be patient only one day at a time. I know my own weakness. Being shortchanged on rest tonight by staying up to help Michelle will affect me. Tomorrow I will be able to accomplish my megacooking and homeschooling, but I will need rest soon. I'm making mental plans for my husband to keep Michael on Saturday and Betty, our older friend at church, to keep Michelle while I spend several hours at the library writing. Time away, time to lose myself in reading and writing, is my own medicine and I must take it as proactively as they take their medicines. Because I, too, am tender. Tenderness


Christian Studies, Memory, & Manners

Level B

Arithmetic & Fine-Motor Skills

Alphabet Coloring Book; My First ABC Book; Simply Classical Crafts: Book One (p. 23); Alphabet Flashcards

My ABC of Bible Verses

Level 1

Level 2

The Story Bible; The Creation Story for Children; Simply Classical Copybook One (p. 18)

Numbers Books; Going on Eagerly; My Very Own Scissors Book (p. 23)

Rod & Staff Arithmetic 1 (Part 1); 100 Bugs!: A Counting Book; This First Thanksgiving Day

Alphabet Books; Classical Phonics; First Start Reading Book A; Simply Classical Letters & Numbers Desk Charts (p. 18)

Fun in the Sun; Soft and White; Scamp and Tramp; Primary Phonics Readers Sets 1-3; Core Skills Phonics K-1; First Start Reading A-D; Phonics from A-Z

Rod & Staff Arithmetic 1 (Part 2)

I Can Read It! Book 2; Core Skills Phonics 2-3; Phonics Flashcards; Core Skills Spelling 1; Simply Classical Spelling: Book One (p. 23)







S 250

Kindergarten and First Grade Art Cards; Hailstones and Halibut Bones; A Child's Book of Poems; The Days Gone By CD; My Nature Journal (p. 18); Our World Jumbo Puzzle

Cursive Prayers for Children; Jesus Is With Me; Jesus Hears Me; Jesus Knows Me; Big Red Barn; The Best Mouse Cookie; Little Fur Family; Bunny's Noisy Book; From Head to Toe; Goodnight Moon; Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?; Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?; Numbers, Colors, Shapes; The Very Busy Spider; Good Night, Gorilla; The Tale of Peter Rabbit; Fuzzy Yellow Ducklings; My Very First Book of Shapes; ABC: Amazing Alphabet Book; Put Me in the Zoo; Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb; Cars and Trucks From A to Z; My First Counting Book; The Animals' Christmas Eve; Big Dog ... Little Dog; Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You?; A Children's Treasury of Nursery Rhymes; 1 Is One

Curriculum Map

Basic Question Word Visual Cues (reproducible)

Second Grade Art Cards; Animal Tales CD

Simply Classical Writing: Book One (ReadAloud Edition); Simply Classical StoryTime Treasures Set (p. 23)

Use coupon code 21SCJ5WINTER for $5 off your next order!



New American Cursive 1; Cursive Practice Sheets I


My First Body; Do It Carefully; My Big Animal Book; A Child's Garden of Verses; A Child's Garden of Songs CD; Back to the Garden CD; Best First Book Ever!

Animals Animals; Simply Classical Crafts: Book Two (p. 23); Aesop's Fables (p. 18); Richard Scarry's Best Mother Goose Ever; Finding the Answers; Hearing and Helping; Christian Liberty Nature Reader, Book K; Animal Alphabet Coloring Book

Level A


Simply Classical Copybook: Book Two, Manuscript (p. 18)

Basic Question Word Visual Cues (reproducible)

Literature, Composition, & Grammar


Numbers Coloring Book; Adventures With Books, Everywhere We Go; Counting With Numbers

Phonics, Reading, & Spelling

A Child's Garden of Bible Stories; Bible Pictures to Color; Prayer for a Child; Please and Thank You Book; Big Thoughts for Little People; How Can I Help?

Level C

Level 4 132 Christian Studies flashcards (KJV)

And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.


2. PROPHECY: isaiah 9:2-6 2 The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light: they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined.

Thou hast multiplied the nation, and not increased the joy: they joy before thee according to the joy in harvest, and as men rejoice when they divide the spoil.


For thou hast broken the yoke of his burden, and the staff of his shoulder, the rod of his oppressor, as in the day of Midian.


For every battle of the warrior is with confused noise, and garments rolled in blood; but this shall be with burning and fuel of fire.


6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

4. ATONEMENT: romans 5:8-10 8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. 9 Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him. 10 for if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.

Scripture Memorization And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.


And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.


And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.


For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.


Rod & Staff Arithmetic 2 Units 1-3; Write-On/Wipe-Off Demo Clock

Levels 7 & 8

Christian Studies Flashcards (KJV)

1. CREATION: Genesis 1:1-3

in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. 3 and God said, Let there be light: and there was light. 1

3. INCARNATION: Luke 2:7-11

Simply Classical Copybook: Book Three, Cursive (p. 18)

Levels 5 & 6

Christian Studies II

Christian Studies I; Old Testament Flashcards; The Golden Children's Bible

Rod & Staff Arithmetic 2 (Units 4-5); Arithmetic Flashcards: Addition & Subtraction; Flashkids Flashcards: Multiplication and Division

Rod & Staff Arithmetic 3

Rod & Staff Arithmetic 4

Traditional Spelling I

Traditional Spelling II

Rod & Staff Spelling 4

Mythology Read-Alouds; Don't Know Much About the 50 States; Mammals; My Nature Journal (p. 18); Composition & Sketchbook II; Heroes, Horses, and Harvest Moons CD

Creating Art; Music Appreciation I; States & Capitals; God's Protected World

The Book of Astronomy; Glow in the Dark Constellations; Draw 50 Animals; Geography I; United States Review; Music Appreciation CD; Story of the World Vol. 1: Ancient Times

Animal Folk Tales; The Courage of Sarah Noble; Little House in the Big Woods; Second Grade Literature Dictionary; Core Skills Language Arts 1-2

Core Skills Language Arts 3; Introduction to Composition; English Grammar Practice; English Grammar Recitation I, Composition & Sketchbook III; Farmer Boy; Charlotte's Web; A Bear Called Paddington; Mr. Popper's Penguin's; The Best Christmas Pageant Ever; Poetry for the Grammar Stage

The Moffats; My Side of the Mountain; Homer Price; The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe; A Promise Kept; Good King Wenceslas; Papa Panov's Special Christmas; Carry On, Mr. Bowditch; Detectives in Togas; Mystery of the Roman Ransom; The Trumpet of the Swan; Rod & Staff English 4

New American Cursive 2: Famous Quotations and Scripture; My Thankfulness Journal: Beginner (p. 18); Prima Latina Copybook

New American Cursive 3: Scripture and Manners; My Thankfulness Journal: Intermediate (p. 18)

Copybook Cursive II

First Start Reading E; Core Skills Phonics 4; Core Skills Spelling 2; Sounds of the Sea; On the Trail; Simply Classical Spelling: Book Two (p. 23)

Simply Classical Enrichment: Level Three (p. 23); Map of the U.S. Sticker Picture Book; States & Capitals Flashcards

Simply Classical More StoryTime Treasures Set; Prairie School; Simply Classical Writing: Book Two (Read-Aloud Edition) (p. 23)

New American Cursive 2: Famous Americans; My Thankfulness Journal: Beginner (p. 18); New American Cursive Desk Strip

Prima Latina

Latina Christiana

Classical Studies


Level 3


D'Aulaires' Greek Myths; Timeline Program; Courage and a Clear Mind CD

Famous Men of Rome

Curriculum Map


Copybooks & Cursive New American Cursive

Simple, clear, & effective!

Book 1 $22.95 Book 2 (Scripture or Famous Americans) $22.95 Book 3 (Scripture or Famous Quotes) $22.95 StartWrite CD $29.95

• • • • • • •

by Iris Hatfield Ages 6-12, chronological age or skill level

Natural right slant (easier for beginners & lefties) Illustrations/Exercises for letter connections Bound at the top for right- or left-handers Focus on accuracy and legibility Simplified classic letter forms Multi-sensory teaching methods Takes only 15 min./day

Ages 6-12, chronological age or skill level

Ages 4-11, chronological age or skill level

Beginner Journal $8.50 Intermediate Journal $8.50


My Nature Journal

My Thankfulness Journals

by Cheryl Swope

These journals let students practice cursive writing while thinking about God's daily blessings in their lives. Each page begins "Dear Heavenly Father," and closes, "Your child," with space for the child's signature. In between is room for students to list their blessings each day. The Intermediate Journal is a smaller font size and has less tracing as students progress.

Savor small moments of wonder with your child as he learns the simple beauty of nature. Create a keepsake for your child as you witness improvement in his knowledge, attention to detail, and writing skills through the exercises. Help your child make essential connections between oral language and written language, even as you assist his ability to observe and enjoy the wonders of nature. This book can stand alone as a delightful supplement to any program.

(New American Cursive font) by Cheryl Swope

Ages 5-8, chronological age or skill level

Ages 9+, chronological age or skill level

$8.95 ea.

Aesop Copybook $8.95

Book 1, Manuscript Book 2, Manuscript or Cursive Book 3, Cursive

Aesop's Fables $14.99

Simply Classical Copybook Series:

Aesop Copybook Set $20.00

Book One, Two, and Three by Cheryl Swope Strengthen penmanship, spelling, punctuation, vocabulary, fine-motor skills, and memory through the time-honored tradition of copybooks. Students learn habits of accuracy, neatness, and patience while receiving truth and comfort from Holy Scripture. Shorter selections help accommodate for writing difficulties while providing the full benefits of copybook exercises for all beginning writers.

Aesop Copybook by Cheryl Swope

Letters & Numbers Desk Charts Reinforce your teaching with desk charts formatted to accompany lessons. Bold, targeted letters assist visual discrimination.



Ages 4-7, chronological age or skill level $12.95

The Aesop Copybook is a lovely companion to Aesop’s Fables. It will strengthen your student's writing and composition skills while giving the opportunity to contemplate the timeless wisdom of Aesop's fables and learn from the gentle moral instruction they provide. The simplicity of the New American Cursive style and the brevity of lessons will assist students to become stronger, more capable thinkers and writers. Teaching instructions are included.

Character Building Ages 4-13 Guide Books $19.95 ea. Book One Core Set $56 Book One Read-Aloud Set $100 Book Two Core Set $22 Book Two Read-Aloud Set $99 Book Three Core Set $55

Myself & Others: Lessons for Social Understanding, Habits, and Manners

Book Four Core Set $48

by Cheryl Swope These 14-week sets provide simple, standalone lessons in common courtesy, character, and compassion that often seem neglected today. With easy-to-teach instructions, each book provides 4-day lessons that can be taught in as little as 30-60 minutes per day over a single semester or summer. Myself & Others provides lessons with five components: 1) Rules – basic social rules for daily life 2) Health – essentials for hygiene, physical and mental health, and forming good habits 3) Safety – guidelines and cautions for staying safe in various circumstances 4) Manners – instruction and practice with good manners to serve others well 5) Listening – daily readings with inspiring stories for delight, moral imagination, character, and virtue To view guide samples and full book set lists, visit


A Book Review by Michelle Swope The Prince and the Pauper is a long-ago case of mistaken identity set in Britain's glorious crown London, in what we in nowadaysAmerica would call the suburbs. A poor boy (Tom Canty) and a rich boy (Prince Edward Tudor) exchange garments and lives for what they think will be a few vain, fleeting hours that instead turn into weeks! The pauper becomes real royalty, with even the king calling him "son" and "prince," whilst the true prince endures the horrible, crusty life of a pauper in England.

The Prince and the Pauper by Mark Twain

In time and with help, the prince returns to claim his real position of king and the ragged "mock king" Tom becomes royalty in the eyes of the true king and family and public, who now view him with respect.

Happy tales! *This book will be included in the Simply Classical Levels 9 & 10 Read-Aloud Set.

Michelle Swope was born in 1995 with her twin brother, Michael. She enjoys reading, listening to music, and playing with her cat Silky. Despite having schizophrenia, autism, and learning disabilities, Michelle graduated from her classical homeschool in 2013 and has since written two books of fireside poetry, Through Time's Looking Glass and her most recent release, God's Harvest.


Character Building



ANDREW KERN Cheryl Swope: Andrew, you have devoted much of your adult life to classical education. Why? Andrew: When I started, it was because I smelled something beautiful. It sang to me. I thought, "That makes sense. That's the kind of education I want for my children." I think you could say I pursued classical education on faith; I believed in it. My life had really led me to that point. As I began teaching, almost immediately I saw the effect of it so profoundly and in so many ways. How had your life led you to that point? My parents met in a Bible college. Both of them loved the Scriptures, loved the Bible. My dad comes from an ancestry of what might be called backwater "hillbillies" of what was then Yugoslavia. His ancestors were poor, extremely poor for centuries, yet my dad loved the Greek language and had many books—lexicons, Strong's Concordance, and such. I can remember standing beside the ping-pong table at twelve or thirteen years old in our basement when my dad said, "The English language is such an inadequate language, because in Greek they have four different words for love." Then he explained those four different words to me. The main effect on me at that time was, "Wait a minute! Languages can be better than others in some particular way?" That kind of blew my mind, and of course modern people would say, "No, that can't be," but for a particular thing it can! That fascinated me. Andrew Kern is co-author with Dr. Gene Edward Veith of Classical Education: The Movement Sweeping America and serves as president of the CiRCE Institute.


A Conversation with Andrew Kern

My mother was German. Her genealogy traces back to the creators of an encyclopedia in the thirteenth or fourteenth century. Some of my mother's relatives married Wagner's siblings. One was Wagner's sponsor when he went to St. Petersburg. I know this is a mixed boast (laughs), but it evidences the connection on my mother's side to high culture and to people who were thinking hard. I had a Tante Frieda who rented a room to the novelist Kafka. So, my mom comes from this connection to culture and careful, high thought, and my dad comes from this ancestry of poverty. My life's task has been to ask, "How do I take those backgrounds and harmonize them in my soul?" I can do that because of Christ the Logos and because of classical education. I see classical Christian education not as an elitist form of education, but as a human form of education. What has driven me from the beginning is that it's for everyone. It's human. Tying into that thought, more than two decades ago, in an article in 1998, you said this: "I believe we may see some exciting developments in classical education, but they may not take place for some time. For example, one of my greatest desires is to see a classical Christian school for children with special needs." What caused this to be one of your greatest desires? My grandfather on my dad's side suffered from an affliction that rendered his entire left side crippled. He lived in Wisconsin at the Christian League for the Handicapped, the name at the time. When I was young and we went to visit my grandparents, sometimes we would walk the hallways. My grandparents' neighbor was wheelchair-bound. Another resident had been in a car accident in his thirties that left him with very little

We see ourselves as much more than we are, and we see people who happen to have disabilities as much less than they are, and that creates a gap between us that just isn’t fitting. mental understanding. Others had what was then called "mental retardation." As a child, of course, you don't process this terribly well. You have a mixed feeling of "I'm so glad I'm better off than that person," and "I hope I never have to go through that," mixed with real, genuine compassion, especially when you get to know them. I remember when I discovered that one person with cerebral palsy, a movement disorder, did not have any problem with his mind, with his thinking. This was a stunning thought to a child. Seeing all of these disabilities implanted something in my soul. These experiences eventually combined with my knowledge of Jesus and the way He welcomed everyone, the belief that classical education is humane, and the realization—the conviction—that all of us are on the same continuum. All of us are brain damaged and soul damaged compared to what a human ought to be. In strictly intellectual terms, maybe I'm farther along than someone with intellectual disability, but the distance between that person and me is tiny. In terms of the joy we bring into the world, that person may be much further along than I am. Seeing that reality, and understanding classical education to be cultivation of the soul and not merely development of the intellect, led me to this desire. You also said at that time, "I believe classical education is uniquely suited, for example, to teach a child with Down syndrome." Why do you believe this? Methodological approaches come at the child from the outside, as though the child is an object to be worked on. Nobody understands a child well enough to be able to do that. A child is not a dog to be trained, a pet to be disciplined; a child is a deep, mysterious soul. Every human soul has, let's call it a linguistic capacity, a miraculous linguistic gift. People with Down syndrome have it. People who are "deaf and mute" have it. Every human being has this in his soul. It needs to be aroused; it needs to be cultivated; it needs to be nourished. There is no other form of education that 1-877-862-1097

cultivates and nourishes that linguistic capacity in such a personal way. A classical education is a very personal education, noting those linguistic capacities in a student and feeding them, building upon them, taking what is there as data—Latin for "gifts" or "given things"— and not as a nuisance to a teacher's objectives. We are personally seeking truth and learning disciplines and learning to see the world. Classical education is especially suited to receive the student into the heart of the teacher. We all need this welcoming love desperately. Perhaps because of being out of step with the cultural norms, it may well be that people with Down syndrome, autism, or other conditions need more of that reception. That sounds absurd because everybody needs it, but I do think that students who are outside of these norms have a particular personal sensitivity and particularly benefit from it. I think classical education has a mode of teaching that opens a pathway, and it has the curriculum that is a pathway of interaction between the student and the teacher. We see ourselves as much more than we are, and we see people who happen to have disabilities as much less than they are, and that creates a gap between us that just isn't fitting. I believe classical Christian education should eliminate that gap. We must teach human beings—all of them—every single one that we can teach. The Lord Jesus is sufficient to this task. We need the Word of God to be breathing into the way we teach. If your goal is to get your child, like James or John, to have his own name exalted, then you cannot count on the Father to help you with that. But if you want the name of the Lord Jesus exalted in your child, I promise you that you will have the help of heaven; you will have the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Miracles will happen. Nobody knows what they're going to be, but they'll happen all over everywhere. Thank you, Andrew, for sharing your encouraging thoughts. Thank you, especially, for being such a good friend to Simply Classical. A Conversation with Andrew Kern


Simply Classical: A Beautiful Education for Any Child by Cheryl Swope

Text $24.95 | eBook $22.00 • • • • • • • •

Increase your child's academic success Restore your child's love of learning Regain confidence to teach any child Renew your vision of hope for your child with special needs Receive help navigating the daunting process of getting a diagnosis Learn how to modify existing resources for your child's needs Find simple strategies any parent or teacher can implement immediately Appreciate a spiritual context for bringing truth, goodness, and beauty to any child

“Cheryl Swope’s Simply Classical gives a clear and practical introduction to classical Christian education and its significance for children with physical and cognitive disabilities, from Helen Keller to her own daughter, Michelle. The reader will be excited by the ideas and deeply moved by her story.” — Dr. E. Christian Kopff “In a world where school children are constantly labeled according to their learning abilities, Cheryl Swope demonstrates that a classical education is ideal for every child. Drawing on her academic background in special education and her own personal experience, her book, Simply Classical, provides home educators and traditional school teachers alike a wealth of useful information for incorporating the principles of this timeless form of education to children who possess unique gifts and challenges.” — Dr. Thomas Korcok


Enrichment Ages 3-5,

Ages 7-9,

chronological age or skill level

Ages 3-5,

chronological age or skill level

chronological age or skill level


$9.95 ea. (Book One or Book Two)

$6.00 ea.

Scissors Books Help your child develop hand strength, fine-motor skills, and independence with one or both books in this set. In My Very First Scissors Book, the child learns to open and close his scissors to cut along thick lines which fade, grow wavy, and create shapes as the pages progress. In My Very Own Scissors Book, the activities coordinate with alphabet lessons in Simply Classical Curriculum Level C (p. 8) or may serve as a useful precursor to Simply Classical Crafts. Both books feature perforated pages and large "cutting boxes" to promote the child's success.

Simply Classical Enrichment: Level 3 This guide helps you teach American history, poetry, music, art, and science through the Simply Classical Level 3 American History Read-Aloud set, maps, classical music selections, and art cards. Everything is scheduled for you weekly with thoughtful discussion questions, science activities, and topics for art and music appreciation that will enrich your year and expand your child's cultural, scientific, and general knowledge.

Simply Classical Crafts The creative arts are an essential part of primary school education. These activities reinforce number and letter recognition, strengthen fine-motor skills, and foster creativity and confidence. Book One contains letter crafts from Memoria Press' Jr. K Book of Crafts. Book Two contains story crafts from Memoria Press' Jr. K Book of Crafts. While the crafts in these books have been carefully chosen to promote skill growth and coordination, the most important component is delight. Enjoy each of your creations and the time spent together making them!

Language Arts Ages 6-9, chronological age or skill level

Ages 6-9, chronological age or skill level

Student $19.95 ea. Teacher $10.00

$14.95 ea.

(Book 2 only)

Simply Classical Spelling: Books 1 & 2

Simply Classical Writing: Books 1 & 2 (choose from Read-Aloud or Bible Story editions)

"What should I write? I don't know what to say." The so-called progressive approach leaves beginning writers ill-prepared for the art of writing. This series combines classical copybook, grammar rules, and composition into one carefully sequenced series of explicit instruction, so students can practice early writing skills with confidence.

This series gives your struggling writer an incremental, multi-sensory approach with an oral/aural emphasis. Each week includes targeted Word Study exercises to promote linguistic awareness, cognitive flexibility, and improved spelling skills. ✓ Improve auditory discrimination ✓ Increase cognitive flexibility ✓ Strengthen listening skills ✓ Build spelling confidence

Ages 6-9, chronological age or skill level

Simply Classical StoryTime Treasures (Student, Teacher, Little Bear, Little Bear's Visit, Caps for Sale, & Blueberrries for Sal)

$40 each set

Simply Classical More StoryTime Treasures (Student, Teacher, Billy and Blaze, The Story About Ping, Keep the Lights Burning Abbie, & Stone Soup)

Blossoming readers need more than practice; they need to discover the riches of a good story. With simplified exercises in word study, composition, and oration, these delightful guides provide a joyful introduction to children's literature. Teach essential language arts skills as your students encounter stories of tenderness, bravery, and kindness. Created especially for struggling learners or students with special needs, these adaptations of the Memoria Press originals are each subtitled "A Guide to Reading Deeply and Writing Skillfully with a Collection of Four Stories." The Teacher Guides provide sample answers modeled in complete, well-formed sentences.


Enrichment & Language Arts


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